Fundy X Y/n - Tumblr Posts
imagine fundy giving you a piggy back ride, air must be nice up there #shortpoepleareshort

the boyfriend vibes i get from this π»π
I mean it looks like his s/o is taking pictures of him while he's doing something random and barely realizing there's a camera facing him omg xjndbdbdbbbdhdhd
You want some ideas to write fundy headcanons? I'll help u out bby don't worry <3 (these may or may not be c!fundy, you decide)
cuddling headcanons for the love of everything that is good omg ππ I would do anything for cuddling headcanons :')
you know what else would be nice ti write headcanons about? dates. cute ol' date headcanons about fundy (c! or cc! I won't judge π)
Affection headcanons would also be nice yk, like c!fundy is most likely touched starved so that would be nice to write about. (I would do it but I tend to get off track very easily)
Headcanon about fundy and reader owning and taking care of a cat together acting like parents would be very nice. very very nice.
Coding Majors AU working together on a final project and realizing that they have feelings for each other after hangout out most of time together for the project. angst would be appreciated too
FashionDesigner!Reader x Model!Fundy. it sounds nice and interesting, I'm not sure how this would plan out but it sound very interesting.
both fundy and reader struggling with insomnia so they make a pillow fort together. literally amazing.
the fluffiest toothed rottening hc about readerxfundy just spending a day together. when I mean fluffy I mean so damn fluffy even clouds look flat next to the fluffy hc.
pillowfight with fundy, very nice to think about.
idk why but fundy x reader acting like a all close and couplely and neither of them knowing whether they're just friends or something more than that.
first kiss with fundy also sounds really cute. cute hc
streaming buddies hc, it's cute
meeting irl for the first time, it's been done before but I just can't get enough ohlf them, j must get more.
reader dressing up fundy with a knew look as a stream
reader trying to kidnap boots cuz boots is cool cat (the c in cat stands for cool π)
hc about having a secret relationship behind cameras, it most likely has been done already but I'm not complaining :)
reader dyingthere hair to match fundy or just both dying each other's hair as eachothers favorite colors. something about being mentally unstable and getting their hair damaged, it's a very cute mentally unstable couples thing to do :)
that's it thanks for seeing this :)
fundy has pretty hands but I bet they would look better holding mines <3
Polus β€
(He/him pronouns)
(1700+ words)
Description: You and your repair team arrive on Polus. While working on the ship, someone dies. There is an imposter on Polus. (Fundy x Reader)
[Read the rest under the cut]
Arriving on Polus was unnerving, to say the least. The cargo holding area opened to a deserted planet settlement that was thick with silence. Your job was to fix it up.
With 9 of you, it'd be quick. You would be on a ship back to your baby brother in all but blood, Sykkuno, before the week was over. Maybe even before Corpse did. Which was an impressive thought, a goal to aim for.
Corpse and his team held the record for quickest repair and evacuation. It was more than inspiring, if you were honest with yourself. It was badass too. You were so proud of Corpse, who was practically family with how close he and Sykkuno were.
Oh, Sykkuno had been so proud when he heard you'd gotten accepted on an off-planet mission. They'd even took the time to make your favourite cookies before you left. Speaking of which...
You sighed happily, the [topping] cookie was heavenly to your taste buds. After days of just special space food, which was just usually disgustingly dehydrated blobs labeled as "food".
Now that you were on a planet with an atmosphere that'd allow your stomach to handle solids, you were going to take full advantage of it.
"What's that?" Someone asked, peeking over your shoulder.
You squeaked, hunching into yourself uncomfortably to hide the box. Turning your head, you saw the fox hybrid who had introduced himself as Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket and refused to say his real name.
"Oh," You laughed awkwardly, closing the lunch box with one finger. "It's nothing, Cumbucket."
"What?" They blinked, flushed. Then, it hit the fox like a train. "Oh! Pff, my name is Fundy."
Grinning, you nodded along. "Oh, sorry Cumbucket."
"Wha-? Stop!" They demanded, pretty pink dust scattered across his face. It's a shame he still had his helmet on, you thought.
