Good Omens Brainrot - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago





Alright men (affectionate to audience gender neutral) I did it again I made more GOOD OMENS content

It's for a multi animator project run by: @kittygirl2210 they are amazing and I am so excited to see the final project

We are reanimating the first scene in good omens season 2 "Before the Beginning" this animation is part 98-99

I drew the stills in ibisPaint and animated them as planes in blender with an armature adding lighting to make it yummy

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8 months ago

oh. oh, no.

(reblogs because actually i love this)



@wispedvellichor @spookydazechaos THIS IS ON YOU.

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1 year ago
Don't Go Calling After Ghosts.
Don't Go Calling After Ghosts.
Don't Go Calling After Ghosts.

Don't go calling after ghosts.

I am here - flesh, blood, bone

and devotion.

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1 year ago
Happy Good Omens Renewal Eheheheheheehhhhhhh
Happy Good Omens Renewal Eheheheheheehhhhhhh

Happy Good Omens renewal eheheheheheehhhhhhh

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1 year ago
GREAT GOOGILY MOOGILY! Good Omens Season 3 Has Been Confirmed And Its The Best Christmas Present Ever!

GREAT GOOGILY MOOGILY! Good Omens season 3 has been confirmed and it’s the best Christmas present ever!

Thank you, Mr. Gaiman!

Here’s a very grateful page from THE DAY MURIEL HAD ENOUGH

*happy claps and perhaps some light parkour on the living room furniture*

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1 year ago

As immortal beings, by definition, Crowley and Aziraphale don't have to worry much with mortality.

Sure, they are surrounded by it constantly. After all, they live amongst humans, and they watch the few friends or acquaintance they make through the ages come and go systematically. They are aware of mortality, of death, they just don't think much about it in regards to themselves

To them mortality is not scary. It's just another step in the humans' lives when their eternal house is decided. It's something natural and unavoidable. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Aziraphale has helped some humans cross to the other side more peacefully.

My point is: As immortals, they are aware of mortality. But they don't think much about their own unless they are thinking about being caught by Heaven and Hell, but that's just a what if. An hypothetical. A real one at that, yes, but not reality yet.

Now, the bookshop fire.

As Immortal Beings, By Definition, Crowley And Aziraphale Don't Have To Worry Much With Mortality.

In this moment, Crowley is punched in the face by the mortality of immortals.

Something he doesn't think that much about just falls into his lap by the hand of no other but Aziraphale.

Suddenly he is faced with utter loneliness. The ending of a life that, technically, should be eternal. A life he took for granted for more or less 6000 years.

As Immortal Beings, By Definition, Crowley And Aziraphale Don't Have To Worry Much With Mortality.

In theory, he has always known both him Aziraphale could die. By their bosses' hands. By the end of the world itself. But it's very different to think about it in theory and living it.

Crowley wasn't prepared. This happened suddenly.

He was on his way to find Aziraphale, possibly to apologize again over the stupid shit he said and talk about the whereabouts of the Anti Christ, and suddenly a day that was actually not going that bad anymore (aka escaping Ligur and Hastur with little to no collateral damage) turns into his worst nightmare.

For 6000 years he has had the theory, and suddenly he his gifted with reality.

And the last thing he had said to Aziraphale's face was that he wouldn't even think about him when he left. You bet those last words started playing in his head as soon as he saw the fire.

As Immortal Beings, By Definition, Crowley And Aziraphale Don't Have To Worry Much With Mortality.

And there's a whole hidden layer there: it wasn't just his best friend that went up in flames, which in on itself is already painful as fuck. No. The man he has loved for 6000 years also was destroyed.

Coming to terms with your own mortality as a supernatural being and the destruction of your companion since Eden would drive anyone into shock. Would be ingrained in their brains like a new trauma. The new notion of how actually fragile life is gifting you a whole new perspective.

As Immortal Beings, By Definition, Crowley And Aziraphale Don't Have To Worry Much With Mortality.

No surprise Crowley probably has PTSD with fires. Or that he has nightmares about that day often. Or that he forbade Aziraphale from having anything fire related in the bookshop and convinced him to buy electric candles and a shit tone of fire extinguishers. Or that his mind went into "Fuck this, let the Apocalypse come. I'm too tired to deal with this anymore". OR that his first instinct was hidding in a random bar and getting sloshed out of his own mind to try and put the pieces all together. (Like, cmon, my man was about to open his third bottle)

As Immortal Beings, By Definition, Crowley And Aziraphale Don't Have To Worry Much With Mortality.

The actual relief he must have felt when he found out Aziraphale was only discorporated must have been fucking abysmal! Like taking a cold shower after a fever! But you bet his encounter with mortality has changed him. You can't go through something like that and remain the same. And he didn't.

Imagine how he must have felt when Beelzebub told him about the Book of Life. The fucking flashbacks he must have had. No surprise the first thing he did was drive to Aziraphale, apologize and agree to his dumb plan of helping Gabriel. Anything to keep him under his eyes. At least if they go down then, they will go down together.

Or so he thought, innit? We know how this story ended.

