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dodging his kisses | jacob.b

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz jacob x reader
genre: fluff
wc: 0.6k
listened to: please me by cardi b
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing jacob’s ver ! 𑁋 dodging his kisses
will be upset over it pt. 2
i feel like either kisses or cuddles would be his favorite type of skinship to do with his significant other
so to see you dodge his kisses, he would be upset but he wouldn’t show it too much
it was late at night but the two of you weren’t asleep yet. jacob had been given an off day so you guys wanted to make the most out of it. starting with a little fun bowling date earlier in the day then going to the new ice cream shop. now, you and jacob were on the couch, watching movies on disney+. your head rested on his chest and his head was resting on yours. the apartment had been dimmed with the only source of light coming from a small table lamp along with the television screen.
“hey, i gotta go to the toilet, hold on,” you excused yourself from the movie since you wanted to set up your phone at a visible angle to do a tiktok based on something you saw a few days back. jacob mumbled a soft ‘okay’, releasing you from his embrace, the cold air hitting you as soon as you stood up. making it seem like you were walking in the direction of the toilet, you grabbed your phone balancing it on the island countertop instead.
not too long later, you came back into the living room, sneaking into his warmth again.
“would you like to stay forever?” jacob said, quoting mulan’s grandmother as she spoke on the television. you broke into a small grin when you heard your boyfriend, he must have memorised the whole movie by now since he had watched it 10 times as a kid. you lifted your head up slightly to look at him, to make him want to kiss you but as soon as he reached in, you dodged your head to the side, not allowing him to.
his lips parted slightly as he was shocked at what you did. you purse your lips together in order to hide the smile forming on your face, “heyy, why’d you dodge my kiss,” he whined. he gently grabbed your chin to make you face him and brought his face close to yours again but you did the same, averting your gaze down, making his lips clash into your nose. “babe!”
“what!” you yelled, going on with the plan. he let out a ‘hmph’ before turning his attention back to the screen. within minutes, he was already wanting to kiss you again. however, when you did kiss him, you wiped your mouth with the hem of your t-shirt. his reaction was priceless, he looked super offended and moved to the end of the couch, leaving your side.
you laughed out loudly at how he was acting and you pointed to the camera, making him aware of what was happening. “excuse me?” his mouth hung agape as you cling onto him. “okay, okay, come here, i actually want to kiss you now,” you said, holding his face in your hands.
he played hard to get since he still felt offended from your little tiktok video
but he gave in once you showered him with kisses
you laid on top of him afterwards, listening to his voice echoing in your ear whenever he quoted ‘mulan’ again
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @heojangmi @zwiehe @paralumanniluna @luvrbin <3
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we were watching the animated mulan ofc!!! also first time not posting at 2am...
love, leona!
pranking him as if he broke your back | k.younghoon

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz younghoon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, domestic au [not suggestive bc break her back but not in that way (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)]
no warnings!
wc: 0.9k
network(s): @kflixnet
listened to: scientist by twice
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing younghoon’s ver ! 𑁋 cracking your back with uncooked pasta
i feel like he would either start to cry for hurting you or
just grimace at the loud sound and walk away in panic
he is known to be the crybaby in tbz
you’re a heartless and mean person if you do this to him!! /j
letting out a sigh of exhaustion, you rolled your shoulders back as they ached with your every move. you and younghoon had recently decided to settle in your own place after much thinking. the two of you were ecstatic at the thought of finally living together, seeing each other to start the day and to also end the day. but you truly undermined the effort and hard work it took to unpack and decorate everything.
a pair of arms wrapped your waist from behind causing you to slightly turn around. you leaned back into his embrace when you saw that it was younghoon. “are you tired, because i am,” he mumbled, slurring his words. placing one of your hands on top of his, the other reached up to ruffle his fluffy hair. “i’m okay, hoon,” you said, shooting him a reassuring smile, “i’m gonna go rearrange the things in the kitchen, you should go take a break, watch a movie or something.” you waved him off and made your way to the kitchen after pressing a kiss to his cheek.
you shifted a few cooking ingredients to the back of the cupboard, making space for new condiments. picking up a plastic bag of raw pasta, an idea made way into your head as you looked at it. smirking at the thoughts in your mind, you pulled out your phone from your pajama pants, rewatching the video you had saved in your favorites for reference.
once you understood how the plan was going to work out, you balanced your phone in between two unpacked boxes, repositioning several items on the counter so that it was well hidden. you opened the packet of penne pasta and took about 2 of them, placing it in each side of your mouth so that you could bite down on it.
after ensuring your phone was recording the whole moment, you cupped your hands around your mouth, calling out for your sweet boyfriend who was going to be pranked by his mean girlfriend. “hoon, could you come here, i really need to stretch my back,” pretending to be sore, even adding a groan in.
your unsuspecting victim came rushing into the kitchen, ready to help you with whatever you needed. you almost felt bad for a split second but this was payback for eating japanese ramen without you that day. “just like perform the heimlich maneuver on me, i heard it was a method to stretch on tiktok,” him being the gullible man he was, nodding to your request, he stood behind you.
“just do it a bit gentler,” you cautioned him or else this would take a toll on you and you would actually be in pain. as he lifted you above the ground, you bit down on the pasta, a loud crack splitting the silence of the room. younghoon immediately released you as you fell to the floor, clutching your arms and eventually curling up into a ball.
“oh my god, babe, are you okay?” he asked, concern lacing his voice as he bent to the ground with you, hands hovering around you as if he would hurt you more when he touched you. when you didn’t reply to him, it only added to his alarmed factor. you whimpered in pretend pain while younghoon could only stare at your curled-up form.
“hey, can you get up, i’ll bring you to hospital, y/n answer me,” his voice was quivering and his desperate pleas made you look up. tears had welled up in his eyes and he looked completely disheveled. “oh gosh, younghoon, i’m fine!” you apologised, pulling him in, hugging his bigger form so his head rested on your chest. “i’m sorry baby, it was a prank, i’m really fine, see!” you gestured to him with your limbs flailing around to ensure that you were fine. he was still sobbing so you wiped his tears using your thumb, continuing to embrace him in a hug, rubbing his back, muttering multiple apologies under your breath.
younghoon ignored you for the rest of the day…
he couldn’t be mad at you for too long even if he wanted to though
so by the next morning, once you greeted him with breakfast in bed, he was back to normal
in fact, the two of you actually joked about it with each other
he did make you promise him that you wouldn’t do things like that ever again.
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @heojangmi @zwiehe @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix<3
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someone give this girl a grammy for her acting skills istg but how dare she do that to him!!!! btw thank you for showing this series so much love, i didn’t expect to get so many notes aaa
love, leona!
i can’t see when i close my eyes | l.hyunjae

