Gilbert Von Obsidian - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

❥︎ The Queen’s Deceit • Ikemen Prince fanfiction


1. I don't own any of the ikepri characters and surroundings here, just my OC whom I created just for this purpose!

2. This is my first writing here and on top of that my first English writing! It's not my first language so there could be typos, and grammatical errors (as I'm still kind of learning the language) — in case this happens please tell me, I'm quick to fix them and make better quality!

3. Last, but not least is the story itself and some characters' personalities. Since the plot doesn't follow after our MC in the game, things can be different! Also, some elements were completely invented by me, so please keep an eye out for that too! (Plus, there could be spoilers for some routes.)

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

• Chapter IV.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"-So you are the attendant Sariel told me about! And he assigned me to help you, at least in the first couple of days. Welcome, Artina!" When I finally reached the other side of the palace, I quickly found the butler to whom it was recommended to enlighten me about more things regarding my newly-found job here in Rhodolite. 

It turned out that he's actually the new Belle's personal butler and hasn't been long in the palace either. But then again, he seems good at his job, seeing that the strict minister trusted him with this task.

"That must be such a challenging job, with all eight of them! Although I'm here only for a month, you can ask me too if you need any help. I'll gladly lend a hand, be it anything!" The new Belle - or Emma, as she introduced herself to me - gave me a supportive and enthusiastic smile while offering her assistance as well. 

She really does have a pure heart. I would probably never do anything favorable for another person if I'm not getting something back... Oh well, cultural differences, I guess. 

"Thank you, too. It means a lot. Only with you guys' encouragement, I'm much more confident about this job early on. Although it depends on the princes too." At my last remark, I laughed, and they chuckled too. 

"That's for sure. I've been here for almost a week now, but there are still princes I can't seem to figure out, or I only see them quite rarely throughout the day. Maybe I should accompany you at least, and I would get to see and understand all of them better." Emma added, clearly determined. 

She takes her responsibilities seriously, I see. The people can trust her then that she will choose the most fitting out of the princes, to be the king in the future. Good for them... if only it worked out like that in Obsidian too. Everything would be different. 

"Since you have a lot to catch up on about your work, why don't we go somewhere more pleasant to discuss?" Rio - the butler - suggested with a small smile and gestured to one of the staircases, cornering the corridor we were standing by. 

"Let's go to the garden! I'm sure you will like the flowers there! They bloom all year, and you can't get enough of their beauty!" Emma's eyes sparkled, and with that, they began to show me the way to the even more spacious castle gardens than ours back in Obsidian. 

Basically, after that rushed morning meeting with the minister and the princes, my day passed peacefully, and I spent it with Belle and her butler. They kept me company and didn't abandon me, and for that, I was somewhat grateful since I still needed to learn my way around the palace. 

Also, they warned me multiple times that my job won't be easy... Not that I expected it to be. 

But starting from tomorrow, serving breakfast to the royals, I'm really doing this. It's been only two days since I fled from Obsidian's walls, and I can't help but wonder what is going on at home. I wouldn't call it homesickness - for now - since it's even quite pleasant being a long distance away from the castle and even the country's borders. 

I just have this silly idea; what if, after some time, here I will forget the darker, chaotic reality of my situation and position in this world... and our empire? 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

...Well, this is indeed odd. Are the others still sleeping, or are they not hungry? 

"Watch your step! You almost knocked the plate out of my hand just now!" Another attendant's voice woke me up from my daydream, while we were serving breakfast to the royals. 

Or, just only one of them, at the moment. 

Prince Yves was the only one who came down to the exquisite and commodious dining room early in the morning to eat. 

I had no clue about the others as I was genuinely surprised by their lack of presence, but the other servants didn't seem to care since they were constantly bringing tons of food to the table, restless. 

Will the others eat it later, for lunch? Do they like late breakfast, or what? 

Where I come from, food is a luxury, and even we in the castle can't and shouldn't afford such measures for a simple meal throughout the day. 

Do they not appreciate the people - including us - working for their sake? 

The more I thought about it, the more my blood was boiling, but I knew better than to cause a scene and raise suspicion. 

...You're not in Obsidian, Artina. Get used to it, and swallow it for now. 

"Prince Yves, may I ask where are your brothers and why don't they intend to come for breakfast?" On the other hand, I needed to hear some kind of answer to - one of - my burning questions. Surely he knows something since he's been living with them for years. 

Meanwhile, I put his plate in front of him, waiting for an answer before heading back. 

"Some of them eat breakfast later or oversleep and eat at lunchtime. But it does not concern me... and I told you to call me Your Highness." He said, mumbling the last part without looking at me. Then elegantly picked up the cutlery and started to eat. 

Is it because of their duties? But Yves is here, though... Or maybe it just depends on the day?

