Harry Potter Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



hold on hold on hold on

rons mother (i cant remember her name *headbang*) cursed? the "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!"

you know sometimes i feel like i just checked out during the last few books because i honestly don't remember anything except like Harry's death (because I remember being so confused on why Dumbledore was there. and then he came back and i was even more confused?? which was probably a sign i shouldve taken a break from reading, but when i have free time during school i take out the book. which is a lot of free time)

like i didnt even know one of the twins died until there was a fic mention and im just like WHAT (to this day i STILL cant remember which twin it was IM SORRY)

(i also cant remember wtf the epilogue was)

but im sorry SHE CURSED??? maybe im just way too used to reading swears in written form because i didnt even REGISTER it in like a kids book


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1 year ago

that awkward moment you ask your friend to teach you something illegal


i think thats what its called. i watched gameplay of it a WHILE ago

okay so. this moment has been sitting in my brain for awhile.

remember that moment after we leave like the gaunt whatever its called (i think its gaunt? it was like. tom riddle's father's name. and i think riddle was his mom's.. i think. i think...? oh my god my memory sucks)

after we got trapped in that place that forced us to use an unforgivable (meaning that if they went alone they'd be trapped to starve. i think one of the gaunts in the past died there)

so basically.

we had like options i think. we crucio our friend, our friend crucio's us--

or there was a third. and i think it was crucio that person instead. i honestly cant remember

anyway. so. the player chooses to (it was be crucio'd or that person crucio'd someone else)

and we go through that dialogue

and then i just remember this awkward moment or something where its like '..so. uh. can you teach me that spell' (i think they went back and re-did it just to get it)


or maybe im thinking of the wrong one and it was adava kedavra. mans just traumatized after i think. i think he killed his dad..? or was it his brother(?)

i cant remember im so sorry

but mans just traumatized.

player goes through the dialogue

goes back and show the dialogue of being like 'hey. so. could you teach me that spell?? you know, just in case???'

anyway random fact: the hand motion for the killing curse is the same as the mark on harry's forehead. Z or like a lightning bolt basically.

i just kinda felt bad at that point like im so sorry

yeah i think i was thinking more about the adava kedavra moment instead of crucio. but i know we learned crucio.

cant remember if we ever learned imperio but like. yknow. gotta learn all the spells we can because completionist go brr.?

i think there was more i wanted to say but i got distracted.

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9 months ago

angry ranting time

(i curse. a lot.)

hi. heres my reveal that i play magic awakened

about the story. can we talk about the fact that for some reason NO ONE BLINKS AN EYE at the use of the memory removal charm whatever the fuck??? like i havent been in this fandom for so long so i forgot a lot, but is it legal to just remove memories from people?? (lets not even talk about muggles…) like. okay. so the grandma removed the memory from her grandkid (traumatic memory). but she was so shit at it (she 'rushed' it so then ivy(? I FORGOT THE NAMES) had memory issues all the time and didnt even remember her SISTER??? HELLO?) like okay even if its 'legal' id have to assume youd need some sort of permit or whatever the fuck to be allowed to use it, and to be skilled at it too to not mess someone up. because memories are such an important part of you that taking them away has to be a crime!? (AND ITS NOT?? you can just ruin someones life and be like '…it was rushed' AND NO ONE BATS AN EYE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!)

if ivy didn't actually disappear her sister (and it was the sister who disappeared herself by accident which made ivy think she did it) how the fuck did the quibbler end up talking about it? howd they even hear of it?? usually i support the quibbler and hate the daily prophet but like. seriously…? (if they learned it from law enforcement didnt the grandma explain that the sister did it to herself?! YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT--) "Local Girl Make Sister Disappear to Keep Her Out of Hogwarts" HELLO? YOUR INFORMATION IS WRONG. YOU MF. HOW DARE YOU YOU DISAPPOINTMENT. (im. so pissed off.)

i forgot how much the fandom makes me so angry though because everyone in the storys kind of an idiot and huifsheiuf???? i want to SCREAM. (tldr; adults are still shit)

i thought ivy was kinda something like neville but it isnt that shes just forgetful, shes forgetful because her gRANDMA decided it was a good idea to MEMORY WIPE her. like. guys… the magic world needs like fucking therapists or some shit to talk this through instead of using super powerful spells to do whatever the fuck. (WHO thought it was a good idea to teach children [AT MAXIMUM AT 11 YEARS OLD. because Ivy's sister knew it BEFORE Ivy got her hogwarts letter.] the vanishing spell oh my god. oh wait. the grandma. BITCH.)

LIKe. SERIOUSLY??? it baffles me how things like this can just happen

ALSO there are still like dark wizards

and i mean yeah people are still gonna be evil but now theres ANOTHER evil oh my god (i know theres meant to be something to make the story interesting but im sobbing where the fuck are the adults to deal with this shit)

theres this thing called NOTME (wow. excellent naming skills.) that wants to reveal magic to the muggles by doing illegal things (okay well illegal things can be vague because just revealing it is illegal. but more like. think magical things in front of a crowd. ..which is very likely to lead to just utter panic because its so many.)

idk i didnt really pay attention because im just. tired at this point (harry potter has a way of doing that to me).

also one sad moment that gets an honorable mention. so you know george weasley? i think thats the twin that survived (i am SO bad with names)

we encounter him and he talks about pranking umbridge with his twin

and hes just saying 'we' and im thinking 'wait is he alive??' but no hes just. saying it (even if technically we probably dont know about his twins death so we might be confused) and it just

makes me sad. :(


also i forgot what i was meant to do here so im just kind of waiting for my doods to finish it since idk what im supposed to do

Angry Ranting Time

(it passed onto 13 minutes and then something happened and i won?? IDFK i got so confused. ive gone to the bird but nothing happens and my attacks dont affect it so idk)

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5 years ago

before reading— this isn’t normally the kind of thing i would post on this account, but i’m in a lot of feels tonight and needed to write down all the thoughts in my head.

it’s kind of funny how much a fandom can simultaneously mean to you as well hurt you. i still cry every time i watch dobby die on the beach at shell cottage, and every time i watch the weasleys surround fred’s corpse. my heart still breaks when i watch harry reject draco’s handshake, and swells with warmth when the golden trio is together in the remains of the castle after the battle of hogwarts. my soul aches for 14 year old neville watching a spider writhe at the curse that destroyed his parents, and i wish i could reach out and hold the hand of teddy lupin as he grows up without his parents.

this fandom. this wonderful fandom. these books, amazing as they are, as well as their retelling in the form of movies. the world that it’s grown into on this website and on many other platforms. this universe created at the hands of an author i strive to write as well as, and the magic it brought to my life. it made me who i am, taught me the morals i hold, brought me closer to friends i likely wouldn’t have otherwise made. it made me and it still somehow breaks me. it will always mean so much to me, regardless of what my loved ones as well as strangers may think about my obsession.

harry potter, ronald weasley, molly weasley, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, albus dumbledore, minerva mcgonagall, remus lupin, james and lily potter, sirius black, dobby, and so many other incredible characters shaped who i’ve become and who i have yet to be. this world means everything to me, yet i hate that it holds this power over me.

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2 years ago


Imagine, the whole Fablehaven crew is sitting around together after Zzyzx, and arguing over which movie to watch. And Kendra just suggests Harry Potter.

And everyone just stops because wait, Bracken is there. He’s been in prison for hundreds of years. He hasn’t seen the series or read it. 

He has to be possibly the only people in the whole world who hasn’t been spoiled.

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