Heiji X Kazuha - Tumblr Posts
Second favourite trope of all time would be "soulmates." I believe they exist. Actually, I know they exist (I'm muslim✨️). The thought of having somebody so infatuated with you. They will love every single thing about you. Being so fond of you. Caring for you, protecting you, being your home, and you being theirs. There would always be mutual respect and understanding.
Even the stories or legends in a culture about this trope give me goosebumps. For instance, I've always adored the "red string of fate" legend. Whenever it's insinuated in a show or a book, I become a wheezing mess.
P.S.: In Islam, it's very clear that soulmates exist. There is this verse in the Quran that says: "And We created you in pairs." How beautiful is that🥺 ???
So dear writer, when your lovers are described as "destined to be" in any way, shape, or form. Know that I'm screaming, giggling, kicking my feet, and just dying out here. XOXO 😘
Thanks for enjoying this Ted talk \(^^)/.
Detective Conan fans!!!
Guy's this is not a drill! Tubi dubbed episodes 965-1014! It's all free to watch and they're using the Japanese names! I'm so happy right now omg! Why didn't I hear about this sooner!?