Ikepri Rio - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Hiii gorg I love your style of writing 😳👍 can you maybe write about ikepri suitors in the modem world? Just general stuff like what music would they like or what jobs do you see them working? Anything that you find fit tbh

You're amazing, stay safe and well <3

Hi!!!Thank you for the compliments and the request, i really appreciate it!It took me some time to write for all of them, so i apologize!Please, keep in mind that i don’t know everything about the characters and they might be ooc.I hope you like it~

Type: Headcanons, Modern AU

Game: Ikemen Prince

Characters: All characters

Warnings: Spoilery, characters might be ooc, not the best out there, haha, mentions of alcohol (trigger warning), not the best english (especially with many words).

I’ll write their favourite music, dressing style (both casual and formal), their jobs, their hobbies, their favourite type of food and their favourite drink(s).Keep in mind that these are not all real, i just think they would like these.Thank you!

Hiii Gorg I Love Your Style Of Writing Can You Maybe Write About Ikepri Suitors In The Modem World? Just

~Clavis Lelouch

Favourite type of music:Clavis hears anything that sounds good.He can go from pop, to rock, to metal and everything in between.Sometimes, he likes to play songs, like twinkle twinkle little star and he sings it in a childish voice, just to annoy his big bro, Chevalier.Chevalier probably threw a vase full of cold water on him.He would have thrown more, but he doesn’t like wasting precious water for the “laughing clown’s” idiocity.

Dressing style (1~casual):Clavis likes to wear fashionable clothes with lots of twists.He probably wears animal printed clothes and accessories, like a leopard printed hat or coats.For a more casual outfit, he wears a white button up shirt tucked in black skinny jeans and he tops it of with a leather biker-style black jacket (if it’s cold).                                                               (2~formal):For formal wear, he chooses a purple stripped button up shirt with a light grey vest and light grey pants.He puts on a grey long coat to finish it up.

Job:Clavis works as a spy for the Cyber Crime Division.He seems like a maniac to his coworkers, but they know how good he is at what he does.Also, he is good at spying his brother and he sees it as exercise.

Hobbies:Clavis’s hobbies are:drinking smoothies, while spying Chevalier, annoying Chevalier (especially when he is tired) and making things (because he is good with his hands).Clavis doesn’t have a lot of time for himself, but when he does, he makes sure to spend it doing all these things.

Favourite type of food:Clavis loves sweets and junk food.It was a rare treat when he was younger, but now he can eat them.At least, he prefers a healthier version like, fruits on top pf his sweets and salads as side dishes for the food.

Favourite drink(s):This man loves starbucks.He doesn’t drink alcohol due to personal reasons, so he buys them everyday.He buys unicorn coloured drinks & sweets and he tries to give some of them to Cheva.It doesn’t work.

~Chevalier Michel

Favourite type of music:Chevalier listens to classical, rock and metal.He likes songs with deep meaning, because it makes him think/daydream in his free time.He also plays the piano and violin, which got him into classical music.Sometimes, he is forced to here Clavis’s loud stereo, so he hears childish songs and he gets mad.

Dressing style (1~casual):Chevalier wears a white turtleneck shirt, black skinny pants and a long black coat.He also wears black reading glasses.He doesn’t like having a lot of strange addings on his clothes, because he likes being fancy, without being too much.                                 (2~formal):Chevalier chooses suits, which fit perfectly on his body.On top of his suits, he likes wearing black or while long coats and a pair of gloves in the same colour.He always has a golden pin with chains on, which keeps his tie straight and neat.

Job:Cheva works as an Army Strategist and as a Defence Minister.All the people trust him, so they voted for him.He was already a strong man before, but now he became even more, to help protect his country and those in need.

Hobbies:Chevalier, naturaly, loves to read romance novels.His mansion has two rooms as libraries.He also keeps shelves of books in his room.Another thing he likes is learning more and more (languages and other things), because he is fast at learning and they might come in handy.

Favourite type of food:Chevalier doesn’t care much, though he prefers eating foods with a lot of protein and vitamins.He is used to eating mostly these types of food, because of his work.He sometimes eats sweets, but never the unicorn ones Clavis tries to feed him.

Favourite drink(s):Cheva is not a big fan of alcohol.Alcohol has a lot of bad sugars for his health and he also doesn’t like getting drunk.Especially when he works.He drinks plenty of water and tea.

~Luke Randolph

Favourite type of music:Luke listens to pop and classical music.If he likes a song that is different, he is going to hear that as well.He doesn’t really care, but he prefers soft and gentle sounds.

Dressing style (1~casual):Luke picks long green t-shirts with V-Neck as a top and dark purple sweatpants as bottoms.On top of all that, he wears an oversized dark grey jacket.He likes those colours, because they remind him of the forest and nature in general.                                                         (2~formal):Luke wears a grey button up shirt in a pair of grey jeans.He tops it off with a stylish but still comfortable grey jean jacket.

Job:This tall gentleman loves honey, so he decided to work as an apriarist.Not only does he help feed and keep safe as many honey bees as he can, he takes the honey away without hurting them or destroying their houses (beehives).

Hobbies:One of Luke’s hobbies is helping and playing with the forest animals.These animals are drawn to him and want his attention.He puts water and food all over the place, so they can find it easily and get ready for the cold weather.

Favourite type of food:Of course, his favourite food is honey.It had to do with a lot of hard things he went through in his past and he doesn’t want to forget.It’s also sweet and healthy, so he prefers it.He also likes homecooked meals, because they are warm and he feels safe.

Favourite drink(s):Luke’s favourite drinks are tea and milk.These drinks are both warm and sweet (he drowns them in honey).They are perfect for a cold day and a hot day.All the stress goes away and he is calm again.

~Leon Dompteur

Favourite type of music:Leon listens to alternative rock and pop.He likes to dance around in his days off, when he is at home.He goes to a lot of concerts with a few of his brothers to enjoy a night out.The music he hars goes well with his personality and he always has fun.

Dressing style: (1~casual):Leon lives for more casual outfits that are different from the stiff clothes he wears at work.He goes for a black t-shirt that shows his abs and black pants that hug his waist.He is naturally warm, so he believes he doesn’t need a jacket.                                            (2~formal):Leon wears a black turtleneck shirt and black or dark grey pants.Sometimes, he puts on a dark grey suit jacket to look even better.

Job:Leon works with Chevalier as an Army Strategist.He gets well with the soldiers and they follow all his commands.He knows his brother is harsh, but he informs the new soldiers how much he cares for their country.

Hobbies:Leon’s hobby is having fun with his loved ones.He’ll prefer social gatherings and talking with people.He is easy to talk to, so his family gets together because of him.He might enjoy dancing, so he could be ready to impress his lover.

Favourite type of food:Yves’s baking/cooking.Not only does the food he makes tastes good, it’s also very fun to tease him.Sometime, he dines outside.If a person he loves makes food, he’ll eat it without much care if it tastes good.He is happy they did it.

Favourite drink(s):Leon can drink nearly everythinng.He can go from drinking alcohol with Jin, to drinking tea and milk with Luke.He doesn’t want to get drunk, because it’s bad for his job and his health, so he doesn’t do it too much.

~Yves Kloss

Favourite type of music:Yves listens to whatever sounds good and has style.He secretly listens to meme cat meowing his favourite songs.He learns the choreography in every song that has one.If his brotherd catch him doing that, he tries to deny it while blushing.

Dressing style (1~casual):Yves wears skinny black jeans with cuts on the knees and a pink oversized sweater.On top, he wears a grey cardigan.His clothes look big on him and it makes him look cuter.                                    (2~formal):He wears a white button up shirt, tucked in grey pants.He wears different coloured ties, but prefers pink, grey or black ones.He also wears a pink suit jacket.He likes being stylish in everything he does.

Job:Yves works at a pet shop.All the pets that live in here love him.The people that want to buy a animal have to watch him trying to put the animals in their (boxes/the things they put them in when they go somewhere).The animals are cuddling him and pawing at his cheeks.Yves is happy they found a home, but he is also sad, because he liked playing with them (even if that meant getting teased by his brothers).Yves secretly works as a stylist and he sketches clothes for women and men.