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz hyunjae x f!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: mentions of the hospital and minor curses
wc: 0.8k
network(s): @kflixnet
listened to: u+me=love by 7 love minutes
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing hyunjae’s ver ! 𑁋 i can’t see when i close my eyes..
would be the type to say ‘it’s because of that phone!’ without actually hearing what you said was complete bullshit
would nag at you but because he was genuinely worried
sunlight seeped into the apartment you and hyunjae shared, brightening up the room naturally. since it was a sunday, you didn’t have work which left you with nothing to do for the rest of the day. hyunjae, on the other hand, was busy finishing up some last minute work that actually wasn’t needed but he wanted his report to be as perfect as it can get.
he sat on the high chair by the kitchen counter, allowing you to get a clear view of him. you were deciding whether you should go pester him or not, seeing him calmly tapping away on his laptop. you were scared to disturb his focus but at the same time, you were bored out of your mind.
it was around 2 in the afternoon and the only thing you did so far was scroll through tiktok as if there weren’t bigger problems in the world. you sighed, legs hung over the top of the sofa so that your head was nearly touching the ground. it made all the blood rush to your head but you were stuck on choosing what to do.
after much contemplation, you decided to be an angel and not disturb your lovely boyfriend who was hard at work.
just kidding, of course, you chose to pester him
you grabbed your phone, went straight to the camera app and started recording. you sneakily slipped it in your sweater sleeves with the camera facing out, heading towards hyunjae, him completely oblivious to your plans.
you stood next to him, peering at him from the side, making him turn his attention on you, “yes, princess?” he was usually the one who wanted to catch your attention and spend all his time clinging onto you so he was pleasantly surprised when you came waddling to him like a lost chick.
he held your face, planting a kiss on your plump lips before hugging you. you couldn't believe him, he was the one who decided to blatantly ignore you for work, nonetheless, you pushed forward with your prank. in a serious manner, you pulled away from the hug, holding onto his hands instead. “jae.. i think i need to go to the hospital.”
“what? why?” his sudden interruption alarmed you despite knowing full well how he’d react. his eyes had widened from your words, scared yet concerned to know why you had to go to the hospital. “um, when i close my eyes, i can’t see,” you said, looking down to the ground, acting sad.
“this is what you get for reading in the dark, or is it because of your phone, ah y/n! i told you to take care of yourself-” it suddenly turned into a lecture of your incessant habit of reading in the dark and he only rambled on and on when his voice came to a halt.
“wait.. you can’t see when you close your eyes?” his face was twisted with confusion as he repeated the sentence over, processing what you said. he gasped, pushing your hands away, “princess! are you okay? of course, you can’t see when you close your eyes!” his hand was clutching his chest as he frowned at you. “you made me think there was actually something wrong with you,” he huffed, shooting you glares.
you could only cackle as you jumped around, overjoyed that you tricked him. you thought he would get it right away. “i got you good, jae!” you playfully stuck your tongue at him causing him to jolt out his seat, chasing you around the kitchen island.
as he caught you, he tickled your sides and only stopped when you apologised
you sat on his lap facing him, arms wrapped around his neck when you said something else that made you another step closer to being tickled till you cried of laughter
“or maybe, you also have a problem with your eyes!”
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix <3 (asked to be remove at any time! no hard feelings)
(fill the google form in series masterlist to be added to series taglist)
i really try my best to keep all my fics gender neutral so i’m sorry if i didn’t do so this time around :[ hope you guys liked it ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
love, leona!
hiding something from him | l.juyeon

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz juyeon x reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: mentions of food
wc: 0.75k
network(s): @kflixnet
listened to: roses by finn askew
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing juyeon’s ver ! 𑁋 hiding something from him
juyeon would trust you a lot so if you did this to him, he wouldn’t think that you were cheating on him
he’s quite innocent so he might think you prepared something for him
like presents (or hello kitty merchandise)
it was around 8 in the evening but the two of you had yet to eat dinner. the rice cooker broke down when the two of you were about to cook together, leaving you with no choice but to order in.
“it’s okay, baby, i can just get it repaired tomorrow,” he said, patting your head to comfort you. the two of you were leaning against the counter, your arms folded and your face pulled into a frown. “why did it have to malfunction right now,” you cupped your face in your hands, internally groaning at the trouble caused.
“don’t worry, okay? how about i go get some chinese takeout? i’m getting hungry,” he said, bending down to your level so that you would directly be looking at him. your boyfriend’s visuals honestly never ceased to amaze you. you simply nodded and offered to come along but he asked you to stay at home. “i’ll do everything, just sit there and look pretty like you always do,” he chuckled, guiding you to the living room so you could watch the television as he left the apartment after kissing you goodbye.
about ten minutes after watching a show, the doorbell rang and you thought that it was juyeon who had forgotten something but you were met face to face with the mailman. he obviously had made quite an effort to bring up your parcel due to the sweat dripping down his forehead. “sign here, please,” he said, catching his breath. you did just as he said, finally understanding why he was so tired.
it wasn’t exactly easy carrying an almost 6ft parcel up four flights of stairs...
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
the sound of the front door swung open just as you put the said unopened parcel in the closet. juyeon walked into the room, seeing that you weren’t in the kitchen nor living room and that was when you slammed the closet door shut, scaring juyeon at the loud noise. “what are you doing?” he let out a laugh at your panicked state instead of being angry. “nothing!” you muttered, guarding the closet door.
he started to walk towards you and eventually wrapped his arms around your waist, “why? did you get me something? it is my birthday soon..” he wondered what you were trying so hard to guard. did you get him the latest special edition of the hello kitty figurine? he was dying to know what you were hiding so he came up with a plan.
“anyways, i bought the food already, it’s on the dining table, let’s go,” he pulled you by the hand and released you as you reached the kitchen before bolting back into the room, alarming you. “no, no, juyeon, don’t open that!” you shouted, trying to stop him but he wouldn’t reply.
you came rushing into the room and saw your boyfriend gaping at the jaehyun cardboard cut-out that you had bought and received from the mailman earlier. you stood by the door, scratching your head, awaiting his reaction. “why the hell do you have a cardboard cut-out of someone else.. he’s not even from the boyz!”
he was very much in shock since it wasn’t something he was expecting
it became a joke for the two of you guys
because.. how long do you think you could’ve hidden a whole cardboard cut-out...
“so that’s why i saw the mailman struggling to carry something up the stairs! it was you!”
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix <3
(fill the google form in series masterlist to be added to series taglist)
i know i strayed a bit from the tiktok trend but i think this would be better than actually not hiding anything??? i hope you guys get it (っ◞‸◟ c)
love, leona!
smile if you wanna break up! | m.kevin

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz kevin x reader
genre: fluff, humor
warnings: nil!
wc: 0.8k
network(s): @kflixnet
listened to: maverick by tbz
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing kevin’s ver ! 𑁋 smile if you wanna break up
even though mans on tiktok 24/7, he didn’t know about this trend
always want to make tiktoks with you so he had no problem agreeing to do one when you asked him to
actually cares a lot about the relationship
“no, you gotta like, make a x-mark with your hands first before you do a thumbs up!” kevin was currently teaching you how to dance to the song that has been trending on you guys’ for you page for the longest time now. you had been wanting to learn it but the words flew in one ear and out the other.
you weren’t sure how kevin was so patient while teaching you but you were glad to have such a boyfriend like him by your side. you groaned in exhaustion, sprawling out on the floor, rejecting any more instances of trying to learn the dance that was gonna die out in about a months’ time. “kev, why is it so hard to learn a tiktok dance?”
“you’re doing great, baby,” he giggled softly, plopping down on the floor beside you to join you while you suffered an existential crisis. “love you, kevin but if i can barely do this, you really wanted me to film a ‘maverick’ dance video with you?” you turned to your side to face him, taking every inch of his features. he did the same, elbow propped up with his hand on his face as the other hand tucked away your messy hair. “i love you too, i also! believe in you, i’m sure you’ll kill it after practicing.”
you beamed at him, genuinely wondering how lucky you were to have him. shaking your head, you sat up and pulled out your phone from your back pocket, “speaking of tiktok, i’ve been wanting to do a video with you so wanna film it, my love?” you asked, glancing down at him, an affectionate smile painted across your face.
he nodded enthusiastically towards your request since he loved making tiktoks with you, “yea, of course, baby, i’ll just go wash my face first.” once he got up, you tried to find the sound that you had saved the previous day and fortunately, you found it quickly before he came back so you just had to wait for him.
“okay, i’m back!” he shouted, sitting beside you again but on the couch instead. “okay, just listen to my cue later,” you directed, facing the camera so that the two of you were in frame but the attention was mostly on kevin. as the video started recording, you said, “hey kevin, smile if you want to break up,”
the bright smile on his lips turned into a thin line. his pursed lips showed that he wanted to laugh but he didn’t because he would never want to break up with you. the sudden statement caught him off-guard and the way you kept shoving the camera nearer to his face made him shoot you an amused smirk. “hey! you smiled!” you exclaimed, feigning surprise. “try not to laugh when a camera is being shoved into your face!” he retaliated, raising his arms to tickle your sides, making you drop your phone.
“how dare you put me in such a spot!” he yelled as he continued rolling around with you on the floor. “okay! stop!” you muttered out, in between your laughter.
breathless, you laid on the floor as he propped himself above you with his arms trapping you in. the two of you looked at each other with a loving smile as he started to speak, “you know i would never, i love you too much, my y/n.”
you guys are completely whipped for each other and IT SHOWS
he knows that you only did it for a tiktok but he talks to you afterwards just to know how you were actually feeling
bc he cares about you a lot and if you were unhappy in the relationship, he wouldn't want you to be in a lie any longer
of course, you were still head over heels for him so you two had no problems whatsoever!!
such lovebirds
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix @coffee-jeon @changmin-wrlds @idiot-karma <3
series taglist: @heyyaishaa
(bolded cannot be tagged ): )
(fill the google form in series masterlist to be added to series taglist)
ah, i love kevin sm
love, leona!
HAPPY 4 YEARS WITH THE BOYZ!!!! bye i love them so much :((( thank you guys for showing me how to fall in love with k-pop all over again?!?!?! no but seriously tbz have never failed to make my day i’m gonna start crying :( even though i’ve not been with them since the start, i hope i can love and support them just as much <3
i want to make a 4 years with tbz special but we’ll see how!!! i’m still thinking of what i should write about
safe place | k.sunwoo