I really shouldn't think about this too much. I'm just causing a useless headache for myself and my thoughts. 

"-Why are you still standing here?" Now he looked into my eyes, seeming annoyed just by my mere presence. 

"Well, I was also going to ask if you need help with anything? Any casual matters or duties?" I said quickly, so I don't embarrass myself, clearly zoning out again. 

"...I suppose you are not as useless." He huffed, then tossed me a small piece of paper with delicate, legible handwriting.

I scanned it with my eyes for a brief moment and realized these are numerous ingredients for foods. Again, nutrition. Just when I want to erase it from my thoughts.

"Go to town and get me all of these by the afternoon. It shouldn't be too hard, so you better not mess it up." He addressed me sharply, and I only nodded, then left him alone. 

That's right, this shouldn't be too challenging; I only have to do some shopping. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"I'm beyond flattered that you decided to join us in such early hours in the morning, Lady Artina." Clavis smiled, sitting across from me in the carriage. 

I literally didn't have a choice since you guys half-dragged me up here, but yes, I'm beyond flattered too. 

"And this maid outfit suits you and your body quite nicely- if I might add." I looked to Nokto beside the purple-haired one, rewarding me yet again with a sly smile and a flirty tone. 

...Don't even get me started on this dress; it's not even functional enough. It's only for pleasing the eyes, but wearing it gets quite the hustle. 

"Although I prefer women showing their legs more, I think this dress still covers too much." Come on, Clavis, don't play along..!

"The more skin exposed, the better for me. I think the neckline could show a little bit more." Nokto added again. 

"I don't think you should tease Artina on this." Said Luke from beside me, in a defensive tone. "Don't worry, they are not serious though." He turned to me with sincerity and kindness in his eyes and smiled. 

"-But I might add too that I like ruffles, so more of them would be kind of nice, I guess." He confessed, at last. 

"Oh, so you like the cute types then, Luke?" Nokto pushed on the topic even more. 

Never mind about defending. Also, why is Prince Chevalier's faction telling me about their ideal types of maid outfits? And where's Chevalier himself anyway? I'd like to imagine that at least he would make them quiet. 

"Might as well, don't you guys want to tell me Prince Chevalier's preference? Seeing that all of you are eager to share your own, schamlos." I blurted out, not watching the way I phrased the sentence. 

"Huh? What was that last word you said?" Luke asked, confused. 

...I know that my rule in life is that 'If nobody's going to do it, then I will.' but I didn't quite mean it to blow my cover when I thought about it at first! 

At least I'll save other people the time and energy of investigating me, as it's been proven that I'm not good at hiding my identity!

Never mind; now that my speech backfired, I might as well save myself too.

"Shameless, if you want it spelled out. I just got tongue-tied for a second because of your teasing." Yeah, it sounds like a valid excuse, way to go.

"You get tongue-tied interestingly." Clavis chuckled. 

I looked elsewhere, sighing, and finally felt the carriage take off. 

At least, that saves me from witnessing or creating more embarrassing and suspicious moments for myself, and from now on, I will be just concentrating on the scenery that is rushing past us at a fast pace. 

That way, maybe I will forget this weird exchange as soon as possible.

"By the way, we are going to the center of the town, right?" I asked hesitatingly after a couple of minutes.

"Yes, we have some business there." Nokto answered curtly, now his attention occupied by some papers lying in his hands.

I faintly nodded - not that he would see it since he was focusing on something entirely different. 

...At least I'm going where I'm supposed to. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The sun was shining high and bright on me that forenoon, and I was having a good time shopping and navigating through the town center. 

I'm on my own in a foreign country, which is, moreover, enemy territory for me. I should be wary and uneasy, but I'm not. 

As the mighty lightning orb in the sky was hinting at everything in a pure golden glow, it hinted away my worries too for a couple of hours. 

For the first time it didn't feel like I was that much different from the ordinary townspeople. Everyone - including me too - was just enjoying the sun and good weather, it was that simple. I felt the same familiar feeling that they could be feeling as well. Ordinary... feelings that they must have felt. Yeah, it's been so long since I've felt ordinary, - or normal at all. Never before.

But as my small journey slowly came to a close, the heavy bags in my hands weren't the real things that weighed me down at that moment. Rather, they were my thoughts and my mind. 

I kept comforting myself while I traveled back to the palace, now in silence since the three princes had an entirely different business from mine in the center. But I didn't miss them; I was grateful for the peaceful silence until I was back in the lions' den. 

After I arrived safely at the palace, I immediately headed for the master kitchen to set the numerous ingredients there. 

I was sure that Prince Yves wouldn't like me to deliver the shopping bags to his room, although the face he would make might be funny and worth it. 

