Ikepri Gilbert - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I really love how Gilbert is refered to as like, the scariest person, but then he:

Is tiny

Has no stamina

Has a sweet tooth

Uses a cane to walk

Literally always smiling

Does magic tricks

Has temperature problems (He is refered to as always being cold, and apparently he has problems with heat)

Loves kids

Like, if you didn't know who this was about, this description could give you anything.

A perfect man.

Or an old citizen.

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2 years ago

Has anyone done this for ikepri? — Artbreeder series — (Pt. 3)

Part 1 here! → Part 2 here!

Let's resume for the third time!

By popular demand here are the 3 new princes from Jade, Obsidian and Benitoite!

• Keith Howell

(He was the easiest. Precious boy. I love him, mainly because I didn't struggle with him. I like his innocent expression, I think I captured that well haha. I only edited his eye color later, since his design isn't complicated. He's got two versions; neutral and smiley.)


• Gilbert von Obsidian

(This dude. Honestly the way I debated back-and-forth with his features and later editing his eyepatch... Unbelievable. Also, one time I went overboard and edited his hair way to much, since in artbreeder it came out way to long, but his face was on point so I thought I'll deal with that later on. I've got more drafts with him, with different expressions, but these two are the only ones I'm willing to show. Mainly because of the hair and eyepatch, since I'm not gonna edit— or actually DRAW them onto the other pieces any time soon lol. I got tired of the black locks. I actually prefer the longer, curlier hair, now that I see them side-by-side, but that's not the original design, mine just came out like that haha.)


(Okay, you know what, I give you a smiling one as a bonus, without the eyepatch, but with the weird half-edited hair. Because I'm nice.)

• Silvio Ricci

(THE MAN YOU ARE TODAY. I made 2 semi-final drafts with him, because I was struggling so much catching his features! In both of them, he looked like Nokto, obviously because I mixed his face into it, mainly for the hair color. In the end, days later, with 5 different faces I managed to mix this, as a final draft and I'm actually happy. But it was a long way. I also drew his earring again myself, kinda weird, looks even more out of place than Yves' but still acceptable. Again, two expressions; neutral and small smiling, because why not. Also his hair is weird, as per usual. ;))


...So, uh, the princes are done, I don't know if I should bother to make an Emma one, we'll see.

But I'm quite happy with all of them, in the end. Although I said that I struggled a lot, it's nice looking back at them completed, and it's actually fun and interesting to do this, especially the mixing part; experimenting with their features, what looks right, what doesn't and the fact that they look more realistic with these edits. Like they came to life, in a weird still-not-entirely-realistic-but-somewhat-more-realistic way. Yup. Hope you enjoyed, anyways!

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2 years ago

TTS Princes, Ep. 2: A Very Fancy Bag


(turn on sound! mind the volume!)

(I was definitely thinking of that fanart of AmongUs!Gilbert by _optlikz on twitter when I made this)

Please don't repost or put into a compilation

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2 years ago
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC
[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC

[⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•]⚠️ 16+ Yandere themes, murder, gaslighting, blood mention, All that. F!MC or M!MC

[WARNING] 16+ Yandere Themes, Murder, Gaslighting, Blood Mention, All That. F!MC Or M!MC

Gilbert doesn't know where along the way of waiting for you to slip up and expose your identity as Belle he got so engrossed with you. But oh well... here he is. in love with you. And more of a lunatic than he ever was before.

And Gilbert understands that his love is more of an "Obsession" but he doesn't care. He wants to have you and he will have you. even if he has to destroy all of rhodolite to get you.

There's really nothing you or those around you can do to stop Gilbert once he's taken a fancy to you. he's always a few steps ahead of everyone, Always ready with an excuse for you to spend time with him. You will either spend time with him willingly or be forced to.

Gilbert loves to assert how much power he has over you and making you feel insignificant. who are you after all? a mere commoner who's been selected to choose the next king. Meanwhile, he's the prince of a leading military empire.

While you're in the palace he will force you into many distressing situations and then "rescue" you right before you get hurt. He doesn't let anyone else harm you because he's the only one who's allowed to do so. to him, you're his prey and he won't let anyone leave a mark on you. and, since you're his favorite little rabbit he'll keep you safe from the "bad" people.

What do you mean he's hurting you? He's only been helping you since the very beginning.

The way he laughs so casually as he waits for you to break from all of the pressure that you've been put under just for him to comfort you with whispers of sweet nothings is absolutely sickening whenever you're at one of your weakest points. perhaps this is why they call him the king of trampling.

The way he sounds so innocent, like he's genuinely worried about you makes your stomach twist. how could someone seemingly so kind's words feel more like the venom of a monster just waiting to bite you?

The psychological horrors you have to endure while he's around you only get worse and worse when your friend Rio is sent back to Benitoite and Leon is forced into compliance for Rhodolite's sake. Chevalier doesn't care what happens to you as long as you do your duty as Belle. And Sariel is too late to help you.

Now that he finally has you where he wants you- helpless and isolated from the others, Gilbert can finally start his trampling over your beautiful heart, he'll force you to watch him kill one of your friends after you lied to him. who do you think you are little rabbit? you should know better than to lie to him of all people. As a result, here you are lying in a puddle of your friend's blood as all you can do is cry and beg for him to stop.

Gilbert enjoys the great pleasure he gets from how much pain you are in because of his cruelty and how helpless you are. he is the source of your pain and the only one who can stop it. he adores the expression on your lovely face as you finally understand that.

His cruelty will only get worse as he wants to paint you black and break you.

"It's so insane, isn't it? the things we do in the name of love."

This is only the beginning of your living nightmare.

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2 years ago

I've had this is idea in my head where MC becomes the gf of Gilbert's father and the poor guy goes through a existential crisis because of it 😂

Poor Gilbert when he sees his father and MC kissing will be like:

I've Had This Is Idea In My Head Where MC Becomes The Gf Of Gilbert's Father And The Poor Guy Goes Through

Sariel has reached a stage where he is beyond just disappointed with Belle

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2 years ago
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A
WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied murder, Blood, Gilbert slitting his own wrist. This is more of a desperate Gilbert finally getting his darling. All that // Not proofread || Fem!Reader \\

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

"You're mine. I've decided." Gilbert's words ring throughout the ballroom loud and clear. All attention is drawn to you, and the curious gazes of those around you soon turn into whispers. A cold sweat runs down your back as you think of a response, "Oh... Haha, you're such a jester Prince Gilbert." You laugh nervously and scan the room, looking for Sariel. Maybe he could help you out of this hell. "I'm not joking." Gilbert's smile is sinister as he picks up your hand and presses a kiss against your ring finger.