synopsis: this treehouse was your safehouse, it was your everything. what happens when the mysterious popular kid from school finds out about the said treehouse? there was no way you weren’t going to lay some ground rules. but maybe.. just maybe, this might just be the best thing you’ve ever experienced.

pairing: tbz’s sunwoo x f!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 3.4k
network(s): @kflixnet
warnings: swearing
leona was listening to: boyfriend by ariana grande
not proofread!

“mom, i’m going out now!” you screamed out, your voice echoing throughout the house. once you heard her voice muttering out a small, ‘be safe!’, you were out the door, a thick book jammed in between your arms as you began walking with a spring in your steps.
while you were already 19 years old, your mom was always wary of your whereabouts as per usual despite her knowing full well that you could take care of yourself. plugging in your earpieces, you indulge yourself in the common sights around your childhood neighbourhood. the old man and his dog walking slowly, the woman who had been selling street food for as long as you could remember, the iconic 150-year-old tree round the corner. these were the little core memories stored in your brain.
too caught up in your own reverie, you failed to realise that you were walking straight into a stranger’s back. the laundry detergent lingering on his jacket immediately hits your nose as you come crashing into him. you stumbled back a little due to the impact, clutching your nose. the stranger had emitted a very soft yelp as he turned around, alarmed.
you were wondering why the hell was he just standing in the middle of the road when you realised that your footsteps had led you towards the small sidewalk where the guy rested against the wall. you immediately bowed your head, stringing out a course of apologies since it was your fault that you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings.
as you raised your head after not getting a response, you realised that you knew this guy. he definitely went to your school. he had his hood pulled over his head just like that guy always did.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
your highschool was an affiliated school which meant that it had its own middle school. this also meant that everyone technically knew one another in a way. but.. that wasn’t your case. you had come from the other middle school closer to town so when you got accepted into this highschool, you barely knew a few acquaintances.
fortunately for you, you made friends pretty easily due to the outgoing nature of girls around you. they were more than happy to allow you into their friend group. as you guys huddled around two tables, giggling to each other like what every other highschool girl would do, a boy with striking reddish-pink hair came strolling into the classroom, the grey hood not doing him any justice since it barely covered his face. well, if that was what he was going for, you assumed.
“hey guys, who’s that?” you asked, interrupting whatever topic of discussion they were going about earlier. the girls followed your line of sight to see that you were staring at the one and only, kim sunwoo. “ooh, does our y/n have a little crushie?” your friend teased you knowingly. the girl beside her only nudged her shoulder, objecting to her advances, “hey, don’t give her any ideas! y/n, it’s best if you don’t mingle with him, he’s quite popular and hates it when people talk to him.” what she had said made the others hum in agreement, nodding along. you sighed as you simply watched him rest his head on top of his arms, the girls continuing their conversation.
you wanted to get to know him more but you knew it was probably wiser for you to listen to your friends for now, since you were new to the school and everything.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
‘he changed his hair colour..’ you thought, taking note of the dark chestnut brown tone that had taken over the previous bold colour. you had been staring at him for awhile, causing him to let out a quick cough, “it’s okay,” and just like that, he took off in the opposite direction, leaving you at a loss for words. you gasped when you saw that a bit of your foundation had smudged on the back of his sweater but you could barely say anything since he was gone. what the heck just happened? his actions left you with a flurry of thoughts. you shrugged off his behaviour and continued going your own way.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
the next saturday had rolled around, it was another uneventful weekend yet again but you had no complaints since you spent most of your time in the treehouse anyways. speaking of which, you were currently walking to the treehouse. as the sole of your sandals began to hit the gravelly path instead of the smooth concrete road, you knew you were nearby. this treehouse was tucked away from the bustling city and instead placed somewhere near the middle of the forest near the area.
it had always been here without any occupants or residents coming around to claim it as theirs so you went by your own free will to visit the scenic place. like mentioned above, the treehouse was already present when you were about 10 years old. it was just that as you grew older, you found yourself frequenting the said treehouse. it gave you time to relax and wind down all by yourself. it was your second home.
while the setting of the place looked straight out of a horror movie and it seemed like you were just waiting for something bad to happen to you, how you felt visiting the place was very contrasting to the scenario in most peoples’ heads. from where you were standing, you could see the tall treehouse beginning to come into view. you sped up your pace just a little since you were eager to take a seat after walking quite a distance from home.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
it had been a few hours since you first arrived earlier in the day. you had occupied yourself with the books you had brought along as you snuggled into the pillows and blanket that had been set up in the corner. you were in a daze as you really immersed yourself into the story, eyebrows furrowed as a fight scene was being carried out.
just as the good part was rolling around, the creaking of the ladder made you stop in your tracks. your entire body froze up as your grip on your book tightened. if this was a robber or a serial killer, you were done for, you most definitely didn’t have any materials to defend yourself with. you braced yourself for whoever was going to come up the ladder but once you made eye contact with the person, a breath you didn’t even realise you were holding escaped your lips. your shoulders sagged in relief as you ran your fingers through your hair, glad that it wasn’t a weirdo.
“what are you doing here?” sunwoo questioned, letting himself in, sitting by the entrance. “what are you doing here? i’ve always been here and i’ve never seen you here, kindly, go away,” you replied, your eyes narrowing, scrutinising his every move. “what? is this your property or something? did you build it?” he retaliated, seeming actually curious but still adding a hint of sass into his tone. “n-no! but! i might as well own this treehouse, i’ve always hung out here since i was ten.”
“i don’t see your name here, miss y/n,” he said, leaning in just a little closer, “pretty sure this is public property anyways.” you would be lying if you said his actions didn’t make butterflies swarm around in your stomach a bit but you had no idea he was this annoying. “well, i’m not willing to share it, this is practically my second home! i’m not going to let you disrupt my peace,” you said, slamming your book shut, getting up, ready to kick him out even though what he had said was completely true.
“wait, wait, wait,” he said, holding his arms out to stop you, “don’t you dare think i didn’t see your little makeup stain at the back of my hoodie, you kinda owe me for that, don’t you think?” he had the audacity to smirk up at you as your jaw hung agape at what he had said. “uh, you see, i was going to tell you but at the sonic-ass speed you were walking, i couldn’t call out to you?” you tried to explain yourself, rambling on instead but the incredulous look he was giving you made you nervous under his stare.
“ugh! fine, you can stay here but! i’m going to have to lay some ground rules,” you gave in, folding your arms. “i don’t see how that’s fair but anything that makes you happy, y/n,” he chuckled, tilting his head a little, shooting you that look! that look that made you want to melt into a puddle right there and then. holding back from your desires, you cleared your throat. “o-okay then, it’s settled, meet back here tomorrow at 3pm, i gotta go now.” stumbling over your words, you hurriedly packed your stuff, opened the door and was about to go down the ladder when he spoke, “do you want me to walk you home? it’s pretty dark outside.”
and that was how you two ended up walking in silence towards your house. you thought that it was going to be awkward but it turned out to be pretty comfortable. don’t get me wrong, you didn't dislike sunwoo at all but he did make you pretty nervous. something about him made your heartstrings pull despite him not doing anything to purposefully make girls like him. furthermore, you never really talked to him, only when your teacher put you two together for cleaning duty. but, you also didn’t say anything to each other even then.
you caught yourself sneaking glances towards the boy as the street lights illuminated his features. as he glanced down towards you, you quickly turned your head to look down at your shoes. thankfully, you guys were near your house already. at the front door, you weren’t sure what to say to him so you just waved a little and he returned the action. he only walked away when you closed the door. you got to work creating rules.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
pacing around the treehouse, you were waiting for sunwoo to arrive, the paper folded into a roll in your hands. as soon as you heard someone coming up the ladder, you took a seat on one of the beanbags, seeming as though you weren’t panicking about seeing him again.
you looked up at him, expecting him to come empty handed but there he stood with two plastic bags in his hands, full of snacks. “here, it’s your favourite right?” he asked, offering you your favourite brand of chips. how did he even know that you liked it? did he watch you buying it in school? you were confused but nonetheless, accepted it from him, thanking him as well. he shot you the cutest smile you had ever seen as he sat next to you on the other beanbag.
“so.. rules, huh?” he said, cheeks full of food, looking just like a chipmunk. you stared at him momentarily before you turned your gaze to the paper on the table. “yeah, i’m not gonna read it out, see it for yourself,” you pushed the paper towards him. he dusted off his hands on his jeans before grabbing the paper.

