Stanford Pines X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Trying to decide what to work on .-. no worries, they all will be posted sooner or later

bonus option: something else? (send me a request ^^)
also if any of you want to be tagged in anything lemme know
aaaahhhhh i wanna talk my fic ideas through with someone but my friends either haven't watched gf, aren't as invested in it as i am and/or would maybe judge me for my obsession with ford
alssooo, even if there was someone... i am not entirely sure if i am comfortable to talk about this with them sooooo... yeah
Your hallucination R idea is so cool I swear
Ford having to decide if he wants to risk seeing Bill by sleeping or still being up by interacting with R, someone whose goal is unknown to him.
The known evil or the unknown basically;
hey there! thank you so much!! aahhh so excited someone is interested in that! :>
exactly! omg I've written something for it yesterday which deals with ford's thoughts on going to sleep and having to encounter bill there; it's not very long yet and i wanna post it, but i feel like i should make it a longer piece djgjksds
(story masterlist here)
oh wow, i actually didn't expect the poll result to be jealous!ford :o then i have another poll for u guys :D
this is for a longer piece, might write some hcs for both situations
jealous!ford x reader headcanons
pre relationship:
depending on his current mood and state of mind, his reaction to someone showing romantic interest in you ranges from:
1) heartache,
feels like he doesn't deserve you, that he isn't good enough for you, he's not your type and also he is too old for you
self-esteem on the floor, feels like a kicked puppy seeing you flirt with someone else
over 2) mild annoyance; 'what's so interesting about them?'
what could they possible give you? why are you even talking to them, you already said you aren't interested in them
to 3) almost hostile towards the other person
all in all just one big mess of feelings
he's not good with them okay
confused and frustrated by his emotions; spends a lot of time overthinking them, in order to rationalise and understand them
too insecure and doubtful to tell you about his feelings, but too easily agitated to not be jealous when someone comes up to ask for your number
tells himself he has no right to feel that way, and yet...
in relationship:
protective and maybe a little possessive. maybe a bit more than a little. okay, a lot
definitely a lot more than he shows
(related to the first points pre-rls) very rare reaction: amused. god complex activated. who do they think they are? do they really think you would be interested in them? tch, please.
when he sees a guy flirting with you, he will come up behind you, put his arm around your waist and stare the guy down
the scene where he intimidates the bus driver, just to any shady guy who won't leave you alone.
insecurities, so soo many of them
'You could have anyone you want. Why would you wanna be with me?' *
that man was bullied his entire youth, never had a proper relationship and holds so much trauma and shame - it's the glue that holds him together at this point
ford is deeply afraid to loose you
through something supernatural or otherwise dangerous yes, but also trough some stupid mistake on his side and interpersonal problems
he is afraid he will mess up one day. then you will start seeing him as someone not worthy of your love and find someone better
it is one constant battle between his low self-worth and his god complex/admittedly somewhat inflated ego
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated
a/n: longer piece with this trope will follow soon(ish), stay tuned :P poor ford, doesn't know how to feel his feelings appropriately (same dude, same) * 'jealous' by eyedress
i have like three rough ideas for long form pieces of jealous!ford x reader - and bear with me here, two of them are basically the same setup but in two versions because i can't decide between them, and one is stan having enough of ford's endless pining (and denying his own feelings), so he takes matters into his own hands and starts flirting with r, to bring ford to finally make a move
all that because i realised the og i was writing on is gonna be waaay longer than i anticipated and i tried thinking of alternatives
Ford shook his head. He thought he had seen something in the corner of his eye, but when he turned there was nothing there. Not that he trusted it. The emptiness and his gut feeling telling him something was wrong.
He knew Bill was gone. He knew it. But it still kept him up at night. The possibility of his return... What if their plan didn't work? What if something went wrong?
The never ending nightmares in which he was, despite the demon's absence, tormented by the it, kept him from even attempting to get rest. He'd rather have it he collapsed on the floor in the inevitability that was the weakness of his body, than succumbing to his inescapable suffering willingly. Even if it meant that his paranoia would spike, even if he would start to see movement in the corner of his eye, only to turn and find his study empty and ever so still. Even if it meant he would go insane. At least it was at his own hand, his own choice and not due to the remnants of an egocentric megalomaniac. 'Well', he thought, 'maybe he would. Maybe he was just that, too.'
imagine someone showing ford they're taking the hobbits to isengard i beg of you
ford with an s/o who's always cold
💕 fluff
that man is a a living radiator and you can't convince me otherwise
his body is literally always soo warm, no matter the circumstances
(he himself doesn't seem to notice and/or, as he will still wear a sweater in the middle of the goddamn summer heat)
what i'm trying to say: he's basically perfect for you
your hands are like icicles again, hurt from their own coldness and don't seem to warm up? he will kiss your knuckles, take your hands between his and caress them softly
even the warmest, fuzziest socks and blankets don't seem to hold the warmth in? time for a cuddle session! (optionally in front of a fireplace)
he will keep an eye out for subtle signs that you get cold again and prevent/counter it as soon as possible
always keeps a spare sweater around for you, same with a pair of gloves for you in his coat
will notice when you get cold, take his sweater off, leave it in your line of sight and excuse himself for a moment (to give you the opportunity to steal it and make yourself feel sneaky)
will then continue to put on the spare sweater and admire you in his clothes
his favourite sight in the world is you in his clothes, he just can't help it
loves when you come around, looking for cuddles to warm up
pulls you into his lap, drapes a large blanket around the two of you, holds you close and continues to do whatever he was doing before (maybe starts reading to you out loud, if you found him with a nose in a book)
tries to figure out how to make harmless self-heating clothing himself
brings home a little gift for you after an anomaly hunt: a rock/crystal that's always warm and glows ever so slightly
you always keep it in your pocket, not only to have something to warm your hands with, but also to remind you of ford
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated
a/n: requested by a returning anon, even tho i haven't even posted the first one yet, thank you so much for your trust 😭 edit: small addition
hiii aaahh thank you for the second request even if i didn't post the first one yet i am so sorry 😭
read it here i hope you enjoy it and please be assured that the other one will follow soon, i promise 🤧
no need to elaborate on these but i just had to share this with someone willing. but i am truly convinced that ford secretly adores watching the great british bake off with you and will secretly try out recipes from the show until mustering up the courage to show you and let you taste some of his bakes :)))
ngl i had to look the show up because i only knew the title and not a lot else, honestly i think i only knew about the "started making it, had a breakdown, bon appétit" meme and i am sorry for that
anyway, not the main focus here! also, yes please share your ideas! i love to hear them! ^^
even a man that devoted his entire life to the supernatural and weird needs some normality from time to time (maybe especially that man), so he cherishes the feeling of domestic bliss he gets when getting comfy on the couch with you next to him, you basically drooling over the food the contestants present.