Hobbies:Yves hobbies have to do with beauty.He changes hairstyles or he goes shopping for clothes and accessories.He is calming down whenever he does that.Yves also enjoys doing new things, like joining art classes (painting, writing, dancing).

Favourite type of food:Yves loves cakes with fruits on top.He likes it when fresh berries are used to make them.They are not too sweet, but they live a nice taste in his mouth.He eats other foods, of course, because he knows that he has to be healthy.He eats for every meal of the day.He scolds Clavis for his choices and is discusted with his eating habits.He also cooks for himself (and some of his brothers).

~Nokto Klein

Favourite type of music:Nokto listens to pop (because most of the explicit songs he likes are pop).His tastes may change, but it also depends on his mood.If he is in a certain mood, being withh his lover and all, he stays with his normal choices.

Dressing style (1~casual):For a more casual look, he braids one side of his hair and it goes up in a high ponytail.He wears grey skinny jeans and a baby blue t-shirt.If it becomes too cold, he’ll get a white jacket.                    (2~formal):Nokto can go from a total white look to a white and baby blue look.He’ll choose a blue tie, with a white button up shirt and white pants.Nokto will take a white suit jacket on his shoulders and it’s kept on it’s place by a silver chain.

Job:I can see most of the brothers working together, so he’ll probably would be a spy for the Army, set by Chevalier himself.He is not scared to do reckless things and get in trouble.He knows how to keep secrets from the others.

Hobbies:Nokto’s hobbies are learning things about other people and most of all, what his lover enjoys.He likes trying new things with his S/O, that both are comfortable with.Another hobby of his is annoying and teasing his brothers that don’t want that don’t want that type of attention.

Favourite type of food:Nokto enjoys sweet, salty and savoury foods.Of course, there are some that make him feel better than others, so he prefers them.He finds some foods amusing, like the rainbow coloured ones and he wants to try them.

Favourite drink(s):If he is not at work, he likes strong liquor, but when it’s work related he’ll drink something softer and give the strong drinks to his enemies.That doesn’t stop him from enjoying drinks like sodas.Nokto tries Clavis’s favourite drinks, but he isn’t the biggest fan.

~Licht Klein

Favourite type of music:To most, Licht seems like a very quiet guy, but the music he likes isn’t always like that.He listens to every type of rock, pop and hip hop music.He is someone that likes the deep meaning every song has and he always remembers their lyrics.

Dressing style (1~casual):Licht has an angelic face and he knows what goes better with that.He wears a white oversized button up shirt with baby blue buttons in the middle and light blue skinny jeans.                                  (2~formal):For formal wear, Licht chooses a blue-grey suit, a yellow bowtie with a red ruby in the middle.On top, he wears a grey cardigan to keep himself warm.

Job:Licht is a soldier, who is not afraid to lose his life.Just like his twin, he doesn’t care about doing reckless things, because he lives for others, mostly.He doesn’t show that he cares for his brothers, but it can be seen.

Hobbies:For Licht, martial arts is the way to relax.Marial arts are not for fighting and killing someone.The first thing you learn is to keep yourself calm and then safe in front of difficult situations.That’s what Licht likes, so he follows it.Other things Licht likes to do is sing lullabies from his childhood and dance hip hop.

Favourite type of food:Licht absolutely loves sweets.Tarts full of chocolate, berries and other fruits are to die for.Sometimes, he secretly wants to eat Yves’s cakes, so he pouts at him, which always works to his favor.

Favourite type of drink(s):He doesn’t drink too much, he prefers water, tea and milk.First of all, it’s easier to drink them when eating.Second of all, he doesn’t want to get drunk (he doesn’t know if he can hold it).

~Sariel Noir

Favourite type of music:Sariel has gone through so much stress, so he just listens to screamo.If he feels better, he’ll hear to classical music while sipping his tea.He won’t say no to a new beat, but he’ll hear it if he can hear the voice clearly (so he can judge).

Dressing style (1~casual):If Sariel has time to go out without having to care for his work (or babysitting the brothers), he’ll wear a black, long sleeved shirt tucked in a nice pair of black pants.                                         (2~formal):He wears a black button up shirt with a silky red tie.He prefers black suits to go with, which have red details on top.He is stylish and he believes that black goes with everything.

Job:Sariel is a babysitter.Just kidding.He works as a Judge.He is amazing and fast.He knows when people feel guilty and it’s easy to find who is at fault.Definitely takes a lot of painkillers for those headaches.

Hobbies:He plays every classical music instruments when he has free time.He learned to play when he was younger and it always calmed him down.He also enjoys reading books (classic literature).

Favourite type of food:Sariel eats healthy most of the time, but he has cheat days.He can relax and eat sweets and junk food, while watching a movie or eating with company.

Favourite drink(s):Sariel drinks alcohol, not until he is completely wasted.He enjoys drinking if the company is good.But he prefers drinking tea and relaxing by his own.

~Rio Ortiz

Favourite type of music:Rio listens to everything.And by everything, i mean everything.He doesn’t care if the voices are clean or good, he is just happy to have something to hear.If his future S/O has a fave, then it’ll become his fave as well.

Dressing style (1~casual):Rio works a lot of hours a day, so he doesn’t dress too casual.If he can choose, then he wears blue jeans and coloured t-shirts.(Or a pair of pjs.)                                                                                (2~formal):Rio wears coloured button up shirts and black or white pants and a matching jacket.He doesn’t care much about his style, but he is forced when he works.

Job:Rio works as a lawyer, next to Sariel.He is clever and witty.When the other lawyers face him, they think they have to do with a child, but he is fast at gathering iinformation and he uses it against them.That’s the only reason Sariel keeps him.

Hobbies:Rio searches information about new people he meets, just for fun.He also has a puppy, but it mostly stays with close friends.When he is at home, they cuddle together and he feed it with it’s favourite treats.

Favourite type of food:Rio knows how to cook special meals, so he enjoys eating them.If he is too tired, he’ll eat pizza and he’ll later have some cookies to make himself feel better.

Favourite drink(s):He drinks a small amount of alcohol (to drown his pain).He likes drinking nearly all kind of drinks, even the crazy ones, especially if he has good company to share them.

~Jin Grandet

Favourite type of music:Jin listens to pop songs and the songs that are heard in bar-clubs.Sometimes, he hears the songs his brothers send him in the messenger app they all have.

Dressing style (1~casual):Jin wears forest green shirts or t-shirts and black pants or blue jeans.He might wear t-shirts with tie stamps on them.   (2~formal):He rarely wears formal clothes.He thinks they are too stiff and it’s not easy to move his body.Sadly, Leon takes him on gatherings, where he is forced to dress up.Jin tries on dark blue suits and green button up shirts.

Job:Jin is a bartender.It wasn’t because he liked those places.Not only, at least.He has women with big chests to work around the place.Sometimes, he stops his work, just to look and flirt.

Hobbies:His favourite hobby is staring at chests and have Clavis next to him, telling him that women with beautiful legs are the best.Another hobby of his is making a chaos in his house and calling Yves, only to laugh while he runs away.

Favourite type of food:Jin eats foods with lots of protein.He likes to eat everything tasty.He is one of those that trick Yves into cooking.

Favourite drink(s):Jin is used to drinking alcohol and he doesn’t get drunk easily.He enjoys cocktails from his bar and juices.He is okay with tea as well.



AN:Thank you very much for reading, and i’m sorry for repeating so many words!I hope you enjoyed it!Also, my requests are open to everyone!I write for ikemen revolution, ikemen vampire and ikemen prince!

