Fuegoleon Vermillion - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"Brother and Sister"

I am in Black Clover right now, and I gotta do my boi some justice, enjoy!

Lee: Fuegoleon

Ler: Mereoleona

Ever since Mereoleona took over the Crimson Lions, Fuegoleon has been pushing himself to become stronger and prove that he's still the captain of the squad.

Mereoleona, though she found her brothers training pointless, was annoyed by it. He was wasting his energy on nothing. She could care less, but she knew the other captains would, at least some.

"Brother, I suggest you stop." Mereoleona said bluntly, crossing her arms. "Why, may I ask?" Fuegoleon turned to his elder sister. She looked unnecessarily annoyed, and it confused Fuegoleon.

"You are just wasting your strength." She scowled, Fuegoleon huffed, he wasn't going to ve orders around, she was more then likely jealous he was getting stronger.

"I'm fine." Fuegoleon said, turning away from his sister, the red-head grumbled at this. She suddenly got a large smirk as she crept behind Fuegoleon then tackled him.

"Hey!" Fuegoleon yelped. He glanced at his sister in annoyance. "What are you doing?" He asked, "If you won't stop, then I'll make you!" She smirked, scribbling her fingers on Fuegoleon's ribs. The fire mage yelped.

"Eheh- whahait, sihihister!" He squirmed. His sisters smirk only grew as he struggled beneath her. "Give up, will you?" She mocked, poking at his ribs as she "counted" each of them.

"Hahahah! Stahahahp it!" The red-head biy giggled. His sister only smirked more. "Give up?" He snickered at her, "Nehehver!".

Mereoleona got a glint in her eyes, Fuegoleon hesitated before he could speak Mereoleona hands shot up to his armpits.

"EEK! MEHEHEHERO! HAHAHH STAHAHAHP HEHEHEAHHA!" She grinned as he struggled, his face heating up to a soft red. She wiggled her fingers like crazy on Fuegoleon's pits, digging deep to worsen her brothers lesson.

"STAHAHHAP! I GHHIHIVE- HEHHAHH!" He laughed, flailing, Mereoleona knew he said he gave up, but him and her haven't been that close, being so different made it hard, but he's her little brother she can't miss this, just a little more.

"Oh?" She teased, "You give up?" She grinned. "HAHAHA JUHUHUST STAHAHAHP!" He screamed. Mereoleona found it funny how her brother was losing his composure. With a mocking grin, she finally stopped.

Fuegoleon panted, giggling to himself, "I'll get you for that.."

"Have fun trying." Mereoleona grinned.

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6 years ago

Black Clover ep 20 riesume:


Leopold Vermillion pointing to Asta: I like him ,I'll take one.

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3 years ago


Like This? @katrindiesithfrau @eeveebaphomet
Like This? @katrindiesithfrau @eeveebaphomet

Like this? @katrindiesithfrau @eeveebaphomet

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3 years ago


Have Yo Man
Have Yo Man

Have yo man🥺❤️

*gasp* Hello Sir 🥺💕

I am looking (respectfully)!! He is so handsome 🥺🥺

Thank you Kat! Have a Siv in return 🥰

Have Yo Man

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3 years ago

Hey Katrin, it's Vi, could I have cuddling headcanons for Nozel?

Yep, time for some tooth decay here ;3

Nozel cuddle / affection headcanons!

Pairing: Nozel Silva x reader. Rating: sfw / PG. Warnings: none. (Read more for space reasons)

Hey Katrin, It's Vi, Could I Have Cuddling Headcanons For Nozel?

Nozel is a person that wouldn't really show public display of affection when he doesn't know you well, but if he likes you a lot, he can't take his eyes away from you, and could possibly brush a hand against yours, as an invitation to a date, to show that he cares to get to know you more, and that he'd like to touch you more once you're more intimate with each other.

When you two are in a place that no one can see you, he would sit on a bench next to you and attempt to be as close as possible, because it is obvious he likes you but he can't bring himself to show it openly. There are small hints that show it though, it's his rosy cheeks and his constant nervousness, and the fact that he fixes his hair a lot when around you. You feel like his hands could anytime would grab you and shove you on his chest, but he's too much of a noble man to do that without some good reason for his judgement.

