Rc9gn Art - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago



Daniel Liu Pereira! Another one of Gin’s friends, one that is in her main friend group. He is part Portuguese and part Chinese, is a sweet and shy boy who models sometimes so he is quite the popular one. Often soft spoken and easily flustered, he is considered to be very charming despite not trying to be or just being oblivious to so. He is rather smart so his grades at school are very high and while socializing makes him a tad bit nervous, he is nice to most people, even Bash, so he is pretty friendly towards Howard and Randy. With Gin, he often gets flustered due to how clingy she is but always expects her hugs and cuddles.

He likes makeup and fashion, sometimes dressing up in pretty dresses and skirts and just going ‘Screw gender roles!’ He also likes to cook and watch movies, mostly romance or dramas that make him shed a tear. His all time favorite is The Book of Life. He cried when he first heard the song I Love You Too Much, he wants to be serenaded like that one day. Yes, he is a hopeless romantic who wishes to find true love one day 💛

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11 months ago

THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND!! Zane Rivers my beloved!!

The boi is fa-bu-lous!! Fuck yeah, Daniel, Adira, Gin and Zane be the most badass friend group ever! They biffers motherfuckers! I am literally SCREAMING! I wanna squeeze him so bad!

Okay, so I've noticed a trend going on with my mutual @gsstories and her other mutuals, and I decided I want to join in because I also love Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.

So, here is my OC, Zane Rivers in the style of the show, as a Ninja himself, because Ninjas are cool. He is the Blue Ninja because blue is his theme.

Okay, So I've Noticed A Trend Going On With My Mutual @gsstories And Her Other Mutuals, And I Decided

I liked drawing my character in the show’s style, it’s very distinctive.

I don’t really have much of a story for him, I just thought of a couple of ideas. In my head, he is close friends with Gin Rose, Adira Guerrero, and Daniel Liu Pereira, three of @gsstories’ OCs.

And here is his Ninja Cold Rage mode.

Okay, So I've Noticed A Trend Going On With My Mutual @gsstories And Her Other Mutuals, And I Decided

His mask is imbued with the spirit of the Ice Kitsune, which was sealed away in the Stone along with the Tengu. Once Zane resealed the Kitsune spirit away, he gained the Ninja Cold Rage power up, along with a new signature technique exclusive to the Blue Ninja: Ninja Zenko Freeze.


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11 months ago
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And

I wanted to finish this lil comic sooner but I have not been feeling motivated to finish it lately and I really wanted to show it off so have this! Maybe I’ll draw it digitally and color it in the future, idk but I am quite proud how it turned out even as a WIP.

Blue Kunoichi (aka Miori) belongs to my mutual @fernnshxj

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11 months ago

At the movies with the biffers!

At The Movies With The Biffers!

Audra was dragged by Gin once school was out so she would join her and her friend group to see a movie! There were a lot of emotions as you can see lol!

Zane belongs to @ikari-shinsei

Audra belongs to @willowthearts

Daniel, Gin and Adira belong to me!

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11 months ago



Mr. Yoshi NV! He is a 40 year old man who is the owner and martial arts instructor of the local Norrisville dojo. Yoshi is usually a calm and collected man that can sometimes act stubborn and annoyed, like his wife but more chill. He usually has to drag his wife so she doesn’t overwork herself to death and often has to keep an eye on their daughter so she doesn’t end up doing anything stupid. He had to witness his wife get sick with cancer and he was a wreck the whole time and was just so relieved when she got better. He loves his wife and daughter very much and always tolerates the different types of chaos they bring into his life. He and his wife are high school sweethearts.

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7 months ago

Have a Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess of Death, Lady Death, etc)

Have A Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess Of Death, Lady Death, Etc)

This is the lady who ends up taking Joan to the afterlife when she dies. She usually has her reapers do so (she has billions of them) but this one was special and just had to do it herself

(I have started experimenting with different colored lineart if you have not noticed!)

Just wanted to give an idea as to how True Death’s human form looks like!

dewdled her as well i love drawing spooky women

Have A Nephthys! (Aka True Death, Goddess Of Death, Lady Death, Etc)

i think she’s neat explodessd

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7 months ago


So like, seeing @fernnshxj’s Reverse AU Miori made me dig through my stuff to find an old concept of Joan if she was in the 21st century and I present you


Joan, or Jenny, you may call her whatever! She is a smart student with some rather extreme anger issues due to her parents (completely overbearing, controlling parents soooooo-) and due to said issues, she doesn’t have many friends. She tries her best to stay calm but has a hard time doing so, only having her sisters for support. She often gets into fights and gets hurt in the process. Regardless, she is crazy good at making deals and intimidating those around her, including making people cry by pointing out flaws and mistakes they make in the worst way possible.

She is referred to be a mean girl but really, she just doesn’t know how to socialize or be nice to others aside from her sisters. (She would be kinda jelly of Miori but not dislike her). Has two sisters, one two grades older and the other two grades younger.


As the Häxa, she takes out her rage on the robots and monsters she faces, using her knife shoes to stab through them. She was rather giddy when she saw them. She is supposed to be a mediator to Kuno and Ninja, but like, she sucks and is always the one yelling the loudest because goddamn, these guys just can’t stop arguing! Would curse like a sailor and flip off anyone that annoys her. Would jump at someone if they annoyed her enough and her teammates would have to restrain her. It would happen too often for their liking.