But I knew better than that and still chose the kitchen to safely pack away the flour, eggs, and baking oils. 

I wonder why he needed so many of these? Did he request it for the servants in secret? Because right now, I can't imagine what he, alone, would do with loads of baking supplies.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The following morning I was weirdly relieved to see more than just one royal sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast. 

Other than Prince Yves, Prince Leon and Prince Jin was also seated close to the younger, pompous prince. 

Prince Leon already had a plate in front of him, so I went to Prince Jin, hoping to serve him some real food... Seeing that he was fiddling with a lollipop's wrapping. 

"Good morning, Prince-" I quickly realized my mistake before cutting my sentence short. But I already captured his attention, and he was looking at me and listening, now with a small but pleased smile. "Sorry, I meant to say Jin. Can I serve you some breakfast?" I automatically looked down at his lollipop, which he was still fiddling with. I hope he notices my intentions.

"Morning, Artina! Yesterday I didn't even see you in your adorable maid dress! I must say it fits you well." He complimented me with a broad smile, and before speaking again, he popped the - now wrapping-free - lollipop in his mouth. "About breakfast, don't strain yourself. I rarely eat breakfast in the mornings. But I enjoy seeing my brothers get their bellies full. Why don't you too, join us instead? It's the best when everyone eats together in a lively space, don't you think?" I suddenly found myself considering his offer with a good feeling accompanying it in my stomach. Fair enough, I was indeed hungry. 

"Very well then. If that's your wish." I gave in and sat down, opposite Prince Jin and pulled a plate of food in front of me.

"Lady Artina, good morning! It's good to see you're eating with us too." Prince Leon greeted me, a couple of seats away.

Yves at the other side of the table, opposite Prince Leon, just silently grumbled something, but I took it as a greeting too. 

"Much better. See? That's what gets the people bonding." Jin laughed, still completely satisfied with his lollipop.

...He wants me to bond already?

I let him be, didn't wanted to force anything, and started to eat quietly. 

"Oh, also, I almost forgot to thank you for yesterday's feast!" Prince Leon rose from his seat a couple of minutes later, indicating that he had finished his meal. 

"Excuse me? I didn't put together any kind of feast. I just went shopping in the morning-" I was slightly confused about what he was trying to imply. 

"Well, without your shopping, Yves here probably couldn't have made his delicious desserts for us in the faction room by the evening! We were celebrating some recent accomplishments, and he was so generous that he baked for us again!" Jin exclaimed proudly, patting his brother's shoulder by stretching out over the several empty chairs separating them. 

Wait... So Prince Yves bakes? Furthermore, he bakes desserts? I admit I didn't expect that, but that's such an adorable gesture! 

"Well, I'm glad to be of help, always!" I smiled genuinely at the end.

Why do I feel giddy all of a sudden? This is just a conversation at breakfast.

"-You don't have to tell it to every single breathing creature in this castle, you know. It was just a small gesture, nothing more." Yves looked up, scolding his older brother hastily, but I saw that his ears turned a bright shade of red because of our exchange.

"Don't be shy, we enjoyed it very much. And we're always looking forward to your dainties!" Leon added, smiling at the younger one, and went to pat his head too. 

I just quietly enjoyed the brothers' interaction from my seat while munching on my breakfast. 

It was nice seeing them being friendly with each other, it lifted my mood too. It also made me suddenly remember my own family, especially my brother. 

It's not like we used to be like this... we were never that friendly around each other, it was more like respect and a strong sense of trust, but nonetheless, these were the kind of moments I appreciated with Gilbert while we were younger. 

Good memories, I suppose.


(I feel like this is the third boring chapter in a row now. Please tell me I’m the only one who feels this way...!)

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2 years ago
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC

[⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•]⚠️ 16+ Yandere themes, murder, gaslighting, blood mention, All that. F!MC or M!MC

[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC

Gilbert doesn't know where along the way of waiting for you to slip up and expose your identity as Belle he got so engrossed with you. But oh well... here he is. in love with you. And more of a lunatic than he ever was before.

And Gilbert understands that his love is more of an "Obsession" but he doesn't care. He wants to have you and he will have you. even if he has to destroy all of rhodolite to get you.

There's really nothing you or those around you can do to stop Gilbert once he's taken a fancy to you. he's always a few steps ahead of everyone, Always ready with an excuse for you to spend time with him. You will either spend time with him willingly or be forced to.

Gilbert loves to assert how much power he has over you and making you feel insignificant. who are you after all? a mere commoner who's been selected to choose the next king. Meanwhile, he's the prince of a leading military empire.

While you're in the palace he will force you into many distressing situations and then "rescue" you right before you get hurt. He doesn't let anyone else harm you because he's the only one who's allowed to do so. to him, you're his prey and he won't let anyone leave a mark on you. and, since you're his favorite little rabbit he'll keep you safe from the "bad" people.

