Itsfundy - Tumblr Posts
Hey guys? Remember how Wilbur did his Radio voice in the Hybrids SMP during the Egg watch? Well I propose that we make an au where Wilbur is a radio host in a small town called L’Manberg.
Except the town is all supernatural.
No one is normal. Everyone is supernatural in some way.
Wilbur is Eldritch, Tommy is an air spirit, Tubbo is a siren and has water powers (Ianite), Phil is an angel boi, Techno is a demon, Jack is a Fire Spirit, Eret and Foolish are gods, Fundy is a kitsune, and Ranboo is just C!Ranboo.
George is a nature spirit, Sapnap is also a fire spirit, Bad is a demon, Skeppy is a gemanoid creature, and XD is a god that acts more like a cat than an actual god. Everyone is Supernatural.
Except Dream.
Dream is human. He just likes practicing Necromancy. He isn’t evil. He just does Necromancy.
This au is just Welcome to Night Vale format to be honest. It’s just that. We now have radio show host Wilbur just casually talking about the supernatural things that happen in the town like its Sunday news.
There is no angst here. The most we get is like Dream accidentally sending Tommy to the Shadow Realm but even then Tommy comes out fine with a woman and accidentally became the leader of the Shadow Realm People. Somehow.
Have two prompts from the Discord.
(Wilbur: Hello everyone, and welcome to the L'Radio. Today, we would like to remind you to please stay away from the egg. Don’t mind the vines that our growing around. Our exterminators are promptly burning them as quick as possible. And if you do see the egg then please. Run. Just run as fast you can.
We will also like to remind you to please go and not mind the skeletons that lurk around Dream’s house. It’s just him practicing necromancy again. But silly Dream. You’re doing it wrong! You do the loop after the incantation, not before the incantation!
And now the weather.)
(Wilbur: Welcome back to the L'Radio, today. We have a special guest here. And this guest today is Dream Wataken. Take it away Dream!
Dream: Wilbur what the fuck you said that you wanted to go and show me how to do necromancy correctly not to go and be in your weird eldritch radio show!
Wilbur: I am teaching you how to do necromancy correctly. It’s just that now we first have to show you how you do it wrong. Then I can show you how to do it correctly. We will also go and show everyone how to go and kill a god.
Wilbur: And now for the weather.)
If I see one more person try and guilt people into rebloging their posts.
The fandom doesn’t owe you anything.
Have fun and post your stuff, but don’t try and bully people into giving you clout.
im pretty sure smp!fundy is younger
wilbur at one point (i cant remember when) said fundy was canonically 14
It’s literally so fucking funny to me, because new l’manberg was run by traumatized kids & young adults who didn’t know how to run a fucking country, who didn’t ask to run a fucking country w/o guidance, and when they inevitably mess up it’s like “well I guess you’re all literally the worst people to ever exist now, I’m gonna blow up your nation & leave all of you w/o a fucking home”
Text under each image :)

Text, pointing to Sapnap: flint and steel

Fundy: hi babe!

These are all after the reset btw

what do you mean the wedding went badly
*Holds Gently*

Eldritch God in love with a smol fox boi is the best dynamic ever
Fundyxd headcanon
so anyone who likes this ship knows we just make xd a simp for furry fox man here *points at fundy* but what would happen if fundy died ?
So this is where I get to the good part, lets say fundy died in any possible way, drowning, getting stabbed,etc. And Xd wasn’t there to see it happening and loses fundy forever.
But what if he watches fundy get murdered and he was just standing there looking like he just lost everything (because he did), and just hold fundy’s body, what was once a source of his happiness was now cold and limp with no life.
And he just yells at the person who killed him who is about to realize who fox man dated and just watches as xd grows larger and larger with fundy’s body right below him and winds, hail, thunder and lighting all just crash in all at once and the sky just turns black.
And he yells “I HAVE LIVED A THOUSAND LIFETIMES AND HAVE DESTROYED SOME TOO, AND I WILL DO SO FOR A THOUSAND MORE JUST TO STAY WITH HIM” in the darkest and creepiest voice you can imagine as he just tears the world apart.
Everybody screaming just vanishes and everybody wakes up in their bed and doesn’t remember anything from what happened and continue with their normal day.
And fundy is busy in a garden full of exotic, rare, never before seen flowers. Making a 2 flower crowns while Xd just let's his head nap on fundys lap, and just lays there like nothing happened, fundy is alive and he was happy again.
The end
Another FundyXd
I’m sorry this is my comfort ship.
Idea for all you writers and Artist
XD trying to court Fundy with Flowers and anything imaginable.
Then Fundy and XD met each other in the forest and once again he bought Fundy flowers.
And he tries his best to ask Fundy on a date, but it’s his first time doing it and he doesn’t know what to say and starts stuttering.
Fundy who holds the bouquet of Flowers, Just stares at the flower then at Xd then Back at the flowers then back at XD.
And he just Sighs, If the God really wanted to date him, He’ll at least give it a try, because he went all the way to do this.
So he went up to him and just says "I don't see why not, You me stargazing lets say about 10 ?, well then see ya tonight" as he just uses his one finger to do that cliche thing in movies were the popular girls asks some random guy out and just flicks their head a little with the finger and walks away smelling the bouquet.
and XD just stands there very Confused then he processes what he just heard and once that was processes he was like “Wait?! Really ?!” and then just jumps for joy and start flying around laughing and smiling, How does Fundy know this, the ground he walks just turns into a passageway of Beautiful flowers that look like Stars and emit Light like the ones you see in the night sky and he just laughs and goes back home to prepare for said date.