• Has a bit of a sweet tooth

• Took ballet when she was younger

• Her older sister can see ✨ghosts✨

• Favorite flower be moonflower (obvi)

• Doesn’t show it but is pretty self conscious of how she looks

• Wishes to become a businesswoman

• Hates having long hair but would be scolded by her parents if she cut it and she wants to avoid listening to them

• Will get sick in her time in Norrisville high

• Likes sneks

• Would tense up and probably cry if someone hugged her

(Aaaaand das all for right now! Hope you enjoyed this lol)

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7 months ago

Modern Joan (or Jenny lol) AU! By @fernnshxj

Modern Joan (or Jenny Lol) AU! By @fernnshxj

Did this at school and I may digitalize it, maybe I won’t, who knows!

(Fun fact, she would have studied law but the shenanigans her friends got into just made her lose interest-)

Bonus doodles:

Modern Joan (or Jenny Lol) AU! By @fernnshxj
Modern Joan (or Jenny Lol) AU! By @fernnshxj

My persona creechur and my moot @fernnshxj’s persona (did my best with the hair!)

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6 months ago

You doing doodles? If it’s not too much of a bother, may I ask for a lil thing of my beloved OC Gin? Or maybe my OC Joan, you can choose which, I ain’t picky! (Some references just in case lol-)

You Doing Doodles? If Its Not Too Much Of A Bother, May I Ask For A Lil Thing Of My Beloved OC Gin? Or
You Doing Doodles? If Its Not Too Much Of A Bother, May I Ask For A Lil Thing Of My Beloved OC Gin? Or
You Doing Doodles? If Its Not Too Much Of A Bother, May I Ask For A Lil Thing Of My Beloved OC Gin? Or

Here ya go! Sorry for the bit of wait, I had stuff this week.

You Doing Doodles? If Its Not Too Much Of A Bother, May I Ask For A Lil Thing Of My Beloved OC Gin? Or

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6 months ago

Meet Alma and Lily!

Meet Alma And Lily!
Meet Alma And Lily!

Before their unfortunate deaths, they were Joan’s most important people ever, her best friends.

Quick lil explanation for da sisters!

Alma was the oldest, standing at 5’2 feet tall, I would say 32-34 years old and usually tired due to endless studying. She was the most spiritually connected of her sisterhood, being able to see ghosts and exorcise them and be able to see the future, though sometimes being misleading until the event happens. She could speak many languages, one of them being Japanese. She had that resting chill face and always seemed calm and collected by the public but her sisters knew she was a chaotic and eccentric woman, often getting messy when doing experiments with Lily. She was a lesbian, loved women that could kick her ass, lol. She was the one who wrote most of the spells on the Häxa codex with the help of Lily. Indigo was more her color scheme.

Joan was the middle sister, standing at 6’2 feet tall, I would say 30-32 years old, she was (before the Bishops) a very loud and proud woman. Imagine Bakugo but less of a prick. Anyway, she wasn’t as magically inclined as her sisters were before the Häxa hat but she was the physically strongest so she acted as a protector to them and the village they lived in. She was smart but had difficulty learning new languages so she often looks confused when someone speaks in a language other than Swedish. She is demiromantic and demisexual, most likely never having a relationship until after her sisters’ passing. She was the one who found all the weapons that were included in the Häxa hat. Lavender was more her color scheme (obviously).

Lily was the youngest, standing at 5’6 feet tall, I would say 28-30 years old, being the more charismatic of the sisters. Always loving and caring, she did have her feisty side, especially when it involved her sisters. Not as spiritually inclined as Alma but not as lacking as Joan, Lily fell more in the middle, turning to mostly potions to help out around the village and became the alchemist, often harvesting materials for said potions. She was bisexual and would have had a husband and kids if she hadn’t been killed.  Helped document the beasts they faced in the Häxa codex. Pink was more her color scheme.

Bonus facts:

Alma faced a horrifying beast while half asleep and just pet it before leaving

Lily can handle spice pretty well

Joan is a lightweight

When I close my eyes, I can’t see’ kinda thing

Alma would have had a lot of adopted kids if she had the chance

Lily probably cussed someone out in flower language

Joan’s voice claim would be Mitsuki Bakugo’s English dub VA

Alma would ask a lot of questions when meeting someone new

People often think Alma be the youngest sister and Joan be the oldest

(Lily technically belongs to @ikari-shinsei cause she the incarnation of one of their OCs lol-)

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6 months ago
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And
I Wanted To Finish This Lil Comic Sooner But I Have Not Been Feeling Motivated To Finish It Lately And

I wanted to finish this lil comic sooner but I have not been feeling motivated to finish it lately and I really wanted to show it off so have this! Maybe I’ll draw it digitally and color it in the future, idk but I am quite proud how it turned out even as a WIP.

Blue Kunoichi (aka Miori) belongs to my mutual @fernnshxj

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6 months ago
Have A Tired Joan (tired Of Not Understanding Japanese And Barely Getting English) And A Crazed Death
Have A Tired Joan (tired Of Not Understanding Japanese And Barely Getting English) And A Crazed Death

Have a tired Joan (tired of not understanding Japanese and barely getting English) and a crazed Death expressions.

Bonus Mioris:

Have A Tired Joan (tired Of Not Understanding Japanese And Barely Getting English) And A Crazed Death
Have A Tired Joan (tired Of Not Understanding Japanese And Barely Getting English) And A Crazed Death

Probably confused by Tsubame

(Miori belongs to my moot @fernnshxj)

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5 months ago

another stupid ass doodle

vaguely inspired from my doodle from yesterday cuz the first ninja cookie looked like them spongebob popsicles

these goober don’t even know what ice cream is (probably) 💔💔💔💔💔

Another Stupid Ass Doodle

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