What do you mean he's hurting you? He's only been helping you since the very beginning.

The way he laughs so casually as he waits for you to break from all of the pressure that you've been put under just for him to comfort you with whispers of sweet nothings is absolutely sickening whenever you're at one of your weakest points. perhaps this is why they call him the king of trampling.

The way he sounds so innocent, like he's genuinely worried about you makes your stomach twist. how could someone seemingly so kind's words feel more like the venom of a monster just waiting to bite you?

The psychological horrors you have to endure while he's around you only get worse and worse when your friend Rio is sent back to Benitoite and Leon is forced into compliance for Rhodolite's sake. Chevalier doesn't care what happens to you as long as you do your duty as Belle. And Sariel is too late to help you.

Now that he finally has you where he wants you- helpless and isolated from the others, Gilbert can finally start his trampling over your beautiful heart, he'll force you to watch him kill one of your friends after you lied to him. who do you think you are little rabbit? you should know better than to lie to him of all people. As a result, here you are lying in a puddle of your friend's blood as all you can do is cry and beg for him to stop.

Gilbert enjoys the great pleasure he gets from how much pain you are in because of his cruelty and how helpless you are. he is the source of your pain and the only one who can stop it. he adores the expression on your lovely face as you finally understand that.

His cruelty will only get worse as he wants to paint you black and break you.

"It's so insane, isn't it? the things we do in the name of love."

This is only the beginning of your living nightmare.

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2 years ago

I've had this is idea in my head where MC becomes the gf of Gilbert's father and the poor guy goes through a existential crisis because of it 😂

Poor Gilbert when he sees his father and MC kissing will be like:

I've Had This Is Idea In My Head Where MC Becomes The Gf Of Gilbert's Father And The Poor Guy Goes Through

Sariel has reached a stage where he is beyond just disappointed with Belle

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2 years ago
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied murder, Blood, Gilbert slitting his own wrist. This is more of a desperate Gilbert finally getting his darling. All that // Not proofread || Fem!Reader \\

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

"You're mine. I've decided." Gilbert's words ring throughout the ballroom loud and clear. All attention is drawn to you, and the curious gazes of those around you soon turn into whispers. A cold sweat runs down your back as you think of a response, "Oh... Haha, you're such a jester Prince Gilbert." You laugh nervously and scan the room, looking for Sariel. Maybe he could help you out of this hell. "I'm not joking." Gilbert's smile is sinister as he picks up your hand and presses a kiss against your ring finger.

No no no, He's playing with you again, Forcing you into an uncomfortable position where you're not sure how to respond and exposing you to the ugly malice of those around you. With those words alone coming out of his mouth, You're sure somebody in this ballroom is already plotting your death. After all, being the woman Gilbert von Obsidian is infatuated with immediately draws a red target on your back. "Hahaha, why the stiff face?" Gilbert laughs.

"Prince Gilbert. You're already engaged."

"Oh?" The temperature in the room feels even colder as Gilbert's voice has a sharp edge to it, his crimson eye glimmering dangerously, just like the blood that you're sure would be spilled in the future if you didn't find a way out of here. Gilbert looks intently at you, and you can hear his voice in your head whispering to you, "You can't refuse me. You either accept willingly or be forced to."

"I do have a fiance, yes? but it isn't uncommon for royalty to have multiple lovers is it?"

You take in a sharp breath and put on your best smile. Then you begin speaking, "Prince Gilbert, I am honored to know you favor me so much, Unfortunately... I am not a side piece. You would be better off with a lover of a higher rank than me."

Gilbert grins widely at you, "You're not trying to refuse me, are you little rabbit? It wouldn't do your country any good to refuse an honored guest and prince of an enemy empire." he speaks, his voice laced with venom as he speaks.

"No, of course not! However..." You voice trails off.

"After everything we've done together and the relationship we've built, you say this... Ah, So you've been toying with me this whole time? I can't believe you can be so evil after everything we've shared." Gilbert retorts.

'Seriously... what is he on?!' You think to yourself. Alarm bells begin going off in your head. Gilbert is trying to make YOU out to be the villain now.

"Prince Gilbert. I believe cooking for you and being dragged into your shenanigans is not that much. Let us end this conversation at that, and I wish you all that is best." You speak loud and clear. You're not going to let him say anything more. Ending the conversation like this with him is the best course of action you can take. The more he talks, the more his words would twist and turn until he eventually has you wrapped up inside his web.

"You're so cold to me. you wound me." Gilbert makes a sad face before he pulls you closer to him by your waist. He whispers in your ear, "Hehe, I'll leave it at that for now but don't forget to entertain me, or else I'll reveal your secret. Okay, "Belle"? I already told you that you're mine."