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1 year ago



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1 year ago

I know we got Crowley and Aziraphale in Rome in canon, but imagine them in GREECE. What do you want to bet Crowley was friends with the chicken=man philosopher, besties with Sappho, and helped people worship the Greek gods (since that’s *technically* a sin to the Christian God, although Olympus was quite pleased by Crowley’s contributions.)

Aziraphale being besties with Homer and accidentally inspiring Achilles and Patroclus…

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1 year ago
You're Being . . Silly . . .
You're Being . . Silly . . .
You're Being . . Silly . . .
You're Being . . Silly . . .

you're being . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁silly . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

last panel without text bubbles under the cut

You're Being . . Silly . . .

the room originally just had some shelves in the sketch but then i got carried away with plants, oops

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11 months ago
I Think About This All The Time

I think about this all the time

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11 months ago
The Disappearing Me With Tips, Kofi, Commissions
The Disappearing Me With Tips, Kofi, Commissions
The Disappearing Me With Tips, Kofi, Commissions

The Disappearing Act. support me with tips, kofi, commissions

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11 months ago

The romantic implications of improper use of apostrophes

A short, little meta on rings and apostrophes...

Ok, remember Mr. Arnold of Arnold's Music Shop and his thoroughly relatable reasons for never wanting to go to one of these annoying Whickber Street Thingamajigs again? The second of his reasons, in particular? Note who the camera cuts to when Mr. Arnold brings up "improper" use of apostrophes:

The Romantic Implications Of Improper Use Of Apostrophes

Crowley's little eyebrows and squirming, as he is thinking about how he is guilty of improper apostrophe use just the day before-- "technically", as they'd say. Mr. Arnold bringing up apostrophes is a wordplay clue to hidden language-- "improper" apostrophes in shop signs, which is to say in shop language and names. There's only one scene in the series where that's a thing. It is also the only one that would justify the Crowley reaction shot in the Mr. Arnold scene... and the implications are pretty romantic.

It's this scene:

The Romantic Implications Of Improper Use Of Apostrophes

When Crowley adjusted the name of the bookshop when Aziraphale called from Edinburgh, he changed it in such a way as to denote a sense of ownership through use of apostrophes. Crowley knows that the place is really called A.Z. Fell & Co. and he could have said that or just his usual way of referring to the place: "booK.shoP." The choice to answer in such a way as to reference to whom the bookshop belongs when he suspects that this is likely Aziraphale calling is a nod to the our car/our bookshop acknowledgement that they have going on.

Because Aziraphale has acknowledged that the bookshop is theirs, it belongs both to "Mr. Fell" and to Crowley, but the wordplay joke is that, when spoken aloud, you can't hear where the apostrophe falls. (That you refer to where an apostrophe goes as to where it "falls" also makes this an even more amusing word joke.)

Meaning: Fell's Bookshop sounds identical to Fells' Bookshop... the latter of which would, of course, denote that the bookshop belongs to more than one person who happen to share the surname of Fell.

Crowley gets squirmy when Mr. Arnold brings up apostrophes the next day because he's thinking about how he was subtly referring to himself as Aziraphale's spouse when Aziraphale-- wait for it, my fellow word nerds-- gave him a ring (on the phone) from Edinburgh.

Aziraphale apparently heard it as intended-- or, at least is on the same page-- because, as we looked at it in other metas that I'll link at the bottom of this one, Aziraphale's use of "la jardiniere" in the French he spoke to Crowley ties to the French cooking term "a la jardiniere," which has a specific definition that resulted in Aziraphale subtly referring to Crowley as his spouse.

Aziraphale also gave him a flirty little smile and that knowing "but you understood me" after saying so, knowing that Crowley heard more than what he had translated back:

The Romantic Implications Of Improper Use Of Apostrophes

Not to mention to ring a bell... Crowley ringing the bookshop bell on Aziraphale's desk when he came back in 2.01; Shadwell on exorcising demons by "bell, book and candle"; God's cheeky interest in Pavlov's experiments in S1... the sexual euphemism that is to "ring my/your bell"... Mr. Arnold mentioning signs in shop windows and Crowley was looking through the window into the bookshop when Aziraphale rang the bell to wrangle the angels and demons, furthering the ring-related wordplay. A sign doesn't have to be paper hung in a window relaying information-- it can be your partner saying he's "had quite enough" and trying to take control of a situation. A sign of things to come.

I'll leave you with the paralleling scene from 1.01 when they first talk after having their romantic evening ruined by the start of Armageddon. Crowley gives Aziraphale a ring on the phone while what is in focus on Aziraphale's side of the conversation is his angel ring. When they meet the next day off of this phone call, church bells are ringing in the scene. Wordplay inspired by the visuals, as well as the first use of ring (phone, communication)/ring (jewelry) in the series:

The Romantic Implications Of Improper Use Of Apostrophes

I doubt it will be the last. 💞

Metas about Aziraphale's French in S2:

(Non-Frozen) Peas. A Good Omens Sex Meta Thing Side Dish
Shorter little vegetable-themed side dish to Crepes, which you do not have to have read first. All by way of Aziraphale's dirty French in S2
Canapes. A Good Omens Sex Meta Thing.
A little short burst of meta about wordplay, shelter, smooches and tiny dinners. This is inspired by @noneorother, who correctly pointed ou

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