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Ask Bloody Forever Mouri

welcome to Detective Conan: Bloody Forever Mouri.
Ask Blog (With M!A in the near future)
Small side info
-Stuff will try and stick close to canon (shows and manga. I'm a bit behind) but will have things from the movies (which aren't always seen as canon).
- This blog may have NSFW stuff in it. I will normal however always give heads up and trigger warns. (But keep in mind the show\manga it's based on so blood and suicide will be topics)
-Ask are pretty open but no spoiler asks. (like asking If Kogoro knows Conan is really Kudo). This stuff will ether be made part of the series in later asks. You can hint at stuff though. I don't mind that to much. (like 'Hey Kogoro is it me or does Conan remind you of Shinichi'.) Stuff like that I don't mind.
-Finally I'm Native to the USA. So a lot of Japanese terms may be said wrong or word weird. Please let me know so I can fix them. (So I may get my -Sama and -Chan wrong. Again let me know.)
(yes this was a blog already up but I accidentally deleted my old accounts)

“Ask a Famous Detective. An ask box. Why do we need one of those?” Ran asked as Conan chuckled at the odd sign.
“Will, I figure seeing as we have gotten so busy with cases. This is a good way for people to ask about cases they think maybe too small to bug me over or not sure on. Maybe just if they want to pick the brain of the world famous ‘Sleeping Kogoro’!
“If they do that there won’t be much to pick from.” Conan grined at Kogoro. This got him a quick knock on the head.
I’m Back here have some Au’s for wait!

APTX 4869 AU
Other Woman: Takes place in Tropical Land just like the normal series. However, Shinichi and Ran are having a normal fun date and Kogoro is the one doing case work. A small case but case work none the less. That’s when he runs into Gin and Vodka. Kogoro is force feed the drug but instead of shrinking. Kogoro is transformed into a woman! Not sure of what to do he seeks help from his longtime friend Juzo Megure. Now as Kogame Mouri (Kogoro long lost sister! Lol) Kogoro most juggle detective work, stopping the Black Organization and keeping his and Eri marriage from totally falling apart.
Stolen Time: Again this Au starts in Tropical Land just like the normal series. The difference is that Shinichi never runs into Gin and Vodka again after the roller coaster murder. Ran does. She was worried when he ran off to look into them. Accidentally over hearing everything she is forced the drug. She suddenly grows old without warning. Of course, the first she goes to his Shinichi for help. As Irene the new Detective in town. Ran with Shinichi help, must now stop the Black Organization and keep her dad who is feeling guilt for her disappearance from doing something crazy!
In the Dog House Au: In this alternative universe Conan is around and is still trying to get back to being Shinichi. Except during one of the Black Organization attacks. Wataru Takagi is caught in the middle and is poisoned right in front of Conan. Now Takagi must struggle with a dog’s life as a new K9 police dog and on top of trying to keep Sato happy. Who is feeling all alone in the world after once again losing someone she loves.
((Hey guys asks Bloody Mouri is back. Please send your ask in! ))

“Otosan mail.” Ran said as she had just got finished visiting with Azusa downstairs in the café.
“A letter from the ask box?” Kogoro asked reading the paper surprised have just put the sign and box that morning.
“No, it a package. A very heavy package. It’s from….” Ran raised and eyebrow at the package. “‘The Hidden Dragons’ bank in Osaka.” She explained. Kogoro looked at her funny and so did Conan who had been reading a book on the sofa.
“That’s the bank Heiji helped close down.” Conan said. “The bank manger had been secretly stealing safety deposit boxes and selling them off to pay for the fact that the bank itself was in huge debt.” Conan said running over and jumping onto Kogoro back to see what was in the box.
“Weird what would they be sending me.” Kogoro wondered and opened the package. He stared for a moment as he was now even more confused. “It a large safety deposit box. Why send me this?”
“Otosan there is a letter on the side of the box.” Ran pointed. Sure, enough a letter was stuck between the box and the inside of the package. Conan grabbed it and opened it and began to read.
“Dear Mr. Mouri do to the closer of the bank. Multiple safety deposit boxes are being returned to their owners. In closed is one ‘large’ deposit box that was left in our care. The box in closed has been in the care of the bank for the last 10 years. We are unsure if this is a box that was forgot or miss placed in the past. But after doing some digging your name was find as the ‘signer’ for the box. Note this box was marked as ‘do not accuse’. So, all items inside have never been removed or looked at without your ok. We are sorry for any trouble do to the possible lose of the box or it’s return. Have a nice day and thank you for being a member of ‘The Hidden Dragons’ bank.” Conan read. “Then it’s just stamped at the bottom.”
“……” Kogoro tilted his head. “Weird I don’t remember getting a safety deposit box in Osaka.” He mumbled.
“Maybe it had been for work when you were on the force.” Ran said tilting her head. Kogoro shrugged and nodded.
“Well let’s find out whats in the box.” He said grabbing the key that was chain to the side. He popped the lock and the top opened. “Nani!” He exclaimed and Conan and Ran gasp.
Inside the box had a few strange things. Set of envelopes, a small jewelry box with a protection seal on it, a suit case of some kind and a strange box with bottles and syringe. But the part worrying them most was the letter wrote in blood.
‘Don’t you dare forget them.’