he didn't know when the idea exactly occurred, but one day, when he had the house to himself, he found himself in the kitchen, trying out some recipe from god knows where.
it took him a few tries (and errors) to get the hang of some things, but he discovered that he really enjoyed baking. the process and the tasty, rewarding result at the end.
his urge to share his new found hobby is strong, but he wants to make sure whatever he is going to show to you is absolutely perfect, because you deserve nothing less than the best.
when he finally decides that it's time, he will prepare a variety of pastries, small pies, cakes and whatnot and then present them to you the next time you sit down to watch the new episode. all of it tastes amazing of course, he is naturally talented in a lot of things and that seems to include baking.
after that, he will surprise you with all kinds of baked good in the morning for breakfast and delicious pastries in the afternoon. he loves the way your eyes light up when you get to try his newest creations and how you sing your praises after the first bite.
Totally random add on for your cold s/o Ford post: Ford inventing heat holding-thermal clothing for you to help for when he’s not around 🥺
ooohhh definitely! be prepared to be interviewed about how well they work though; he needs to know if his inventions work after all
also: once mabel found out about it, she insisted to help design them, because "you have no sense of style, grunkle ford" and "they need to be more colourful!"
this is the post they're talking about
You see me? - part one (stanford pines x hallucination!reader)
masterlist 1k words --------------------------------------------------
'This is new', he thought, looking straight ahead at something that he was sure he shouldn't be able to look at.
"Can you see me?", a beat of silence, "You can, can't you?" there was caution in your voice, almost as if you wouldn't let yourself believe it. "Please say something"
Ford kept quiet.
"Say something."
Ford sighed, took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. The long hours and relentless work were starting to get to him. He put his glasses back on and turned back to his desk.
"No, no! Please!" you begged, panic rising in your voice.
'Perhaps not entirely new, but certainly concerning.' He couldn't recall if Bill ever did actively made him hallucinate when he was lucid, or if everything he experienced was already in the mindscape, but either way - what was happening in this very moment felt a bit too realistic for his liking.
What was happening, broken down to its very basics, was that a stranger stood in his study. And they simply had no way to be there. Apart from the fact that it was the middle of the night and the shack was closed, the way to his study was hidden and he did not hear the elevator move or open its doors. No one except for him should and could be here. No one was here when he came down here hours ago. There was no place they could've hidden. There was no possible scenario in which the situation at hand could've taken place. So the only option left, in his blurry mind, was that the last 30 to 40 years finally caught up to him and he was going insane.
At that moment he didn't even consider a paranormal explanation. Maybe because he believed the shack was sufficiently secured against all kinds of anomalies and supernatural occurrences. Or maybe because in the back of his mind, he always did ask himself when the time would finally come when his mind simply... snapped.
Years and years of stress, mind fuckery, all kinds of injuries and multiverse jumps must've left their mark on his psyche in some way after all.
But what did surprise him was the... well, normality of it. It was just a person. It would've made more sense to see Bill or any of the other things he saw in his frequent nightmares. Maybe the more severe ones would come later?
He propped open the new journal he had started recently and poured his thoughts onto the paper.
You could only watch in confusion and hurt when the man turned away and got back to whatever the hell it was he was doing all the time.
What had just happened? When he looked up from his work, his eyes landed on you. He didn't look through you like every other time and everyone else. This time was different! But why did he act like it wasn't? What was he doing? Why was he ignoring you?
Your newfound hope left you as abrupt as it had appeared. You felt so impossibly lonely again. Empty, distant, cold. Ever so cold with no source for the freezing feeling that seeped deep into your bones.
He could see you. You knew it.
This wasn't like the times when you were screaming and crying and pleading for him - for anyone - to hear you.
He. could. see. you.
And you knew it.
For a good minute, Ford stared straight ahead at the blank page. He desperately tried to form a coherent thought he could write down, but when he tried to get a hold of them, it felt like his metaphorical hands moved through fog, swirling eerie patterns into it, but never grasping anything solid.
The urge to let his head sink onto the table got stronger by the second, yet he resisted. He squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep inhale and straightened his back. He got this. He didn't need to sleep, not yet.
He stood up and stretched his arms over his head, stifling a yawn while doing so.
"Why are you ignoring me?" You had sat down on the floor a respectful distance away from him, legs pulled close to your chest, arms hugged tightly around them. Now you looked up at him with genuine hurt in your eyes.
You didn't know this man, and he didn't know you. The only circumstance that justified the sharp pang in your chest was the fact that he was the only one around actually being able to perceive you, yet for a reason unbeknownst to you, acted like he wasn't.
'Still there, hm?' he thought. He had hoped shifting his focus onto something else would help, but apparently, it did not. The figure was still present, still talking to him. He would like to take a proper look at it, but he was afraid that engaging with it would make the whole thing worse. You were not doing anything at the moment, and he'd rather keep it that way.