You angrily whisper back to him, "I am not yours, And I will never be. There is no secret. Whatever crazy obsession you have with me should end soon because I'm tired of it."

Gilbert hums at your reply before speaking, "A villain has fallen in love with you. You will never be able to escape."

His words send a shiver down your spine.

He looks you up and down before licking his lips. "I won't give up on you." He declares

One night you can't sleep.

You think back to Gilbert's words from the ball.

"A villain has fallen in love with you, and you will never be able to escape."

Gilbert appears to be even worse than before Since you told him to get over whatever obsession he has with you.

He's been irritably latching onto your arm whenever he can, constantly demanding your attention be on him and pouting when you ignore him. He's been following you around like a lost puppy. Recently Sariel has found himself taking even more medicine for his stomach as he has to deal with Gilbert's appalling behavior. Even Chevalier has started paying attention to you- albeit merely because he's confused by Gilbert's recent behavior

Nobody can wrap their heads around what is going on with Gilbert and you. Even Clavis, whom you would expect to understand Gilbert best, doesn't understand what is happening anymore.

Finally, You decide to get yourself a cup of water.

You slip out of the soft covers of your bed, Quickly fixing your bedhead before leaving your room.

On your way to the Kitchens, you begin to think once more.

If Rhodolite's future wasn't at stake here and you were a selfish woman, then you wouldn't care about displeasing Gilbert, and you would have given him the boot long ago.

How could you possibly be overthinking so much right now? All because of him? You sigh, finally arriving at the kitchen.

"You're thinking about me, aren't you? You have that frown on your face," Gilbert's voice cuts through the silence, startling you. "What are you doing here?!" You yap at him, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down the growing irritation of him being here.

Calm down... Right now, You need a cup of water and sleep.

Ignoring Gilbert, you get yourself an empty cup.

"It breaks my heart that you always wear such a look of disgust when it comes to me. How come you always look sweet thinking about anyone but me? Don't you love me?" Gilbert strides toward you before enveloping you in a hug from behind.

"How do I explain it in a way that will get my words through that thick skull of yours?" You speak. Gilbert, seemingly used to your cold attitude, rubbed his cheek innocently against your shoulder.

"I thought you liked me?" He asks

"I did. That was before finding out you're a complete lunatic." You reply.

"You must even love me if you compliment me so sweetly" Gilbert presses a kiss to your cheek.

You pull away from him before hissing, "I think you should go away, Prince Gilbert."

"You're always so mean to me..." Gilbert sighs, tightening his arms around you once more instead of letting you go.

"Little Rabbit, what will it take for you to like me?"

"I don't like you, and I never will."

"So rude... But it's alright. I love you just the way you are right now."

"Your feelings aren't reciprocated." it doesn't matter what you say or what you do. he doesn't listen.

"It's okay..." He whispers soothingly in your ear, the action feeling disgustingly sweet to you. "I wonder if you ever knew about all of the things I do for you, would you love me then?" "Would you resent me? Fear me? If you found out the truth, Would you find a silver lining to it?" Gilbert's voice is so quiet and melancholy you don't hear everything he whispers "Don't turn out like her." contrary to his voice a moment ago, his tone is now cold. And his few words were a warning.

"Like who?" You ask him. You're both confused and curious to know. 'Could he be talking about his fiance?' You accidentally voice that thought out loud, making Gilbert Chuckle. "Oh no, she's already dead."

Your heart beats uneasily, and you feel yourself turning cold.


His fiance is suddenly dead.

And he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about it, he infact looks relieved. You shove Gilbert as hard and far away from you as you can. You just know he killed her. who else but him?

You can't deal with this anymore. You need Sariel, you need Rio, You just need somebody here with you right now."

"Please don't look at me like that," Gilbert pleads, "I did it all for you." Gilbert's porcelain-like face crazed. As if the mask he was wearing was finally breaking in front of you. "I Did it all for you, so don't look at me like that." Gilbert sounds somewhat panicked as he tries to grab ahold of you. He just knows that if he let you go right now he would never be able to see you again.

"Don't touch me." Your voice is cold while you quickly step back, getting away from him.

"I know you're afraid but, please don't be. I would never hurt you" Gilbert almost sounds frantic as he chases after you, eventually driving you into a corner. Raindrops tap against the windows. A violent storm is raging outside, One very much resembling the murderous intent that Gilbert radiates right now. Gilbert wraps his fingers around your neck so tightly you're almost choking. "We'll be together, you and I. you're the only person who makes me believe in true love." his words sound outlandish as he looks into your eyes.