When you finally decide to go out on a date after shyly confessing mutual feelings, he could take you to the same bench as the first time, but he'd make the addition of finally letting an arm around your shoulder, a bit tense, but surely there. He looks way more red when he touches you, even if it's just a small gesture of affection. Of course, you help the situation a bit and lean against his chest, very subtly, and you notice him jolting, only slightly. His arm around you trembles as well, and you think that you probably overwhelmed him, so you back off. But he assures you that he actually likes the contact, while stuttering enough for you to understand that he's embarassed, in a cute way.

The weeks pass and you get to know him more. Sometimes he's anxious with all the responsibility a Magic Knights Captain carries. You can find him walking nervously out of meetings, possibly disturbed by all the fuss his colleagues who are way more immature make. You want to open your mouth and ask him if he's alright, but before you can say a thing, he grabs your hand and leads you to his living room for tea. There, you sit together on a couch and gaze the sky out of a large window. The sun is setting and it calms your eyes as you both watch it go. He feels more confident around you now, and he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and this time bring you to his chest himself. You lay an arm on it and you calm down as you feel his heartbeat in your ear. The more you snuggle him, the more he calms down, and you finally hear a relieved sigh and the start of a conversation about the meeting by him.

After Fuegoleon fell in a coma, Nozel was truly devastated for it, he couldn't leave his beloved friend and rival to die like that so dishonoured. He was always trying to hide his immense worry, especially because too many captain meetings were happening those weeks, for obvious reasons. But every time you saw him exiting the meetings, his face looked dark. One evening you heard some faint sobs from his room, and at first you were quite hesitant to knock the door, but there you were. You did it, and surprisingly, a Nozel with a red crying face and tears on his cheeks opened, without feeling shame for appearing in front of you like that. His braid was also undone, his hair messy, he was in his night attire. You also couldn't have time to frown or ask anything, once he saw it was you, he shoved you in his arms and cried more, while you were almost suffocated in his chest. But you felt a pleasant warmth surrounding you. It felt like he was becoming even more intimate with you. You felt the need to stay with him under the covers and comfort him, reassure him that everything would go well and let him lie on your shoulder, his arms around your waist, and your fingers going through his long, silver locks. He soon falls asleep in your arms. You wipe some tears from his face and rest your head on his, while also drifting off to sleep as well.

One victory for the Clover Kingdom, the Royal Knights beat the Devil that had corrupted the Elves all this time, and Nozel feels very satisfied with himself and his rival Fuegoleon that fought too, to live another day. And in top of that, seems like his family is gathering their pieces back together, to build a healthier relationship with each other. You noticed that he couldn't contain his happiness that everything went well, and even his lips curl more often upwards these brighter days. When on his free time, he takes you to all of your usual places, the bench, where he hugs you without caring too much about who watches, the lounge living room in the Palace, where you both chill with warm herbal tea and talk your news, and his bedroom, where he invites you to read books together while snuggling in the blankets, until you both fall asleep. His cuddles have become way warmer and passionate, like his kisses. It's obvious he has less to worry now, and it means his image to people as well, especially his s/o.

Speaking of kisses, one time, in the Vermillion residence, you two almost got caught making out near Kirsch's room (it happened to be near there). He panicked, because Fuegoleon and Mimosa, who were cheerfully chatting, were approaching you, and he didn't want them to see you all flustered, so he quickly grabbed you and shoved you in Kirsch's giant closet with him. You tried your best not to giggle with the situation, but he immediately closed your mouth with his. You spend your next ten minutes like that, holding each other close and kissing all blushy in the closet. It was some of your best time in your life...

Hope you enjoyed ;3

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3 years ago

I love it, you drew us all great, but:

I Love It, You Drew Us All Great, But:

I would never leave myself without my family🥺

Mod Chat Barbeque With Hot, Spicy Tea Coming Riiight Up!

Mod Chat barbeque with hot, spicy tea coming riiight up!

@katrindiesithfrau @worldtreeason @simpingforthisonedeer @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @spindaonateaspoon

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3 years ago

striped carnations

~chapter two

<<previous chapter▫️next chapter>>

pairing: julius novachrono x male!oc

warnings: mild blood, death

word count: 2100 words

summary: A strange bandit attack gives Hector a little bit of insight into his relationship with Julius.

Bandit attacks were the absolute worst, he decided, because this one had interrupted what Julius had wanted to say.