"I'm Y/N." You happily ignored his embarrassed spluttering. "And it's a pleasure to meet you, Fundy."
"That's a pretty name," Fundy said before catching himself. "Pretty unique, I meant. It's a unique name."
Raising a brow, you nodded. He stepped back with an oddly shy air to him. For a man who told everyone his name was "Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket" with not a hint of embarrassment, he certainly was easy to fluster.
You moved towards him, heading for the security cameras. You were only slightly hoping to spot someone tripping or something.
Fundy trailed behind, his warm brown eyes sharp as he searched for something. At the same time, you both spotted half of James laying in a bloody pile near vitals.
"Holy shit-!" You stumbled back, right into Fundy. They held onto you tightly, staring at the screen, stone-faced. They spoke solemnly. "We have to call a meeting."
"Was anyone with anyone?" Lyaria asked, looking around the room of, now, only 8 people.
"Me and Fundy were together the entire time," You offered, still leaning heavily into the fox. Fundy held you tightly, protectively curled around you as you stood around the table. "We got distracted and then-, we saw-,"
"We got onto cameras and James was dead." Fundy finished, he rubbed circles into your arm. His eyes met Lyaria and he practically growled.
"Anyone else?"
Sebastian spoke up for the first time, nervously glancing over the room. He met Fundy's eyes before they darted away and he cleared his throat. "I was with Drew in specimen."
"What?" Drew exclaimed, "I was no where near any special men. You're an imposter!"
"Yeah," Fundy spoke up. You had to shift over as the hybrid leaned forward. "I think you are."
"What?" Sebastian laughed nervously. "You're not serious? I saw you, Drew! I was right next to you! Why would you-?"
Lyaria cut him off, her cold blue eyes acessing him. "I believe you."
"Y-you do? Oh thank god!" Sebastian sighed. They whirled around on Drew immediately. "I think it's Drew!"
"Probably," Billiam said. "But we should throw him into space because he's poor, I don't really care about James."
"Sure." Karl agreed. And slowly, everyone came to agree. Drew simply nodded along, uncaring. Or maybe he was too stupid to realize he was going to die.
You frowned, it was a tough decision but everyone was making it so easily. Drew was going to die, whether you voted him or not.
The voting was anonymous, but it still showed exactly what you thought it would. Drew had been the only one to vote Sebastian, you had voted skip, and everyone else voted Drew.
You turned away, hiding your face into Fundy's chest. They wrapped their arms around you, pressing themselves close and laying their cheek on your head. All you could hear was the yelling as everyone forced Drew away, to his death.
Then, Fundy started humming softly.
It was something to focus on. A lifeline to your horrible day. Fundy's heart beat heavily in their chest, helping you just melt into the man's arms.
It was over. Drew was dead. James was killed. Things weren't going to be as easy as you had hoped.
Things were strange after those deaths. You and Fundy stuck together the entire time, navigating through empty, abandoned halls that were full of tense anticipation.
You had gotten half of your tasks done before the next murder. Fundy was ahead of you, waiting for specimen doors to open.
The lights had flickered at first, before everything went out completely. Your comms were still up tough, so you managed to make it to the wires next to the door and wait there for Fundy to find you or for lights to turn on.
Lyaria was dead.
Billiam's butler had found her.
"How many words sir?"
"Hm," The man considered. "11."
"I found her in, uh, Admin? I think someone vented. That's all." They said, fiddling with a bucket of milk. Billiam nodded.
"I was with Y/N. He and I were together the entire time." Fundy said, resting a hand on your shoulder. You nodded along, even if you hadn't seen Fundy the last few minutes.
"We were about to a go into specimen," You explained, picking at your fingers. Karl and Butler nodded along, but Billiam hummed curiously.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at you two. "You guys have been vouching for each other the entire time... I don't know if I trust you."
"They seem rather chummy," Karl noted. Their brown hair was pushed away and they looked into your eyes. You tilted your head and Karl fidgeted. They glanced up, over your shoulder and shuddered. "But I don't think it's Y/N."