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1 year ago
Inspired By Xxsycamore's Recent Success With Writing Short Fics, I Wanted To Open Up Requests For Super-tiny

Inspired by xxsycamore's recent success with writing short fics, I wanted to open up requests for super-tiny drabbles of around 100-300 words (may be longer)

Please Note:

I'm only taking requests for Ikepri suitors at this time

Suitor x reader requests will be written in 2nd-person. The reader will be gender-neutral unless you specify a particular gender

Anon requests will be sfw by default, but you still need to be 18+ to request

Request Form:

IKEPRI SUITOR: TYPE: choose from suitor x reader, suitor x emma, or a platonic episode featuring the suitor by himself/with other characters READER GENDER: if applicable GENRE: angst, fluff, smut, crack, headcanon, fantasy, scifi, paranormal, horror, slice-of-life, poetry, action, adventure, ransom letter, etc FLAVORING: any particular prompt, ship dynamic, kink, AU, etc RATING: sfw or nsfw ANY OTHER NOTES: if applicable ***To prove that you are 18+, please include the phrase "Silvio's Special Socks" in your ask

>>> Askbox here

Thank you, I'll try not to fail you 😭

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1 year ago

Cyril Rose ~ Facts

Cyril Rose ~ Facts

AN: I'm finally done with the important facts we know so far for both Cyril and Lucian, and since Cyril won, I'll post him first! Thank you very much to everyone who voted and to everyone reading this!

Warnings: All of the information is from the jp version of the game! Spoilers from Clavis' main Story, GW story sale bonus (detective), Clavis' 2nd birthday, Clavis' story events, Chevalier's 2nd anniversary winner party event story. Everything will be put under the cut:

The starting fact is his name. Cyril Rose was raised in a village in Obsidian, but when he joined the military, many said his last name sounded like he came from the country of roses.

Cyril and Clavis used to call each other "loser" when they first met during the war. Cyril did because he couldn't believe how someone can be like Clavis (putting his life on the line to save others, accepting everyone no matter what and a lot more), as well as how he could stay so calm during everything (but it turned more to teasing between them). Clavis was calling him a loser, because he didn't like how Cyril was ready to give up at that time and was able to help him regain his spirits and join Rhodolite's side.

Cyril is a very gentle and kind guy, but can also be funny with his snarky comments towards Clavis (something between two great friends)

Cyril calls Clavis an "idiot prince"

He has very bright red hair that are very noticeable and mentioned by other characters, (Chevalier, Sariel and more), including Emma.

Cyril doesn't have a lover (and Clavis made sure to remind him in the "Bittersweet Valentine" story event). Cyril told him to stop pretending as if he wasn't in the same position only a whole ago (Since Clavis' route released)

As confirmed in Clavis' 2nd birthday story, Cyril is a very fast runner and a very strong knight. He was able to run to the other side of the town with Emma in his arms (bridal style) and didn't stop at all (<- Emma was described "as light as a feather) and it was all to prank Clavis.) In Chevalier's 2nd anniversary No.1 story, we saw that he can match Chevalier in a sword fight, with fast and strong moves.

He knows how to help a woman get dressed and he can style hair buns, that look elegant and simple (Also from Clavis' 2nd birthday)

Him and Lucian are rumored as really good friends. It was said by Clavis, but he added that when they go out to drink, they're never seen sitting together on the same table. Also, Cyril was seen drinking grape juice while complaining to Rio and Emma about Clavis, while Luciam was most likely drinking alcohol (<-From the GW story sale bonus)

When that happened, he wasn't wearing any gloves (so he either took off his gloves because he wasn't working, or he doesn't wear any). He held Emma and Rio's hands in each of his, to guide them away from Clavis and he took them to Lucian's table.

According to Emma, his hands are rough from training, but very warm and safe.

Apparently, he tries every kind of new juice Clavis comes up with and that time, it was a new herbal juice (as punishment for sneaking from work). He didn't like it at all, yet he still drank it all.

They started bickering and while Emma was thinking that it looked like as if Cyril and Clavis were having fun, Lucian, after he used the mind reading skills he learned from Chevalier, nodded and agreed with her.

He is also very honest and loyal towards Clavis and the other princes (especially Chevalier)

He used to be just a third rate soldier in Obsidian, along with his friends Kai and Hugo. Hugo seems to be the youngest, since he uses honorifics to address Cyril (in the Japanese version). Cyril is probably the oldest of the three, or similar with Kai.

Gilbert wants him back to Obsidian, but Cyril refuses to betray Clavis, leaving Gilbert heartbroken.

The village where Cyril used to love was poor, but the situation wasn't as bad as the parts on the borders between Obsidian and Rhodolite, due to the corrupted nobles.

He is greatly respected by Chevalier, who saw his value. Chevalier knows his name, but prefers to use the nickname "Red head". Same with the others. Even Clavis understands that. Cyril also respects Chevalier, but he thinks he is scary.

He is the lead knight of the foreign affairs faction and he is the one training the knew knights (not the soldiers).

Chevalier trusts him enough to let him in his room and also casually speaks to him. Even though they were trying to keep it secret (them leaving their duties for the day and going for drinks), he somewhat talked about it to Chevalier. But Clavis was hiding in Chevalier's room, so he exposed them. That's why he made him drink that "juice" (<-GW bonus story)

In the "propose to you" story event (Clavis', which is coming soon in EN), Clavis and Emma were getting engaged with Chevalier as the witness. Chevalier didn't look up at them at all and only when they left, he looked at Cyril to answer that he wasn't staying and he was going home with a smirk (Clavis was sad/mad at Chevalier who wouldn't look at how beautifully dressed Emma was). Cyril called him a troublesome brother after he left.

Originally, he was mostly hanging out with Rio for said drinks, but when Emma is free, they let her tag along (<- The bar they go to is only for the court's servants, I'm pretty sure it's to talk about their employees at this point🤣)

Cyril knows that many little boys dream of becoming knights when they grow up, but he, himself, felt like the job he was doing doesn't have a purpose, because lately, he had only been collecting banana peels and cleaning after Clavis.

Just for this reason, Emma and Rio were thanking him for his hard work and looked at him as if he was their savior.

He also complains that the knights have to eat bananas all the time, but they don't keep them very full. He doesn't want to even mention the reason why they do that.

He has more than once said to Emma to use Clavis' wallet for expensive things.

Cyril actually gets very offended when he gets told that he is like a natural born knight. Clavis was the one who told him, when he was being "too sweet" towards Emma. Cyril warned him to never say that again.

He is picking up Clavis' lines. While I don't remember it being translated in the EN version of the game, in the JP this happened: (<- Clavis' route, when they met with the rebels at the borders)

Clavis:"I don't understand why they don't want to welcome such a beautiful man"

Cyril:"Please, stop saying that. It's not fashionable"

(The fashionable comment)

He is the same age as Clavis, so he is 29 years old!

AN: Thank you very much for reading until the end! I hope these facts were helpful! I personally recommend reading both ends of Clavis' upcoming proposal event for more Cyril content!

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1 year ago

⬥◇◆ Clothes Shopping with the Ikeprinces ◆◇⬥

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

With Act 3 and Silvio's route just around the corner, let's slow down, take a step back, and remember how we all ended up in here. Particularly, how we all ended up in these clothes.

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Silvio’s Dubious Preorder ◆◇⬥

*the front door to the clothes shop opens in the middle of the night*

Shopkeeper: Who’s there?

Silvio: Your worst nightmare…

*Silvio drops a heavy bag of coins in the shopkeeper's hands*

Silvio: And your salvation.

Shopkeeper: What?

Silvio: Listen closely, tailor. Tomorrow you will be visited by a pathetic pack of princes with questionable fashion sense. They are in search of new outfits to wear for the upcoming story arc and have chosen your lousy shop as their genius loci. Lucky you.

Shopkeeper: …What?

Silvio: I’ll be in attendance as well, but I’m only interested in an outfit that’ll blow everyone else’s out of the water, so I’ll mostly be observing from the sides. All you gotta do is keep those other guys occupied and catch all the notes I send your way. You’re an experienced man, you’ll know when I’m dropping you a hint. But no one else needs to know about our little deal, capisce? 

*Silvio pats the coin bag and leaves. Shopkeeper puts on glasses and cleans out his ears*

Shopkeeper: WHAT?

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces


Judge Yves, Round 1 ◆◇⬥

Yves: As members of Rhodolite’s domestic faction, we are the pillars our citizens look towards to represent the values our kingdom instills in art, culture, and conduct. The outfits we select today must not only reflect the propriety expected of the royal family, but also that of our people for generations to follow.