Hector opened another portal, redirecting a spell aimed at him towards another bandit. Deciding that he was safe for the time being, he whistled sharply and a raven swooped down towards him, hovering just above his shoulder.

"Any word on the Grey Deer?"

He had asked another raven of his to stay with Julius. Their plan had been to send Hector to the town first to hold the bandits off until an organised Grey Deer unit arrived. While Julius' estimated time of arrival had not yet passed, there was a freakish number of bandits attacking this one insignificant town in the Common Realm that he couldn't hold back all by himself.

The raven croaked out a 'no' and Hector sensed a spell directly aimed towards his back. When he turned to teleport it away, an unexpected person appeared and utterly destroyed the spell with a burst of flame.


"Vice Captain Hector, excuse us!"

Us? Hector didn't need to ask since another magic presence arrived behind him, blocking another spell.

It was almost comical to be standing between two people so vastly different from one another in every aspect. Hector allowed a smile of amusement and relief to curl his lips.

"Vermillion, Silva! It's good to see you both! I trust that you can hold them off while I evacuate citizens?"

"Of course!" Fuegoleon replied, full of conviction and determination. While Nozel didn't give a fired-up reply like his partner, his gaze was burning with equal passion.

With a grin, Hector teleported away from the main battlefield to a junction between destroyed buildings. He spotted a mother and a child beside a collapsed home, trying to free someone that was trapped underneath a heavy, wooden beam.

Immediately he went to help them, lifting the beam with ease while they dragged the man out.

Hector meant to teleport them away to a safe place he had marked when something caught his eye. The man's neck was a fiendish purple with veins throbbing visibly near the surface. It looked like nothing he had ever seen, so his attention was redirected.

"What happened?" He demanded, reaching out to feel the man's pulse. To his shock he found that it was already very weak. There was no way a wooden beam or even Poison Magic could kill a person that quickly.

"He had been sick for a while, sir. I-I don't know how he got sick, b-but he-" " She explained shakily, cradling her husband to her chest in a trembling grip.

And just like that, everything clicked.

Hector rose to his feet and opened a portal in front of them. There was an anger rising within him that he squashed down with all his might for fear of scaring the civilians.

"Go. You'll be transported somewhere safe."

They hurried to comply, probably eager to get help on the other side. And just as the portal disappeared, there was a searing hot pain in his shoulder.

With a hiss, Hector immediately teleported elsewhere within the vicinity, clutching tightly at his now bleeding shoulder. In his moment of fury a bandit had caught him off-guard.

He raised his head to meet the bandit's gaze. Judging by his mana, he was probably the leader of the group.

It was impossible to tell what expression he was wearing behind the black mask, but the mockery was clear in his tone.

"You're the Grey Deer Vice Captain, right?" He asked in a sneer. "I've seen you hopping around. I expected better, honestly. Not one to fight?"

His right eye watered from the soot in the air and the agony from his shoulder was spreading quickly, feeding numbing fire into his veins. Despite the suffocating, unfavourable position he was in, Hector grinned and straightened.


"And why not? Because you'll lose?"

"No," Hector said cheerfully, "because I'll kill you."

The atmosphere around them dropped several degrees colder, affected by the sinister mana that was pouring out from his being. When he was just about to give the bandit seven different kinds of hell...

A raven's shrill call sounded in the air.

In the next second, a blue sphere encased the terrified bandit and sent him flying backwards at the speed of sound, crashing him into a crumbling building.

"Hector!" Julius appeared at his side, his violet eyes wide with panic. "Are you okay?"

He patted the back of Julius' neck reassuringly with his non-bloodied hand. His fury had just evaporated all at once, replaced by the sheer joy he felt whenever he was around Julius.

"Just a scratch, Julius-kun," He assured him with a smile. When Julius did not look the slightest bit convinced, he changed the topic, "I'm glad you got here on time. Where are the rest of our members?"

"Clearing out the last of the bandits as we speak. Hector-"

"Ah, ah! Don't touch me. I'm dirty."

Julius glared at him. "Dirty or not, I'll still touch you!"

Absolute shock came from both parties, stunning them into a silence that seemed to stretch.

Hector burst into laughter and watched Julius' face go from normal to red within seconds.