No no no, He's playing with you again, Forcing you into an uncomfortable position where you're not sure how to respond and exposing you to the ugly malice of those around you. With those words alone coming out of his mouth, You're sure somebody in this ballroom is already plotting your death. After all, being the woman Gilbert von Obsidian is infatuated with immediately draws a red target on your back. "Hahaha, why the stiff face?" Gilbert laughs.

"Prince Gilbert. You're already engaged."

"Oh?" The temperature in the room feels even colder as Gilbert's voice has a sharp edge to it, his crimson eye glimmering dangerously, just like the blood that you're sure would be spilled in the future if you didn't find a way out of here. Gilbert looks intently at you, and you can hear his voice in your head whispering to you, "You can't refuse me. You either accept willingly or be forced to."

"I do have a fiance, yes? but it isn't uncommon for royalty to have multiple lovers is it?"

You take in a sharp breath and put on your best smile. Then you begin speaking, "Prince Gilbert, I am honored to know you favor me so much, Unfortunately... I am not a side piece. You would be better off with a lover of a higher rank than me."

Gilbert grins widely at you, "You're not trying to refuse me, are you little rabbit? It wouldn't do your country any good to refuse an honored guest and prince of an enemy empire." he speaks, his voice laced with venom as he speaks.

"No, of course not! However..." You voice trails off.

"After everything we've done together and the relationship we've built, you say this... Ah, So you've been toying with me this whole time? I can't believe you can be so evil after everything we've shared." Gilbert retorts.

'Seriously... what is he on?!' You think to yourself. Alarm bells begin going off in your head. Gilbert is trying to make YOU out to be the villain now.

"Prince Gilbert. I believe cooking for you and being dragged into your shenanigans is not that much. Let us end this conversation at that, and I wish you all that is best." You speak loud and clear. You're not going to let him say anything more. Ending the conversation like this with him is the best course of action you can take. The more he talks, the more his words would twist and turn until he eventually has you wrapped up inside his web.

"You're so cold to me. you wound me." Gilbert makes a sad face before he pulls you closer to him by your waist. He whispers in your ear, "Hehe, I'll leave it at that for now but don't forget to entertain me, or else I'll reveal your secret. Okay, "Belle"? I already told you that you're mine."

You angrily whisper back to him, "I am not yours, And I will never be. There is no secret. Whatever crazy obsession you have with me should end soon because I'm tired of it."

Gilbert hums at your reply before speaking, "A villain has fallen in love with you. You will never be able to escape."

His words send a shiver down your spine.

He looks you up and down before licking his lips. "I won't give up on you." He declares

One night you can't sleep.

You think back to Gilbert's words from the ball.

"A villain has fallen in love with you, and you will never be able to escape."

Gilbert appears to be even worse than before Since you told him to get over whatever obsession he has with you.

He's been irritably latching onto your arm whenever he can, constantly demanding your attention be on him and pouting when you ignore him. He's been following you around like a lost puppy. Recently Sariel has found himself taking even more medicine for his stomach as he has to deal with Gilbert's appalling behavior. Even Chevalier has started paying attention to you- albeit merely because he's confused by Gilbert's recent behavior

Nobody can wrap their heads around what is going on with Gilbert and you. Even Clavis, whom you would expect to understand Gilbert best, doesn't understand what is happening anymore.

Finally, You decide to get yourself a cup of water.

You slip out of the soft covers of your bed, Quickly fixing your bedhead before leaving your room.

On your way to the Kitchens, you begin to think once more.

If Rhodolite's future wasn't at stake here and you were a selfish woman, then you wouldn't care about displeasing Gilbert, and you would have given him the boot long ago.

How could you possibly be overthinking so much right now? All because of him? You sigh, finally arriving at the kitchen.

"You're thinking about me, aren't you? You have that frown on your face," Gilbert's voice cuts through the silence, startling you. "What are you doing here?!" You yap at him, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down the growing irritation of him being here.

Calm down... Right now, You need a cup of water and sleep.

Ignoring Gilbert, you get yourself an empty cup.

"It breaks my heart that you always wear such a look of disgust when it comes to me. How come you always look sweet thinking about anyone but me? Don't you love me?" Gilbert strides toward you before enveloping you in a hug from behind.

"How do I explain it in a way that will get my words through that thick skull of yours?" You speak. Gilbert, seemingly used to your cold attitude, rubbed his cheek innocently against your shoulder.

"I thought you liked me?" He asks

"I did. That was before finding out you're a complete lunatic." You reply.

"You must even love me if you compliment me so sweetly" Gilbert presses a kiss to your cheek.

You pull away from him before hissing, "I think you should go away, Prince Gilbert."

"You're always so mean to me..." Gilbert sighs, tightening his arms around you once more instead of letting you go.

"Little Rabbit, what will it take for you to like me?"

"I don't like you, and I never will."

"So rude... But it's alright. I love you just the way you are right now."

"Your feelings aren't reciprocated." it doesn't matter what you say or what you do. he doesn't listen.

"It's okay..." He whispers soothingly in your ear, the action feeling disgustingly sweet to you. "I wonder if you ever knew about all of the things I do for you, would you love me then?" "Would you resent me? Fear me? If you found out the truth, Would you find a silver lining to it?" Gilbert's voice is so quiet and melancholy you don't hear everything he whispers "Don't turn out like her." contrary to his voice a moment ago, his tone is now cold. And his few words were a warning.

"Like who?" You ask him. You're both confused and curious to know. 'Could he be talking about his fiance?' You accidentally voice that thought out loud, making Gilbert Chuckle. "Oh no, she's already dead."

Your heart beats uneasily, and you feel yourself turning cold.


His fiance is suddenly dead.