Yves: Jin! Button your shirt all the way up right this moment!

Jin: You can’t cage the collarbones, Yves!

Yves: Leon! Too much detailing will overwhelm your conversation partners! You look like you’re drowning in gold.

Leon: But you’re talking to me just fine now?

Yves: Licht! You look wonderful, of course. But if I had to nitpick, the white on your lapels clashes with your black jacket. Try wearing more color, you don’t want to look like a walking chessboard.

*Sariel slowly backs into the dressing room*

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Nokto Seeing Double ◆◇⬥

Nokto: No, this blue vest doesn’t bring out my eyes quite right.

*hands vest over to Licht. Licht tries it on*

Nokto: Hm… and these tassels make my face look too narrow.

*hands shoulder pads over to Licht. Licht tries them on*

Nokto: And these black gloves clash horribly with my hair, what was I thinking?

*hands gloves over to Licht. Licht tries them on*

Nokto: You look great, Licht. Ugh, nothing in this entire store works for me!

*a bag of coins flies across the store*

Silvio: Tailor! No vests, tassels, or gloves!

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Judge Yves, Round 2 ◆◇⬥

Yves: Ahem! I’m only doing this because you four are an extension of Rhodolite beyond the borders, and I don’t want you messing up our image in front of our neighbors. It’s not like I particularly care how you dress everyday!

Nokto: Aww, Evie, you care~

Yves: Shut it! Ahem! For starters, the white theme you all have is a very nice choice. It’s a good idea to set up a visual indicator to let others know you’re working as a team.

Clavis: Oh, that wasn’t intentional. This humble shop is simply fortunate enough to have had enough pieces for each of us. Otherwise, these poor white coats would have been prematurely stained red! Hahaha!

Yves: Wha—?

Clavis: With strawberry jam, of course! Chev gets particularly pouty when someone wears white instead of him. I wouldn’t put it past him to “accidentally” sully that poor someone’s outfit with his toast.

Luke: That’s why I eat mine with honey instead!

Yves: No, that’s why we eat breakfast before we leave the palace! 

*Yves swipes the toast from Chevalier and Luke*

Yves: Luke! If you’re going to wear white, you can’t carry honeyed toast in your pockets!

Yves: Clavis! If you’re going to wear a coat over a jacket again, at least make them match in style this time!

Yves: Nokto! If you’re not going to button your vest all the way, you have to wear a shirt underneath!

*Chevalier covers his chest and slowly backs into the dressing room*

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Small Talk Sariel ◆◇⬥

*In a quiet corner of the store, Keith looks over himself in the mirror. Sariel notices and joins him*

Sariel: Ah, a modest choice, Prince Keith. Were you to show Prince Yves, I am certain he would impart nothing but praise.

Keith: 🙂

Sariel: Modesty is, of course, cornerstone for a prince to emblem. Although, with our continent so rife with rowdy royals, one would not want to appear too humble, lest he be trampled by his more verbally-inclined peers.

Keith: 😐

Sariel: But too loud a statement piece would have a similar effect of disfavor among colleagues. One would not want to appear too brash in company of those whose opinions matter.

Keith: 😟

Sariel: Finding that sweet spot in the middle is crucial to deduce, and this is the moment to do it. Tell me, Prince Keith, is this the outfit you wish to present to the world in the next act?

Keith: Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced something in the dressing room.

*another bag of coins flies across the store*

Silvio: Make it loud, tailor!

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Multi-talented and Multi-purpose Luke ◆◇⬥

Luke: Hey, Yves! How about this? I keep the lid open just enough to stick a spoon in like this, and my pockets get to stay completely… Hey, you okay?

*Yves blushes in surprise*

Yves: Yes, yes! Why wouldn’t I be?

Luke: Well, you’ve been standing by the hair accessories for a long time now.

Yves: Because there’s no one else here. I need rest from evaluating all your outfits, obviously.

*Luke puts down the honey jar*

Luke: Hey, close your eyes for a bit.

Yves: What for?

Luke: Just trust me. Besides, you said you wanted to rest, right?

*5 minutes later*

Luke: Tada! Whaddya think?

Yves: How did you…?

Luke: My sister used to make me braid her hair all the time. I’d say I’m pretty good at it, eh?

*Yves blushes in joy*

Yves: Thank you. But how did you manage to keep it in place? You didn’t use any clips or anything.

Luke: Oh, that’s ‘cause I packed it tight with honey. It oughta keep its shape all week, plus it’s good for the scalp. Bonus!

*Yves blushes in rage*

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Life Lessons with Big Brother Jin ◆◇⬥

Jin: Hey, Chevalier. Come try this cloak on, it’ll help cover your…

*Chevalier quickly wipes his mouth and hides his hands behind his back*

Jin: …

Chevalier: …

Jin: Chev…

Chevalier: I was merely inspecting them for poisons.

Jin: Come on, big guy. We’ve been through this.

Chevalier: The showoff apprehended my toast. 

Jin: You can’t eat the roses.

Chevalier: …

Jin: …

Chevalier: The yellow ones taste best.

Jin: So you’ve told me.

*yet another bag of coins flies across the store*

Silvio: Bring me the juiciest rose you have! I know you’re keeping it from me!

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Gilbert’s Infinite Hyperspace ◆◇⬥

Gilbert: Are you sure the shopkeeper won’t mind you making alterations to his designs?

Clavis: That wonderful man doesn’t need to worry about a single hair on his rapidly balding head! I won’t be defiling his style because all the additions I’m making will be completely hidden from sight.

Gilbert: How like you to run your dirty work in the shadows. Such fun.

Clavis: I wouldn’t use that particular arrangement of words to describe it, per se. But considering Sariel has egregiously forbidden me from purchasing more than one belt today, I am forced to improvise my carry-on capabilities.

Gilbert: Ah, pockets! How very fun, indeed!

Clavis: Not just any pockets! Secret pockets! And just look at this enormous canvas I have to work with! Only… my hands were full on the way over here carrying Chevalier’s breakfast, so I wasn’t able to bring much of my usual tools to measure. I don’t like leaving the palace without at least a net or two on hand.

Gilbert: You can borrow mine!

*Gilbert produces a large fish net out of thin air*

Clavis: How fortunate, this will work nicely! I do wish I could have brought my trusty shovel with me, though. 

Gilbert: Regular or extra large?

*Gilbert produces two digging shovels out of thin air*

Clavis: Ah... R-regular is fine…

Gilbert: Anything else?

Clavis: You’ve been plenty helpful, I couldn’t impose—

Gilbert: No need to be shy. You still have plenty of space to work with, I see. 

Clavis: …

Gilbert: Try me.

Clavis: …Well, I do like to be armed with more than just my sword—

Gilbert: How about this?

*Gilbert produces a hatchet out of thin air*

Clavis: … Thank you.

Gilbert: What are friends for?

*Gilbert claps his hands, taps his cane twice, and pulls a tiny comb out of the heel of his boot. He combs Clavis’s hair out of his eyes and walks away smiling as the largest bag of coins yet flies across the store*

Silvio: Secret pockets! But don’t tell anyone where they are, you hear? Not even me!

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

Doggy See, Doggy Do ◆◇⬥

Leon: Find anything you like, Rio?

Rio: Lots! But I’m just not sure she’d like them, too.

Leon: Why not show me what you got so far? I may not be Yves or Sariel, but I’ll bet I can point out a stinker in the mix.

Rio: Okay then. What do you think of this gilded vest?

Leon: Awesome! The color matches your eyes perfectly. That’s good… I think?

*Coin bag toss #1*

Silvio: Tailor! Look into my eyes and get me a jacket that matches them perfectly! No, not a vest! We said no vests!

Rio: Huh, that was weird. Anyway, what about this broach?

Leon: She’d love it! The looped design brings out the curves of your smile just right. That kind of attention to detail is probably really important.

*Coin bag toss #2*

Silvio: Tailor! Bring me your loopiest jewelry! The more hoops, the better!