He yawned again, cursing himself for indulging in the weakness of his own body. It felt like it was betraying him, lulling him in and tempting him to lay down. But he knew what would inevitably follow. The pain, the torture, the guilt. He could not let that happen. Bill would not claim any more of his time and thought than absolutely necessary. He would not willingly leap into the open arms of whatever terror was already waiting for him.
"You should go to sleep. It's late. And you look tired." Ford almost scoffed at that.
All he needed was some good old, reliable coffee and he was as good as new. So he went upstairs, grabbed a new mug to set down next to all the other mugs on his desk and workbench, filled it to the brim with the dark, hot liquid and made his way underground again.
He was relieved to see that his hallucination apparently showed no interest in following him upstairs, but he was just as disappointed to see that it was still sitting in the same spot when he returned. He sat the mug down and with a defeated sigh lowered himself onto his chair.
It was going to be a long night.
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated masterlist a/n: holy shit i did it! i found the time, energy and motivation yaayy @cynamon-ancymon thought this might interest you ^^ if not just let me know and i remove the tag
saw this post and the point about how stan would flirt with r, who is in a relationship with ford, just to get a reaction out of him
now imagine: r not having any of that and chewing stan out for it because they know exactly what he is doing. and it's the hottest thing ford has ever seen. the love of his life standing up for him and their relationship, showing how much both means to them and how committed they are to him <3
don't expect to get much sleep that night... or to be able to walk the next morning ;)
I need to sit on his lap
Stanford Pines shower/bath hcs (stanford x reader)
💕 fluff & ❗ not necessarily smut but partially NSFW
very insecure about his scars (and tattoos) at first
takes a long time until he's comfortable with the idea
that man lights his face on fire to shave... he does Not know what a conditioner is. his luck that you're willing to show him what different kinds of products are for
believe me otherwise this man would use some 3in1 bs i can practically see it (same as dipper "washing clothes is a waste of time" pines btw)
will happily wash your hair for you
(his fingers massaging the shampoo in would feel so good i just know it)
if you want him to truly relax, you'll get in a bath with him and wash his hair. i guarantee you, he will melt
very easily flustered. averts his eyes and tries not to stare at your body
likes to hold you close and just stand under the stream of warm water for a while
will put on his old records to quietly play in the background
not a big fan of the idea of shower sex, but will give it a try if you're really into it
i'm sorry but if you try it, he'd be rather clumsy
he prefers to make this non-sexual, relaxing quality time together
if it's something you like, he will run you baths as aftercare after a particular rough night
thinks you're the most beautiful creature he's ever laid eyes on
washing you gives him the perfect opportunity (and excuse) to study your body closer. it's curves, the marks and spots on your skin, the reactions he can get out of you...
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated
a/n: i'm sorry dear anon if you wanted something more steamy (pun intended), i'm just still having a hard time writing smut, i hope this is okay >.< requested here
waiter!!! waiter!!! could i get some shower/bath hcs with stanford pines??? can be both sfw or nsfw or both if possible!!!
one stanford x reader shower/bath hcs comin' right up!
apologies for me taking so long, hope you enjoy ^^

hi!! drew a little scene of hallucination r & ford !! hope its alright!!
OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME? that's so fucking cool omg i loveit!!!!! thats one of the coolest things to ever happen to me i think like,,,

i literally can't express how happy this makes me, thank you so fucking much i love it!!! <333
hallucination!r x ford masterlist

Stanford Pines x Reader
She/ her Reader
After learning of Stanleys past with Ford y/n, she decided she wouldn't be getting close to the twin. But she finds it difficult as Ford is just so damn cute.
Warning: age gap, angst, 18+ later on. Swearing. Pervy Ford(lmk if i missed any) not proofread as i no no wanna
You had lived in Gravity Falls for a couple of years now. Stumbling upon it, one winter road trip and falling in love with the beauty. As the years went on, you made good friends, including one neighbor. Stanford Pines was always one person you could talk to about the supernatural. Although he liked to pretend it wasn't real or not as big of a deal, he would always hear you out on your discovery in the town.
You being in your early 30s, the friendship was awkward at first. You saw the faces around town from friends and passer bys. But as time went on, people saw that it was simply platonic.
You spend most of your free time helping him around the house and grabbing food together. He told you about his time in prison and everything about his brother Stanley...
You would linger on his brother. Knowing how horrible he treated Stan and how he would never hear Stan out. Being the Better Brother. The days were good. You ran a local Inn a little out of town. The primary owner would travel most of the time.
One summer though The lnn that you ran shut down. And your manager had to let you go.
"Ughhh, what im i going to do! My place of living! My job!" You slam your head on the table, a loud thud being heard
"Kid, why dont you just ask your parents for some help? Im sure they will under -" Stan lifted up your head to place a small pillow under your face.
"No! Do you know how disappointed they will be?! YEARS of Tuistion for West Coast Tech just to run an Inn?! In a small town! Stan...stanford pines they would kill me and bring me back home..." You plead out looking up only to cry more and slam your head back down, the pillow guarding you.
" y/n you haven't told them?!" Stan yells out, only making you cry more. He paces the room and looks towards you. His frustration leaves when an idea pops into his head.
He sits next to you at the table
"Ya know.. my great niece and nephew are visiting once summer. Break starts...ill need someone to watch the store, maybe evenbuild some cool robot stuff for the shop! Ya know, wendy likes, so take her days off... you could even stay here in the storage closet..." He lays his hand on your back.
Your breathing slows as you look up at Stan.
"Really..." You wipe your tears away, going to hug the old man.