And he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about it, he infact looks relieved. You shove Gilbert as hard and far away from you as you can. You just know he killed her. who else but him?

You can't deal with this anymore. You need Sariel, you need Rio, You just need somebody here with you right now."

"Please don't look at me like that," Gilbert pleads, "I did it all for you." Gilbert's porcelain-like face crazed. As if the mask he was wearing was finally breaking in front of you. "I Did it all for you, so don't look at me like that." Gilbert sounds somewhat panicked as he tries to grab ahold of you. He just knows that if he let you go right now he would never be able to see you again.

"Don't touch me." Your voice is cold while you quickly step back, getting away from him.

"I know you're afraid but, please don't be. I would never hurt you" Gilbert almost sounds frantic as he chases after you, eventually driving you into a corner. Raindrops tap against the windows. A violent storm is raging outside, One very much resembling the murderous intent that Gilbert radiates right now. Gilbert wraps his fingers around your neck so tightly you're almost choking. "We'll be together, you and I. you're the only person who makes me believe in true love." his words sound outlandish as he looks into your eyes.

Before you know it, he's pulled out a pocket knife, and you shut your eyes, expecting him to kill you, but when nothing happens, you open them again. Within a few moments, You see blood dripping down Gilbert's wrist. His hold on your slackening as he smiles at you "I told you I wouldn't hurt you."

"If they find out you slit my wrist, I'll be able to take you with me without any obstacles in the way." He leans his head on your shoulder as you panic, grabbing whatever cloth is nearest then wrapping it around his wrist as tightly as you can. If he blamed you, there would be no escape this time. after all, it's a prince's word against yours.

Despite having his wrist slit he looks as happy as a child that just got a new toy.

This time he caught you.

His quiet laugh is wicked as he tucks a stray hair behind your ear. You're finally his.

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

🤍— @queen-dahlia !

WARNING 15+ Yandere Themes, Implied Murder, Blood, Gilbert Slitting His Own Wrist. This Is More Of A

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2 years ago
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

• ⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ • ✎ CW: Fem!reader ✎ CW: Smut ✎ CW: Foursome ✎ CW: Oral ✎ CW: Facesitting ✎ CW: Handjobs

 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs
 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

Imagine a foursome between Belle and the foreign princes. Belle who is posing as a noblewoman and doing her best to hide her true identity ends up having an affair with all three of the foreign princes, unbeknownst to anyone else

Keith- would usually not indulge in any lewd activities, but his other self? Other Keith is all for it. He loves the fucked expression on your face as Gilbert fucks you from behind, it turns him on so much to hear your moans as the other princes have their way with you, but, He will fuck your cunt best so you better be prepared. Gilbert would rather fuck you with Chevalier instead of Keith or Silvio but oh well, it is what it is. He has to admit... The current predicament is quite entertaining. Gilbert loves getting on Silvio's nerves while he's fucking your mouth, there's something oh so erotic about having your lips wrapped around his length whilst having Silvio pounding into you roughly from behind. Who would have thought that you little bunny would be so dirty? Have you no shame whatsoever? Anyway, Silvio will have you sitting on his face while he gives you cunnilingus and you jerk both Keith and Gilbert off, Silvio wants to establish dominance over you and make you feel better than any of the others can- he wants to shut Gilbert the hell up, You belong to him, you're his and only his. those two bastards are lucky that he's willing to share you with them, for now.

 CW: Fem!reader CW: Smut CW: Foursome CW: Oral CW: Facesitting CW: Handjobs

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2 years ago
 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration
 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

⚠️ Nasty Gilbert thoughts, Male dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration at the end, All that. Fem!Reader 😗...

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

Gilbert kidnaps his darling a year after she was Belle, As a second birthday gift. After all, What present could be better than his favorite bunny? None.

He has his darling sitting on his lap. He hugged her from behind and nuzzled his face against her neck, His fingers slowly crept over her breasts, his touch making her nipples harden and press against the thin see-through fabric of her top. He sucked hard on his darling’s neck leaving a deep red mark there. His hands trailed down the front of her skirt, Then, he hiked it up. His beloved stiffened in his hold as he stroked her inner thigh. The action appeared to set her even more on edge.

He grabs her by the throat, then squeezes it hard as a warning,

“Don’t move.”

He’ll put his darling on his bed and tie her arms behind her back using his black satin necktie.

He’ll throw her legs over his shoulders and ravage her slowly, enjoying the sound of her uneven breathing and the way her legs tremble when he sucks harder on her clit. He’ll press his tongue even harder against her soft bud, then shove a finger inside her, quickly adding a second one, Mesmerized by how quickly her walls adjust to his fingers. He’ll move his fingers around, feeling her walls and rubbing them.

Gilbert watches how his fingers move inside of her attentively. After all, she’s his first love.

His First love, First time, Oh how sweet. If only she weren’t struggling against him so much earlier And was more willing this could have been even nicer for her. Gilbert continues to stimulate her through her orgasm, making the poor girl shamefully beg him to stop.

He licks her juices off his fingers before stopping..

His gaze moves towards her chest again, and he tugs on the bow of her top. Then just like with a birthday present, It comes undone. He runs his fingers over her now exposed chest, cupping her breasts and squeezing them hard with his cold fingers.

Tears trail down MC’s face, Humiliation and Shame both fill her mind as she tries not to sob loudly.

Gilbert kisses her cheek sweetly “Hm. Out of all beautiful things, you are my favorite.”

He unbuckles his belt, and MC’s blood runs cold once more.

He pushes her legs apart, Holding her down harder with one hand and covering her mouth with the other.

Gilbert aligns his shaft with her entrance, and then slowly enters her...

Thrusting lightly into her, He lets out a mewl when he feels how warm she is, and perfectly wrapped around him. a lovesick look crosses his face as he murmurs, “I love you, little bunny. I love you so much… I’ll make you fall in love with me too."

😃 wow this ended up long....

In conclusion :

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

Hear me out

Gilbert Noncon where he's on the receiving end 🌚

I want to make a disheveled little bitch out of him.