“hm, i could agree to all these,” he trailed off. you sighed, triumphantly that he agreed so easily. “great! then, sign here-” you said, pointing to the corner of the paper. “ah, wait but cancel rule 3, i need my drinks!”
“no way! if ants come here and infest the place, we’re gonna die,” you over exaggerate the ‘die’ a little. “aah, please, y/n!” he whined, giving you those enchanting eyes. the way he acted so coyly made your heart thump against your chest and you were sure he could’ve heard it if he listened in closer.
“fine! but the moment cockroaches and other insects come here, you’re dealing with it!” you grumbled. “it’s fine, i’ll get eric to do all of it,” he muttered under his breath, but composed himself, nodding to you eagerly as he watched you cross out rule 3 which he then signed the paper. you guys shook hands as a sign of truce and ended up watching a movie on the mini projector sunwoo brought along.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
it had been 2 weeks since you guys established the little peace treaty over sharing the treehouse. sunwoo had been a lovely occupant since he actually followed the rules, always making sure to tell you whenever he wanted to swing by. you found yourself actually enjoying his company as much as you wanted to deny it by all means.
you were working on your little scrapbook journal when you heard a series of knocks on the wooden door. pausing your work, you stood up from the makeshift chair to open the door for him. as you took awhile to actually get the door, he knocked yet again. “password?” you asked, awaiting his response. “y/n is better than sunwoo,” he said reluctantly with a hint of a sigh escaping his lips. you snickered to yourself, swinging the door open. “took you long enough,” he said, shoving a grape flavoured lollipop into your hands.
often when he came at the same time as you did, he always brought snacks for you, regardless if you asked for it or not. his small gestures all conspired to you having such strong feelings for him. if only he knew. you closed the door behind him as you saw him flipping through your unfinished scrapbook. “i’m not done with it yet,” you said, shooing him off as he stepped away with a pout.
“so.. why’d you come here?” you asked him, opting to sit on the floor instead. “i missed you,” seeing your unreadable expression, he played it off, “..haha, as if! i just wanted to, duh,” he covered up his previous statement, sprawling himself on the floor, head on your lap. it was normal for him to do such a thing nowadays but you couldn't ever get over your crush laying down on your lap. you turned your attention to the book you picked out as he also did his own things.
you couldn’t ask for a better ideal hang out honestly.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
at this point, rule 1 had become irrelevant since the two of you ended up spending time together all the time at the treehouse so it wasn’t needed to have separate timings. you guys grew comfortable in the presence of the other person and always had time to watch movies and play card games with one another. if you told your past self this, there was no way she would’ve believed it. sunwoo had always been reserved and quiet in school so to see him to almost be one of your closest friends amazed you. you thought he was those snobby popular kids, but he was actually just misunderstood and needed time warming up to others.
you were usually the one who arrived at the treehouse before sunwoo but today was special since you had to help out your parents a little with moving something. sunwoo was the one who reached your little safe haven first. you raised your hand to knock on the door and waited for him to ask for the password. “password?” he asked from the opposite of the door, his voice alone causing your stomach to churn. you smiled, proud of the password you made, “y/n is better than sunwoo,”
you expected the door to swing open but it remained shut as you heard laughter from behind the door, “wrong!” you can’t believe he played you at your own game. “ah! c’mon, sunwoo~ you never tell me whenever you change the password!!” you groaned at his playfulness. “try again, then, you still have 2 tries before you’re locked out! forever!” his evil laughter ringing your ears. “sunwoo is better than y/n,” you said, wishing it was right. “nope! but thanks, it’s the truth.” you were for sure going to give him a good punch afterwards.
“give me a hint then!” you whined, smacking your hand to the door more impatiently. “i’ll just tell you, it’s ‘i like you’, i don’t want you to be locked out anyways,” he said, his voice turning a bit after this time and he didn’t sound as playful as before. you were caught off guard at the new password he created but you didn’t want to question it to make you more hopeful only for it to be crushed. so, you said it with a little hesitancy. “i like you,” you were greeted with sheer silence before you heard him say something, “oh that’s cool, me too!” the door abruptly swung open, almost knocking you off the stairs if it weren’t for sunwoo pulling you in.
the pure shock painted across your face said it all. what did he mean by that? here you were, in the arms of your crush, just after he may have returned your feelings. you stared at his face for any signs of him wanting to laugh but there was none. “hey, stop playing with me,” you said, looking down, releasing yourself from his grip. he grabbed your hands in his own and the other hand gently pulled your chin up so you looked at him directly, “y/n.. i’m really not, do you think i’m lying if i came to the treehouse at every moment i got free time? i don’t even live in this neighbourhood, why would i take the time to come to this treehouse if i didn’t like you?” your breath hitched at the sincerity of his words. you had no idea he felt this way.
“it’s hard to say but the moment i laid eyes on you, everything, every instance has been about you, you are everything to me, y/n,” he expressed his feelings towards you in the most loving, warm tone you had ever heard. you guys just relished in the small moment before you wanted to speak your thoughts too.
“i.. like you too, sunwoo, and not in a friendly way, just making sure,” you said, a grin forming on your lips, your words making him laugh himself. “yes, of course, not in a friendly way.” he pulled you closer into his embrace, his arms wrapping around your shoulders, your arms snaking around his waist as your head rested on his chest.
the ambience of the place felt just right, it was cozy with the fairy lights the two of you decided to hang up twinkling in the background.
this was it. this was your safe place. both the treehouse and sunwoo. it was everything you wanted and more. he was your person and you were his.
(fill in this google form to be part of my permanent taglist!)
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @heojangmi @zwiehe @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @changmin-wrlds @coffee-jeon @carolnina55 @idiot_karma @sjyuniverse <3
i decided to do something different rather than continuing the tiktok series first! i hope you guys liked it, i don’t really like the ending but i have no idea on how to make it better :((
love, leona!
city of ours | j.changmin

synopsis: you can never get over the fluttery feelings you get for your boyfriend, ji changmin.