Fundy's lips were pressed into a thin line as he tugged you closer to him. Relaxing back, you looked over everyone.
Only 6 of you. If there were 2 people killing like you guessed, they were dangerously close to winning their twisted game.
You should vote to be safe, that'd be the safest option but...
"I think we should skip."
With nothing to guess on, it was all you could do.
Things were dangerous. The lights were out, you lost Fundy, and everything was going wrong.
"Fundy?" You called out, peering cautiously into the dark space. The floor squeaked under your shoes, making your heart skip a beat as you slowly looked down.
You bit down a scream, stumbling back into doors that closed before you could leave. Suddenly someone stepped closer and you found yourself face to face with a bloody Fundy.
"Oh," You gasped, choking down a sob. Fundy saw you and instead of killing you instantly, his face broke. He looked just as dejected and horrified as you felt.
"You weren't suppose to see this." He said, sounding heartbroken. But he just... he killed someone. You shouldn't feel bad for a murderer.
"Fundy," Your voice cracked, (e/c) eyes peeking through the smallest gaps and just seeing more and more blood. "What did you do...?"
"Y/N," Fundy cried out instead, heart-broken. "I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to-, to-!"
"You were supposed to be unaware and-, and weak," Fundy recited, like it was ingrained in his head. "We were supposed to kill them and-, kill everyone. It's our mission."
It broke your heart hearing Fundy practically sob. "Fundy, I-,"
You didn't know what to do, so you threw yourself into Fundy's arms. The man hiccuped, looping their arm around you and holding you so tightly.
"I'm sorry," Fundy whispered, but not to you. "I can't kill them all. I won't kill him."
"I love you," he said louder, this time to you. I'm sorry but I do."
Laughing stupidly, crying all the meanwhile, you burrowed yourself closer. You pressed yourself so much closer, until you could almost forget that Fundy was covered in blood. When you could forget that their louder than average heartbeats was because he was an alien and not just nervous.
Pulling back, you couldn't help but sob those words out too. "I love you. I love you. I love you."
You pressed your foreheads together, ignore the sickly feeling of blood sticking to your hands. Their hands trembled as he held yours tightly, leaning into the touch. Smearing blood on Fundy's cheek when you caressed it, you gave him a small nod.
"I won't say anything, Fundip. We'll both get out of this, okay?"
"Yeah," he shakily said, his eyes fluttering open. "I won't let anyone kill you. I'll kill everyone before they get to you."
Crying, you pressed a quick kiss to Fundy's lips. When you pulled away, he followed.
You lived, but at what cost?
Their deaths was all you could think of as Fundy held you, in the middle of a bloodbath. Everyone was dead, even Billiam, who looked stronger than your fox. They were the other murderer, but now they were dead...
You laughed weakly. You couldn't go back now. Sykkuno would be heart broken and Corpse would pull away again but you've already chosen.
You chose him when you shared your special cookies and when you joked together. You chose him when you were crying and kissing. It was you and him now.
Leaving Polus, a graveyard that was still only half-functional, you leaned against Fundy and you weeped.
[God, I love Fundy. Was this more for me than you? Maybe a bit. The next one should be a romantic Dream one, so that'll come out on Sunday(?)]
[-L0v3, k1ng]
Bloody Lovers β€
(1100+ words)
(They/Them Pronouns)
Description: You run a very illegal business. An up and coming rookie hero names "Kitsune" is messing things up though. You're interested in him, so you leave for your very own look at them. (FundyxReader)
(Warning: Very dubious consent relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, and kidnapping. The relationship in this is unhealthy.)
[Read the rest under the cut]
You scan the report, taking in every place where your workers got interrupted. There were quite a few disruptions, which you'd have to take up with them. You couldn't allow them to keep repeating mistakes with such high profile work at risk.
Of course, you do realize a few of them were uncontrollable on their part. A new hero, a skilled rookie as far as your quick search could find, going by the name "Kitsune" was to blame.
A suitable name, you muse. What, with their foxy features. And of course, the ears and tails that you assumed were apart of their powers also helped the name. The hero had been relentless and ruthless.