 Nasty Gilbert Thoughts, Male Dom, Yandere Gilbert // Smut, Noncon, Cunnalingus + Fingering, Penetration

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2 years ago
 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ ✎ CW: Smut, ✎ Collaring, ✎ Implied cheating, ✎ Oral sex, Fem!reader

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

Gilbert wants you to sit on his face so badly. He's whining and begging you to please, just please let him have a taste of your delicious pussy. He always sees you in the dark palace of Obsidian, working on documents and dealing with internal affairs. And he doesn't miss the cute way your hand occasionally slides over your thigh while you work. Oh, how he wished it was his hand sliding over your soft thigh instead. How did the emperor even get someone as beautiful as you? Gilbert would like to see his reaction when he catches you, His precious Mistress fucking his son.

It feels like a blissful victory when you finally straddle and kiss him hard. ♡

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

Keith is so shy. he feels hot and embarrassed when you tug on his collar. his hips helplessly rut against you, hoping to get at least a little bit of friction. You tug his collar down and press his face against your wet core. And Keith moans when he tastes you, And sucks your clit. Drinking up your juices, He fantasizes about how nice it will be once he sheaths his hard aching cock inside you.

He cums embarrassingly fast when you stroke his cock. He's sure he'll never hear the end of it from his other personality. He hides his face behind his hands as you laugh and tease him. Oh, how nice it would be for him to fall into one of Clavis' pitfalls right now. Keith grinds against you as he begs you to shush. Tears form in his eyes at your teasing, You'd feel guilty for making him cry if only you hadn't noticed how hard it made him. ♡

 CW: Smut, Collaring, Implied Cheating, Oral Sex, Fem!reader

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2 years ago
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader
WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Yandere themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert hits the reader. Fem!Reader

WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Violence, Abuse, Gilbert Hits The Reader. Fem!Reader

Gilbert holds you down.

Meanwhile, you struggle against him in his arms.

He holds your wrists with such force you're sure his fingers will leave bruise marks behind.

This is all your fault though isn't it? He warned you... You're his prey. Yet, you ran off and allowed Chevalier of all people to leave a mark on you.

Gilbert's fingertips grip your neck tightly while he holds you down, He puts his whole body weight on top of you to hold you down. He feels bitter, Mad even.

How could you allow another man to leave his mark on you? He seethes with rage, Each tick of the clock seemingly drawing more and more anger from within him.

Chevalier, He'll kill him.

He'll destroy Rhodolite, Jade, and Benitoite as well.

His face twists into a frown that chills you to the bone. You're worried about what he'll do to Chevalier, You're worried what he'll do to you too.

"Gilbert, please..." You don't know what you're begging for. Could it be Chevalier's life? Your own life, or even Rhodolite's future?

Gilbert's cold hand presses against your throat, Oh. He could kill you.

He could end your life right here if he wanted to.

You gulp nervously, Your anxiety growing by the seconds spent in silence, and your heart hammers against your ribcage in a panic.

Gilbert yanks your head forward by your hair, A Sadistic smile plastering itself onto his face, "What will you give me?" He asks.

"You've committed a great offense, by allowing another man to mark you. What could you possibly offer to redeem yourself?" His voice is taunting, Laced with malice and cold. "There is nothing you could give me, Little bunny."

He grips your arms painfully tight, and you feel dread rising within your heart, "I'll kill Chevalier, And serve his head on a silver platter for you. Since you're so infatuated with him, should I serve you his dick on a plate too?", The more Gilbert talks, the worse things get. His grip on you still unrelenting, and tears form in your eyes.

It hurts.

It's like he's squeezing you as hard as he can just to hurt you even more, His words are like daggers stabbing at your heart.

"Has he done anything with you?" Gilbert asks, Insanity fully present on his face as his eye glares straight at you. That one blood-red eye makes your skin crawl with worry and fear.

"NO!" Your voice comes out hoarse and desperate, which only triggers Gilbert more.

"Don't lie to me." He shouts at you. He grabs your head and slams it against the window behind you, The impact being strong enough to cause cracks in the window.

The impact however, wasn't strong enough to knock you unconscious. but it was strong enough to make you cry.

"Gilbert, Please stop! I haven't done anything with Chevalier, Please." You beg him through sobs.

"You claim you haven't done anything. Yet somehow, there's a huge love bite on your neck." Gilbert is merciless, Gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him when you talk.

"I haven't....hic...hic..slept with him" Tears stream down your cheeks like a waterfall as you try to convince the monster in front of you to believe you.

Gilbert looks unfazed, Visibly not convinced by your words no matter how much you cry and plead with him.

Finally, as if having enough, He hits you.

He hits you hard enough for you to fall and curl into yourself, Continuing to cry as the bruises on your body feel like they're on fire.

"Did you sleep with him?" Gilbert asks again, His cold gaze piercingly cold.

"I didn't! I swear I didn't." You whisper through tears.

Gilbert looks at you for a few more moments, discerning if you're being honest or not. Finally, as if satisfied, he kneels beside you.

He takes you into his arms, Your body fidgety and trembling as he holds you close. "Shh, There's no need to cry. I believe you." His voice is gentle and loving while he comforts you. He presses a sweet kiss against your cheek before his lips move to your mouth. He kisses you. His kiss oh-so full of twisted love and affection as if he weren't shouting and hitting you mere minutes ago.

He cradles you lovingly as he whispers in your ear, "I won't let any man except me be so close to you again. I love you, little bunny."

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2 years ago
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ 16+ Character death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

On a disturbing night when corpses lie on the ground mutilated and lifeless, the smell of copper hits your nostrils hard, Causing you to feel sick to your stomach.

A thick frog has set itself on the warzone where your country, Obsidian, Had slayed a whole army of soldiers.

The scene before you is gruesome, and you try to leave it as soon as possible, but to no avail. Your limbs are frozen, Your lungs feeling frigid as you struggle to breathe in the freezing air mixed with the sharp smell of blood.

Your legs feel sluggish, and tears sting your eyes as you struggle to get ahold of yourself.

A figure makes its way toward you, And you see a sharp glint of a blade thanks to the seep of moonlight through the heavy fog.

You squint your eyes a little recognizing the footsteps as Chevalier's footsteps.

And sure enough, The blade of his sword swings at you.

You dodge it in time, Stumbling to the side before it can slice through you, "Do you see what you've done?" his cold voice hisses at you.