"But you gatta tell your parents at least"
A couple of months had passed, and you were now a normal part of the household. Mable and Dipper always took you on adventures. You never realized how many crazy creatures were around. You would always come home and help stan though, building him add ons to his favorite chair, making animotronics for the shack. You know things were going wrong when the Fbi arrested Stanford. You remember looking at him as he was taken away. A sad look on your eyes.
" y/n, please. Its not true they dont know what they are talking about!"
You didn't say anything. You didn't know what to say.
You looked over the kids, trying to prove his innocence when they found a code for the vending machine. Soos stood in the way of the machine, and mable threw glitter at him to make him move.
As you made your way into the basement, you could only think of the worst things.
What if he wasn't really Stanford. What if he was someone else. What if everything was a lie like they say. Are you even safe.
You hold onto Mables hand as Soos led the way. Once you get to the bottom, you see all the tech Mable goes on about how Stans is the same man and he loves us. All you can think about is all the tips you gave Stanford on how to fix or build different things. Dipper finds the 2 journals putting all 3 together to see the blueprints of something.
You only look at the basements, build, scan the area, hear Dipper Freak out, but your mind races, and you can't focus on his words. You look at the countdown reading 1 minute. Dipper and mable run into the next room. Turning keys. The strange Build glows. Before Dipper can press the shutdown button Stan runs in
"Dont touch that button!"
You turn to see Stan walking through the door, picking up his pace to you all.
"Dipper, just back away! Please dont press that button, you gatta, trust me!" Stan pleads. Slowing as he sees that Dippers hand is hovering over the red button.
"I should trust you. Why?!. After you stole that radioactive waste?! After you lied to us ALL summer?! I dont even know who you are!"
"I know all this is nuts, but i need that machine to stay on!" A beep is heard after Stans pleads. You start to float up with the rest as the triangle structure opens up. A space like portal opens
"STANFORD?!" You scream out. trying to reach for your friend.
"Dipper!" Mable screams, her foot caught on a wire holding her close to the button
"MABLE HURRY SHUT IT DOWN," Dipper screams out from across the room.
"Stan, why wouldn't you tell me?!" You cry out. Your hair floating around you.
"Kid...i couldn't. I didn't know how!"
As mable crawls her way down stan tries to float towards her, soos swooping in to tackle stan
"Soos, what are you doing?!i gave you an order." Stan struggles between Soos
"Sorry Mrs pines if that is your real name, but i have a new job now! Protecting these kids!" Soos tries to push him away from Mable.
"Soos, you idiot let me go!" Stan continues to reach out. You kept floating. trying to go back down.
Dipper goes to tackle stan as well. You find a way to get to mable holding her down as you both hover over the button.
As Stanley pleads with you both, you see mable tear up.
"Grunkle Stan,"Mable says between tears. "i don't even know, if you're my grunkle! I wanna believe you, but"
"Then listen to me. Remember this morning when I said I wanted to tell you guys something?" Stan breaks from Dipper and Soos.
The computer reads 20 seconds. A power surges through making you float away from mable. You hit the roof of the. Building,The others fly against the rooms walls.
" I wanted to say that you're gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true, but trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I care about, it's all for this family!"
"Mabel, what if he's lying? This thing could destroy the universe! Listen to your head!" Dipper cries out.
Mable looks up to see you, floating closer to the portal. You glanse back at stans pleading with your eyes. Stan gives you a nod.Mable watches as you close your eyes. Relaxing your body
"Look into my eyes, Mabel! Do you really think I'm a bad guy?"
" He's lying! Shut it down NOW!"
"Mable please"
Ten Nine
"Grunkle stan"
Six five
"I trust you"
Mable lets go floating up to grab onto your leg. Pulling you closer and away from going through the portal.
Screams are heard as a light blast blows up.
The light shooting through the whole town.
You slowly open your eyes, seeing a figure in front of the portal
"...stan..." You pull your head up from the ground
"What who is that?" Dipper stands
"The author of the journals..." Stanford also stands up.
You see, the man pulls off his goggles, revealing a face just like stans. He looks down at you. As you slowly sit yourself up. You're the closest one to him.
"My brother..." Stan sighs
"Is the the part where one of us faints.." mable giggles
"Ohoho, I am so on it, dude" soos faints on cue. Falling to the floor.
"Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here! Brother!"
You watch as the man you're assuming Stanley walks up and punches Stanford.
"This was an insanely risky move – restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings?!"
"Warnings, schmarnings. How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi sideburn dimension?"
"Thank you? You really think I'm gonna thank you after what you DID, THIRTY YEARS AGO?!"
"What I did? Why, you ungrateful...
Stanley pins Stanfords arms. As they bicker, the man slams him on the ground. "
"Get off him, you asshole," you shove Stanley off Stanford. Mable stands next to you
"Hey, hi. Mabel here. Quick question – WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!"
"Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here... And some sort of large, hairless gopher? And... uh, " you see the mans eyes dart from top to bottom, then back to the top.
"A woman..."
"Heh heh. I get that a lot." You laugh at Soos. As he smiles back at you. You watch as Stan eyes you. Wondering what thoughts he could be having.
"They're your family, Poindexter. Shermie's grandkids." Stanford rolls his eyes.
"I-I have a niece and nephew? Greetings. Do kids still say greetings? I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time."
He bends down to shake mables hand
"Whoa, a six-fingered handshake? It's a full finger friendlier than normal!"
"Heha, I like this kid. She's weird."
"And you are?" He extends his hand to you. You ignore it and turn away.
"A friend of Stans..."
Stanley Huffs turning back around
"I-I can't believe it. You're the author of the journals!" Dipper fanboys
"You've read my journals?"
You don't listen to the conversation, but you help Stanford up. He thanks you as he stands. You see stanley eyeing you both out of the corner of your eyes. You dart your eyes towards him, making him look off.