So unlike a hero.
It was altogether intriguing. A hero unafraid to get their hands, or paws in their case, dirty. You smiled, thoroughly amused. This hero, an apprentice to Willow themselves, was just as interesting as you had hoped.
Maybe it was time to get out on the streets again. It has been so long since you've wondered from your luxurious throne but perhaps this could be worth it.
You laughed, staring down at the paperwork with a confident smile. You can't wait to get Kitsune's blood on your hands.
They screamed beneath you, the terrified glint in their eyes feeding your bloodlust. A wayward mugger had chosen you as their next victim. Helpless and unaware of their oncoming demise. You laughed wildly, dragging a knife down their arm.
You could rip them apart, limb by limb now if you pleased. But where was the fun in that? Why would you end it there when things could get even more fun.
If your mother was here, she'd scold you for playing with your food. But she wasn't, and so you licked the blood of the knife as they trembled on the ground. Hm, it was a sickly sort. They were probably the type of person with a weak immune system. The disease flowing through their blood, a transmitted type, wasn't helping the sour taste.
"How sad," You mock sighed, like a disappointed parent. "You just had to be a bad apple, didn't you? Who knows, maybe if you had a better taste I would've let you live." They sobbed, begging on choked words.
You know that would never happen, but they didn't. You grinned and they screamed again as you stabbed them between a rib, cutting through their lung. You pulled the knife out and they seemed to choke on their own blood.
Standing, you wiped the blood off on their pants. The hero hadn't shown, and the shouting had been quite loud. Kitsune likely wasn't on duty.
Turning around, you came face to face with a shell-shocked bystander. They looked sick, their face a pretty pale sheet as they backed up. Before they could run, your rinkaku shot out as quick as lighting and wrapped around them. They struggled, and stronger than they looked but you were even stronger.
Smiling coldly down at them, you looked them over. "Why hello there. What is a pretty little thing like you doing here?"
What? They were unfairly pretty. A nice dark shade of red, with a pretty white streak through their hair and wide-eyed dark brown eyes. And maybe the terror in their eyes didn't help, but the rest of them was still pretty.
Maybe you could have another meal to make up for the last one being lacklustre. Grinning, you gave them a seconds warning. "Any complaints on being eaten?" Before cutting a thin slice on their cheek with your knife. They blanched, opening their mouth with a silent struggle.
You shushed them. Licking the blood off the knife, you were overwhelmed with one of the best-tasting blood you've had in a while. You practically moaned, greedily taking it away. They seemed thoroughly disturbed by your reaction, which was fair enough.
And unlike the other meal you had, you almost wanted to keep this one.
"Hm," You considered, gently grabbing their chin. They froze as you turned their face side to side. "I don't see why not. I'll keep you."
"Wha-What?" They spoke their first words to you, a shiny new voice that fits their pretty face. "Let me go! No-! Stop!"
"Hm, no." You said, pressing your knife to their neck. They froze, staring into your eyes with a worryingly calmer look. Certainly, they were interesting. In fact, they reminded you of someone. "Don't worry, you won't die yet."
It didn't seem to relax them, but they were certainly more complacent with the knife at their neck.
Your newest pet project had taken a while, Kitsune certainly knew how to put up a fight. But you were stronger, both mentally and physically. And now here he was, putty in your hands.
To think you had found him so easily. And that he had such beautifully delicious blood. Truly, your luck was legendary.
"Fundy, darling," You call, beckoning him from his bedroom. He hurries over, almost tripping over himself to get to you. It was an amusing sight when barely a month ago he would be fighting you every chance he had.
You press a hand to his cheek, which he leans into heavily. Fundy places his hand over yours, staring up at you with an adoring look. Tiny cuts littered his body like freckles, but they all showed one thing. That he was yours. These marks showed that. And they'd never leave.
You smile, letting go of him. Quickly, he pulls up a chair and sits close. Fundy practically has your arm in his grasp, leaving you with only your left to do your work. It's slightly annoying but you'd rather have him here with you, stupidly in love in your arms than have him fighting against you.