“Megure you got to be messing with me?” Asked Kogoro staring at his former police partner. Megure with Takagi standing next to him shrugged a bit.
“Sorry Mouri, but I’m serious. The blood is yours and the only fingerprints on anything are yours and the bank members prints. On the outside of the box.” Megure said simple. Kogoro rubbed his chin slightly. Silently deep in thought. First a strange box with a blood note and now more questions then answers? Conan took the moment to change the subject a bit.
“Officer Takagi? What are all the items in the box? We didn’t touch anything inside. So we really aren’t sure what’s inside of the box aside from the suitcase, the sealed music box, the strange box and envelopes?”
“In truth we are still looking into that. The envelopes have money and closed notes. The music box has a protection seal so we haven’t opened it yet. The Strange box I’m having a friend look into it. The suitcase well…” Takagi shrugged and looked up for a moment. Megure sighed.
“We don’t know.” Megure said.
“Why not?” Ran asked.
“We can’t get it opened.” Takagi said. Kogoro and Conan sighed a bit. However, Takagi smiled. “Don’t worry. My friend is good with this kind of stuff. She is a bit strange but she is very smart.” Without any warning someone coughed and cleared their throat behind him.
“Me strange? Takagi have you met yourself?” Said a woman’s voice. Takagi spun around startled and rubbed his neck and chuckled a bit as everyone else raised an eyebrow.
“Oh. Ha. Sorry.” Takagi said. The girl who couldn’t be that much older then Ran laughed a bit. She didn’t seem that upset at all.
“No problem. Hi I’m Jessrin Lotus.” She said. As soon as Kogoro heard the gals name. His head felt like a nail had been driven through it.
‘I’ll never forget’. A whisper echoed in his head and he felt like his skull was about to exploded. He grabbed his forhead as his heart pounded a bit his head filled with a strange static. Then it stopped. As soon as it started it was over. Kogoro felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up.
“Mouri?” Megure asked worried for his friend. Kogoro shook his head shaking away the last of the headache.
“I’m ok.” Said and gave a slight cough not noticing he was sweeting a bit. Other then that strange moment he felt fine. Jessrin watched for a moment. Curious about what was going on and if this was normal. Then she finally broke the silence and mild worry.
“So…..I took a look at the item Takagi asked me to look at. And all I can say is wow!” Jessrin said smiling ear to ear. Like a child who find the best kind of candy.
“Wow?” Conan asked a bit confused. Jessrin nodded a bit.
“It’s called a ‘Pires Kit’ back when the US colonies were dealing with the ‘Salem witch trails’. These were often found at the homes of these so-called witches. They were believed to be used to help vampire and demon allies.” Jessrin said very excited. Everyone was kind of now both curious and even more confused now. Why on earth had this been in the security box? “It was said that when the witches or warlocks took a demon or vampire allies. They would keep this as a way to give them blood for when they were weak and-“
“Wait!” Ran suddenly blurted. “Is the red stuff in the bottles blood?” She asked a bit suddenly panicked. Everyone except for the Jessrin girl was now wondering whose blood was in the bottles in the strange box.
Sorry it’s taking time....but!

It is taking some time. For making the next part. Hopefully not much longer. But you guys have been waiting for some time. So I could at least hint at something that will be coming up soon.
So here is the cover for File 2: The Demon in the smoke!

1) Detective Conan Fusion: Conan \ Kogoro = Doyle. Conan\Shinichi genius mind and Kogoro skill and charm all tied up into a Dorky looking Detective!
2) Was a random edit I did in MS Paint. Nothing amazing just more bored if nothing else. The idea for the look is Kogoro or Angel struggling with a vampiric change in him.
3) Poor Kogoro dealing with me and trying to draw damage done on a body. Cuts, sores and bruises. Stuff I don’t normally draw often.

