Gf Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
mabel and dipper's life after getting back home (random headcanons)
mabel forces dipper into improving his hygiene because she doesn't want him to be bullied in school for it
the twins make sure they get into the same classes/courses every year because they can't bear to spend that time apart
dipper spends his time in class writing a journal of his own, but passes every class with the highest grade anyway (and ford is very proud of him)
mabel spends classes doodling and struggles sometimes, but dipper is always there to help her out with anything she doesn't understand
both dipper's writing and mabel's drawings are mainly their summer adventures at first
after that dipper indulges in findings and theories of their own
both twins develop insomnia after weirdmageddon and sneak out quite frequently
they don't necessarily do anything they are forbidden from, sometimes they just go and sit somewhere like they did on the roof of the shack
it's not long after they get back from gravity falls that their parents announce they're getting a divorce and actually spend the summertime living separately
dipper regularly turns his wall into a huge 'clue board', with the red string and all (he uses every occasion to do that, even if it's not a mystery or even necessary at all)
both fill their room with lots of trinkets; mabel starts collecting figurines, keychains and buttons (and keeps collecting stickers), dipper collects enamel pins
both acquired a set of certain skills from their time in gravity falls, that come in quite handy sometimes not to say they sneak and break into some places frequently, but... ya'know
mabel starts gambling with other students and nobody knows how and when she got so good at it. she never uses her powers for evil but she will play robin hood (the money of bullies will end up in the hands of poorer kids with no lunch money)
anytime someone mentions unicorns or how mabel used to love them, she will wrinkle her nose and refuses to talk about them
dipper will often have moments where he thinks he sees someone from gravity falls and almost calls out for them, when he realises that it is someone else. it gets particularly bad when an older ginger student starts at their school
he also sometimes thinks he hears bill and gets a little paranoid, the only one who can help him not spiralling into a panic attack on a bad day is mabel
mabel refuses to do arts and crafts with triangles fro a while, until she decides bill won't ruin her favourite activities and the spite helps her not being too paranoid about it
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a/n: i could go on for a while longer, but i think i'll stop here and put more into another post; also i need to articulate them better than i am capable rn so stay tuned if you want to see more of these as well as for other characters and gf in general :D (i already have more on the way)
Stanford Pines x reader headcanons
💕 fluff
touch starved. like severely
so startled whenever he and someone else accidentally touch
close proximity makes him really nervous
he so isn't used to it
at first it's because he doesn't really know how to behave around other people in a normal setting anymore; but once he develops feelings for you, that mans brain just shuts down once you're too close to him
full on blushing, stammering, no thoughts head empty kinda thing
i mean how could he not, did you look at yourself??
his nicknames for you would be 'darling', 'dear', 'love' and something science-y and/or geek related
(imagine when he starts writing in his journals he calls you 'prince/ss unattainabelle' because he thinks you could never like him like that)
will not recover from seeing you in his red sweater
can't stand seeing you get hurt, blames himself when you do while on missions/adventures with him
will take great care of your wounds and checks on you regularly while recovering
if he only cared that much for his own well being
designing and gifting little things to show his love; definitely welds you a bouquet of you favourite flowers
loves the way your hands fit into his
makes space in his work room for you to hang out there (both doing your own thing but being together)
at first insecure about his kissing abilities, but gets sooo addicted to kissing you not soon after
literally melts when you run your fingers through his hair (extra points when his head rest on your lap or chest)
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Stanford Pines love language headcanons
💕 fluff
that man is touch starved as fuck
after 30 years alone and on the run through the multiverse, he sure isn't used to positive touch anymore
let alone that he wasn't before, not having a lot of experience in the relationship field and all
it will be a bit too much for him at the start and pda is out of question, but give him time and he will get used to the casual soft touches and will learn to love them. even seek them out
he doesn't realise how much he missed out on until he meets your touchy ass
soft brushes against his arm, your head on his shoulder, the first time you run your hands through his hair
let me tell you, he melts. every time.
it just makes his mind go quite immediately. the moment he feels your fingertips on his scalp, the way you lightly scratch at the back of is neck, the way you softly caress his silver hair...