You'd hate to have to kill him. It'd be an easy decision to make if you had to, but you would still dislike the idea of losing such a great find.
Although with how deeply he's fallen, it's unlikely you'd ever have to risk that. Fundy was so good for you, falling deeper into the rabbit hole with every touch you let linger. So good, in fact, you might start testing that love.
Release him. See if he comes back.
It's a tad bit risky but you know that despite his love for you, he misses his friends. If you let him go back with them for a few hours, you could test his loyalty. It would be so easy to get one of your teleporting workers to fetch him if he decided to stay.
Yes. You would. Picking a knife off the table, you turned to Fundy. With a pleased smile, Fundy gave you his arm. But you wouldn't need that when he was so easy to give. To love. You smiled back.
[Next post is a Dream post and then I shall disappear for a year /j.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Obsessed β€
Request by @/leaf_2008 on Wattpad: "Can you do another fundy x male reader but they're both obsessed with each other?"
[1300+ words]
Description: You and Fundy live in DryWaters. The Emerald Duo come by for a less than friendly visit.
[Read rest under the cut]
"I don't want you hanging around Y/N anymore," Fundy said, dead serious as he stared down Quackity. "He's mine."
Quackity's brows furrowed, "You can't restrict who Y/N hangs out with. Kinda possessive." It was obvious Fundy didn't care, the fox simply staring at him like they could see his soul. "Whatever. You can stop me from doing shit."
Fundy let them walk away, knowing that as they hurriedly strode away, he wouldn't have to worry about Quackity trying to steal you.
'Y/N's mine,' he thought bitterly. Fundy wasn't letting anyone touch his gem like that. Quackity had gotten too comfortable with you, forgetting his own fiances when he flirted shamelessly. Fundy wasn't afraid to remind anyone who you belonged to.
Rolling his shoulders, Fundy started towards the nether portal. You were off in Dry Waters, helping with construction, so that was where Fundy had to be.
You were technically Dry Waters only citizen after Niki and Ranboo left. And despite that, you had taken it upon yourself to work hard to build up the shadow of a town. Fundy loved how determined you were to help. And the look on your face when you concentrated on construction plans for too long, then you'd look up at him when you noticed him finally with joy lighting up your eyes and Fundy would melt slightly and agree to get anything you needed without hesitation.
Call him a simp, he was gladly one for you.
He let out a relaxed sigh as he entered the temporary house you two shared. Just like he knew you would be, you sat at your desk scribbling down at a piece of paper. You twisted the pen between your fingers, distracted by ideas so heavy that you didn't notice Fundy approaching.
He carefully approached, reaching around to situate himself before he relentlessly started tickling under your ribs. You squealed in shock, rolling back and twisting away from the deadly hands.
"Stop! Pff-! No-!"
There was a panicked moment when you shoved him off of you and he went careening to the floor. But you just laughed harder as Fundy sat up slowly.
"I hate you," Fundy pouts, leaning back on his palms. His ears flick at you, you just giggle at him. "No you don't."
Fundy exaggeratedly frowned, drawing out a dramatic sigh. "You're right, I don't."
You stand up and walk over to him, snuggling up to him. He shifts slightly as you lean on him, a smitten smile on his lips. Fundy wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you even closer. "How have things been here, darling?"
"Fine," you hum noncommittedly. Closing your eyes, you settle against him. "I've missed you here. It's been forever."
Fundy chuckles fondly, a small, satisfied purr rumbling in his throat. "It's been three hours max."Β
Humming, you twist to face him. "Three hours too long."Β
Fundy melts under your stare, rubbing circles into your hips. Unable to stop himself, he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. "I missed you too," he softly admits.
"Now who's the clingy one?" You tease, voice quiet in the soft atmosphere he created.Β Either way, you press your foreheads together and just breathe it in. Things have been hard lately, Dry Waters wasn't an easy project and you're a one-man team.Β Breaks were a luxury you've yet to have.Β At least, you never take any when Fundy isn't here.