Rio: Did you hear something? Ah, nevermind. Do you think I should go with one earring or two?

Leon: Hmm… Yves rocks the one earring look—

*Coin bag toss #3*

Silvio: Tailor! I want your gaudiest single earring in my palm right this second!

Leon: —but earrings are supposed to come in pairs, right? So maybe two would be fine. For symmetry, and all that.

*Coin bag toss #4*

Silvio: Make that two!

Leon: Sorry, I’m not too sure, to be honest.

*Rio knowingly smirks*

Rio: Your advice is great, Prince Leon. Tell me, what do you think of these snow boots?

Leon: Well, it’s not exactly winter. But they’re really a statement piece, and she might appreciate a good conversation starter.

*Coin bag toss #5*

Silvio: I need the furriest boots you’ve got in this place, pronto!

Rio: And this zebra-print cloak?

Leon: Chevalier looks good in tiger stripes. I guess that’s basically the same thing.

*Coin bag toss #6*

Silvio: Where do you keep the darn striped fabrics, old man?

Rio: Great! What’s your opinion on oversized hats?

Leon: Uhh… go big or go home?

*Coin bag toss #7*


Leon: Hey, Rio, do you hear an echo?

Rio: Nope. Just the sound of a nation’s GDP falling.

 Clothes Shopping With The Ikeprinces

I wanted to add a joke about their gloves, but this post is getting way out of hand, even without puns.

Tagging: @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @ladyofcrowsx @otomefoxystar @my-day6

If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message.

Tags :
9 months ago

This is a better love story than Twilight.

And also any of the love interests and Mc.

This Is A Better Love Story Than Twilight.

A dog and his master.


This Is A Better Love Story Than Twilight.
This Is A Better Love Story Than Twilight.

Oh my it god better.

Tags :
9 months ago

I need some Sariel x Rio fanart or something.

I Need Some Sariel X Rio Fanart Or Something.

I might just draw some myself if I feel up to it.

Tags :
9 months ago

I have drawn some Sariel x Rio Fanart

Technically it's just lineart and whether or not I will finish it is up to if I lose creative interest and depression and whatnot, but the point is I have drawn so yay.

I Have Drawn Some Sariel X Rio Fanart

Anyway, Happy Pride?

Tags :
2 years ago

Has anyone done this for ikepri? — Artbreeder series — (Pt. 1)

Okay, so I was bored and instead of finishing the new chapter, I decided to go to artbreeder and expirement... All day. So after some struggles, I made all 8 princes + Sariel and Rio.

In the future should I make Silvio, Keith and Gilbert too? And Emma? I had fun and I'd do it again. Maybe even for other Ikemen games lol.

But nvm, now I present you 10 ikepri characters by artbreeder + my after touch in Autodesk. (I had to do it, usually for their eye colors.)

(This is "Part 1" Because Tumblr doesn't like me, and only allows 10 pictures in one post, so Rio and Sariel will be separated.)


Part 2 here! → Part 3 here!


• Leon Dompteur

(His hair is kinda weird, I had to touch that up, since it didn't quite reach his neck. Also, in general I struggled to make his features look right, I'm still not 100% into it, but I had to stop somewhere eventually haha.)


• Chevalier Michel

(Again, the hair. I swear I had to mix almost all of them with females to achieve some longer locks, since a lot of them have that going on. Also, his hair doesn't really reach his eye, and it's curly, but it is what it is...)


• Yves Kloss

(Okay, he was the first that I did, and I still love it! He's one of my favorites, I love how he turned out. Btw, I had to draw his earring, because it was impossible to edit that. So that's why it looks out of place. He looks so sassy tho.)


• Nokto Klein

(He kinda looks like a woman, to me? I had to mix him with multiple females to make his longer hair possible. But I don't hate it. And again; I edited his eyes myself. He kinda has that resting bitch face here, and I'm living for it lol.)


• Licht Klein

(I struggled with him too, to make his features look right and somewhat similar? I had like 3 tries, where I mixed everything into it, but I actually created this on accident, kind of half-hearted. But in the end I liked this the best because he resembles Nokto and they actually look like twins. Plus I had to edit his eyes, beauty marks and hair a bit. He looks soft uwu.)


• Jin Grandet

(Would it be a surprise if I'd say that I struggled with him too? I had to search for really manly prototypes and match them together, but in the end I don't hate how he turned out either. His hair is more brown than it should be, his eyes too, but I don't think it's that bothersome. Ultimate manly dude. Kinda looks like a Daddy material xd.)


• Luke Randolph

(Okay, OKAY. I'm in LOVE! He's my favorite, hands down! I actually made two versions for him; one with a smile and the other as a neutral expression but his smile is everything! I love it, he looks so precious! I might change to his route after this oof.)


• Clavis Lelouch

(I couldn't quite catch his features, his aura/vibe - if you will - well at first, but after some tries it came out good. I think. I also had to mix him with women, mainly because of his purple hair. I edited his eyes and beauty mark, but I was lazy to do his hair properly. He also has two expressions; Neutral and a mischievous one. ;))


Tags :
2 years ago

Has anyone done this for ikepri? — Artbreeder series — (Pt. 2)


Part 1 here, if you missed it! → Part 3 here!

Let's resume then!

• Rio Ortiz

(He was the second that I completed, and I'm satisfied haha. Although he may look a bit feminine, he looks cute and precious to me. I wanna give him a hug. I thought I should edit his earring but in the end it actually came out as if he has one, so I didn't do any after-touch. And by that time I was also lazy to do that.)


• Sariel Noir

(The unbelievable guy. I think I struggled with him the most. At first I had some good bases, but he looked... Way too old. Then he started to look like a vampire, trying to make his hair jet-black and all. And then his features didn't sit right, but here we are. There's a version where I quickly drew his glasses on, but they look awful, so have the version of him without his glasses too lol. He still looks way too old oof. Plus I forgot to edit his eye color on the no-glasses picture. Oh well.)


Well, this is the end (for now)! Let me know if I should make the 3 new princes or any other Ikemen game characters for that matter, because I had fun and I'd do it again! <3

Tags :
2 years ago

❥︎ The Queen’s Deceit • Ikemen Prince fanfiction


1. I don't own any of the ikepri characters and surroundings here, just my OC whom I created just for this purpose!

2. This is my first writing here and on top of that my first English writing! It's not my first language so there could be typos, and grammatical errors (as I'm still kind of learning the language) — in case this happens please tell me, I'm quick to fix them and make better quality!

3. Last, but not least is the story itself and some characters' personalities. Since the plot doesn't follow after our MC in the game, things can be different! Also, some elements were completely invented by me, so please keep an eye out for that too! (Plus, there could be spoilers for some routes.)

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

• Chapter IV.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"-So you are the attendant Sariel told me about! And he assigned me to help you, at least in the first couple of days. Welcome, Artina!" When I finally reached the other side of the palace, I quickly found the butler to whom it was recommended to enlighten me about more things regarding my newly-found job here in Rhodolite. 

It turned out that he's actually the new Belle's personal butler and hasn't been long in the palace either. But then again, he seems good at his job, seeing that the strict minister trusted him with this task.

"That must be such a challenging job, with all eight of them! Although I'm here only for a month, you can ask me too if you need any help. I'll gladly lend a hand, be it anything!" The new Belle - or Emma, as she introduced herself to me - gave me a supportive and enthusiastic smile while offering her assistance as well. 

She really does have a pure heart. I would probably never do anything favorable for another person if I'm not getting something back... Oh well, cultural differences, I guess. 

"Thank you, too. It means a lot. Only with you guys' encouragement, I'm much more confident about this job early on. Although it depends on the princes too." At my last remark, I laughed, and they chuckled too. 

"That's for sure. I've been here for almost a week now, but there are still princes I can't seem to figure out, or I only see them quite rarely throughout the day. Maybe I should accompany you at least, and I would get to see and understand all of them better." Emma added, clearly determined. 

She takes her responsibilities seriously, I see. The people can trust her then that she will choose the most fitting out of the princes, to be the king in the future. Good for them... if only it worked out like that in Obsidian too. Everything would be different. 