He looked angry, Furious even.

"What I've done?" You sound out irritatedly, "You mean what you've done." You retort, your hand quickly drawing your sword out of its sheathe to block Chevalier's attack.

"If it wasn't for you...None of this would have happened." he attacks you fervently, His sword restless and aiming to kill.

"You betrayed me!" You hiss at him, Kicking his knee hard while you evade his sword once more, "You betrayed me and left me to obsidian!" You shout at him, and His frown only deepens at your outburst, "You fool, Your life is nothing compared to the lives of a million people. I only did what it took to protect the kingdom." His voice is sharp and cuts through the murderous sound of blades hitting one another.

You back away with a huff, his sword grazing the skin of your arm and drawing blood, "I don't know whether to applaud your bravery for thinking you could face off with me or scold you for your foolishness."

"You'll die here, Belle," Chevalier mutters that declaration under his breath, His foot kicking your knee harshly and knocking you down.

"Ha, Oh dear, You should applaud me for both."

"As you know, Not every simpleton will try to kill Chevalier Michel." You chuckle mockingly, Then pull out a hidden dagger and toss it at him.

He dodges it swiftly, The blade only scratching his cheek lightly.

"Living in Obsidian must have messed up your mind If you'd try such dirty trickery such as throwing a knife." His sword swings down at you once more, and you shut your eyes closed, preparing for the fatal blow that will end your life, But it never comes. His sword stabbed the ground next to your head rather than you, And when you open your eyes to peer up at him, You see him looking down at you remorsefully.

"I never wanted to leave you." Chevalier's voice is quiet. So quiet that if any wind blew right now, it would have carried away his words.

"Quit spewing nonsense." You try to kick him, But his foot presses down on your throat hard, "I was hoping to humor you once more before taking your life." He smirks painfully, As if to convince himself he actually means his words.

A moment later, Chevalier strides back effortlessly and dodges the cane shoved his direction, "Whoops, It seems I tried to hit too hard." Gilbert's sweet voice echoes while he eyes Chevalier wearily, 'I couldn't help it. When I see my little bunny about to be eaten by another beast, murderous intent seems to take over my body." He glares at Chevalier, The cold temperate now feeling even more chilling to you as you lay on the ground. Chevalier wastes no time swinging his sword at Gilbert, and the two begin their fight.

You click your tongue in irritation. You know damn well Gilbert's physical health is weaker than Chevalier's. Thus you get up quietly, Carefully observing Chevalier to make sure he doesn't catch sight of you.

Gilbert distracts him well. He leads him further and further away from where you were lying, The thick fog now blocking Chevalier's eyesight of you when he looks back.

Once reaching a cave far away, Gilbert pants as Chevalier laughs smugly, "I wasn't expecting you to be exhausted after a mere brawl like this Eye patch."

"There's a lot you weren't expecting, I'm sure." Gilbert inhales sharply, Straightening his back and wiping away drops of blood from his neck. "For example, How Obsidian took over your main supply chain and enslaved half your citizens." He taunts him, Noticing you creep behind Chevalier.

"I'll take your head and make you pay for destroying half the kingdom." Chevalier flicks off blood seeping down his injured wrist and readies his sword. He approaches Gilbert like a predator would its prey. His boots somewhat dragging against the rough dirt beneath him, His steps rash and heavy.

Precisely as he got closer to Gilbert, The latter grabbed his sword unexpectedly, Blood seeping through the large cut of his black gloves as he held it firmly.

"Just how much of a fool are you?!" Chevalier rasped out, aggravated.

"Very much," Gilbert smirked at him, right as you appear behind Chevalier and your sword pierces through his heart.

Chevalier freezes, His head turning back to look at you with shock.

"Hehe! You see, Chevalier, Your biggest mistake was to leave Belle behind." Gilbert chides him, watching in satisfaction as you pull your sword out of Chevalier, and he falls to the ground pitifully, with blood gushing out of him.

"Goodness me! Gil, are you alright?!" You scramble to pull a bandage out of your trousers' pocket and a small vial of antiseptic. "I'm alright," Gilbert reassures you But winces in pain when you pull his gloves off. You hurry to treat his hands' cuts, Unbothered by Chevalier's fallen body behind you as you take care of your lover.

The last thing Rhodolite's white tiger sees before his death is his past love, which he left behind, being embraced by his biggest enemy.

Perhaps if Rhodolite had never thrown you to the wolves, The kingdom would still exist today.

Oh, what a grave mistake leaving you to Obsidian and destroying the covenant proving you're Belle was.

For a second time in his life, he loses by only making the right decisions.

 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

An: Inspired by Chevalier's route lol ☕

Tags :
1 year ago
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--♡𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞?♡--


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 against your will... 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩at the 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰. 3K+ WC ♡


⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ • Smut, Noncon/CNC, Oral (M!Receiving), cum swallowing, fingering, crying, dirty talk, slapping, choking, unprotected sex, hair pulling, pet names... slutty bunny, good bunny. etc etc. nasty content ahead  / bad punctuation too 😂

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He stops before your door silver key in hand, and observes the light shining through the windows of your house, Poor thing... You didn't know what an unfortunate fate was about to befall you. His blood-red eye glimmers in the last rays of sunlight as he twists the key within the keyhole, hearing an audible 'click' before unlocking the door. He pushes the door open and steps inside quietly before observing the interior. He already had a basic layout of the house, along with directions, But still decided to have a look around for you anyway. Who knows? maybe you’ll unknowingly play a little game of hide and seek with him before he finds you.

He sees your coat hanging off of a garment rack and shoes stacked upon a small shoe rack near the door. He takes light steps, checking the living room for you, and then your bedroom. 

He enters your bedroom, his eyes scanning the area thoroughly before falling upon the lingerie set you had left on your bed. He chuckles, 'So slutty.' picking it up, he inspects the undergarment, his fingers tracing the lace as he mutters something to himself before he sets the skimpy material down. He continues to look for you, taking slower but quieter strides across the house until he finally hears you in the kitchen.

You take two cups out of the cupboard and then set them on the table, moving swiftly throughout the Kitchen and preparing the dinner table excitedly. Your husband was going to join you for dinner tonight so you cooked his favorite food and took out a sweet vintage wine for him to drink with it. You set the table neatly, adding candles to set the perfect atmosphere and make everything romantic... And then you waited. 