maybe this is just me projecting but this is a very fundy song

Who loves the Dream SMP? I know I DO! So, what’s a writer-fan to do when she loves something, gets so sucked into the fandom, and then realizes that there’s two playlists worth (to my knowledge) of fan songs written by fantastic creators (all credited above)? Well.... ✨ Musical time! ✨
Yep, you heard me. I am writing a musical script for the Dream SMP. The image you see before you is the “title page 1st draft” (I need an actual title, please give suggestions if you have any), with all the original creators of both the storyline and the music, then finally me (YouTube handles included for all).
Now, currently, this is just a work in progress, I haven’t even STARTED the actual script yet (then again, I did start two days ago on the 1st), I’m just doing some character listings and costumes and stuff.
I know it’s not my story, so there’s nothing I can do about it for now, but along the line (hopefully as I’m almost done with it, I pray this doesn’t fizzle out on me) I am going to be taking the proper proceedings towards credit and stuff like that, if I actually choose to do anything with it.
I’ll do updates if you guys want as I go along, but, I am excited to announce that, I’m workin’ on it! It’s in production, and I hope you all enjoy as I work :), have a great day everyone, stay safe!
TLDR: I’m writing a Dream SMP Musical, I need an actual title, I might do updates, all credits above, have a great day and stay safe!

