Gricko - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Someone Caption This Because I Cant Think Of Anything Funny Right Now Lol

Someone caption this because I can’t think of anything funny right now lol

Also! I am going to be drawing a human version of Gricko and Hootsie (hopefully) soon as long as nothing goes wrong. Again. :)

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7 months ago
My Energy To Draw Is Deceased Like Things Keep Happening In My Life And Then After Them I Just Relax

My energy to draw is deceased like things keep happening in my life and then after them I just relax cuz I’m so tired :,)

My Energy To Draw Is Deceased Like Things Keep Happening In My Life And Then After Them I Just Relax

Plus this message my friend sent me about my outfit. Thanks.

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7 months ago
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)
Once Upon A Witchlight Doodle Dump :)

Once Upon A Witchlight doodle dump :)

Please ignore all the smudge marks, no I don’t know how it gets that dirty

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6 months ago

I made a little paper doll of Gricko, I shall take him on many adventures. :)

I Made A Little Paper Doll Of Gricko, I Shall Take Him On Many Adventures. :)

Plus I put these little fellas in his head lol

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6 months ago


Episode 46. :)

(Click on the image if it doesn’t work first try)


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6 months ago
Me And My Friends Did A Whiteboard Thingy Together And Literally All Of My Drawings Except Like 2 Were
Me And My Friends Did A Whiteboard Thingy Together And Literally All Of My Drawings Except Like 2 Were
Me And My Friends Did A Whiteboard Thingy Together And Literally All Of My Drawings Except Like 2 Were
Me And My Friends Did A Whiteboard Thingy Together And Literally All Of My Drawings Except Like 2 Were
Me And My Friends Did A Whiteboard Thingy Together And Literally All Of My Drawings Except Like 2 Were

Me and my friends did a whiteboard thingy together and literally all of my drawings except like 2 were Once Upon A Witchlight related :)

It’s funny how much I draw Kremy considering he’s not even my favourite out of them all (it’d have to be Gideon or Gricko, Gideon reminds me of myself idrk why or how he just does 🤷)

I do love the whole gang tho, like it’s hard to pick my fav

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6 months ago
It Took Me Like A Good 10 Minutes To Figure Out How To Make It So These Two Had A Transparent Background
It Took Me Like A Good 10 Minutes To Figure Out How To Make It So These Two Had A Transparent Background

It took me like a good 10 minutes to figure out how to make it so these two had a transparent background so other people can use them

Do whatever you want them as long as you don’t claim that they’re yours for obvious reasons lol

Anywho two different stickers I’m personally making for myself to put on my new sketchbook

There probably will be more but I’m too tired for it rn

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5 months ago

My brain is in a very big Once Upon a Witchlight mood right now so here’s something I’ve been thinking about, how many years each character has. Weird ik but I couldn’t stop thinking about all the years both Gideon and Torbek lost and then started thinking, how does everyone have left?

So, here’s what I think at least (roughly cuz we don’t have some ages of some characters):


From a little search, most lizardfolk live to about 60. The oldest was 80 so. Currently (at least from what the wiki says), Kremy is 42 meaning he has 18 years left. If we’re pushing it and he becomes the second oldest a lizardfolk has lived to, then he has at the most 38 years left.


So, we don’t know how old he actually is but from that one adult man goblin animation, Gideon is younger than Kremy and Gricko and is older than Frost. Genasis usually live up to 120 years old. So, roughly, he has 80 ~ 85 years left. More than double than Kremy.


According to the wiki, Gricko is 44. He is the oldest in the group (before Torbek joined) and most likely to (at least through old age) die first. Though, let’s be real it would probably be Kremy and Gideon to die first with all the cons and that they pull off by pissing off the wrong people. Like lizardfolk they live up to sixty, so he has 16 years left.


Frost is the youngest in the group, and again doesn’t have a canonical age but the wiki says that he is in his 20s. Some say tabaxis can live up to 100, most say that they have the same lifespan of a human. So I’m going with that. We usually live up to early 80s, late 70s so for the sake of me not having to put in more numbers, I’m going with 80. So, he has 51 ~ 60 years left.