"Well, it looks like we're stuck down here for a while. Who wants to tell us their entire mysterious backstory?" Mable sits back down on some rubble.
"Yes, I have some questions about all this myself, Stanley." The man walks over ignoring you to the next if his abilities
"Stanley..."dipper puts a finger to his chin
"But your name is stanford..." mable questions
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You leap forward at stan, soos catching you
"Wait, you took my name?! What have you been doing all these years, you knucklehead?!"
"Yeah, Grunkle Stan, no more lies! You owe us some answers – What's the deal with this portal? Why did you keep this a secret?" Dipper exclaims.
"And what happened between you and your brother?" Maybe points at stan angered.
"Im hoping all this aligns exactly with my fanfic, Stan. If not, I will be very disappointed."
You stop struggling against soos. Only to pause and give him a confused look.
"Stanf-...stanley why do you keep lying to me?!" You plead with the old man
"Kid listen... i did what i had to do"
"No. I won't accept that. Tell me why. Was everything about Him even true? " You point to the other man.
The now understood Stanley sighs. I looked up from his brows.
"Everything about HIM is correct. I just switched the names..." he shrugs. With another sigh, he leans against the wall, telling the tale of the two brothers.
As they both took turns telling their upbringing, you couldn't help but watch the twin. He would smile at the good times, and you would catch him watching you as well.
You had to admit he was handsome. You never saw Stan in a way, but Stanford was totally different even with the same face.
If you, too, matched eyes, you would simply roll them and look away. Even though you were curious about this handsome man.
"Oh! This story's so sad! I know what you two little broken teacups need: to hug it out! Hug it out! Hug train's comin' in the station. HUGAPOLOOZA! 2000!" Mable triez to push the men together.
"Kid, will ya knock that off? I'm tryin' to tell my life story here. "
"I already know all this..." You walk off sitting in the room where the portal once was. You could still hear the conversation. Noting again at the Dream school Stanford wanted to go to... but couldn't. You burrowed your face in your legs. Conflicted, you never thought you'd meet him. You were so angry at all the things he did to your friend. But knowing everything and knowing he's alive. Could you be nicer to him?
You hear a Scream and turn to look at the room, dipper fan boys over the journals.
"just got excited there... About the journals... Keep-keep talking."
"I began to keep a journal..."
Dipper screams again. You walk into the room staring at the child. He looks up at you and calms himself down.
"Just going to ignore that..."
He goes on you decide to sit back in the room with the others.
As they retell the fight, you can't help but stare at Stanford. Aggravated at every word he says.
He pauses for a moment. Staring just as intensely
"What is your problem?" Stanford exclaims, throwing his hands up.
"You... you are my problem. you're dangerous. " he looks shocked at your words. And leans back a bit, not knowing what to say.The story finishes as the agents from upstairs get closer. Stanford makes a plan. Telling everyone to stay put as he travels upstairs.
Mable hears the agents leave and runs upstairs with your protest
"Great-uncle Stanford, that was amazing!"
"Let's not go crazy; it was serviceable."
"Thank you, kids, but please, call me Ford."
You stand on the porch. Watching the kids talk to Ford. You catch glimses of him looking at you. Your heart beats faster when he does. Is this anger? You're not nervous..are you?Stan pushes the kids off to bed. He turns to look at you. He mouths out 'stay'. You fix your posture, waiting to wave the kids off while they go inside. Saying a goodbye to Soos and moving towards Stan.
You punch Stans arm
"Ouch why me?!"
"That's for lying to me, you big idiot! Dont do that again!"You furrow your eyebrows. Stan frowns, rubbing his arm. You go in for a hug. Letting go just as fast and looking at Ford.
"So...who are you agai-" you cut him off by slapping him. Both stan and fords face in shock.
" That's for building such a STUPID machine... and hurting my friend!"
Stan begins to laugh. Resting a hand on your shoulder.
"Who even are you?!" The man shouts, angerly walking towards the house. The sun is going down.
" haha shes a keeper! Now Y/n go to bed. I gatta catch up with this man..."
"What's the point of me staying behind?"You shrug your shoulders. Pushing the old man slightly a small okay left your lips.
"No hard feelings, old man?" You smile and walk away, turning around to point finger guns at both men, going into the house and upstairs to your room.
"Old man? Rude, " Ford says under his breath
The two men head in as well. I'm sitting at the table to talk. Catching up on the little things
"Nothing so bad, ya know... people come and go...?"
"Hmm...and that women you keep around?"
"Huh? Women? Haha, that's Y/n. She's a good friend.."
"Just friend?"
"Of course! She's a good kid. Takes care of Dipper and Mable and always makes great adjustments to her past works. " Stan leans back in his chair, talking about you normally
"Past works? What does that even mean" Ford questions.
"Ah, she's a graduate of West Coast tech... some phds in some stuff i dont really pay attention. But she makes awesome stuff. Let me tell ya, " Stan points to a few things you've improved or added.
"Wait, she went to WCT?? Wait, why is she here with you?" Ford laughs still in shock of your success.
"She's been a friend of mine for a while now. She used to work at an Inn that closed down, so i gave her a place to work and sleep. Listen, i felt bad leaving her alone. She needed someone"
"Interesting... " fords mind goes off. Picturing you again. How angry you looked at him, the disappointment when you would stare. But how beautiful you are. How every time you looked at him with hate or pity, all he could see was the opposite.
"I know that look,"Stan leans forward
"What look?" Ford looks away at anything but his brother.
"That look... you stay away from her..." stans eyebrows furrow. His fist on the table
"I dont even know what you're talking about." Ford looks away again, and this finds his head resting on his hand.
"Stay. Away." Stanley gets up.
"But... I'm happy you're home," he holds his hand out. Ford takes it, and they get up to go to bed. Stopping by the bathroom for one last conversation, you can't help but too listen in on.