JUST CONCEPT NOT AT ALL CANNON, AND NOT MY ART: Idk if they have a tumblr, but the art seen here is by @solrasun on Twitter--PLEASE go support the original artist!!!
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! This concept looks cooooool (Yes, I am still working on the musical XD), and as you can see, I’ve found a title! “The Ballad of L’Manburg” was suggested by @imperialkatwala , thank you so so much for the title! And oh my gosh, guys, tysm to everyone else who reblogged the first announcement and gave other suggestions, it makes my heart squeeeeeeal with happiness!
Musical update:
-In progress of going through as many fan-made songs (and asking said songs’ creators if this is okay) as I can to make a story using them.
-in the process of making an email specifically for this project to make it and communication with creators easier.
-character descriptions for musical: complete
-”costume design” (written on paper): complete
-”first concept for Playbill”: complete (again, check out original artist. I still have to find a way to ask if this is okay {I don’t have twitter and don’t want it}, I can give credit for now and will use other concept if asked)
-separate document for scenes already foolproof and monologues: created and in progress
-Some songs: already selected, 1 already has confirmed approval to use, some others pending.
-Proper script set up “template”: obtained (I have a theater teacher XD)
-Knowledge of how stage FX and stage crew works, what’s realistically possible: already noted (I’ve done 3 years of stage crew)
That’s just a little update since the last time I made an announcement about this--I really am trying with this musical. I wanna see it done. I may make a seperate tumblr blog for it--would that be a good idea? Let me know.
And if anybody has anything they maybe wanna potentially contribute, questions, suggestions or anything like that, on this blog I now have an ask box open :)
I hope everyone has a great day or night, and stays safe!!!!
TLDR: Please at least skim--idk how to summarize this XD XD. But have a great day or night and stay safe!!!
The Ballad of L’Manburg Question/Update
*warning, long message
Hello all!!! I hope that you’re doing well :)
It’s me, the crazy fangirl that enjoys words--that’s a lie, I hate words. I love writing though!
Anyway, I just wanted to run something by all the lovely people that have been giving me support, and lovely people that don’t know me or the project and are just reading anyway, hi!
Okay, so, I’m working on the scenes and writing the script, but as I’m doing this, I need to work on structure. Let me know how this sounds, if you’d like, because this is where my brain is going in terms of the set up.
(SEASON 2 OF THE SMP IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE BALLAD OF L’MANBURG {sadly. It’d be too long for a musical if it was})
ACT ONE: -(preview--like literally the first scene/song summarizes this) THE DIC WAR (first time Dream took Tommy’s discs)
-POGTOPIA BEGINS (Enter, Technoblade)
OR (this is why I need opinions, I need to know what seems legit when it comes to spacing)
-DISC WAR PREVIEW (see above)
-POGTOPIA BEGINS (Enter, Technoblade)
Keep in mind, I’m just labeling the big events here, we’ll still have the scenes that took place during the big events, but I need some help deciding what, like, format I’m going for, cause that’s going to effect my current writing quite a bit XD. You can let me know by like, saying ‘O1′ for option 1, or ‘O2′ for option 2.
Updates I have for you: I am very close to setting up a separate Tumblr blog for this project, some more lovely creators have allowed me to use their fantastic songs (though I am still asking around), my new email is almost in effect. Individual scenes are being written already and might get leaked, and my drama teacher has given me some pointers so it’ll be structured correctly.
Thank you to everyone showing their support--this means so much to me :)
I hope you’re all having a great day/night and are staying safe!
TLDR: Please check out all bolded bits for like, the gist :), have a great day/night and stay safe!
okie, now that I have attention, I gotta ask.
What superpowers do you think Tommy, Gogy, Wilbur (I’m thinkin’ siren related), Schlatt--any of those guys, what kind of super powers do you think they’d have?
Tooooooooooooootally not asking cause of fan fic plans. What are you talking about? Me? Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.
Though please help me out. I have some ideas already, but those guys, I need help on.
The Ballad of L’Manburg, Update...and possible new project
Hey guys, a few things about this. DON’T WORRY, I DIDN’T FIZZLE OUT!
Essentially what’s happened, is that I didn’t really have, a lot other than me while working on “Ballad of L’Manburg”. It was kind of just me, and a few creators that were gracious enough to let me use their songs. It wasn’t really going well.
I partnered with the (much larger community) of “L’Manburg The Musical”, run by content creator IanHasOpinions. I joined the team as (so far their only) a writer for them, and I’m bringing my ideas, drafts, and everything else over there. There is a discord for the musical, and thank you so much for everyone that expressed interest in the Ballad of L’Manburg. I really appreciate it :)
...that being said. I realize I have this odd obsession with wanting to make stories that Wilbur Soot has infused his odd lore into musicals or novels. So. And this isn’t just a whim thing, I was actually thinking about this for a couple of days....I may or may not be watching all the Rust Streams with the intention of doing SOMETHING for this growing fandom. Just....I have ideas. This should be interesting...stay tuned for more :)
Another one!!
In order to cope with...the loss of Ghostbur my beloved--I made this Ghostbur inspired playlist/ambience!
(Don’t worry, all art and stuff is credited in the description!)
I wanted to share this, I hope you guys like it!
I just woke up....and...guys...many argue that "Schlatt would be an awful father! Especially for Tubbo, he killed him!", well...and you know what? Phil also killed his child, Wilbur. You can argue that "Well, Wilbur asked him to kill him", but guys...if someone says that you should kill them, it still means that you kill them! And Wilbur was a not very good father for, stop giving only Schlatt all the hate.
Some thoughts about Glatt. We already know that he is very similar to the normal JSchlatt, but I still want to imagine what could have been.
For example:
• Glatt also has memory issues. It can be debated that he probably forgot everything that he regretted...
•this leads to an almost entirely memory loss.
• At some point he even questions his name, since he can't remember anything from his childhood either.
• This means that he doesn't even have people, who he could visit to get answers, because he doesn't even remember anyone and doesn't remember...which answers he would possible want besides of "Who am I".
•Mostly he just stays at his own "grave" that he found by accident. He knew that it was his because of the deformed picture.
• He assumed that he wasn't really liked since nobody really visited the grave.
• But at one day, he finally sees someone there and can't believe it...because this person actually seems ears...ginger hair...if only he could remember the name.
• This person started a monologue. Something about being confused...and not knowing what to think of everything...Glatt just stayed in the near...not letting himself to be seen.
• After the young boy left, the ghost just stayed and hoped...that soon this person would return...maybe he could even show himself this time...