"Since you have a lot to catch up on about your work, why don't we go somewhere more pleasant to discuss?" Rio - the butler - suggested with a small smile and gestured to one of the staircases, cornering the corridor we were standing by. 

"Let's go to the garden! I'm sure you will like the flowers there! They bloom all year, and you can't get enough of their beauty!" Emma's eyes sparkled, and with that, they began to show me the way to the even more spacious castle gardens than ours back in Obsidian. 

Basically, after that rushed morning meeting with the minister and the princes, my day passed peacefully, and I spent it with Belle and her butler. They kept me company and didn't abandon me, and for that, I was somewhat grateful since I still needed to learn my way around the palace. 

Also, they warned me multiple times that my job won't be easy... Not that I expected it to be. 

But starting from tomorrow, serving breakfast to the royals, I'm really doing this. It's been only two days since I fled from Obsidian's walls, and I can't help but wonder what is going on at home. I wouldn't call it homesickness - for now - since it's even quite pleasant being a long distance away from the castle and even the country's borders. 

I just have this silly idea; what if, after some time, here I will forget the darker, chaotic reality of my situation and position in this world... and our empire? 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

...Well, this is indeed odd. Are the others still sleeping, or are they not hungry? 

"Watch your step! You almost knocked the plate out of my hand just now!" Another attendant's voice woke me up from my daydream, while we were serving breakfast to the royals. 

Or, just only one of them, at the moment. 

Prince Yves was the only one who came down to the exquisite and commodious dining room early in the morning to eat. 

I had no clue about the others as I was genuinely surprised by their lack of presence, but the other servants didn't seem to care since they were constantly bringing tons of food to the table, restless. 

Will the others eat it later, for lunch? Do they like late breakfast, or what? 

Where I come from, food is a luxury, and even we in the castle can't and shouldn't afford such measures for a simple meal throughout the day. 

Do they not appreciate the people - including us - working for their sake? 

The more I thought about it, the more my blood was boiling, but I knew better than to cause a scene and raise suspicion. 

...You're not in Obsidian, Artina. Get used to it, and swallow it for now. 

"Prince Yves, may I ask where are your brothers and why don't they intend to come for breakfast?" On the other hand, I needed to hear some kind of answer to - one of - my burning questions. Surely he knows something since he's been living with them for years. 

Meanwhile, I put his plate in front of him, waiting for an answer before heading back. 

"Some of them eat breakfast later or oversleep and eat at lunchtime. But it does not concern me... and I told you to call me Your Highness." He said, mumbling the last part without looking at me. Then elegantly picked up the cutlery and started to eat. 

Is it because of their duties? But Yves is here, though... Or maybe it just depends on the day?

I really shouldn't think about this too much. I'm just causing a useless headache for myself and my thoughts. 

"-Why are you still standing here?" Now he looked into my eyes, seeming annoyed just by my mere presence. 

"Well, I was also going to ask if you need help with anything? Any casual matters or duties?" I said quickly, so I don't embarrass myself, clearly zoning out again. 

"...I suppose you are not as useless." He huffed, then tossed me a small piece of paper with delicate, legible handwriting.

I scanned it with my eyes for a brief moment and realized these are numerous ingredients for foods. Again, nutrition. Just when I want to erase it from my thoughts.

"Go to town and get me all of these by the afternoon. It shouldn't be too hard, so you better not mess it up." He addressed me sharply, and I only nodded, then left him alone. 

That's right, this shouldn't be too challenging; I only have to do some shopping. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"I'm beyond flattered that you decided to join us in such early hours in the morning, Lady Artina." Clavis smiled, sitting across from me in the carriage. 

I literally didn't have a choice since you guys half-dragged me up here, but yes, I'm beyond flattered too. 

"And this maid outfit suits you and your body quite nicely- if I might add." I looked to Nokto beside the purple-haired one, rewarding me yet again with a sly smile and a flirty tone. 

...Don't even get me started on this dress; it's not even functional enough. It's only for pleasing the eyes, but wearing it gets quite the hustle. 

"Although I prefer women showing their legs more, I think this dress still covers too much." Come on, Clavis, don't play along..!

"The more skin exposed, the better for me. I think the neckline could show a little bit more." Nokto added again. 

"I don't think you should tease Artina on this." Said Luke from beside me, in a defensive tone. "Don't worry, they are not serious though." He turned to me with sincerity and kindness in his eyes and smiled. 

"-But I might add too that I like ruffles, so more of them would be kind of nice, I guess." He confessed, at last. 

"Oh, so you like the cute types then, Luke?" Nokto pushed on the topic even more. 

Never mind about defending. Also, why is Prince Chevalier's faction telling me about their ideal types of maid outfits? And where's Chevalier himself anyway? I'd like to imagine that at least he would make them quiet. 

"Might as well, don't you guys want to tell me Prince Chevalier's preference? Seeing that all of you are eager to share your own, schamlos." I blurted out, not watching the way I phrased the sentence. 

"Huh? What was that last word you said?" Luke asked, confused. 

...I know that my rule in life is that 'If nobody's going to do it, then I will.' but I didn't quite mean it to blow my cover when I thought about it at first! 

At least I'll save other people the time and energy of investigating me, as it's been proven that I'm not good at hiding my identity!

Never mind; now that my speech backfired, I might as well save myself too.

"Shameless, if you want it spelled out. I just got tongue-tied for a second because of your teasing." Yeah, it sounds like a valid excuse, way to go.

"You get tongue-tied interestingly." Clavis chuckled. 

I looked elsewhere, sighing, and finally felt the carriage take off. 

At least, that saves me from witnessing or creating more embarrassing and suspicious moments for myself, and from now on, I will be just concentrating on the scenery that is rushing past us at a fast pace. 

That way, maybe I will forget this weird exchange as soon as possible.

"By the way, we are going to the center of the town, right?" I asked hesitatingly after a couple of minutes.

"Yes, we have some business there." Nokto answered curtly, now his attention occupied by some papers lying in his hands.

I faintly nodded - not that he would see it since he was focusing on something entirely different. 

...At least I'm going where I'm supposed to. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The sun was shining high and bright on me that forenoon, and I was having a good time shopping and navigating through the town center. 

I'm on my own in a foreign country, which is, moreover, enemy territory for me. I should be wary and uneasy, but I'm not. 

As the mighty lightning orb in the sky was hinting at everything in a pure golden glow, it hinted away my worries too for a couple of hours. 

For the first time it didn't feel like I was that much different from the ordinary townspeople. Everyone - including me too - was just enjoying the sun and good weather, it was that simple. I felt the same familiar feeling that they could be feeling as well. Ordinary... feelings that they must have felt. Yeah, it's been so long since I've felt ordinary, - or normal at all. Never before.

But as my small journey slowly came to a close, the heavy bags in my hands weren't the real things that weighed me down at that moment. Rather, they were my thoughts and my mind. 

I kept comforting myself while I traveled back to the palace, now in silence since the three princes had an entirely different business from mine in the center. But I didn't miss them; I was grateful for the peaceful silence until I was back in the lions' den. 

After I arrived safely at the palace, I immediately headed for the master kitchen to set the numerous ingredients there. 

I was sure that Prince Yves wouldn't like me to deliver the shopping bags to his room, although the face he would make might be funny and worth it. 

But I knew better than that and still chose the kitchen to safely pack away the flour, eggs, and baking oils. 

I wonder why he needed so many of these? Did he request it for the servants in secret? Because right now, I can't imagine what he, alone, would do with loads of baking supplies.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The following morning I was weirdly relieved to see more than just one royal sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast. 

Other than Prince Yves, Prince Leon and Prince Jin was also seated close to the younger, pompous prince. 

Prince Leon already had a plate in front of him, so I went to Prince Jin, hoping to serve him some real food... Seeing that he was fiddling with a lollipop's wrapping. 

"Good morning, Prince-" I quickly realized my mistake before cutting my sentence short. But I already captured his attention, and he was looking at me and listening, now with a small but pleased smile. "Sorry, I meant to say Jin. Can I serve you some breakfast?" I automatically looked down at his lollipop, which he was still fiddling with. I hope he notices my intentions.