After learning of Stanleys past with Ford y/n decided she wouldn't be getting close to the twin. But I find it difficult as Ford is just so damn cute
Warning: age gap, angst, sorta 18+ MDNI Swearing. Pervy Ford(lmk if i missed any) not proof read as i no no wanna
You only ever have a few days off. This day was slow and calm as you sat in the shop with the Pines family. You were reading a book when the door slammed open. Ford stood in the doorway with an octopus looking creature around his arm
"Why bring it in here?" You get up as the kids do as well. Ford punches it, and it escapes scurrying around the floor.
"KILL IT KILL IT!!" Stan stands screams, hitting it with his newspaper. Ford runs through jumping across tables. The kids run over in excitement. You watch as hr corners yhe creature. Stunning it and capturing it.
Dipper runs up to him excited and asks if he could help. Ford happily turns him down, yelling him to call for dinner
"Have Y/n help!" Mable exclaims happily, pushing you towards the man.
"What, why me? I dont want to work with this grump. " You cross your arms, the child still trying to push you in. You look down as she smiles up at you.
"Hmm...that wouldnt be too bad, i heard from Stan that you are quite smart. It would be nice having a helping hand who might be able to handle everything. " Ford puts his hand to his chin, thinking on the proposition
"W-what? She doesn't even want to help cmon Please, i already know what the creature is!"
"It's far too dangerous for you, Dipper..y/n i know you dont like me, but what do you say?" Ford smiles excited at the thought of working with you.
Looking to stan you see him give a small nod. He stands up, walking towards you. Leaning in to wisper in your ear
"Dont get too close, okay kid..he's dangerous." You smile and pat his shoulder. You look at Ford and frown.
"Ok, fine, I'll help... but really, you BETTER call me for dinner, okay dip! Stan said he's going to make us a special dinner for Fords return..."
"Haha, Stanley Cooks?"
"Uh duh? He's a great cook. Well, when he does make food, he's great. " You laugh as you both go back into the basement. You close the door behind you, the smell of that creature filling the air
"Gosh, you couldn't have done a better job keeping that contained?" You plug your nose disgusted
"Why do you like it?" Ford chuckles at his own low joke. You make a gaging noise as you both reach the bottom of the stairs. Ford putting it away.
"So Stan told you about me, huh?" You sigh as you lean against a table
"Hmm? Oh yes, he seems very protective over you"
"Yeah. He's great. " You smile at yourself. Appreciating everything Stans done for you
You look around the small controll room. Not really knowing what you should do at all.
"...soo what got you into the paranormal and weird..." Ford tries making awkward conversation. Something you weren't here for.
"That's none of your concern." You continue to stare at the wall. Again, I do not know why you agreed to go here.
" What do you need my help with?" You sigh, sitting up again.
Ford looks around, looking for something for you to do. Then he stops.
"Well, i know you're smart, but i don't know how smart or what you can do..." he smirks and watches as you roll your eyes.
"You know that moving sas-quach?"
"I made it. At first, it was just a costume with some fluff. But i made the code and the structure to make the animotronic. I also made the warmer and the vibrations in Stans favorite chair. I've made a lot of the improvements here. i do love puzzles and decoding things.." You talk more on your degree
"Improvements, huh..." Ford looks around the dusty old basement. Things broken and wires poking out
"So... could you fix those for me? While i work"
"I guess..." You sigh as you just dumped your whole college career, and he only focuses on how you fix things. Bending down to look for all the broken wires and technology, you dont see that Ford is staring at you. His eyes roam over your bent over the body. He feels his face heat up, so he turns away. Continuing to work.
After an hour of working, you sigh and lean back against one of the machines. Watching as the old man works. You sigh, hot from the work. You watch as Ford pushes his hair back. A frustrated look on his face as he continues to write. Standing up and walking towards the man, you lean forward, your chest touching his back. You feel him jump under you. A small laugh escapes your lips.
"You're doing that wrong.." You point to the top of the page "see thats supposed to be this number here.. gosh, you're supposed to be this smart guy, but mess up on something so simple"
"I-i never even noticed... and im still the Smart guy. One mistake doesn't disqualify me. " he fixes his mistake and smiles at the equation that now makes sense.
"You distracted or something, or are you just getting old?"
Ford scoffs. You stand up straight again, beginning to walk away. He turns to look at you. Annoyed at your attitude
"Why- Gosh, why can't we just get along?" He looks up at you
"You know why" You begin yo walk away. Not wanting to talk.
"No, i really dont. I've explained my whole backstory to you, and stan did as well, yet im the bad guy?"
"Yes, you are"
"You know wha-"
"Gah! You're such a brat you think you know the whole story, but you dont. You dont know me!" Ford stands up, walking towards you angerly.
"I don't have to know you to know that Stan would cry at the thought of you. The fact that it eats him that he caused you to fly into that protal and it ate him every day after! Do you think i didn't know the whole story before you came along Stanford? All that changed was the names for me. " You push the man," he stumbles back.
" And you trusted that ass hole Bill?! Let him use you. Gosh, men really are something he was always out to get you. You refused to explain to stan got kicked into a multi dimensional portal, and when He brings you back, you punch him!" You push him more a bit harder.
Ford stumbles back more, having enough he grabs onto you and turns you around, pinning your arms behind your back like he did to stan
" He ruined my life, okay? MY life, he ruined my project. Costed me my whole life, you wouldn't know because you got into that damn school!" Ford shakes you slightly, not realizing his violence or the position he put you in.
