Gums - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
Tiny Little Sketch Of A Little Creature Named Goodie! He's Not A Bad Guy, He's Just A Little Mischievous

Tiny little sketch of a little creature named Goodie! He's not a bad guy, he's just a little mischievous

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3 years ago

Remember the days of cinnamon chewing gum? It was the go-to thing for clean fresh breath. Unfortunately, they ruined it by using all sorts of flavoring, sugar, vegetable glycerin, rice flour, carnauba wax and an endless litany of ingredients. Why not keep it simple and use real Ceylon Cinnamon that is cheaper, better and more potent?  Its spicy and has a natural sweetness without any sugar in it. All you need is 12 drops of the Ceylon Cinnamon Bark oil mixed in 2oz of water. That is a 1% dilution ratio. Add the whole thing to a spray mister bottle. Spray into your mouth. It has spicy kick that stimulates blood flow to the gums. Often gum diseases start from poor blood circulation in the gums. Pure Ceylon Cinnamon also has the most powerful anti-bacterial properties in the World. If you didn’t take a tooth brush to that lunch date all you need is a little spray of this mixture. Shake the bottle well before spraying because oil and water does not mix well. The incredible aroma from your mouth is guaranteed to get noticed at a business meeting or a date. And the clean fresh taste in your mouth will make feel better and less embarrassed. And we make the purest high-quality Ceylon Cinnamon bark Oil in the World. Oh yes you can spray it on your hands and disinfect them too. Did you know the scent of cinnamon makes people say yes more often? There are lots more uses. Discover more on our website.

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Remember The Days Of Cinnamon Chewing Gum? It Was The Go-to Thing For Clean Fresh Breath. Unfortunately,

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5 months ago
Art Block Produces Random Semi-realism

Art block produces random semi-realism

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