"Morning, Artina! Yesterday I didn't even see you in your adorable maid dress! I must say it fits you well." He complimented me with a broad smile, and before speaking again, he popped the - now wrapping-free - lollipop in his mouth. "About breakfast, don't strain yourself. I rarely eat breakfast in the mornings. But I enjoy seeing my brothers get their bellies full. Why don't you too, join us instead? It's the best when everyone eats together in a lively space, don't you think?" I suddenly found myself considering his offer with a good feeling accompanying it in my stomach. Fair enough, I was indeed hungry. 

"Very well then. If that's your wish." I gave in and sat down, opposite Prince Jin and pulled a plate of food in front of me.

"Lady Artina, good morning! It's good to see you're eating with us too." Prince Leon greeted me, a couple of seats away.

Yves at the other side of the table, opposite Prince Leon, just silently grumbled something, but I took it as a greeting too. 

"Much better. See? That's what gets the people bonding." Jin laughed, still completely satisfied with his lollipop.

...He wants me to bond already?

I let him be, didn't wanted to force anything, and started to eat quietly. 

"Oh, also, I almost forgot to thank you for yesterday's feast!" Prince Leon rose from his seat a couple of minutes later, indicating that he had finished his meal. 

"Excuse me? I didn't put together any kind of feast. I just went shopping in the morning-" I was slightly confused about what he was trying to imply. 

"Well, without your shopping, Yves here probably couldn't have made his delicious desserts for us in the faction room by the evening! We were celebrating some recent accomplishments, and he was so generous that he baked for us again!" Jin exclaimed proudly, patting his brother's shoulder by stretching out over the several empty chairs separating them. 

Wait... So Prince Yves bakes? Furthermore, he bakes desserts? I admit I didn't expect that, but that's such an adorable gesture! 

"Well, I'm glad to be of help, always!" I smiled genuinely at the end.

Why do I feel giddy all of a sudden? This is just a conversation at breakfast.

"-You don't have to tell it to every single breathing creature in this castle, you know. It was just a small gesture, nothing more." Yves looked up, scolding his older brother hastily, but I saw that his ears turned a bright shade of red because of our exchange.

"Don't be shy, we enjoyed it very much. And we're always looking forward to your dainties!" Leon added, smiling at the younger one, and went to pat his head too. 

I just quietly enjoyed the brothers' interaction from my seat while munching on my breakfast. 

It was nice seeing them being friendly with each other, it lifted my mood too. It also made me suddenly remember my own family, especially my brother. 

It's not like we used to be like this... we were never that friendly around each other, it was more like respect and a strong sense of trust, but nonetheless, these were the kind of moments I appreciated with Gilbert while we were younger. 

Good memories, I suppose.


(I feel like this is the third boring chapter in a row now. Please tell me I’m the only one who feels this way...!)

Tags :
2 years ago

Rio with original + different hair colors <3

Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors
Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors
Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors
Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors
Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors
Rio With Original + Different Hair Colors

Tags :
2 years ago

MC : *kills a man*

Rio : I still love MC!


MC : * starts dating one of rhodolite's princes*

Rio : I still love MC!!


MC : *Breathes in the same air as Silvio*

Rio : Listen here you little bookworm-

Tags :
2 years ago
WARNING 15+ Spoilers For Rio's Real Name & Brothers, Dark Thoughts, Murderous Intent, Mention Of Poisoning,
WARNING 15+ Spoilers For Rio's Real Name & Brothers, Dark Thoughts, Murderous Intent, Mention Of Poisoning,
WARNING 15+ Spoilers For Rio's Real Name & Brothers, Dark Thoughts, Murderous Intent, Mention Of Poisoning,

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ Spoilers for Rio's real name & brothers, Dark thoughts, murderous intent, mention of poisoning, forced kiss, Violence, Rio is quickly going insane | F!MC |

WARNING 15+ Spoilers For Rio's Real Name & Brothers, Dark Thoughts, Murderous Intent, Mention Of Poisoning,

Watching MC wander across the ballroom, greeting the guests, Rio feels disheartened as he observes her. He's failed. He's failed once again to protect something precious to him, someone precious to him, MC. Once again, his brother has stolen someone precious to him, his Belle.

His beloved MC has fallen in love with someone who only uses her as a means to an end.

Rio's gaze fixed solely on his older brother who slithered across the ballroom like a snake, chatting up every nobleman or noblewoman along the way.

He hated him, he hated everything about him. he wishes he was dead, he wishes he had killed Emidio when he had the opportunity to do so. he SHOULD have killed Emidio. if he had done that then he wouldn't have felt the way he feels now, he wouldn't have lost MC and he would have had his happily ever after with her.

Rio didn't lose his life to Emidio the last time the two fought, but subjectively he feels like he has lost his life to him, MC was his life. she was his reason to live. she saved him, she encouraged and supported him, she took care of him, she made him want to live.

feeling suffocated, Rio loosened his shirt's collar and inhaled a deep breath, trying to compose himself. the best he could do right now is plaster a fake smile across his face, a smile good enough to fool everyone around him and gain supporters as he plans a way to steal MC away from his older brother. If only MC had fallen in love with Silvio or one of the rhodolite princes, things would have been way better for Rio. he would have been able to breathe without feeling suffocated. But she fell in love with Emidio.

Rio feels mad- he's slowly losing his sanity, he's ready to throw any coherent thought away right now, and he can't stand to look at either MC or Emidio. All he can think of is wrapping his hands around the latter's neck and strangling him to death.

As if sensing the sudden dark change of atmosphere around Rio, Silvio roughly patted his head.

"Don't look so mad, it's a weird expression on you and people are watching." Silvio told him

Rio tensed up, people were indeed watching him with curiosity. Rio chuckled darkly to himself, "If the woman you loved more than anything, more than the world, more than life itself was in the arms of your biggest enemy how would you look?" he inquired. Silvio didn't reply, he only looked at MC before clicking his tongue in irritation.

Rio smiled at his oldest brother's silence then looked back at Emidio.

He dared to leave MC alone to wander around, Rio would have never left her alone.

Emidio didn't deserve her, and he never will. Rio will take his MC back sooner or later and he will get rid of Emidio, He vows to himself that he will. This time he won't let Emidio getaway.

The next day.

Early morning Rio is standing before MC's door, a tray with her favorite sweets and tea in hand. he's going to try and convince her to leave Emidio. if she doesn't... then so be it, he will try again tomorrow. inhaling a sharp breath, Rio knocks on MC's door and greets her with a big smile, "Good morning MC! you look as lovely and breathing as usual today!" MC tensed up as she saw the forced smile on Rio but did her best to smile and greet him in return.

When did things get so awkward between us? Rio wonders as he pours MC her tea. the distance between them feels like it's increasing day by day and it's crushing him. ever since Emidio returned, MC has been putting distance between her and Rio. why couldn't things just be like old times? MC used to smile and look at him lovingly, but now she's looking at him tense and wary.

it's not him she should be looking like this at... it's Emidio.

Everything is Emidio's fault.

"Listen, Rio," MC started, snapping Rio out of his thoughts, "If you're going to talk to me again about leaving Emidio, just know that's not going to happen. I love him and I choose to stay with him and help him change" She declared.


She loved him.

Rio can feel his smile crumbling away at her words, how could she love him? Emidio was a cruel cold-hearted monster, a psychopath just like his mother.

Rio stands up and grabs MC by the shoulders "What exactly do you love about him?" he questions her, "Can't you see he's only using you? he doesn't love you MC." A cold sweat runs down MC's back, the person standing in front of her isn't Rio. the person before her is a beast.

All MC can do is look into Rio's cold gaze and carefully think of what she can say next. "Rio-" She started but was cut off by him placing his hand behind her head and forcefully pulling her towards him, pressing her lips against his in a kiss.