" You still got everything you wanted, no? You still got all your PHDs and to study in this stupid town!" You struggle beneath him, trying to have him let go. You accidentally grind against him without thinking or realizing it. Ford lets you go, stumbling back to lean on another machine. You turn around, getting ready to punch the man when he catches your fist, his face getting darker shades of red by the second
"I' sorry..."he tries to think of anything to change subject."You're right. i-i got everything i ever dreamed... i couldn't even let you correct my work"
Your arm goes limp. You drop your hand and watch as Ford coveres his face
"I'm sorry for well, putting you in that position... for everything. " Ford drops his head, his face still hiden. His attempt to hide his red face, praying you don't look down.
You sigh, turning around. You shake your head, not knowing what to say. You turn back to see Ford, his face still covered. Your eyes move down, his red sweater covered him. Your eyes moved lower. Your body is still turned around, and you see his pants, a small tent was forming. You look away quickly, your own face red
" Stanford, i-...Hahahaaa listen, it's okay, i can't promise we will be besties after all this, but i definitely feel better about ya." You remember the position you were in. It was fine when you were angry he just apprehended you, but now you're thinking about how it would be if it wasn't angry... you laugh hysterically.
"Really..? Just like that. "
"Yup! But you should apologize to stan" you try changing the subject.
"Absolutely not.."
"Ford!" You finally turn around seeing him finally
"No listen, I'll admit it to you, but not him okay, leave it at that kid," he uncoveres his face. Now recovered. He sighs in relief that you didn't see his problem.
" Kid? Im not a kid. You're just old. " You poke his chest. Turning to look at his work table
" You litt-" Before he could finish, Dipper fell through the ceiling. Knocking over the octopus looking creature.
You look as the kid crawls by the creature and to his book
"Dipper, stop!"
" Great, Uncle Ford!"
"Did you just fall through the cieling..." You look up at the hole
"What did i say about coming down here"
"My work is far too dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second-"
"Am i dead now or..." You sigh being ignored still. You see how stern Ford got. You feel slight attraction to him.
"Wait, is that a 38-sided die from dungeons dungeons and more dungeons?!"
"Yeah! Y-you know that game?!"
" with pen and paper shield and sword... " Ford starts
"Our quest shall be our sweet reward!" The two shout in unison. They laugh softly together. You laugh at their repeat of the quote, finding it cute. You think back at the potition you were in before. You felt your face blush.
"This is my favorite game in the whole multi-verse. I can't believe they still make it"
"They do, and I've been looking all day for someone to play with me"
You watch the Two talk as the octopus slowly slithers away. You rise a leg in disgust as you avoid its path. You see Ford bend down. Holding the book excitedly. The creature jumps onto his face, and Ford pulls it off, still happy as ever.
"Y/n, do you want to play with us!" Dipper turns to you. His excited face warms your heart
"I haven't played since college... so i might be rusty, but sure, I'll play"
"Awesome!!" Dipper runs upstairs.
Ford turns around to look at you. A confused look on his face
"You play Dd&Md?"
"Yeah, duh, it's been a while, but i liked it. I just got busy. " You toy with your hair looking away
"I know how that is, i used to have a campaign of my own in college," Father puts away the octopus, placing it on top of a shelf.
"Ya know, Ford, it was kinda hot seeing you all stern." You laugh as you start walking upstairs. Ford is left a stuttering mess, trying to compose himself before he walks upstairs.
You go to your room to grab your old things. A small box contains a small bag with your die. The rest of the items is a small journal with your notes on your character. You head downstairs telling Stan about the game you three are about to play. He gets a bit angry. You go to the basement and see Dipper and Ford already sitting down. As the game starts, Ford gets into character, fluttering his eyelashes, and the dipper gets the first roll, as you both tell Ford about the change in art styles during the 90s.
"Great-uncle Ford, I've been meaning to ask you: where were you before you came out of that machine, and what have you been doing down here? Are you working on something behind that curtain?" Dipper points to the curtain behind Ford.
"Dipper, it's best if you and the family stay away from that subject. Honestly, I'm not sure any of you could handle the real answer." Ford says, setting up straight.
"But, but I can handle it"
"Dipper, just respect it, okay? i dont know either. " You pat the boys back.
"Ah-ah! But I can show you a little something I brought back with me, an infinity-sided die"
"Woah... that's so cool. And... impossible!" Dipper gets excited again.
"What even..." You lean back against the machines
You both listen to Fords explanation. A worry washes over your face. As Ford plays like nothing was talked about. Hours later, the session ends. Mable gets you for dinner, and you all head up. Finding stan cooking.
"How was the nerd game, ya nerds hahaha"
"It was fine, grunkle stan." dipper sits down
"No, really, it was. You would never play with me, so im glad Ford and Dipper invited me"
"Ya know, im starting to remember you asking me to play with you some years ago..." stan pushes you out of the kitchen, getting plates for you and the kids
"Thank you stan"
"Anything for you, chump." stan sits down, patting mable and dipper on the head as he passes you.
Ford inspects the food and takes a bite. I was surprised at how good it tastes.
Stan watches him eat the food. Pleased by the reaction.
"So how was working in the basement with my brother y/n"
"It was fine. He made me fix some of the old wiring. Some of the machines should be running better now, ford, " you say in-between bites
"Good, see chump, i told ya. Working here wouldn't ignore your talents!" Stan laughed. You just smiled and looked at your food.
"Ya know if you'd like, i could probably need more help. Im sure you have lots more to offer besides mechanical help. Why dont you work with me? still helping stan out, though."
"What, you can't steal, my girl!"
"Well, look at it this way. She's still staying here, and you said to yourself that working here would be a great opportunity. Well, now that opportunity is expanding, and she will get to show off her skills"
"But it's dangerous. Geez Ford, i told you to stay away"
"Listen, im all for taking cautions with the kids, but Y/n is grown and could actually be very helpful to me and my research." Ford places his hands on the table.
"I could help too! I've read all of your journals!" Dipper yaps about mable just laughs at his needyness
"Absolutely not." they both day in unison.