pairing: tbz’s q x reader
genre: fluff
wc: 0.9k
warning: oops cliche
network(s): @kflixnet
leona was listening to: w.h.u.t by aisha retno
not proofread

settling down on the small couch overlooking the city scape, you occasionally took small sips of your warm drink. the wind caressing your cheeks only made you snuggle even further into the blanket huddled over you. the december weather was beginning to drop in temperature, preparing you for winter. the cars speeding by on the streets below ensured a comfortable atmosphere but just for extra relaxation, you had put on your favourite song on the portable speaker beside you.
you had no idea why you decided to sit on the balcony but you felt like it was needed. your colleagues at work hadn’t been that much of a supporting group of people, instead, adding on to the stress that had been building up on your shoulders which resulted in a huge migraine by the end of the week.
from your apartment, you could see the multiple christmas trees scattered around the area from the bright twinkling lights strewn around them. the sights calms you down a little since it gave you a reminder of the break that both you and changmin would be getting. this short break meant everything for you because it finally gave you guys time to spend with one another.
indulging yourself in the scenic view, you suddenly took note of the slight movement you saw from the reflection of the glass railings on the balcony. as soon as you could make out the person approaching you from behind, you broke into a smile, the butterflies in your stomach awakening. you swore you felt the hairs on your arms stand when you saw him returning a cute, lazy smile. even his outfit was screaming boyfriend material.
when he reached your little snuggly space, he wrapped his arms around your neck from behind, peppering your cheek with kisses. you couldn’t help but to nuzzle into him, the warmth of his embrace washing away all your worries in the world. the dumb smile plastered on your face said everything, you were head over heels for him.
pushing up the specs that had rested themselves on his nose, he gladly accepted the seat you offered beside you. “i miss you,” he said, stroking your hand for comfort. you turned to him, mustering up a sad smile, “i know, my changmin, but look at the brighter side, it’s christmas soon, hm?” he only hummed in response and so, you pulled him close, resting your head on his and caressed his back, giving solace.
“oh wow, look at that star,” you were in awe as you started pointing up at it, alerting changmin. he straightened his back up and slided an arm around your shoulder, holding you tightly in his arms as the two of you started to realise that the night sky was packed with a few constellations and many stars, a rare sight to see due to the pollution in the city.
you guys just took a moment to stare at the starry night sky, a peaceful silence engulfing the situation. the roads had begun to quieten down and the hustle bustle of the city died down, leaving the night in stillness. “hey, do you know the name of that constellation?” you asked, gesturing to the one shaped somewhat like the letter ‘k’.
unbeknownst to you, changmin had zero intentions of watching the night sky, his attention instead turned to you. he couldn’t help but to lovingly gaze at you whilst you were so intrigued by the sight. so when you suddenly asked him something, he was caught off-guard. “uh, that one is called.. the.. ‘erethizon’,” he stumbled over his own words, hoping you believed him even just a little.
you immediately started to laugh to yourself, doubling over when you heard his words. “are you serious? erethizon?” you forced out, taking deep breaths in between your unstoppable laughter. “ah, why!” he whined at your reaction. “babe, erethizon is literally a species of porcupine,” you grinned, cupping your hand over your mouth. “s-shut up! i didn’t know what it was, i wanted to sound smart,” he grumbled, sulking to himself, “how do you even know that!” “okay, okay, sorry,” you apologised, swinging your arms around his middle, still laughing into his chest.
you managed to calm both you and changmin down since he too started laughing at the absurdity of the situation. looking up at him from your position, he was already glancing at you like you were his world. “what?” you questioned. “nothing, my y/n,” he said, kissing the tip of your nose. “i wish we could spend more time with each other like this.”
changmin was right, you guys barely had time to see each other with such busy schedules so even the smallest actions and littlest time you spent together mattered.
in the end, you are his world. and he is yours. no one could compare.
“in this city of ours, i just wanna hold you tight.”
(fill in this google form to be part of my permanent taglist!)
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @heojangmi @zwiehe @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @changmin-wrlds @coffee-jeon @carolnina55 @sjyuniverse @mavericsohn <3
sorry for not updating the series masterlist yet again, i had to get something out for our lovely kyu!! been bias-wrecking me too much recently :( anyways! this imagine was inspired by the song i listened to while writing this, w.h.u.t by aisha retno!
love, leona!
— 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 <3
not a fic but an edit :o i hope this is just as fluffy as my stories ehe, i’ll try to publish a new update for the tiktok series by the end of the week!!
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @heojangmi @zwiehe @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @changmin-wrlds @coffee-jeon @carolnina55 @sjyuniverse @mavericsohn <3
love, leona
my arm is stuck! | c.chanhee

full series masterlist: what’s trending?
pairing: tbz's new x reader
genre: fluff, humour
warnings: light cursing, brief mention of food
wc: 1.1k
network(s): @kflixnet
listened to: too good by christian kuria
not proofread
// my 200 days with tbz special