MC slaps Rio and pulls back, pushing against his shoulders. Rio only smiles bitterly at her "Didn't you love me too?' he asks her. "Leave!" MC tells him, disgusted by what he's just done. Rio only strides towards her, forcefully grabbing her shoulders and slamming her against the wall. "Didn't you say that you love me?! Didn't you swear to me that we'll always be together no matter what?!" Rio's voice is hoarse and full of malice and hurt.

"Rio you're hurting me!" MC manages to yell at him, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. And the door to her room is suddenly kicked open

"The hell are you doing?!" Silvio yells as he rushes into the room and grabs his brother "Let her go you idiot, have you lost your damned mind?!" Silvio's brows furrowed as he pulled Rio away from MC. "Stay out of this," Rio warned him. "Stupid, you're doing dumb things, I'm not just going to ignore that you're hurting the woman. " Silvio retorted.

MC was the goodwill ambassador from rhodolite, if anything were to happen to her here it would turn sour the relationship between Benitoite and Rhodolite. and besides, what was the damned dog doing?! out of all people, Silvio would have never expected HIM to hurt MC.

Rio glared at Silvio like a madman before leaving without saying a word.

Once Rio had left, MC sits down on the bed and bursts into tears. Feeling awkward, Silvio ruffles her hair roughly. "I'll keep Valerio away from you if you'd like." Silvio offers.

Now might not be the appropriate time to let her know he came here to tell her Emidio has been poisoned quite badly and is being looked after by all the palace doctors but he'll have to break the news to her eventually...

there's one thing Silvio is convinced about now- Valerio has poisoned Emidio and lost his mind. he'll have to keep MC away from him at all times, Emidio too.

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2 years ago
 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader
 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader
 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader
 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader
 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Yandere themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader

 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader

He looks down at your sleeping face, Your chest rising up and then falling as you breathe in and out peacefully, Unaware of the man who crept into your room and is watching you as you sleep.

Rio's hand ghosts over your cheek, His touch so delicate it's barely even there.

His chest tightens, and his fists clench as he continues watching you.

Rio frowns at himself.

The more he looks down at your beautiful sleeping body the dirtier he feels. Your long lashes cast shadows underneath your eyes as the moonlight illuminates you. And his hand trails riskily down your neck, then the curve of your breasts. He cups your right breast in his hand and lightly squeezes it, his eyes focus on your beautiful lips.

'If you woke up and caught him doing this, what would you do?'

The thought of you catching him in the act sends a nervous yet exciting thrill down his spine.

Rio's eyes glint in the moonlight, Their beautiful sky blue color looking dark and murky with a single glow of insanity within them.

He leans down to kiss your lips, His chest tingling as he pulls back to look at your face.

He's never done this before.

It feels good, Way too good. Rio's lips are on yours once more. This time he closes his eyes to savour the sweet kiss he shares with you. All he can think of while he kisses you is your sweet soft lips underneath his, And the feel of your soft breast in his hand. His hands now trail boldly over your body. He grabs a handful of your lovely thighs and squeezes your beautiful waist.

It takes all of his self-control to stop and pull away.

He lets out a disappointed sigh, Already missing your sweet lips.

Don't you know how you have him wrapped around your finger? Even while you sleep.

He's so down bad for you. It even scares him. He thought he would be alright with being just friends, yet, that wasn't enough. He prefers sneaking into your room like this to touch you in the sweet way a lover would.

He feels greedy, Greedy to have even more of you, and yet he can't. He doesn't want to do something so horrible you would hate him forever.

Rio takes your warm hand into his bigger but colder one. He kisses your ring finger and then pulls your bedsheets higher to cover you, "I'll marry you one day, I promise. You'll be the happiest and most beautiful bride." He whispers.

"Goodnight, My beautiful future bride." Rio bids you farewell and then leaves your room.

He walks down the dark hallway, Feeling colder and colder, yet more anxious because he's been left alone without you... He really needs you by his side desperately.

He comes to a halt, now regretting he left your room. He already misses you so much he's not sure what to do. His heart feels heavy, and his chest thumps wildly as he thinks of you.

He decides to go back. He takes long but quick strides towards your room, his heart pounding louder and louder until he finally reaches your door. He lets himself inside and then locks the door behind him, The lock making an audible click as he twists the key within the keyhole.

Rio approaches you, Already coming up with an excuse as to why he's in your bed when you wake up.

He'll say he had a bad dream. That should be enough.

The mattress of your bed dips under his weight, and he snuggles against you.

Rio lightly nudges you to wake you up, Already seeking the comfort he knows you will give him when you find out he had a "bad dream."

Although he feels slightly guilty for waking you, his heart still melts when you open your eyes and reveal that sweet yet confused sleepy expression on your face.

When he briefly explains why he's here, you don't question him any further. You accept him into your arms and offer him the comfort he needs after his earlier distress upon leaving you.

Rio sighs blissfully, Wishing he could stay in your arms like this forever.

He'll steal another kiss from you tomorrow night. For now, he'll have sweet dreams with you in them.

 WARNING 16+ Yandere Themes, Groping, Perversion, Fem!reader

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1 year ago
[ "' !" ]

[ "𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞!" ]

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[ "' !" ]
[ "' !" ]

• ⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ • smut, light marking...  ෆ

[ "' !" ]

A frog ribbits while hiding somewhere in the grass as a soft breeze blows throughout the beautiful fairytale-like garden of Rhodolite, carrying the somewhat cold scent of fresh night air with it. The moon shines brightly from within the never-ending depths of the dark sky, illuminating all of the land below it along with Rio’s supple skin. 

His soft skin is littered with bruises that don’t appear to have an end even as you peel off his white shirt to reveal more of them. He shudders as the cold night breeze hits his skin, the red blush on his face deepening as he gazes at you to see just how hungrily you’re looking at him. You look like a beast, your eyes filled with passion..and lust… 

Your head goes down to kiss his neck and he gulps, his fingers making their way into your shirt where they grip it tightly as he mutters a quick, “We can’t do this” in hopes of trying to stop you. Deep down, he knows that he doesn’t want to stop you. He just needs to tell you that this is wrong… that you can’t do what you’re doing, and that these are dangerous games you’re playing. He needs to tell you to stop, all just to ease his consciousness which he knows would guilt him later if he didn’t do as little as tell you to stop this even once…

“Please stop.” His voice comes out pleadingly, but not in the way that he would have liked it to. It’s like he’s begging you to continue rather than put an end to things here. Your soft lips continue to press kisses against his neck, your tongue darting out to soothe one of the new love bites you’ve left on him, and he tries to suppress the whimper threatening to leave his lips as he feels himself already getting aroused by you, “We can’t do this..” he whispers as his head turns away from you, shame beginning to fill him because of how weak and pathetic he is, unable to resist even your smallest temptations.

You don’t grace him with a reply and take his face into your hands, your warm fingers pressing gently against his cheeks as you pull his head back to make him face you, quickly sealing his lips with yours to steal a sweet kiss when his eyes meet yours. Your sweet kiss quickly turns into a heated one as you devour his lips, swallowing all of his half-hearted protests and making his mind turn into a haze with nothing except you in clear sight within it.

He can’t think of her, he can’t think of anyone… his father, his mother, the kingdom. It’s all blurry in his head as you take his shaft out, your fingers beginning to work him slowly as you whisper sweet little nothings in his ear along with asking him if he misses you. He hates how he replies so eagerly, telling you he always misses you and how much he loves you. Is he so selfish that he can’t do what was right for the kingdom even once? Instead of his fiance touching him right now which would unite his kingdom with hers, he allows only you to touch him like this and drive him insane.


He drowns himself in the pleasure you give him, his mind going blank when he finishes on his hand while letting out a quiet moan as his cum shoots out and disgracefully covers his fingers. The sound of knocking echoes through the wooden door, breaking both the silence in the room and him out of the fantasy he had with you in his head. “Valerio, are you there? It’s time for the ceremony.” He hears his fiance’s smooth voice through the fancy wooden door,

“Ah, Just a minute! I’ll be right there!” He tells her as he scrambles to get tissues to clean the mess he just made on his hand.

He sighs dejected. He’s about to be wed to another, and yet all he can think of is you…again.

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