"Actually Stan i wouldn't mind so much. I still dont really like him, but i might get to do something with my degrees. " You finish up your good, watching as stan scratches the back of his head. You stand up and take everyones plates. Washing them when you see stan walk in with Ford.
"Let me help, kid," stan lends you, a hand putting away the dishes as you wash and rinse. He huffs and complains, like he didn't offer to help
"I'm no kid, Old Stan..." You smile scrubbing off any sauce.
"I know...its just, ive known you for a bit now and you've treated me so well, last thing i eant to do is have you get hurt from me not protecting you. Especially from him.." he looks behind him, seeing Ford look through all the spices.
"Yeah, i do appreciate you, but you aren't my dad, and that's okay!" You see the sadness when you say it. Regretting the words
"Stanley. You're my best friend! I'm glad you aren't my dad because you dont have to deal with the hard daughter responsibilities. Ya know, if i ever get married, it'll be SUPER expensive, and you dont want this bill. " You nudge him, making the old man laugh.
"Yeah, i guess that's true," Stan laughs.
"Sooo true. And! If you were my dad there would be awful expections, like Y/n why dont you go back to doing your original plan, y/n dont poke that gnome, y/n stop stealing snacks from the shop. Ya know?"
"You what!?" Stan looks over to you
"Haha, seeeee," you throw some bubbles at him. He sighs. Cleaning off his glasses.
"Do you want to work with him?"
"Yeah, why not? Maybe I'll learn more about you guys as kids?"
"Haha, i hope not, i know im not your dad, and it's hard not to make the connection after so long. But fine, we are best friends, and I'd never do anything to stop that. Now get ready for bed you've got work tomorrow!" You both finish up, you rushing upstairs to get ready for bed.
Stanley turns around, looking at his brother, who's toying with different items.
"Let's sleep, you nerd," stan pats his shoulder as he walks away.
You walk past the kids' room. Hearing them talk. Smiling as you go off to bed.
The next day you get up and gey ready. Seeing that your new boss is setting up DD&MD with dipper in the living room
"Hey y/n wanna play again?"
"What about work"
"This ... this is work?" Ford looks up at you
"Sure," you roll your eyes. Seeing Ford smile with excitement.
You run upstairs to grab your stuff, hurrying back down, and you start the campaign. Stan walking in annoyed at Ford, you see Mables disappointment about her movie. Stan walks over, trying to take pages off the Tv. Ford grabs his hand
"Move that and pay the price" ford tightens his grip
"Oh, what 50 magical dwaf dollars?" Stan snatches his arm, moving them around
"Dont mock our fantastical monetary system!"Ford yells, letting go of stan
"I'll mock all i want. it's my tv room"
"It's my house you- listen Stanley, did it ever accur to you that if you join us, you might actually have fun?" He holds up his dice bag.
Stan gets angry, throwing the dice bag on the floor. Opening the case for the infinity-sided die. Granting the characters to come to life. Ford tries to fight them off, but they grab you three and leave. It feels like the adventure took all day. Maybe it was because you were so small for so long.
Ford takes dipper to the basement to talk. You wait upstairs to be called on. After a couple minutes, you see dipper leave saying goodnight and going to his room. You head downstairs, seeing stan leaning against his desk.
"I didn't know you were going to work tonight"
"Work is work at any time." You laugh going towards Ford to look at his work. He blushes at your closness. Still embarrassed about the day before.
" i have a question"
"What is it?"
"When Bill took over your body. Did others not know it, wasn't you?"
"No one really knew but my journal..."Ford laughs a bit
" He's gotten sloppy..." You press your finger to your chin.
"What do you mean"
"Well, when Dipper was possessed, i knew right away. Bill ran off, though, had to go on stage, and the kids wouldn't let me on. I was late, though, if only i had talked to Dipper sooner that day"
"Y-you could spot him?!"
"Well, duh, it's so obvious he's such a weirdo, i mean no offense, i read yall had a thing going on, but he was noooot it. Such a creep. " You squint your eyes,looking at the drawing of Bill.
"You read my journal?!" He covered his mouth quickly shutting his journal.
"Yeah, Dipper showed me..."
He takes the book and walks away towards his room. Shutting the door.
You run to the door, knocking on it
"Ford...what the hell we gatta work!"
"No work tonight im tired"
"What? No Ford!" You knock on the door again a bit harder. He opens the door. You accidentally knocked on his chest. You look up at him, his face is red, and his eyes dart anywhere but you.
"Ford, are you embarrassed of your lifes work"
He looks at you. Pushing you away from the door. He shuts the door, but you put your foot in the way before he can. A small ow escapes your lips as he opens the door again
"Y/n im so sorry!!" He watches as he holds your foot
"Why are you embarrassed..." you lean against the door frame, slowly putting your foot down.
"I-i dont know, but i am. Listen, im... im sorry for walking out, i dont know, " he rubs the back of his neck. You see the red on his face still. You lean against the door, putting your feet on the other side, locking him in his small room. That was just a small couch with some blankets.
"So, no work tonight?" You look over at Ford, who now moved, sit on hid bed. He leans back his arm, resting on the couch. You look away at the rest of the lab. All the glowing machines and the cloth cover the window. You focus on every detail.
Ford focuses on you. Taking in your form, your hair, the way you relax against the door. He knew he shouldn't feel the way he did about you. But it's been 30 years since he had any connection. 30 years of being by himself. He gets lost in his thoughts.
"Ford?!" He snaps back, noticing you're gone. He turns to look around seeing you next to him.
"No... no work tonight. im tired.." Ford leans back again, closing his eyes, trying to block out the thoughts.
"Okay, Ford...and im sorry about calling you out on Bill. i know you did your best. That monster won't get to us anymore. " You get up to leave. He looks to you
"Goodnight Ford," you wave your hand and leave the basement.