it's his most favourite sensation ever
so on the rare occasion he does not fall asleep at his desk, while cuddling before going to sleep, he will lay his head on your chest, a silent plea for you to run your hands through his hair again, to make his mind go quit, to allow him to fully relax
he does try his best to get better at not overworking himself
taking breaks and going to sleep regularly, taking time out of his day to spend with you
because honestly, he could never forgive himself if he doesn't appreciate every second with you
quality time with him would consist of reading together silently, cuddling, watching movies and shows he missed out on and more private dates like stargazing, dinner at home and visiting places like national forests, parks, a planetarium or aquarium
also playing ddnd if you're into that as well
he will teach you if you're interested but never played before, don't worry
actually sooo thrilled to find someone to play with him, he will loose himself in planning the perfect campaign
he will most certainly put his abilities and fascination of creating and inventing things to use while making little gifts for you
feels very appreciated and fuzzy when you let him ramble about whatever has his attention at the moment and actually listen and respond with question, just being as invested as he is in something
is a bit clumsy with talking to other people but loves being the receiver of words of affirmation and praise
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ford's terrible sleeping habits (stanford x reader)
💕 fluff
get that man to bed at a reasonable time i dare you
will overwork himself days on end until he literally collapses
falls asleep on his desk due to exhaustion and starts working again the moment he wakes up
drinks more coffee than water
does not know how it feels to not run on caffeine or adrenaline anymore
forgets what time and day it is because everything is a blur
no internal clock, has no idea how much time passed
will loose himself in hyperfocus
makeshift bed in his lab where he sometimes lays down, fully dressed and passes out cold
it needed quite some time for him to get used to a nighttime routine, changing into sleepwear and not wearing his boots to bed (he never did when sleeping in your regular bed, but it did feel strange to him)
funnily enough if you ever do get him to bed, he will not let you go
once he cuddles up to you, his arms around you, he will keep you there
loves being the big spoon and keeping you save in his arms
develops a sixth sense for when u roll away while asleep and automatically reaches out for you to pull you back in
loves when he cuddles into your side and you start running your hands through his hair
he does have frequent nightmares, a lot of them about bill and weirdmaggedon, about losing his family, about all the guilt he accumulated over the years - the falling out with stanley, his old pal fiddleford, the fight with his brother... the list goes on and on
you learned to read his behaviour after he wakes up from the night terrors and know when to leave him be for a while and when to comfort him
he is so infinitely grateful for you and promises to himself that if he ever screws up what he has with you, he will never forgive himself
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Stanley Pines x reader headcanons (requested)
💕 fluff
raunchy jokes and remarks all the time
will dial it back in earshot of the kids, same with pda
"toots", "sweetcheeks", "hot stuff", "sugar", "dollface" - all nicknames he'd call you
veeery touchy, very much into pda
will have an arm slung around your shoulder or hand around your waist at all times
uses every chance he gets to use his cheesy pickup lines on you, even especially after you two are together
likes the way you playfully roll your eyes and scoff at them, knows you secretly like them
thinks he doesn't deserve you, and that you deserve wayyy better than him
has a hard time talking about his feelings, but is actively working on it
likes your ass a lot. putting his hand on it, lightly smacking it, just looking at it
seeing you in tight jeans just does something to him
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a/n: i'm so sorry if this sucks 😖 i am more of a ford girly myself, but i wanted to try for anon
Stanford Pines x audhd!reader hcs
💕 fluff
loves to listen to you ramble about your special interests and latest hyperfixation
"that sounds lovely, do tell me more"
makes sure to catch up on all the research done, reads every paper he can find on adhd and autism
puts together a profile on how they show themself in you (e.g. your symptoms and behaviour)
figures out through you that he himself is neurodivergent
will make sure you eat and get all the important nutritions. knows that you tend to only eat one thing or not at all. also makes sure you have your safe food on hand at all times
has a list of all the things you loved over time. food, media, sensory input, clothing styles, jewellery, decorations...
makes sure you don't forget anything important and reminds you of any appointments etc.
"dear, have you taken your meds already?"
helps you figure out what things help you cope (certain types of reminders, plans/to-do-lists, noise cancelling headphones, kinds of stimming...)
understands you need to rest and decompress after being out and leaves you alone if you need it
will give crushing hugs if you like the deep pressure. and i mean you will think your rips are about to crack.
i need this so bad and i only have like two people who actually do that and i rarely see them :')
comfortable silence
makes sure everyone closes doors silently and does not let them shut them loudly - will get angry if people disregard it. also warns you if an inevitable loud noise is going to happen so you can put your hands over your ears (like a door slamming shut because of a draft)
being hyped about the same thing and getting all excited together, rambling on an on about it
being in the same room but doing different things silently, fully content with it
learns that this feeling he has from time to time has a name. going non-vebal. and that it's absolutely okay
agreeing on/working out ways of doing specific things together - because some things just have a right way to be done. and that needs to be respected
reminding you not to be too hard on yourself
feels like the luckiest guy in the world when you share his interest and excitement for things
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a/n: requested by this lovely anon! connected to this post
jealous!ford x reader headcanons
pre relationship:
depending on his current mood and state of mind, his reaction to someone showing romantic interest in you ranges from:
1) heartache,
feels like he doesn't deserve you, that he isn't good enough for you, he's not your type and also he is too old for you
self-esteem on the floor, feels like a kicked puppy seeing you flirt with someone else
over 2) mild annoyance; 'what's so interesting about them?'