8:45 PM He was first 45 minutes late, So you waited until 9:00 before exhaling in disappointment. He promised you he'd be home at 8:00 PM sharp so the two of you could enjoy a nice dinner together and yet he didn't come home on time once again. You get out of your chair disappointedly to fix yourself a plate of food, figuring that there is no point in waiting for your husband anymore. ‘If he’s not home on time then he won’t be home for hours.’ You muttered to yourself.

As you pick up your fork and knife you feel somebody’s presence appear behind you and clamp a hand over your mouth. You squeal, startled by the hand and drop your kitchen utensils, then feel a warm breath hit your ear "Oh, Are you going to have dinner alone?" A voice you hate to admit you recognize asks you, making your heart set off in a panic and beat faster against your chest. The hand covering your mouth moves down to your throat, your perpetrator tightly gripping your throat with his left hand while his other hand moves to press a gun against your head. You freeze, expecting him to pull the trigger and end you right here and now but he clicks his tongue in amusement, "Can you believe he'd ask me to kill such a beautiful woman?" He talks, seemingly to himself as your hands nervously grip his arm with your fingers trembling in anxiety.

"What do you want?" You manage to rasp out between shallow breaths, "If it's money then just take my purse and go." You added, "Money?" He perked up, "Didn't you hear me when I said it's a shame your husband asked me to kill a beautiful woman like you?"

"...What nonsense are you sprouting?!" You hissed at him, your grip on his arm tightening and your nails digging into the fabric of his sleeve as his hold on your throat tightened firmly, his fingers putting pressure on your airway.

"Oh, If you don't believe me that's fine. I won't try to convince you to." He purrs, Sliding the gun from your head down to the sides of your waist before pointing the muzzle at your thigh, "You should be concerned about living now, rather than who sent me to kill you." His hold on your neck loosens slightly but only for him to push you down to the floor gun still pointing at you, "Get down." He says, and you comply, getting down just as he told. "What do you want?" You ask, licking your lip anxiously as you slowly move to get down on your knees, "I don't know?" He holds your hair tightly from behind, fisting it, then pushes you even lower down "You'll have to think of something so I don't blow your brains out I guess." He says nonchalantly. You feel the cold metal of the gun pressed against the nape of your neck and trailing down your back, making you instinctively shiver as your eyes start to sting with tears, "Please don't do this…" You beg him, your meek voice cracking as you lose more and more of your composure. "I don't know… He offered me some good money to get rid of you. Whether I kill you or not depends on you, What do you have to offer?" He toyed with you amused, his voice sounding awfully cheerful for the predicament you were in. "Erm… Anything you want? I have a savings account-" He clicked his tongue in disdain, cutting you off and then roughly shoving the gun into your mouth. The muzzle knocks into your teeth before he forces it deeper in while tugging on your hair to force your lips to open wider. Tears stream down your cheeks, As he looks down at you with a sadistic smile on his face, "You look so pretty like this," He says with a pleased sigh "I'll enjoy you first before I kill you." 

He pulls you back to your knees by your hair, making you whimper in pain, gun still shoved in your mouth. His fingers let go of your hair to quickly wrap around your neck and choke you, “You’ll like this.” He whispers, his sickeningly sweet voice sounding awful in your ears. His hold on you is brutal as he slams your back down against the cold floor and grips your throat tightly, his body moving on top of yours to straddle you as you struggle to try and make him let go of you. “Look at you. all worked up and struggling to break free… Hasn’t anyone ever taught you that once you’re within a man’s grasp, a poor little woman like yourself can't get away?”  The gun muffling your screams falls down onto the floor as you struggle, kicking and hitting him as hard as you can with your fists. Your lips turn blue and your face gets paler as he chokes you to the point of almost passing out, “Look at how blue your lips have gotten. I’m going to have fun forcing my cock inside you as you continue to beg me to stop and struggle.” He lets go of your throat and you inhale loudly, coughing as you try to take in as much oxygen as you can.

He gets off of you and yanks you up by your hair, Painfully throwing you face-first onto the empty side of the kitchen counter. You feel him hold both of your arms behind your back before hiking your dress up your hips. 

“Please don’t do this” You beg him through tears, hoping he’ll change his mind and stop this. He rips your underwear off as you try to protest and fight back using whatever energy you have left, His rough hand slaps you hard once, a red mark forming on your cheek immediately, by the strong impact of his palm striking you, "Don't struggle too much now." He growls through his teeth, His hand sliding over your pussy for his fingers to rub at your clit. He presses his knee between your legs to forcefully spread them apart, and slaps you a second time when you try to close them. his fingers pull your underwear to the side to run through your folds, While caressing you he sharply yanks your hair back, his other one moving down to tug on his zipper and unzip his trousers. 

“Can you feel how hard you’ve made me? This cock is going to be in you, rearranging your insides soon bunny.” You whimper as his arm sneaks around you for him to grip your neck again, and he pumps his hardened cock before pressing it against your ass. "If you want to live then you'll behave yourself and be a good girl for me,,, won't you?" He bites your neck leaving a painful bruised mark behind, making you cry out in pain and shiver. "You'll be a good girl for me, won't you? Say you’ll be a good bunny." He repeats himself, his grip on your neck tightening to the point of being unbearable “Say you’ll be my good girl.” He orders "I will! I~ I’ll be your good girl." You manage to get out, your voice coming out hoarse and you hic when his hold on your neck loosens, "Let's see if you can be a good girl then. put your hands on the counter." He commands you, letting go of you while you hesitantly do as he says. He picks up his gun off the floor and wipes it with his hand while you stand in front of him nervously with your palms pressed flush against the cold counter. He licks his lips, the sight of you helpless and at his mercy arousing him, painfully so, as he feels how his hard cock twitches because of you to the point where it's aching, begging to already be shoved into your little cunt and ruining you as you scream. He walks beside you and leans against the kitchen counter, then points his gun at you, "Get on your knees and pray you know how to give good head" He watches in satisfaction as you shuffle to do as he says, disgust plastered all over your face as you kneel before him, "If you try to bite me I'll blow your fucking brains out." He warns you. 

