Goddess Of Death - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Master of Death Harry Potter but instead of the usual death personification, he meets Kristen aka Goddess of Death/Philza’s wife.

Master of Death is simply a title where you hold various powers of destruction in your hands and babysit the kids once in a while. You also get somewhat adopted into the family.

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3 years ago

Perhaps, a mumza

Perhaps, A Mumza

mumza goddess of death my beloved

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7 months ago

Have a Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess of Death, Lady Death, etc)

Have A Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess Of Death, Lady Death, Etc)

This is the lady who ends up taking Joan to the afterlife when she dies. She usually has her reapers do so (she has billions of them) but this one was special and just had to do it herself

(I have started experimenting with different colored lineart if you have not noticed!)

Just wanted to give an idea as to how True Death’s human form looks like!

dewdled her as well i love drawing spooky women

Have A Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess Of Death, Lady Death, Etc)

i think she’s neat explodessd

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7 months ago

Death is a Friend

I once was scared of what waited for me after death

A woman with long, messy brown hair with tired blue eyes can be seen walking through the forest during nighttime, her pace slow and careful, holding onto the trees at times. Her skin was pale, a scar decorating the lower part of her face from her lips to the top of her neck. She looked around before turning to the right, searching for something or someplace. It didn’t take long for her to find what she was looking for.

Once, long ago, I wished to never perish

It was a rather secluded place of the forest, the grass was short and the trees were tall, covering most of the forest in shadows except that one place. The woman, Joan, went and sat on the ground. She looked up at the starry sky, her tired eyes threatening to close. It was dark, quiet, calm. She sighed as she pulled her eyes away from the sky and took in the scenery around her. Moonflowers were everywhere, practically surrounding her. She sighed as tears filled her eyes. She was sick, she was dying, and she was scared. Why wouldn’t she be? She would not wake up once she finally went to rest. She knew she wouldn’t see her friends again. Friends who didn’t know she was sick in the first place…

To leave behind those who I cared for was torture

“I wonder if they got the letters…” Joan mumbled, her voice hoarse.

And yet, I still listen to others call for me…

Joan let out a deep breath as she wiped her tears before lying down on the soft grass. She was tired, so so tired… Her eyes were closing as her heart started slowing down by the second…

Death can be scary but…

“I am so sorry… But I didn’t want you to see me like this…” The woman in purple said as she spoke to no one but the visages of her friends.

She was never one to be cruel…

She couldn’t help but cry at the memory of her accidentally shrinking Ninja down to a rather miniature size as everything else starts to fade. Oh, how Kuno cried in laughter when she saw him, how Ninja got so mad at that but couldn’t do anything… What a day that was…

At least I can go with a smile…

Finally, her eyes closed and her heartbeat stopped as her now lifeless body laid there, surrounded by her favorite flowers…

“Hey… Wake up…” A soft, unfamiliar voice spoke.

Death can be gentle, kind, loving

In front of Joan was a beautiful woman with skin so pale, it looked like snow, long, flowy dark hair that danced with the nonexistent wind and bright, yellow eyes holding nothing short of sympathy. She wore a dark mofuku, a funeral kimono. How fitting.

Death can be breathtaking, enchanting

“Wha…?” Joan awoke at the voice, and she sat up as she held her head. “Why does my head hurt…?”

It can be painful, there is no doubt

“Oh, that always happens to the freshly deceased, you’ll be fine in a minute or two!” The strange woman said.

But nonetheless, she is understanding

“Deceased?” Joan repeated before looking behind her, seeing her vessel lying on the ground, herself now being a mere spirit. “Oh… Right.”

Death is not a cloaked figure with a scythe

“I understand you are confused, or maybe not, you did see me for quite a while with that hat of yours.” The woman said. “Oh right, excuse my rudeness! I am Nephthys, Goddess of Death. Feel free to call me Neph though, if you so wish of course.”

Death is not who you flinch from but the one you embrace

“So you are True Death…” Joan said as she crossed her arms as she looked at the dark goddess.

She is nothing like how others said

“Yes, I am! To be truthful, it has been quite a while since I’ve taken someone to the afterlife personally. I usually have my Reapers do so but you… are quite the unique case.” Neph said as she smiled. “After all, you did defeat False Death and became a hero. Even if it did cost your loved ones’ lives…”

It is… relieving

“My sisters… Are they okay?” Joan asked.

I am calm…

“They are doing just fine, dear. They are actually waiting for you.” Neph said as her smiled softened. “They missed you quite a bit.”

I am safe…

A lump formed in Joan’s throat as she teared up at the thought of reuniting with her sisters after so long.

I am dead but I am no longer in pain 

“Did I… Did I really do good…?” Joan asked as she looked down.

Tell me, my friend, was I good?

This made the goddess chuckle softly.

Please, say I was good…

“Well, you did have quite a few mishaps but your good deeds outweigh the bad ones.” Neph said as she extended her hand towards Joan. “So… you ready to go?”

Death is kind but the thought still scares

Joan looked up at True Death’s hand, looking hesitant to take it. She was already dead but… she was still afraid. To leave the mortal realm at last was a terrifying concept but to actually experience that was just as bad, if not worse.

But now…

Then again… she wanted to see her family. She wanted to finally be at peace with her family. She wanted to enjoy the afterlife with her family.

I can be free…

She wanted to stop fighting at last.

“I am sorry Ninja, Kuno… I wish I had told you in person…” Joan thought. “I have to go but I pray that you both have a good life before your time comes… Until we meet again…”

Thank you, Death, for being kind…

She then looked up at the dark lady and gave her a slight nod…

Thank you for being my friend…

And so she took True Death’s hand…

——Heeeeey, thanks for reading this! Hope it made you cry! :3——

Tagging: @ikari-shinsei, @fernnshxj and @willowthearts, I feel like you would like this cause it does involve Miori, kinda, ish!

And a special thanks to @asexual-angsty-writer for helping me out with this angsty segment!

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2 years ago
Click Of Better Quality

Click of better quality ❤️

Was originally ment to design myself as a deity, but got carried away.

So meet the goddess of peaceful passings, or good deaths. She aids people who suffer lonely or traumatic deaths in passing on.

The idea is she uses her veil to shield them from the horrors of their deaths

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