Torbek’s age is going to be a rough guess considering the fact that we have no confirmed age / age range, and the many years that he had taken away from him. I think it’s a safe bet to put him at around 45 - 55. Bugbears live up to 80. So, he has 25 ~ 35 years left. Though, considering all the things he eats and the people after him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies younger than that.

So! To sum it, here’s the list of who would die first and how many years they have left:

1. Gricko -> 16 years left

2. Kremy -> 18 ~ 38 (if we’re pushing it) years left

3. Torbek -> 25 ~ 35 years left

4. Frost -> 51 ~ 60 years left

5. Gideon -> 80 ~ 85 years left

Sorry for the sort of morbid post, I was bored and wondering, so I did the maths for it! :)

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1 year ago

I'll be real I debated really hard if I should post this but I can do whatever I want forever

a sketch of gricko giving torbek a goodnight kiss on the cheek
a sketch of frost lying on his side in a patch of grass and dandelions saying "they tried to put me on the cover of vogue but my fucking legs were too long." also frost is wearing fishnets (almost forgot about that lol)
a sketch of a scene from once upon a witchlight episode 51; torbek whispers to gricko "it's your birthright," to which gricko gleefully and confidently shouts out "it's my birthday"
a sketch of gricko covering hootsie's ears, while angrily telling gideon (offscreen) "GASP watch you're saying, Gideon! LITTLE EARS!!!" and arrow points to hootsie indicating that she "has heard much worse"
a closup headshot of gricko, whose eyes are opened wide, showing the cat-like slits of his pupils. captioned "stares at you with my goblinoid eyes." Above the sketch are the words "i need to draw frost and gricko more often"
a small sketch of frost who has gricko tucked under his arm like a football, saying "'I can fix him' 'I can make him worse' well I can pick him up like this"
A large sketch of frost reading from a scroll. Gricko has draped himself across frost's shoulders. the sketch is captioned "gricko backpack..." an arrow pointing to frost says "likes the weight (sensory thing)" an arrow pointing to gricko says "will bite and or kiss frost's ears affectionately." above the pair is a sketch of torbek turned dejectedly away from the camera with the caption "every1 is so mean 2 torbek..." to the side is a sketch of torbek with a cone hat sitting in front of a cake with the cut-off caption "it's his birfday"

(not shipping) (i just enjoy drawing gricko's stupid little face with his nose poking over things) (affectionate)

also i tried drawing kremy and gideon in sun/moon masquerade but i decided to keep it as a messy draft shrugging emoji (this is actually my second draft but trust me. the first one SUCKED) (also i have my reasons for kremy being the sun and gideon being the moon but its complicated)

a messy sketch and color draft of kremy and gideon in sun/moon themed (respectively) masquerade. kremy wears a transparent orange shawl-like cape atop a white sleeveless flowy blouse (?) tucked into a corset and orange pants that flare at the bottom. gold chains dangle from his corset and the cape. he also wears golden arm bands on each bicep. gideon wears an unbuttoned dark blue blazer and matching dress pants atop a white dress shirt and a blue neckerchief. silver chains with four-pointed-star-shaped charms hang from one of his belt loops. each are wearing a sun/moon styled half-mask. gideon holds a hand towards kremy as if asking to dance.

but hey. more little doodles because thats turned into the habit of my ouawposting.

a tiny tiny doodle of gideon in his cake chat crop top and kremy with a unicorn horn
a sketch in my latin textbook of torbek, who looks a bit concerned, or surprised... or maybe that's just his resting face.

disappears into the void again

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11 months ago

Torbek: What type of dog is this?

Gricko: That’s a tortoise.

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9 months ago

**Gricko:** If Gideon and I were drowning, who would you save?

**Kremy:** You two can’t swim?

**Gricko:** It’s a hypothetical question, Kremy! Who would you save?

**Kremy:** My time and effort.

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