"Stop laughing!" Julius scolded him in a clearly flustered manner, clenched fists by his sides.

His heart cooed at the adorable sight of his captain's pink cheeks which were slightly puffed out, an expression he made whenever Hector teased him.

"Alright, alright. You're really cute, you know that?" It makes me want to hold you forever, he thought wistfully.

Julius flicked him on the forehead, trying desperately to look angry despite the darkening blush on his cheeks. "Hector."

"Sorry," Hector grinned, sounding wholly unapologetic. "Did I go too far?"

"You..." The little, embarrassed frown he wore melted away into a vulnerable, relieved look. Averting his eyes, he admitted softly, "I'm glad you're safe."

It was normal for Julius to worry about the people he really cared about, no matter how powerful they were. For a brief moment, everything around them disappeared. The fires, the destroyed buildings, the cruel reality.

"I did tell you I'd show you something when I get back." Hector told him in an equally soft tone, resisting the strong urge to sweep the man into his arms. But for now, words would have to suffice.

"You did," Julius made to leave, throwing a bright smile over his shoulder. "And I look forward to it."

They wouldn't meet again until the town was rid of bandits. With his bleeding shoulder now wrapped in a makeshift bandage, he walked quietly through the crowd of citizens, huddled together in their own respective groups. Some of them wore expressions of relief looking at family members while others sobbed over theirs.

Hector came upon the mother and the child from earlier, standing by the side silently while they mourned over the man beneath the white sheet.

"He was...he was a - a good man." She told him in between heartbreaking sobs, clutching her child to her chest.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He said tonelessly. Empty words matching the empty feeling in his chest. He hadn't known the man personally before so it meant nothing.

He waited for a few more moments before asking, "When you said he was sick...was he poisoned?"

She stroked the hair of her daughter who was hiccuping in her sleep. In a shaky tone she explained what had happened. Just two weeks ago her husband had came home, looking sickly and pale. The next day, he had fallen very ill and became incoherent. The town doctor that had been brought in could not tell what had happened to her husband and the medicine he had prescribed was useless. The purple colour of his neck turned a deeper shade with each passing day.

"...I see. Did he mention where he had gone?"

"N-no. He - he didn't say anything."

His suspicions were confirmed. Hector bowed respectfully to the pair before leaving them in peace. His mind was a whirlwind of confusing thoughts. And despite the half-dazed state he was in, he managed to find his way to Julius who immediately sat him down.

"Are you okay?" Julius asked gently upon seeing his expression.

"I can't tell you now," Hector responded dully, studying the ground as Julius got to work on healing his shoulder. "Julius-kun?"


"Thank you."

It was meant for a lot of things, not just for healing his shoulder. And since Julius knew him best, he heard the heaviness behind those two simple words and understood without an explanation.

They lapsed into silence for a while, mostly basking in each other's company. It was very late into the night by now, a thick cloak of darkness draping over the people present that was only chased away by the lanterns a Magic Knight had prepared.

"All done." Julius told him once he was finished. He moved to kneel in front of Hector to take a good look at his face with a furrowed brow. It was clear that he was still concerned.

Hector offered a lopsided smile in an effort to reassure him. "Aren't you going to kiss it better?"

Julius blushed in the warm light of the lantern by his feet and shyly avoided his gaze.

"I'd rather kiss you somewhere else."

Another long stretch of silence. Hector could hear his own heartbeat in his ears. The ever-burning fire in his gut had been fanned by those words, roaring into an unquenchable flame. The sight that was being presented to him now...of Julius basically inviting him to devour his pink, untouched lips...it was enough to make him hungry.

In a low voice, "Julius-kun..."

"Captain Julius!"

Not again! An irritated growl escaped his throat at another unwanted interruption, causing the poor Magic Knight falter in his steps with a frightened squeak.

Julius rose to his feet quickly. He was wearing a heavy blush which made Hector relax and smile, enjoying the reaction he had gotten.

"What is it?"

"E-Everyone's ready, captain."

"And the aid?"

"Already here."

"Good. Gather all the Magic Knights. We're heading home," Julius turned back to Hector and smiled as though nothing had happened. "Think you can teleport us all back?"

"Mm. We'll see." Hector answered jokingly, rising to his feet. He exercised his shoulder a bit, falling into step with Julius as they made their way to the town square.