His hand makes its way into your hair and then he roughly pulls it to hurt your scalp as a warning. You grimace at him, grossed out by just how much of a crazed monster this man is... He pulls you forward towards his manhood and you try to surpass a gag, already feeling nauseous by what you're about to do because of him. “Go on.” He encourages you. Your hand hesitantly moves up to wrap around his shaft before you stroke it once, your fingers deftly pumping it while he holds the gun to your head, "Take it into your mouth." He urges you inclining his hips toward you. 

You lean closer to his shaft and lick a stripe down the base, your tongue tracing the vein on the left side of it, and you hear his breath hitch. You pump him with your hand, not quite sure how exactly you'll take him into your mouth because he is quite big. You give his cock small kitten licks, your tongue giving special attention to the head until you suck the tip and wrap your mouth around it, hollowing your cheeks out and taking him as much as comfortable into your mouth. Your other hand wraps around his shaft to pump him as you Bob your head up and down, making him twitch inside of your mouth. Your abuser's head falls to his shoulder as he sighs, his fingers brushing your hair out of your face and stroking your head as he praises you, "Good bunny..ah... You're doing so well with that mouth." 

He pets your cheek, lightly thrusting his hips forward to make you gag. Tears form in the corners of your eyes from the action but you continue to please him. He moans quietly, relishing in how warm your mouth feels as you suck his cock off,  "You're doing so we-ll…hah… I might just make you my own wife instead." You just look at him with a glare from the corner of your eye, "You'd like that wouldn't you?" He continues, "You're choking on my shaft now while your husband is away." 

Spit drips down the corners of your mouth as he forces your head lower down on his shaft, "You're such an unfaithful wife. Choking on my shaft like a slut just begging for it… Would you like me to fuck you in your shared bedroom where you and your husband sleep next?" He abuses your throat, making you gag and cry with tears running down your cheeks like a stream as he thrusts faster and deeper, hitting the back of your throat hard. "Oh but I suppose it's my fault you're being such a dirty slut of a wife right now" 

"If your husband wasn't an asshole you wouldn't be forced to choke on my dick." 

He thrusts into your mouth a few more times, his movements slowing down as his hips tremble slightly and you feel him twitch in your mouth, Thick cum soon hitting the back of your throat as he reaches his release. He holds your head on his shaft, refusing to let you go even as you gag and feel disgust rise from the pit of your stomach again, "Swallow it." He orders you, "I'll let you go when you take all of my cum" Your brows furrow in disdain, your need to breathe quickly overriding your disgust as you swallow his cum, desperate to have air. He pulls your head back, saliva still connecting your lips to his shaft as you pant heavily and he sticks his thumb into your mouth, making you stick your tongue out  "Good bunny~" He purrs, "Get up now and put your hands on the counter again." He reaches under your arms to help prop you up, Your legs feel weak and your panting still has not subsided as you slouch atop the kitchen counter, too tired to hold yourself up on it. 

He pets your head from behind, his fingers hiking your dress up once more before moving towards your pussy again. He rips your underwear off then spreads your folds apart, feeling his fingers become wet as he prodded your tight pussy’s entrance. He pulls his fingers back to see them slick with your juices and then tilts his head in amusement,  "Oh, What's this?" He inquires "Does this turn you on so much? Being taken advantage of?" 

His other hand strokes your ass, his fingers squishing the soft flesh there before he insults you, “What a slutty little bunny you are.” 

"If you want me to fuck your cunt so badly that you've gotten this wet then I ought to do as you desire." He shoves two fingers into your pussy, making your hips twitch, and he moves them slowly inside... He rubs your walls his fingers pumping in and out of you as he adds another one to quicken his pace. He takes hold of your leg and pulls it to the side to spread your thighs wider for him to finger you easier. He puts another finger in before clicking his tongue and turning you around, hoisting you up so you can sit on top of the kitchen counter. He stretches your walls loosening you up enough for him to sheathe his cock into you without you having to be in too much pain. You frowned up at him, A quick "Slow down" leaving your mouth as you grabbed onto his shoulders. 

He pauses for a moment then resumes to fingering you too fast and making you huff as your legs tremble and try to close, as you feel like he’s about to force your orgasm out of you, "I know you're ready for me bunny" He pulls his fingers out of you, licking them clean of your juices and getting a sweet taste of you. "Wait-" You choked out,

"What?" He asks, his single red eye glimmering in delight as it looks straight into your own eyes.  "I...I'm not ready." You voice out, guilt clouding your head once again because he was about to force himself into you… and you’re allowing it.. again. "Aww, are you feeling bad for your husband?" His fingers stroke your thigh, gently caressing your soft skin, "I'm…" Your voice cracks as you begin to cry once more, loud sobs leaving you and wrecking your body. He looks sympathetic... Almost apologetic even. stroking your hair gently, he hugs you closer to him "Shh… I won't take long." He whispers into your ear, making you shiver. Your hands press against his chest as hard as they can, trying to push him away from you but he merely grabs your legs before aligning himself at your entrance. He enters you with one long thrust, making you nearly scream as you hurriedly clamp a hand over your mouth to stifle the loud moan threatening to escape you.”Fuck, you’re so tight..” He breathes in deeply, feeling your soft walls welcome him in and stretch around his shaft, his hands move to wipe the tears forming at the corners of your eyes “Fuck, Bunny… You’re so tight.” He groans “Can you feel how hard you’re clenching around me?” he begins moving, his shaft dragging sickeningly well along your walls and giving you an awful sense of pleasure… You curse yourself mentally as you moan underneath him like a bitch in heat and wrap your legs around his waist to pull him deeper in. “G-Good bunny..” He praises you, then nips on your neck, leaving a sweet and tingling mark there. “Haah..” You moan beneath him, unable to contain your voice anymore. Despite how much you hated him… this. he was unfortunately turning you on. “Look at how loud you’re being~ you really are...a..a slutty bunny.” He chuckles as the sound of skin hitting skin combined with your moans and his grunts echoing throughout the otherwise quiet house. “I knew you'd enjoy this, bunny.” He kisses you as tears escape your eyes, leaving you a whimpering mess at his mercy. He pulls your hips up changing angles for the better as his shaft reaches deeper into you, dragging along every pleasant nerve and spot.

