Hammerhead Shark - Tumblr Posts

Deities of the Sea
The Salmon of Knowledge, Sister Sledgehammer and The Marlin, Master of Swords

The Hammerhead Shark as an excellent range of vision, able to see 360 in a single plane at all times

Hammerhead Shark!! :D

Hammerhead Shark!! :D

First known omnivorous shark species identified!
The Bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo), is a species of hammerhead that is abundant in critical seagrass habitats.
Recent research on the stomach and digestive physiology of these sharks have shown that they consume lots of seagrass (up to 62.1% of gut content mass) and have specialised enzymes for digesting plant material (cellulose).
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Hammerhead Sharks are known for being one of, if not the most non-aggressive shark species, at least towards humans. There have been like... Only 17 documented attacks from a larger species since around AD 1500, with no human fatalities ever recorded! Still, they should be treated with respect and caution, just like every other shark.
my heart can't take this level of cuteness 😭
have you guys ever seen a shark scratch its back before?
now you have. have a good day!
I am literally cuddling my hammerhead shark teddy right now