Just as they reached, Hector snaked his arm around Julius and curled his hand on his waist, squeezing there for a brief moment before letting go. His breath hitching at the unexpected action, Julius glanced up at him beneath his lashes. Hector merely smirked at his reaction before they parted ways.

"You two," He called, drawing Fuegoleon and Nozel's attention. They straightened and bowed as he approached. "Thank you for the help back then, my royal juniors. What were you doing in the area?"

"Training." Fuegoleon answered without a beat.

"And you dragged Silva here along with you?" While the Vermillion family was known to be passionate about training, it was mind-boggling to see another royal do it.

Nozel frowned slightly. "We're rivals, sir."

Hector huffed out an amused laugh. Are rivals a thing now? He thought about a brash, reckless teenager back at home with an unlimited amount of potential. Maybe Yami could benefit from a rival of his own.

"Rivals, huh? I bet you'll both become great captains someday."

Too taken aback by the sudden, sincere compliment, they blinked at him speechlessly with wide eyes.

With one hand on his hip, he pointed a thumb over one shoulder. "Want a ride back to your bases?"

Nozel was the first to step out of his stupor and shook his head. "Thank you for the offer, Vice Captain Hector, but you can just drop us off at your base. We'll find our way back from there."

He could already see them leading the Crimson Lion and the Silver Eagle. It was astounding to see how the next generation was already blooming before his eyes.

He gave them a brief head pat each before joining Julius again. "Everyone accounted for?"

"Fortunately." Julius was looking at him again with an expression that made his heart squeeze.

While the bandit attack had been successfully dealt with, Hector had probably just uncovered a nefarious plot behind-the-scenes. In that short moment he managed to let it all go for now and returned Julius' smile.

"Then let's go home."


notes: oh god editing this on mobile was hell

tags: @simpingforthisonedeer @spadenationroyalty

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1 year ago

Hi, a Headcanon that really should be canon is that the spirit hosts have tattoos to signify their contracts. No small tattoos like devil hosts tho, like,,,, those mf can take up your entire arm and get to your chest if you have your contract long enough

So by that logic, Lolopechka has the biggest tattoo, then Yuno, then Fuego we have no idea about the earth spirits host so I won't say shit

Tabata make this canon pls all of them would look so hot with tattoos

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8 months ago


It's Been Getting Drastic Over Here

it's been getting drastic over here

Kiddos are Calix and Felicity (Felix), from @nova1516!

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1 year ago

Some characters I got

Some Characters I Got

I am trying to save for Julius I got to have him I NEED HIM

Some Characters I Got

Here is some screenshot of Julius

Some Characters I Got
Some Characters I Got
Some Characters I Got
Some Characters I Got
Some Characters I Got

Is there any artist that would take cards like Nintendo Switch, Apple Card, Google Play card? If so I was wondering if I can ask for a drawing I will still play for the amount the art is?

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1 year ago





I am also fixing up my Sona for Black Clover

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1 year ago

I am so Ready for Julius and when I pull him I know my heart is gonna beat fast af and be happy as well

I Am So Ready For Julius And When I Pull Him I Know My Heart Is Gonna Beat Fast Af And Be Happy As Well


I Am So Ready For Julius And When I Pull Him I Know My Heart Is Gonna Beat Fast Af And Be Happy As Well
I Am So Ready For Julius And When I Pull Him I Know My Heart Is Gonna Beat Fast Af And Be Happy As Well
I Am So Ready For Julius And When I Pull Him I Know My Heart Is Gonna Beat Fast Af And Be Happy As Well
I Am So Ready For Julius And When I Pull Him I Know My Heart Is Gonna Beat Fast Af And Be Happy As Well

He is so Malewife 😭😭😭😭 I need him, I want him.

I was getting mad at the post the Black clover Mobile posted on Instagram and every dude bros keeps calling Julius Lucius like bro even tho I haven’t caught up to the manga I know the difference.

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1 year ago
I Got Noelle From The Key Thing Tho I Wanted To Get Charmy But I Heard She Is Good So I CHOOSED Her.

I got Noelle from the Key thing tho I wanted to get Charmy but I heard she is good so I CHOOSED her.

I want to read some Julius Fanfic some cute things Like since Christmas is coming it would be nice!!! (I could write one just don’t like reading my work)

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