# now playing nyu’s ver ! 𑁋 pretending your arm is stuck in a bottle
the couple who will never take any shit seriously
you can just expect laughs out of this relationship
him being very sarcastic and you matching his energy 100%
singing to yourself, you washed the dishes that you had been holding off for a few days now. your boyfriend was coming over to your place and while you didn’t care at all if it was messy when he came, you decided with your better judgement.
just as you turned around to take note of the time, the familiar cheery tune of your doorbell chorused through the house. you grinned to yourself, drying your hands off. you honestly couldn’t wait till you saw him again after a while of not meeting each other.
“so, this is love~” you sang exaggeratedly, spinning to and fro, in front of the door that had been opened. chanhee was not shocked in the slightest, he knew you were going to be like this the moment he stepped into your apartment. you continued your little serenade despite the large smiles formed on both of your faces.
“shut up, you goof, imagine not giving me a hug first,” he jokingly sassed, hand on his hip. “awe, come here, my little love bug,” you said, pretending to baby him. “ah! y/n, stop! seriously,” he whined, arms open wide. you gave in, chuckling into his chest, the vibration of your laughter sending shivers down his spine.
putting a little distance between your embrace, you looked up at him, kissing his nose, “i missed you, you’re a jerk for not visiting me.” he looked baffled as he retaliated, “sorry, i was just doing my job.”
“hehe, i was just kidding, go sit down, i just gotta finish up washing some dishes,” you ushered him to the soft, leather couch and ruffled his hair. “do you need any help?” he asked. you only shook your head and told him to make himself at home as per usual, “maybe you can start ordering food if you’re hungry?” he hummed in agreement, leaving you to resume washing the dishes.
as you stepped foot into the kitchen, you smirked devilishly to your phone propped against the cupboard. it was already recording the moment chanhee arrived so all that was left was for you to carry out the plan. you had no idea how you were going to go through with it without bursting out into laughter but you had to try.
you made sure that your arm could actually fit and be removed because you didn’t know what you were going to do if it got stuck for real. pulling the bottle up your sleeve area, you began to scream, as if all hell broke loose. all these years of being part of your school’s theatre club definitely pulled off as you tried your best to feign hurt, throwing in some ‘ow’s for extra measure.
chanhee, who ultimately was shocked by your screaming, came rushing into the kitchen, nearly slipping on the sharp turn he made. “what’s wrong! are you okay?” he started yelling too, trying to drown out your screams with his louder ones. to say the least, your neighbours hate you since the condition in the kitchen right now was utter chaos…
“can’t you see! my arm is stuck!” you screamed, waving your arm around. “okay, calm down! do you have soap or something?” he started to look around in every cupboard he could pull open when the said dish soap was on the counter staring right at him. “babe, it’s here!” you pretended to panic and removed your arm which was supposedly stuck, pouring the soap into the bottle before shoving your arm back in.
you expected chanhee to freeze and realised what you just did but the latter was absolutely oblivious, instead helping you to drown the bottle in dish soap too. you wanted to stare at him in shock but continued your act, pulling your arm out again multiple times, even turning on the sink which was a big action to make him notice but due to his panicked state, he merely took note of it.
you decided to do one last thing before you lost all hope in him when he still wouldn’t realise that you were pranking him. you removed your arm and passed him the bottle, “here, take this! i’ll find something else!”
as you crouched down to open the bottom cabinet, a high-pitched laughter erupted from behind you. you turned your head to see chanhee looking at the bottle in disbelief, his hand over his mouth as he processed what was happening. you rushed towards him and shoved your hand into the bottle again, splashing water all over it. “why are you laughing? my arm is stuck!” you didn’t want to tell him just yet plus you wanted to make him laugh even more.
you ran around in the kitchen, trying to wriggle your arm out of the grip. chanhee’s laughter echoed throughout the house as you could see him doubling over on the floor, “y/n, what’s wrong with you?” you repeat yourself, screaming “my arm!” over and over again, acting like a complete maniac.
it was only when he threw a kitchen towel at your head did you stop in your tracks. “why are you like this?” he grinned as he trapped you against the counter, pushing away the strands of hair that had covered your face after running around so much. “took you long enough to notice,” you snickered, wrapping your arms around his shoulder, looking up at him. “you made me panic!” his hands placed at your waist, ready to tickle you but you wriggled out of his grasp, “no! don’t you dare.”
“i should’ve been tickling you already but since i’m such a nice boyfriend i won’t,” he pretended to flip his hair, earning a chuckle from you. “you’re such an idiot,” he shook his head, hands holding your face, “but you’re my idiot.”
oh and your neighbours definitely hated you
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix @coffee-jeon @changmin-wrlds @idiot_karma @carolnina55 @mavericsohn @sjyuniverse @luvkellys7nhur <3
series taglist: @heyyaishaa @bear-beom @luvkellys7nhur
(fill the google form in series masterlist to be added to series taglist)
very long-awaited update, sorry!!!
love, leona!
maybe it’s not our fault | l.sangyeon

synopsis: you knew this was a problem that was bound to come up when you started dating the one and only, the boyz’s leader, lee sangyeon - fans.

pairing: tbz’s sangyeon x reader
genre: angst!!!
wc: 1.2k
network(s): @kflixnet
warning: obsessed fans, cursing, hate speech towards reader (derogatory terms)
leona was listening to: maybe it’s not our fault by yerin baek
not proofread
note: guys pls listen to the song but sangyeon’s cover version while reading this it would make your experience so much better /gen

“sangyeon, i don’t know how much longer i can do this,” you said, looking down at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze. “y/n, what are you talking about? are you hearing yourself?” he was angry, but at most of it all, he was confused, at a loss of words even.
“of course, i’m hearing myself, did you forget what happened last week? we can’t even be happy together, it was our one year anniversary, for god’s sake!” you were fuming to say the least. after last week’s events, you weren’t sure how to go forward in this relationship anymore.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
“baby, are you ready yet?” sangyeon called out to you as you came out of the room, replying to him in a cheery tone, “yup, let’s go!” just like that you guys were on your way to spend a fun-filled day at lotte world. it was rare that you guys could go to such places but you figured it would be okay since it was the weekdays and school holidays wouldn’t be coming around til next month.
however, when you guys arrived at the said place, you were taken aback by how many fans had gathered, just to catch a glimpse of their idol. you had no idea how they got wind of sangyeon coming to lotte world that day but all the feelings of disappointment and frustration came rushing back to you.
sangyeon noticed how aggravated you became so he caressed your hand but that wasn’t enough to turn your mood around. sangyeon insisted that you guys continue with the plans because he knew and trusted that his fans would respect you guys’ boundaries.
but as soon as you step foot out of that van, sangyeon was proven very wrong. fans swarmed you guys, flashing cameras almost blinding your eyes, the high pitched screaming coming from all directions gave you a headache. yet all you could make out was the harsh threats thrown to you, “you bitch! that’s our man!”, “stay away from him!”, “he deserves someone prettier, not a rat-looking girl!”, “you don’t deserve him, what are you even doing with him! you just want fame and money, don’t you!”
you knew better than to believe what they were saying but you couldn’t shake off that feeling of not being good enough. if fans were saying this about you, there must be something about yourself that they realise isn’t up to standards.
the fans blocked your way and you eventually got separated from sangyeon, causing them to take advantage of the situation, pushing you around as if you were some ragdoll. pain surged through you as you took strong blows to your ribs and you wondered where the hell sangyeon was, only for you to realise security had been called and when you were carried to the van, sangyeon stared back at you from inside.
you were disheveled, your hair messed up and your face was contorted in pain and all sangyeon could do was stare at you in shock.
˚◞♡ ⃗*ೃ༄
“i want to be able to do normal couple things like taking a stroll in the park or even watching a movie at the cinemas without having to sneak around and speak in hushed voices, sangyeon,” you muttered, tears eventually dripping down your cheeks and into the palms of your hands, “how much longer do i have to endure this from your fans that you love so much? will we ever be happy and free?”
“so, what? are you going to break up with me, just because of the fans?” sangyeon’s voice quivered as he tried his best to stand tall in front of you. “i thought our love was stronger than this, y/n.” you thought he was going to storm out of the room but he didn’t. after all, sangyeon was never the type to walk away from his problems. that was just how he was, a responsible and caring man you fell in love with.
but now, are you falling out of love? where did this insecurity come from? why was your heart feeling so anxious? “it is, sangyeon. i have faith in us but your fans say otherwise,” you sniffled, wiping your tears by yourself.
“fans, fans, fans, that’s all you think about! have you considered my feelings about this? you went into this relationship, knowing fully well that this plays a huge part for us, you need to get your priorities sorted honestly!” he didn’t realise what he said was too hurtful until he saw your surprised expression, the eyes he found so beautiful, glossed with tears threatening to spill.
“n-no, wait, y/n, you know i didn’t mean any of that,” he said, making his way towards you. “save it, sangyeon, you said what you said,” you stood up abruptly, ready to leave the apartment but before you could do that, a hand held your wrists and spun you around into a tight, warm embrace.
“i’m serious, i said all of those out of anger, i would never think of you that way,” he mumbled into your neck, the tears you had wiped away earlier on squeezed their way out your eyes. “y/n, my love, look at me. i am so in love with you and i’m not going to let you go just because of this. you mean so much to me and i don’t know what i’m going to do without you. so please, don’t leave me.”
you managed to look him right in the eyes and you could see how sincere he was. you knew he meant every single word he just said. a drop of tear had rolled down his cheek and his lips trembled as he begged and begged you not to leave him.
you swiped away at his tears, pulling him close, arms wrapped around his shoulders as you rubbed his nape, giving him all the comfort you could offer him, “i love you too, sangyeon, i’m sorry.”
“we’ll get through this together, sweetheart, i promise.”
(fill in this form to be part of my permanent taglist!)
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @ryuflix @coffee-jeon @changmin-wrlds @idiot_karma @carolnina55 @mavericsohn @sjyuniverse @luvkellys7nhur <3
wew, angsty fic about sangyeon??? i’m dead, legit cried while writing
love, leona!
one thing | eric.s

synopsis: you only ask for one thing from him - a hug.
pairing: tbz’s eric x reader
genre: angsty, fluff, zombie apocalypse au (AOUAD)
wc: 1.6k
network(s): @kflixnet
warning: side character death, mentions of death and blood
leona was listening to: absence by fr:eden
not proofread