“Please-..” You mewl unsure of what you’re beginning for.. his cock? This is so shameful and embarrassing... “Please what bunny?” He inquires, his thrusts slowing down but becoming harder. “Do you want to cum?” His grin is awfully smug, his black eye patch somehow finally catching your eye as you gaze up at him stubbornly refusing to answer.  your eyes almost burn a hole into the dark material of his eye patch with how hard you’re staring, and he takes note of this. “Oh. Are you curious? Too bad I can’t show you… I'd have to kill you then.”

Your breath audibly hitches in your throat as his cock hits that one good spot inside of you, making your toes curl and your fingernails dig into his shoulders as you whimper and hold onto them for support. “What a stubborn little bunny.” He stops moving and the abrupt lack of stimulation just frustrates you further as you glare at him, “Please..” You can’t stop the words from escaping your lips, “Please keep on fucking me hard Gilbert~”

“I want to cum” You added, needily arching your hips toward him. His eye sparkled in satisfaction as he leaned down to your ear to whisper, “I’m so happy to finally hear you say my name.. Ah” he starts moving again, his thrusts slow at first then, gradually becoming faster as your hand moves down to rub at your clit while he pounds into you, a series of loud moans leaving you both. “-Fuck.. Bunny... I missed fucking you like this so much.” You hear him say as you clench around him, your pleasure quickly building up until you finally throw your head back, nearly screaming his name as your orgasm washes over you and makes you cum all over his shaft. “FUCK- Gilbert~!..ooh...”

A minute later, he’s cursing under his breath his hips sloppily moving as he slows down his thrusts until you hear him moan quietly, his cock shooting long ropes of cum within you and painting your walls white. 

Filled with his cum, You lay there panting, neither of you daring to say anything until you finally feel relaxed enough to speak. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again” You admitted truthfully. “I said I’d steal you away, didn’t I?” He replies as he rubs your cheek, his red eye softening as he sweetly looks at you. 

You both gaze at each other for a while before you tug on his necktie, pulling him down for a comfortingly sweet kiss. As the two of you change angles to deepen the kiss. you hear the front door being loudly unlocked and then thrown open with a loud ‘thud’, someone finally making his way into your house. “Ah, There’s your husband.” Gilbert chuckles as he pulls out of you, his cum with your juices combined beginning to drip out of your pussy almost instantly. He pulls back from you to tug your dress back down your hips, and tuck himself back into his trousers, “Let’s greet him, shall we? After all, he’s the fool who ordered your assassination.” 

“And later let’s have some of that dinner you made.” 

-- ?--

Tags :
1 year ago
" ."

"𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬." ♡

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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut... yandere, cheating, incest.

• 🩷 Suitors... - Gilbert, Chevalier.

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He brushes back your beautiful dark locks, his fingers carefully running through your hair as he caresses your head and allows his hand to fall to the nape of your neck. The cold air freezes in your lungs as he gives your neck a light squeeze, his fingers applying the gentlest pressure to it as you lean forward to kiss him. Your hands roam his body, slowly heating him up even if you're grabbing and tugging off whatever clothing was left on him. You hurriedly stripped him before you gripped his back tightly, your fingernails digging into his skin and leaving red marks in their wake, to imprint in the soft flesh there as you claw him roughly.

He fucked himself into you, making you clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle your moan of his name. Some of the material on the desk below you falls to the floor, knocked down by your movements.

You hug him closer as you bury your face into his neck, inhaling his rich calming scent and trying to ground yourself as you hold him sweetly. His cock steadily dragged against your plush walls as he angled his hips to thrust deeper into you. ‘’You love your big brother right? more than Chevalier.’’ He flashed you a smile as he panted, his hips hitting yours as he picked up the pace. Pounding even rougher into you and feeling your walls clench around him, your arousal seeped down between your legs while he rubbed your clit hurriedly so that you could both finish before somebody came into the room.

You heard a knight passing by the room you were in, his rough footsteps echoing loudly outside.

Gilbert didn’t want to have to kill anybody in front of you. He wanted to save you from witnessing such an ugly sight... He tugged your eye patch off, revealing your beautiful shiny blue eye, and the jewel like blood-red one matching his very own...

"No one will ever love you like your brother does." He whispers before sealing your lips in a kiss.

"Now go. I'm sure your husband Chevalier is waiting for you."

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" ."

He pulls you into his room, uncaring about his wife who sleeps in his bed peacefully. You stumble and hold yourself up on his desk, your palms pressing against the hard wood to prevent yourself from falling.

Chevalier comes behind you and mercilessly yanks your skirt up ‘’Chevalier!!’’ You call out his name in protest, ‘’Don’t you dare! Your wife is right there… what if she wakes up?!’’ You whispered whilst your brows furrowed in unease. You didn’t want to get caught, and you didn’t want to take a risk as big as this one...

A smirk makes its way onto his face as a simple ‘’Don’t worry’’ Leaves his lips before his mouth crashes against yours, and your lips move against one another. His tongue enters your mouth to ravish you while he tugs his glove off. He then pulls your underwear to the side and presses a finger into your wet entrance making you whimper quietly, and nervously glance back at his bed where his wife lies… still asleep. An odd thrill fills you as he kisses you again holds you gently in his embrace, making your heart melt.

He grabs you by your thighs and raises you over his desk, setting you atop the edge of it where he can take you easily.

While his fingers tease and prepare you, you bite your lip, trying to silence yourself in fear of making a single noise because you’re too afraid of his wife catching you like this. He chuckles at you, giving you his cocky smirk as he pushes his length into you all at once. You nearly scream at the sudden intrusion as he stretches you out so quickly, and he clamps his hand over your mouth. ‘’Shh, you don’t want to get caught, Do you?’’ He whispers teasingly, making you want to smack him for putting you into a position like this.

You nervously look back at his wife, and finally notice that she is in fact awfully pale… Even dead-looking… ‘’Is she okay?’’ You ask Chevalier in concern. He cups your cheek in his palm before answering, ‘’She’s dead.’’

Your blue eyes widen in shock at his words as he brushes your blonde hair back…

" ."

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