what could they possible give you? why are you even talking to them, you already said you aren't interested in them
to 3) almost hostile towards the other person
all in all just one big mess of feelings
he's not good with them okay
confused and frustrated by his emotions; spends a lot of time overthinking them, in order to rationalise and understand them
too insecure and doubtful to tell you about his feelings, but too easily agitated to not be jealous when someone comes up to ask for your number
tells himself he has no right to feel that way, and yet...
in relationship:
protective and maybe a little possessive. maybe a bit more than a little. okay, a lot
definitely a lot more than he shows
(related to the first points pre-rls) very rare reaction: amused. god complex activated. who do they think they are? do they really think you would be interested in them? tch, please.
when he sees a guy flirting with you, he will come up behind you, put his arm around your waist and stare the guy down
the scene where he intimidates the bus driver, just to any shady guy who won't leave you alone.
insecurities, so soo many of them
'You could have anyone you want. Why would you wanna be with me?' *
that man was bullied his entire youth, never had a proper relationship and holds so much trauma and shame - it's the glue that holds him together at this point
ford is deeply afraid to loose you
through something supernatural or otherwise dangerous yes, but also trough some stupid mistake on his side and interpersonal problems
he is afraid he will mess up one day. then you will start seeing him as someone not worthy of your love and find someone better
it is one constant battle between his low self-worth and his god complex/admittedly somewhat inflated ego
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a/n: longer piece with this trope will follow soon(ish), stay tuned :P poor ford, doesn't know how to feel his feelings appropriately (same dude, same) * 'jealous' by eyedress
ford with an s/o who's always cold
💕 fluff
that man is a a living radiator and you can't convince me otherwise
his body is literally always soo warm, no matter the circumstances
(he himself doesn't seem to notice and/or, as he will still wear a sweater in the middle of the goddamn summer heat)
what i'm trying to say: he's basically perfect for you
your hands are like icicles again, hurt from their own coldness and don't seem to warm up? he will kiss your knuckles, take your hands between his and caress them softly
even the warmest, fuzziest socks and blankets don't seem to hold the warmth in? time for a cuddle session! (optionally in front of a fireplace)
he will keep an eye out for subtle signs that you get cold again and prevent/counter it as soon as possible
always keeps a spare sweater around for you, same with a pair of gloves for you in his coat
will notice when you get cold, take his sweater off, leave it in your line of sight and excuse himself for a moment (to give you the opportunity to steal it and make yourself feel sneaky)
will then continue to put on the spare sweater and admire you in his clothes
his favourite sight in the world is you in his clothes, he just can't help it
loves when you come around, looking for cuddles to warm up
pulls you into his lap, drapes a large blanket around the two of you, holds you close and continues to do whatever he was doing before (maybe starts reading to you out loud, if you found him with a nose in a book)
tries to figure out how to make harmless self-heating clothing himself
brings home a little gift for you after an anomaly hunt: a rock/crystal that's always warm and glows ever so slightly
you always keep it in your pocket, not only to have something to warm your hands with, but also to remind you of ford
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a/n: requested by a returning anon, even tho i haven't even posted the first one yet, thank you so much for your trust 😭 edit: small addition
saw this post and the point about how stan would flirt with r, who is in a relationship with ford, just to get a reaction out of him
now imagine: r not having any of that and chewing stan out for it because they know exactly what he is doing. and it's the hottest thing ford has ever seen. the love of his life standing up for him and their relationship, showing how much both means to them and how committed they are to him <3
don't expect to get much sleep that night... or to be able to walk the next morning ;)
Stanford Pines shower/bath hcs (stanford x reader)
💕 fluff & ❗ not necessarily smut but partially NSFW
very insecure about his scars (and tattoos) at first
takes a long time until he's comfortable with the idea
that man lights his face on fire to shave... he does Not know what a conditioner is. his luck that you're willing to show him what different kinds of products are for
believe me otherwise this man would use some 3in1 bs i can practically see it (same as dipper "washing clothes is a waste of time" pines btw)
will happily wash your hair for you
(his fingers massaging the shampoo in would feel so good i just know it)
if you want him to truly relax, you'll get in a bath with him and wash his hair. i guarantee you, he will melt
very easily flustered. averts his eyes and tries not to stare at your body
likes to hold you close and just stand under the stream of warm water for a while
will put on his old records to quietly play in the background
not a big fan of the idea of shower sex, but will give it a try if you're really into it
i'm sorry but if you try it, he'd be rather clumsy
he prefers to make this non-sexual, relaxing quality time together
if it's something you like, he will run you baths as aftercare after a particular rough night
thinks you're the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes on
washing you gives him the perfect opportunity (and excuse) to study your body closer. it's curves, the marks and spots on your skin, the reactions he can get out of you...
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a/n: i'm sorry dear anon if you wanted something more steamy (pun intended), i'm just still having a hard time writing smut, i hope this is okay >.< requested here