Before you know it, he's pulled out a pocket knife, and you shut your eyes, expecting him to kill you, but when nothing happens, you open them again. Within a few moments, You see blood dripping down Gilbert's wrist. His hold on your slackening as he smiles at you "I told you I wouldn't hurt you."

"If they find out you slit my wrist, I'll be able to take you with me without any obstacles in the way." He leans his head on your shoulder as you panic, grabbing whatever cloth is nearest then wrapping it around his wrist as tightly as you can. If he blamed you, there would be no escape this time. after all, it's a prince's word against yours.

Despite having his wrist slit he looks as happy as a child that just got a new toy.

This time he caught you.

His quiet laugh is wicked as he tucks a stray hair behind your ear. You're finally his.

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

🤍— @queen-dahlia !

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

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2 years ago
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

• ⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ • ✎ CW: Fem!reader ✎ CW: Smut ✎ CW: Foursome ✎ CW: Oral ✎ CW: Facesitting ✎ CW: Handjobs

 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

Imagine a foursome between Belle and the foreign princes. Belle who is posing as a noblewoman and doing her best to hide her true identity ends up having an affair with all three of the foreign princes, unbeknownst to anyone else

Keith- would usually not indulge in any lewd activities, but his other self? Other Keith is all for it. He loves the fucked expression on your face as Gilbert fucks you from behind, it turns him on so much to hear your moans as the other princes have their way with you, but, He will fuck your cunt best so you better be prepared. Gilbert would rather fuck you with Chevalier instead of Keith or Silvio but oh well, it is what it is. He has to admit... The current predicament is quite entertaining. Gilbert loves getting on Silvio's nerves while he's fucking your mouth, there's something oh so erotic about having your lips wrapped around his length whilst having Silvio pounding into you roughly from behind. Who would have thought that you little bunny would be so dirty? Have you no shame whatsoever? Anyway, Silvio will have you sitting on his face while he gives you cunnilingus and you jerk both Keith and Gilbert off, Silvio wants to establish dominance over you and make you feel better than any of the others can- he wants to shut Gilbert the hell up, You belong to him, you're his and only his. those two bastards are lucky that he's willing to share you with them, for now.

 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

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2 years ago
Silvio's Feelings
Silvio's Feelings
Silvio's Feelings

Silvio's feelings


Sariel's Belle

Slut Cemetery

Evil Eye Patch Boyfriend

Gilbert tweets #1

Silvio's Feelings

Jin Grande

More Ikepri memes

Badly Edited Ikepri Memes

Memes because Gilbert is sulking

Ikepri memes for a Thursday

Why do we have hands? pt 1

Silvio's Feelings

NSFW Ikepri memes #1

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2 years ago
 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration
 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

⚠️ Nasty Gilbert thoughts, Male dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration at the end, All that. Fem!Reader 😗...

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

Gilbert kidnaps his darling a year after she was Belle, As a second birthday gift. After all, What present could be better than his favorite bunny? None.

He has his darling sitting on his lap. He hugged her from behind and nuzzled his face against her neck, His fingers slowly crept over her breasts, his touch making her nipples harden and press against the thin see-through fabric of her top. He sucked hard on his darling’s neck leaving a deep red mark there. His hands trailed down the front of her skirt, Then, he hiked it up. His beloved stiffened in his hold as he stroked her inner thigh. The action appeared to set her even more on edge.

He grabs her by the throat, then squeezes it hard as a warning,

“Don’t move.”

He’ll put his darling on his bed and tie her arms behind her back using his black satin necktie.

He’ll throw her legs over his shoulders and ravage her slowly, enjoying the sound of her uneven breathing and the way her legs tremble when he sucks harder on her clit. He’ll press his tongue even harder against her soft bud, then shove a finger inside her, quickly adding a second one, Mesmerized by how quickly her walls adjust to his fingers. He’ll move his fingers around, feeling her walls and rubbing them.

Gilbert watches how his fingers move inside of her attentively. After all, she’s his first love.

His First love, First time, Oh how sweet. If only she weren’t struggling against him so much earlier And was more willing this could have been even nicer for her. Gilbert continues to stimulate her through her orgasm, making the poor girl shamefully beg him to stop.

He licks her juices off his fingers before stopping..

His gaze moves towards her chest again, and he tugs on the bow of her top. Then just like with a birthday present, It comes undone. He runs his fingers over her now exposed chest, cupping her breasts and squeezing them hard with his cold fingers.

Tears trail down MC’s face, Humiliation and Shame both fill her mind as she tries not to sob loudly.

Gilbert kisses her cheek sweetly “Hm. Out of all beautiful things, you are my favorite.”

He unbuckles his belt, and MC’s blood runs cold once more.

He pushes her legs apart, Holding her down harder with one hand and covering her mouth with the other.

Gilbert aligns his shaft with her entrance, and then slowly enters her...