“hurry up! get into the science lab!” rushed shouts erupted from all directions while your group of friends tried to make it to the next destination. the crashing of stools and fire extinguishers clashed around, echoing throughout the building and no matter how hard you tried to block them out, the high shrills of the vile creatures surrounding you were all that you heard.
you had reached the state of pure exhaustion and all you wanted to do was crash to the ground to take a breather even if it was just for a second. the only thing you knew was this was some messed up shit. how did a normal school day turn into the freaking apocalypse?
“ah, why are you so slow!” someone had pushed you to the side from behind, causing your right foot to roll inwards, a sharp pain coursing through your veins. a gasp emitted from your lips as you tripped, attracting a whole other horde of zombies to come your way. you could smell the rotting scent and you knew that they were getting way too close for comfort. now, all you could do was accept your fate. you raised an arm above your head and braced for the pain.
just as you thought your life was ending and you would turn into those disgusting things, a hand pulled you up, followed by a squelching of a baseball bat digging into soft skin. blood spattered onto you and you were sure the floor was painted red. “are you dumb? why aren’t you doing anything, let’s go!” you didn’t have to look at his face to know who it was. his tone was harsh but you knew he meant well.
wrapping his arm around yours, he dragged you with him up the stairs and finally, into the lab. it seemed as though the two of you had taken quite a while to come up since everyone had already arrived before you and the door was abruptly shut as soon as both feet stepped into the classroom. “c’mon guys, we should stack up the chairs first at least,” the unofficial leader of the group encouraged you guys, keeping everyone in check so that no more zombies could enter.
once everyone was satisfied with the makeshift barricade, they scattered around the room yet not too far away incase something happened. you settled for the teacher’s table and sat on the edge, just catching your breath. “you really are dense, huh?” a voice appeared next to you while you zoned out from exhaustion.
using the slightest bit of energy to turn your head, you miscalculated the distance and were met just a few centimetres away from his face. without trying to look too flustered, you retaliated, “s-shut up.”
barely waiting for his response, you hurriedly walked away to find your best friend amongst the group of people. scanning the room, you tried to spot the usually cheerful and loud girl but you didn’t see her anywhere, not even in any of the hidden corners.
“guys.. where’s (bsf/n)? wasn’t she with you, on-jo?” you questioned, your heart rate speeding up as you could only think of the worst. “no, i was in front of her, i didn’t see her, sorry,” was the response you received much to your dismay. just as she finished speaking, a zombie crashed against the door, clawing at the glass pane. you took a closer look, a scream escaping your lips as you realised who it was. your hands shot up to your mouth as your knees buckled. not having any strength to balance your weight.
why did she have to turn? your best friend. of 8 years. ripped away from you just like that. just because of those stupid zombies. you were in too much shock to even cry. you refused to look in the direction of the door and barely registered the fact that the other girls were trying to comfort you, rubbing you on your back to reassure you.
it had been quite a while since you saw your best friend in such a state. once the girls realised they didn’t have any effect on you at all despite their attempts, they left you alone to let you grieve on your own. you blankly stared out the window, picking at your blood stained fingernails. it finally hit you that one of the few reasons you fought to stay alive was gone since you lost her. it was like the gates broke free at last. the tears you were fighting back came rushing down your face, yet the burning sensation of you constantly wiping your cheeks with your sleeves couldn’t stop the free flow of tears.
what you weren’t expecting was for a big hand to suddenly pet your head comfortingly, it ran through your hair, providing a sense of warmth for you even if it was just momentarily. so much so, you leaned into it causing your head to fall on their broad chest. your soft whimpers turned into sobs as you welcomed the reassurance. “just cry for a while, everything will be fine afterwards, i’m here,” eric’s voice was different from before. it was mellow and a little raspy, causing the hairs on your arms to stand. upon hearing his words, you cried as if there was no tomorrow to relieve the immense pain.
once you were done, you couldn’t help but to feel embarrassed. he didn’t make fun of you or looked at you in a grossed out way but the fact that you let yourself loose in front of him and crying like that. he stayed silent, allowing you to have a moment for yourself. he probably thinks you’re weird now. “sorry,” you muttered, inching away from the boy.
“don’t apologise for grieving, y/n,” he offered you a small smile, something he rarely did but you wished he did more because you loved his smile so much. in contrast to your action, he scooted closer to you, just close enough where you felt his uniform graze against you multiple times, which you didn’t expect since he wasn’t one to love affection.
this wasn’t how you wanted to spend your time with your childhood crush but right now, anything works honestly. you became quite sentimental as you watched students whose fates were unfortunate as they roamed around the school field, their limbs twisted in various angles you could’ve sworn the human body was unable to do.
“they’re probably people we walked past and said hi to before,” you mumbled as you wished for your life before this outbreak happened back. “let’s not think about it, what’s happened, happened,” he was surprisingly optimistic about the situation which made you break into a grin. “wow, sohn eric, so positive of you,” you teased but you were grateful that he was. “quiet, shortie,” he nudged you, chuckling.
if there was one thing you could ask for now, at this second, in this moment, was a hug. someone to reassure you that this would all end and breeze by super fast, maybe this was all a really really vivid nightmare. you wished and wished that would be the case but a girl can dream, huh?
you weren’t sure how eric would react to your silly request but you tried it out anyways, “ric.. can i have a hug?” you whispered, looking up at him. he froze for a few seconds, sputtering incoherent words as he tried to form a sentence, “what, why, what type of question is that, you idiot, no, you can’t, i’m too precious.” he acted as if he was a fragile package, turning away from you. “hmph, be like that then, i’ll ask cheongsan for a hug instead,” you grumbled, walking away from the window, arms crossed.
before you could take another step, you were pulled by the wrist towards him. “no! i mean, no, you can’t, how would, um, on-jo feel?” he lied, eyebrows knit into a frown. “does she even like him?” you thought about it hard but wind was knocked out of you as eric pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, “don’t ask another guy for a hug, i’ll give you all the hugs you want.” you wanted to blush at his statement but at how hard he was gripping onto you, you could barely breathe.
you desperately patted his back to let you go and when he finally got the memo, he released you making you clutch your chest taking deep breaths. “you dumbass, you’re lucky i like you!” you realised your mistake too late when you saw him smirking at you, “i knew you had the hots for me, i mean, who wouldn’t?” his response made you smack his shoulder several times, “stop being so cocky, just hold me already.” and he did just that.
“yes, my princess,” he jokingly addressed you before sighing into the crown of your head, your arms around his shoulders, “promise me we’ll get through this together?”
“i promise, eric.”
at least it would be much more bearable with him on your side.
(fill in this form to be part of my permanent taglist!)
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @0912005 @coffee-jeon @changmin-wrlds @/idiot_karma @/carolnina55 @mavericsohn @sjyuniverse @luvkellys7nhur @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @nyujjan @defjcm <3
i have no idea what i just wrote, all i know is that i love AOUAD and i wanted to write for it so i’m just writing it until it somewhat makes sense???
love, leona :]
stupid feelings | l.hyunjae

synopsis: spending new years’ with your childhood friend but you made a mistake of falling in love with him.