The silence was good. It was comfortable when he was there to hold you and when Fundy's chest would rumble with barely-there purrs or when he'd pull you impossibly closer and press you into his chest and hold you like the rest of the world would decay if you weren't in his arms.
Fundy took your face in his hands, his cold fingers brushing your cheeks gently. He held you like you were his entire world. Your eyes flutter shut and you hold his hand as it caresses your face. There was something different about the world when Fundy held you like this. It softened, the colours were lighter and it seemed like everything except for Fundy just blurred and went away.
It was only him and you. Together. In each other's arms because there was no place you'd rather be.
You opened your eyes slowly as the distant noise of footsteps came closer. Fundy didn't seem to notice, fully focused on tracing invisible lines across your cheeks. "Fundy, cmon, up. Someone's here."
He blinked, frowning as you tried getting up. "Just tell them to go away." Then, he pulled you closer again. You could only barely keep yourself from falling back into another world with him.
"Fundy, I can't tell them to go unless you let me up."Β
Sighing, he relaxed back and let you go. Brushing off dirt from your pants, you walk over towards the entrance. Someone had already let themselves in because the door was wide open. A bit foolish of Fundy to keep it unlocked but whatever, it was probably just Niki or Ranboo. Maybe even HBomb. They all knew they were welcomed in your home.
HBomb might even be in his cat maid outfit and you finally get to witness him torturing Fundy live. That would be the highlight of your day
"Hello? Where'd you go uh-, Niki? No, Niki would have better manners. HBomb? Yeah, that sounds- oh..."
Technoblade and Philza stood in your living room, examining the objects strewn across the room with a critical eye. They turned to you, their swords out. Now, you were definitely the most skilled in building but you've fought before and you've fought well. Turning slightly, you pull your own sword out.
"Why are you here?" You demanded.Β Normally you'd have better manners. But also normally, people didn't break into your home.Β You glanced back at where Fundy was waiting for you. He'd come to find you if you were any louder so, quieter, you asked again. "What do you want?"
Technoblade frowned down at you, intimidating even as he stood hunched over himself awkwardly. Philza took a step forward, his palms raised in the air as you pointed your sword at him. "We need to talk to Fundy, mate. So could you go get him?"
Technoblade scowled at you, so you glared right back. "No. What do you want with him?"
"It's none of your business." Technoblade gruffly said, his grip on his sword tight. "Go get him."
You scoff. "He's my husband. His business is my business."
Philza took a step back, obviously startled at the news. "His-? When did he get married?"
"After you pricks blew up L'Manburg. We decided to tie the knot before it got too late." You frown at him. glancing back at the hybrid who just stared judgementally. "Now, why do you want to talk to him."
"I want him to stop messing around by my house." Technoblade cut in before Philza could, his red eyes glinting dangerously. "The next time I see him, I will kill him."
"Techno," Philza warns, glancing between the two of you. He sighs, "We do want him to stop coming over. He's not exactly welcome after... well, you know."
"I'll tell him. Now go. If I see you around him I will kill you." You stiffly say, watching as Philza's wings puff up slightly. Technoblade just scoffs as he makes his way towards the door.
"Like you could kill me."
Narrowing your eyes, you tug at your memory. "Careful,Β Tα·α΅βγͺπΉΚκαβΈα·, don't act like the voices haven't already warned you of me."
He stiffens slightly before he scoffs again. Philza pushes him forward and out the door, glancing back at you before he leaves. "Make sure to tell him."
Locking the door behind them, you turn back to the living room. Reaching the area where they stood, between the couch and the coffee table, you reached down to where they stuck the bug. Crushing the metal between your fingers, you made your way back to your office.Β
Fundy was dozing off, leaning back against the floor. You sighed, letting go of the tension that had coiled in your chest and you drop down next to him. Instantly, he throws his arm over you and pulls you close.
You'd do anything to protect this. To protect him. Anything at all.
[Go get food and water. Sleep if it's later than 10pm for you and you don't have any work.]
[Also I now have a side blog @thek1ngtalks where I post updates and sneak peeks! Go give me clout ily all]
[L0v3, k1ng]