Thrusting lightly into her, He lets out a mewl when he feels how warm she is, and perfectly wrapped around him. a lovesick look crosses his face as he murmurs, “I love you, little bunny. I love you so much… I’ll make you fall in love with me too."

😃 wow this ended up long....

In conclusion :

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

Hear me out

Gilbert Noncon where he's on the receiving end 🌚

I want to make a disheveled little bitch out of him.

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

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2 years ago
WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Fighting a raccoon... Crack

WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack
WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack
WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack

Gilbert - Is stunned when you throw yourself onto the ground, Successfully crushing the Raccoon underneath you. The raccoon hisses and fights against you. It scratches your wrists with its sharp claws, and you retaliate by punching it with all your drunken might. You curse and hit the Raccoon while Gilbert races towards you. "GIVE ME MY FUCKING WORMS, YOU BITCH" You scream at the damned thing. The raccoon glares at you with a fiery hatred in its eyes before it bites the package of gummy worms. You gasp audibly as your opponent takes out one of YOUR gummy worms and eats it. You take your shoe off, Preparing to beat that pest to a pulp, but Gilbert grabs you. "Little bunny, you shouldn't pick fights with wild animals." He tells you.

You throw your shoe at the raccoon, hitting it square in the face before Gilbert picks you up and carries you away from your fighting grounds. The raccoon gives you the biggest shit-eating grin you have ever seen, and you curse at it.

"He took my worms!" You hissed as Gilbert sat you down on a bench to inspect your wounds. He's not even sure what to say, so he remains quiet.

He's never seen someone punching and kicking a raccoon while drunk before. "The next time I see him, I'll make him eat Clavis' dick." You mutter angrily, and Gilbert laughs at that last part. "I'll have to warn my friend to be careful."

WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack

Rio - Screeches so loud that he gets the attention of all the people in the open bar. OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

You have the raccoon in a chokehold, and the poor thing looks ready to pass out. Rio snatches the raccoon right out of your arms, The annoying little shit coming right back to attack him. "OW OW OW!" Rio yelps in pain as the raccoon bites his leg. You tug on the raccoon's tail, pulling that motherfucker back for a fight. Not only did he steal your gummy worms, but he also attacked YOUR Rio. You grab that little bitch by its legs and slam it against the ground. The raccoon shrieks in pain as you wrestle it. "MC, PLEASE STOP!!!" Rio begs, Pulling you by the arms until you slowly get up, Still swaying from side to side because of the heavy alcohol in your system. "Where are my gummy worms?" You ask Rio. The two of you look around for them until you finally spot them- In the paws of the raccoon...

The annoying thing shakes its ass as a way to say "Fuck you, loser!" before running off with your gummies... Tears fill your eyes as you bury your face in Rio's neck, Feeling shameful to have lost a battle to a chunky little raccoon. Rio hugs you before he begins fretting over you and asking if you're hurt, "The only thing that's hurt is my pride!" You sobbed, "And my arms too..."

WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack

Keith 2.0 - Okay. What the fuck are you doing- He cannot believe his eyes when he sees you stumble and chase after a Raccoon. He rushes over quickly to pull you and the raccoon apart.

The Raccoon, irritated and aggressive hisses at you when you snatch your pack of gummies away and call him a pussy. Keith picks you up, and the annoying little thing snatches the package right back. You kick and scream at Keith to let you go. This is YOUR fight and you're not losing it. Especially not to that fat little bitch with untrimmed nails. You hit it one last time before it quickly bites Keith's leg. He grabs it by the scruff of its neck and yeets your opponent Raccoon while it's still clutching the gummy worms it stole from you in its paws. The raccoon looks back at you and gives you the middle finger before running away. Keith quickly gets you into a carriage, where you cry about your gummy worms. He notes that the raccoon roughed you up a little, but it's nothing too serious. He'll bring you to the physician.

He pets your head in amusement as you curse the animal, calling it all kinds of names and complaining about how you would have kicked its ass if Keith hadn't intervened.

He kisses your forehead, Offering to buy you new gummy worms and boxing gloves for the next raccoon that shows up. Keith laughs at the way your eyes twinkle at the last part. He promises not to bully you until you're sober and tells you to get some rest.

WARNING 16+ Fighting A Raccoon... Crack

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2 years ago
 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ ✎ CW: Smut, ✎ Collaring, ✎ Implied cheating, ✎ Oral sex, Fem!reader

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

Gilbert wants you to sit on his face so badly. He's whining and begging you to please, just please let him have a taste of your delicious pussy. He always sees you in the dark palace of Obsidian, working on documents and dealing with internal affairs. And he doesn't miss the cute way your hand occasionally slides over your thigh while you work. Oh, how he wished it was his hand sliding over your soft thigh instead. How did the emperor even get someone as beautiful as you? Gilbert would like to see his reaction when he catches you, His precious Mistress fucking his son.

