Fucking Yikes - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Hellsing Ultimate in; Seras that wasn't weed

In an attempt to gain praise from dadcard she drank some blood from an ... unusual source in the gettos of London.

Hellsing Ultimate In; Seras That Wasn't Weed

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5 months ago

Why is this becoming a thing I do?

wow this is too intimate to share with my close friends or family let me put this on my tumblr blog for hundreds of strangers to see

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2 years ago
Khan Overhaul And Redesign!

Khan overhaul and redesign!

Played the firstborn nexomon game again after 4 years and still definitely adore this game 

Except for...that section 

Yeah, going through the khan village part of the game could be described as dreadful

It’s so... needlessly racist (I sure do love interacting with confused Native American caricature,ain’t that a blast), almost embarrassingly uncomfortable and if that’s not enough, it’s such a mindfuckingly bizarre, dare I say, grossly cheap narrative and designing choice that I can’t understand why they opted to do that instead of literally ANYTHING else

There is a whole rant about how this portion of the game vexes me endlessly but I’ll save that for perhaps another time. 

The village itself I will be referring to as the hidden sanctuary. Catching wind of the reality that Omnicron’s last words to Ulzar was that his spawn had an internalized kill switch that would be activated with their king’s rebirth, a large group of people decided to essentially create a safe heaven from essentially the monster Armageddon. In fear of a possible child of the tyrant surviving, the opted to gradually erase their existence  from the eyes of the grant populace. Through the years, members of the sanctuary freely go in and out of their base (a thing the game itself explicitly portrays) to pursue more knowledge and interests to bring back. They aren’t recognizable,in fact none of them have ever been uncovered, a handful even being big names in certain communities (I like to think the healer lady was a well-known doctor that eventually retired and now lives peacefully in the sanctuary with her partner whom she met in med school)  

Essentially they aren’t cut off from the rest of the would, the rest of the world is cut off from THEM 

Khan himself was born in the village and soon discovered his powers in foresight and communication with those beyond. He is, as Hilda herself described their kind in the abyssals dlc, one of the arcane (gonna make a post of them at some point) and is especially adept at making plant life grow and develop. He is a sage foremost and then an official overseer, both of the sanctuary and the world(?) at large, assigned by Remus when he was the nexolord, though the majority either doesn’t know about him or believe half truths about how he just resides somewhere in the jungle

He has a collection of tattoos framing his upper half portraying the elements (because i thought it looked cool, hush) and his fit consists mostly of earthy colors. He spends most of his time by Ventra’s tree in the heart of the sanctuary but he does tent to venture out once in a while to buy soda and cigarettes by the tourist convenience store in the jungle wearing a pair of crocs,shorts and one of the thousand palmayan shirts that Hilda insists if gifting him because she thinks she’s been funny. Speaking of Hilda, she regularly paints his nails black purely because official art has portrayed him with black nails (ventra boss fight) and you have no evidence to prove me otherwise-

Anyway, obvious disclaimer that the word vomit above is by no means perfect (and feel free to correct me) but anything else functional other than what is currently in place is a step from literal rock bottom

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Watch "Little Boy Gets Head Pushed on His birthday Cake (Tik Tok)" on YouTube

This poor kid got his head pushed into his TMNT cake! I know it's a tradition in some countries to do that, but really? On a TMNT cake? I would be pissed if my family smashed my face into my own bayverse Mikey birthday cake. Not only it's a waste, but I wouldn't want it ruined neither. 🤣🤣

@alittletworaph @kokokatsworld @kawaiibunga @thelaundrybitch @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @nittleboo @exovapor @selfless1978 @the-four-terrapins @chicchanmooshy @angelcatlowyn @cowabunga-doll @greenprincess

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Watch "Little Boy Gets Head Pushed on His birthday Cake (Tik Tok)" on YouTube

This poor kid got his head pushed into his TMNT cake! I know it's a tradition in some countries to do that, but really? On a TMNT cake? I would be pissed if my family smashed my face into my own bayverse Mikey birthday cake. Not only it's a waste, but I wouldn't want it ruined neither. 🤣🤣

@alittletworaph @kokokatsworld @kawaiibunga @thelaundrybitch @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @nittleboo @exovapor @selfless1978 @the-four-terrapins @chicchanmooshy @angelcatlowyn @cowabunga-doll @greenprincess

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3 years ago
Straight Men Just Be Like That Sometimes
Straight Men Just Be Like That Sometimes

Straight Men just Be Like That sometimes

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9 months ago

not on my fucking life will i read anything from a blazed post. you’ve already demonstrated your work is shit by the fact that you have to give money to a transphobic website to promote it, die off

Howdy friendly anon! I'm pretty new to this website and wanted to see how the post 'blazer' worked, so yesterday I used it on something I was particularly stoked about! I wasn't aware this site was transphobic (lots of trans people seem to use it?), but since it's pride month I hearby dub THEE transphobic for telling a trans person (me) to die off for experimenting with promoting their queer story 😊👏

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1 year ago

Patreon done goofed.

If you haven't been made aware, Patreon shat the bed at the start of this billing cycle:

Patreon Done Goofed.
Patreon Done Goofed.

I had quite a few Patrons knocked off the roll this time around. If you got declined or a fraud warning or something, please be patient and try to stay on top of it.

Considering Grady's health issues, this comes at a really bad time. Pitching in would be appreciated.

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