pairing: tbz’s hyunjae x reader
genre: unrequited love, slight fluff, angst
wc: 1.5k
warning: profanities, hyunjae is a little rude here
network: @kflixnet
leona was listening to: inner child by satica
not proofread

“c’mon, let’s go to the rooftop!” hyunjae hurriedly said, pulling you along with him up the stairs, “there’s only a minute left!” you didn’t say anything more since all you could focus on was his gentle touch against your wrist. you honestly don’t know when you started having such feelings for the man in front of you, maybe it was the initial tension between you two or maybe it was the undeniable chemistry you two had.
as soon as you step foot onto the huge rooftop garden, you could hear fireworks popping but no sight to see. a hum of confusion spiralled out of the both of you as you guys thought you could see the fireworks from the mall’s rooftop.
“oh! y/n, behind us!” he was beyond excited to see the fireworks, pointing to the scenery behind you guys. spinning around, you were met face to face with different vibrant colours of the fireworks shooting into the night sky. a clear view presented itself from the high level.
you were in awe as you ran to the railings, getting as close as you could to see them. the atmosphere turned quiet as the two of you observed the show, just living in the moment. your arms rested against the metal railings, mouth agape as you took in the scene silently.
you barely realised that hyunjae hadn’t been beside you since you stepped towards the edge. as you turned around to check on him, you caught him taking pictures of you as multiple fireworks went off behind you.
“ah, what are you doing?” you chuckled, posing jokingly as hyunjae continued to snap photos of you, the sound of the camera shuttering multiple times. “taking pictures of a nice sight, duh,” he replied, a wide grin plastered on his face as he made his way towards you, finally stopping his mini photoshoot.
“fine, then you stand there now, i’ll take pictures of you,” you were about to move away from him so you could take solo shots of him but he only pulled you closer, “it’s okay, we can take it together.”
he didn’t give you time to object before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder before planting a kiss on your cheek, taking a selfie with you, purple fireworks shot upwards, erupting into loud noise. you merely had time to react so when he took the picture, you were looking at him, eyes widened at the action he did.
“delete that picture! i wasn’t ready!” you shouted, reaching for his phone. “no! you look cute, don’t worry,” he retaliated, staring at the picture. “what are you saying,” you stuttered as you processed what he just casually said.
“shh, you talk too much, just look at the view,” he placed his index finger on your lips, the cold sensation of his ring grazing against your lips as he spun you back around to look at the fireworks.
you tried, you really did try to pay attention to the fireworks but his loose grip that shifted to your waist made you wish there was something more to this friendship, relationship even. you honestly didn’t know whether hyunjae knew about your feelings and chose to ignore it or he actually was oblivious to the fact that you were head over heels with him.
you weren’t entirely lying when you said you didn’t know why and how you came to liking your childhood best friend but you could guess around when you started to.
maybe it was when he stood up to those girls who bullied you for dancing online, saying they were just jealous of you even though you knew you looked like a worm or maybe it was when he invited you to the waterpark even when his best guy friend was available on that day. perhaps it was the fact that he never changed despite gaining popularity during high school, even though you did think he was going to be just like those assholes in movies. you were glad he didn’t.
even so, could he like you back? it would completely ruin the dynamics of the friendship that has been lasting for 16 years since you guys were 8. it might be for the best if you just pushed those stupid feelings down and never speak of them again.
you nodded to your own thoughts and was about to pull away his hand from your waist when soft pattering of the rain immediately changed into pouring, heavy rain. “shit, y/n, we gotta go,” hyunjae muttered, clasping your hand, pulling you through the rooftop. it was a bad idea to wear white shoes since the muddy grass dirtied them but you don’t think you could’ve changed hyunjae’s mind in dragging you along with him.
it was funny wasn’t it, spending new years with your best friend, running in the rain together, yet all the two of you were friends. just friends.
you guys finally made it to the stairwell and trying not to trip down the stairs was a challenge. the two of you only stopped when you found a seat in a cafe in the building itself.
“well, that was eventful,” you sighed, ruffling your hair back. “sure was..” he replied, taking in deep breaths. as soon as he caught his breath he started again, “oh, yeah! remember the girl from my university? the one working part time at the gym i always go to?”
“um.. no? i don’t think i’ve heard of her?” your brows couldn’t help but to furrow at the mention of a new girl in his life. “oh, then i must’ve just told juyeon, anyways! i met her two weeks ago, she’s super cute and exactly my type, so i mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date and apparently she had been eyeing me too,” he spoke excitedly, wiggling his eyebrows.
yea, as if you were going to be so happy with the news. you had been doing such a great job holding it in but this, this was it.
“hyunjae, then why would you kiss my cheek? and call me what? call me cute? what the fuck is wrong with you, you can’t be playing with peoples’ feelings like that, i don’t know if you’re doing this on purpose or if you are just plain dumb but it really hurts. my heart is not something you can mess around with, it’s not a toy and i will not allow it to be played with. i truly don’t know your intentions but you’re a dick,” you couldn’t control what was coming out of your mouth, it felt like water was just seeping out, all gates broke loose.
“i know you’re popular and i know you wouldn’t have left me for those more superior than me but i’d rather that happen than you stringing me along,” tears brimmed your eyes as you ranted. you were thankful for an almost empty cafe.
at first, hyunjae was at a loss for words. he couldn’t say anything, what would you even say to that? it felt relieving calling him out but as soon as you heard his next words, you wished you had never even opened your mouth at all.
“are you actually serious? that’s literally what close friends do and if you can’t respect my small actions then what are we doing together, still as friends? i can’t believe you make me the bad guy when you’re the one being selfish for thinking the whole world revolves around you, it’s been nice having you as my friend, i thought you knew me, guess not. i’ll see you around.” he stormed off despite your rushed callings.
“wait!” you stood up but he walked away too fast for you to even utter another syllable. you drop into the once comfy armchair, placing your head into your hands. the utter rejection and humiliation was indescribable beyond words. this wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for your stupid feelings. you ruined the friendship, it was all your fault. you knew better than to lash out at him, you knew he could never harbour romantic feelings for you but the bitter ending got to you. stupid feelings.
(fill in this form to be part of my permanent taglist!)
permanent taglist: @stealanity @yengyangyo @jaerisdiction @zwiehe @heojangmi @paralumanniluna @luvrbin @odxrilove @0912005 @coffee-jeon @changmin-wrlds @idiot_karma @carolnina55 @mavericsohn @sjyuniverse @luvkellys7nhur @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @nyujjan @defjcm @onlyticket-home @poeticdamn @sunnysunwoo0412 <3
might be based on true events.. anyways, sorry this was really rushed since i wrote this in class on like 5% battery and also wanted to get something out on my birthday (two days ago oops), might delete bc i hate the ending, i'll figure out a better one! sorry!
love, leona
## juyeon edit ─ feeling good
REQUESTS: OPEN — ig: papiyeonie
## sangyeon edit ─ song: primadonna
REQUESTS: OPEN — ig: papiyeonie
## the boyz edit ─ generation z
REQUESTS: OPEN — ig: papiyeonie

## sangyeon icons ─ the boyz messy icons
REQUESTS: OPEN ─ ig: papiyeonie
## changmin edit ─ ji changmin in 6 secs
REQUESTS: OPEN — ig: papiyeonie

## eric icons ─ the boyz messy icons
REQUESTS: OPEN ─ ig: papiyeonie
please like or reblog if you save
## chanhee edit ─ chanhee cutie 🥺
REQUESTS: OPEN ─ ig: papiyeonie