Gifcities - Tumblr Posts
Hi!! Me again lol. Do you happen to have any planet graphics?? Preferably larger ones?? Or just anything you have!! Thanks!! This blog is a lifesaver btw
Hi again- I've been working on stockpiling space stuff so yes of course.

some pngs:

okey that's enough for now I suppose. Thanks for your support. Please enjoy!
random geocities buttons to use

yet another fishy fish post
because I found more

dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
last four blinkies by @graphic--horde
i saw the bodies blinkie by @demon-dance-club
squid blinkie by @transbro
fish dividers
fish blinkies
fish stamps
fish pixels
more and more fish posts
if i were to post about resources...
lava lamp collection
most, if not all of these are from gifcities.

Sorry if uve said this b4, but do u need credit if i use ur blinkies? Again im sorry if u said this b4 im new to tumblr and idk how tf this works
hi- yes but also no.
To elaborate:
I've only posted a few blinkies that I've made, and all of them were made with, which is super easy and is really just adding text to a template. I definitely don't need credit for these. Feel free to use them.
All of the others are ones I've found. If I give credit in the post, you should give the same credit if you use them. Many of my blinkies, however, are either from geocities (old company that hosted websites, no longer exists except via the internet archive) or I can't find who made them. Feel free to use these without giving credit to anyone, unless someone dms you claiming them.
you never need to credit me, unless I post something I've made and I specify that.
Give credit to the makers whenever possible: even if it's not required, both the artists and collectors appreciate it.
geocities finds typically don't need credit; they're usually 20+ years old.
If you make a mistake and someone asks you to credit something, do it and move on. This happened a lot early on for me, and still sometimes. Most people aren't "mad" persay, they just want credit.
Hope this was helpful. I plan on going into more depth about this kind of thing in an internet guide I'll post in a couple of weeks.
midwestern gothic?? coquette? idk man I'm just a little lamb

last row of stamps by @lambtuft
need even more fish
Answer my 15+ requests from the last week? ❌
Work on my long-term projects? ❌
post more fish? ✅

first two rows: @banana-dawg
baby cats stamp: @banzack
rows four and five: @fishgills
ace flag fish: @thisdastampdoesnotexist
also: some sturgeon transparent pngs, stuffed animal ocean creatures, jellyfish transparent pngs, shark stuffed animals, and whatever this is.
ok that's enough for the time being; I promise everyone I'll get to your requests in the next couple of days (probably).
can u find any tamagotchi stuff? :3
for stamps: all of these

orange png by @solarispngs
dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
kuchipatch blinkie by @transbro
this post
and this one
oh and this one
there are so many but this is plenty for now.

requested by anon
yet another fishy fish post
because I found more

dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
last four blinkies by @graphic--horde
i saw the bodies blinkie by @demon-dance-club
squid blinkie by @transbro
fish dividers
fish blinkies
fish stamps
fish pixels
more and more fish posts