Goes Hard - Tumblr Posts
I had a dream I was touring a house, and in the basement there was a little staircase that led to a door sealed with red wax. I told the lady showing the house “I don’t like that.” and she said “Then this house just isn’t for you. :)”


my agenda of drawing martin blackwood topless continues. martin design based on @americanoddysey 's fic Pin-Eye !!! please read it!!! martin Will go nuts and also bananas
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can see...like how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??

My friends have stopped saying my actual name in real life they just use my username (i use the same one everywhere) it kinda sucks

Ughh so freedom..im bouttaaa freee