It feels like a blissful victory when you finally straddle and kiss him hard. ♡

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

Keith is so shy. he feels hot and embarrassed when you tug on his collar. his hips helplessly rut against you, hoping to get at least a little bit of friction. You tug his collar down and press his face against your wet core. And Keith moans when he tastes you, And sucks your clit. Drinking up your juices, He fantasizes about how nice it will be once he sheaths his hard aching cock inside you.

He cums embarrassingly fast when you stroke his cock. He's sure he'll never hear the end of it from his other personality. He hides his face behind his hands as you laugh and tease him. Oh, how nice it would be for him to fall into one of Clavis' pitfalls right now. Keith grinds against you as he begs you to shush. Tears form in his eyes at your teasing, You'd feel guilty for making him cry if only you hadn't noticed how hard it made him. ♡

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

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2 years ago
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Yandere themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert hits the reader. Fem!Reader

WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader

Gilbert holds you down.

Meanwhile, you struggle against him in his arms.

He holds your wrists with such force you're sure his fingers will leave bruise marks behind.

This is all your fault though isn't it? He warned you... You're his prey. Yet, you ran off and allowed Chevalier of all people to leave a mark on you.

Gilbert's fingertips grip your neck tightly while he holds you down, He puts his whole body weight on top of you to hold you down. He feels bitter, Mad even.

How could you allow another man to leave his mark on you? He seethes with rage, Each tick of the clock seemingly drawing more and more anger from within him.

Chevalier, He'll kill him.

He'll destroy Rhodolite, Jade, and Benitoite as well.

His face twists into a frown that chills you to the bone. You're worried about what he'll do to Chevalier, You're worried what he'll do to you too.

"Gilbert, please..." You don't know what you're begging for. Could it be Chevalier's life? Your own life, or even Rhodolite's future?

Gilbert's cold hand presses against your throat, Oh. He could kill you.

He could end your life right here if he wanted to.

You gulp nervously, Your anxiety growing by the seconds spent in silence, and your heart hammers against your ribcage in a panic.

Gilbert yanks your head forward by your hair, A Sadistic smile plastering itself onto his face, "What will you give me?" He asks.

"You've committed a great offense, by allowing another man to mark you. What could you possibly offer to redeem yourself?" His voice is taunting, Laced with malice and cold. "There is nothing you could give me, Little bunny."

He grips your arms painfully tight, and you feel dread rising within your heart, "I'll kill Chevalier, And serve his head on a silver platter for you. Since you're so infatuated with him, should I serve you his dick on a plate too?", The more Gilbert talks, the worse things get. His grip on you still unrelenting, and tears form in your eyes.

It hurts.

It's like he's squeezing you as hard as he can just to hurt you even more, His words are like daggers stabbing at your heart.

"Has he done anything with you?" Gilbert asks, Insanity fully present on his face as his eye glares straight at you. That one blood-red eye makes your skin crawl with worry and fear.

"NO!" Your voice comes out hoarse and desperate, which only triggers Gilbert more.

"Don't lie to me." He shouts at you. He grabs your head and slams it against the window behind you, The impact being strong enough to cause cracks in the window.

The impact however, wasn't strong enough to knock you unconscious. but it was strong enough to make you cry.

"Gilbert, Please stop! I haven't done anything with Chevalier, Please." You beg him through sobs.

"You claim you haven't done anything. Yet somehow, there's a huge love bite on your neck." Gilbert is merciless, Gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him when you talk.

"I haven't....hic...hic..slept with him" Tears stream down your cheeks like a waterfall as you try to convince the monster in front of you to believe you.

Gilbert looks unfazed, Visibly not convinced by your words no matter how much you cry and plead with him.

Finally, as if having enough, He hits you.

He hits you hard enough for you to fall and curl into yourself, Continuing to cry as the bruises on your body feel like they're on fire.

"Did you sleep with him?" Gilbert asks again, His cold gaze piercingly cold.

"I didn't! I swear I didn't." You whisper through tears.

Gilbert looks at you for a few more moments, discerning if you're being honest or not. Finally, as if satisfied, he kneels beside you.

He takes you into his arms, Your body fidgety and trembling as he holds you close. "Shh, There's no need to cry. I believe you." His voice is gentle and loving while he comforts you. He presses a sweet kiss against your cheek before his lips move to your mouth. He kisses you. His kiss oh-so full of twisted love and affection as if he weren't shouting and hitting you mere minutes ago.

He cradles you lovingly as he whispers in your ear, "I won't let any man except me be so close to you again. I love you, little bunny."

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