Kogoro let out a deep sigh as they got out of the rental car and headed for the address that was written on the VIP passes. He glanced at Ran and Conan before finally asking.
“How did you talk me into letting you guys come?” Kogoro looked at his daughter with a slight none glare. She smiled at him.
“You wanted back up! Just in case the ex-criminal is up to something.” Ran said. Kogoro stared at her for a long time. Waiting if she would say anything else before looking down and turning to Conan.
“Real Reason?” He questioned.
“She said she would buy you that new Yoko mini figure.” Conan said honestly. Kogoro crossed his arms and let out a very deep sigh again.
“Oh…right!” He said and shook his head. It didn’t take long to get from the parking lot to the building. The three of them stopped to stare a bit.
“WOW is this the place?!” Ran asked her dad. Kogoro checked the ticket and nodded. The place was very showy. Some how both fancy yet new aged. So, the club had a little bit of everything for everyone.
As Kogoro stared up at the building he scratched his head a bit. He hadn’t noticed it before on the ticket or in the leader. But now with the symbol on the side of the building. Kogoro was hit with and odd feeling at the sight of the club’s name.
“Lazarus? Where have I heard that before?” He said asking really no one. Conan was about to speak up. Shinichi of course was a bucket of info even as Conan. Someone bet him to it. A very big someone.
“Most likely you are thinking of Lazarus of Bethany or Saint Lazarus of Christian Bible. It was believed that he was brought back to life four days after his death by Jesus Christ. So, he is often seen as a sign of rebirth or second chances.” Said the figure towering a bit taller than Kogoro. Kogoro jump to the side in surprise. “Oh, I’m sorry. Being a librarian also oddly makes you a chatter box.” He laughed a bit. “I’m Prof. Oxenfree nice to meet you sir.” As the tall man spoke. A teenager peeked around the large man. He had a bit of a punk style to him. Yet seemed kind of nervous. “Oh, and this is my son Mumbles. We are here to meet some friends.” The boy as Oxenfree spoke suddenly got a look on realization. “Don’t mind him. His just kind of-“ Oxenfree kind of was caught off guard as Mumble ran out and started waving at Kogoro. “Shy?” Mumbles made a weird and shockingly realistic police siren sound as he waved his long-sleeved covered hand at him.
Kogoro stared at the boy. Wondering if there was something wrong with him or if he was excited to see someone famous.
Then it hit him again. That static! That stomach twisting head slamming static like the day before. Yet this time was a bit different. It was more focused. Like it was forcing a memory to the front of his mind. The strange voice and the words on paper ringing in his mind. “Remember. Don’t you dare forget them!”
An image of him as a younger officer holding a small odd child with strange little marks around his lips. The thought and words danced in his mind for a moment. Before the world finally came back around.
“No way!” Kogoro said holding out his arm as the kid nearly tackled him in a hug. Kogoro was almost on the edge of tears. “Hey there kiddo!”. The kid smiled so brightly as the pair hugged each other so tight. Like the pair was afraid that if they let go, they would never see each other again. Conan, Ran and Oxenfree were left very confused.
To be continued.

Seeing as it is taking a lot of time to post new stuff. ( Because of work, being sick, having tech problems and art block)
I decided to post a image of practice art I had. This is a rough doodle of some of the more vampire testing stuff I had for the earlier ideas of the series. Some stuff will stay and some will go...not sure what yet. But over all her be a vampire Mouri.

Prof. Oxenfree looked at Mumbles. “Mumbles my boy do you know this man?” The younger man started to make some odd sound effects. Sound effects that sound very real for what the mimicked. “OH! It’s the officer who saved you!” The man said with a nod of understanding. Ran looked a little confused at her father.
“Dad, I’m a little confused. Who’s Mumbles. He looks familiar?” Ran looked at the young man and they shared a wave. Mumbles clearly remembered her it seemed. Kogoro glanced at Mumbles who gave an approving nodded.
“When I was still an officer. Mumbles stayed with us. He was very little at the time. His family was abusive because he has an illness called ‘Mimicry Syndrome’. Mumbles can only speak in mimicking sounds or signing. Kogoro then paused for a long time. With an odd look of sadness. A rare thing for him. “Mumbles….I’m sorry I lost touch. After quieting police work….I….wasn’t in a good place.” Mumbles smiled and gave him a hug. Then stepped back making clock sounds.
“He is saying you two have all the time in the world to catch up.” Oxenfree nodded. Then before the group knew what was going on. Oxenfree with his large size wrapped his arms around Kogoro, Mumbles and Ran shoulders. Only missing Conan with his small size. “Come now! Let’s go enjoy the club together. We can even meet our friends inside!” Kogoro and Ran chuckled nervously. Not use to being guide by someone twice their size. Conan chuckled and could only think.
“This should be good.” Conan smirked a bit as he followed the giant of a man.
Inside the group became even more excited. The club was amazing. A DJ was jamming away getting part of the club excited with music. A somewhat grumpy bartender was cleaning the counter waiting for someone to order. On top of all that. There was even a large oversized aquarium. A very pretty lady was watching the tank. As people talked and mingled.
Credit to those who worked on the above. Just want to make sure people on my DCMK followers see this :3
A Study in NOIR, a DCMK zine
shareable link up for free download: here
All the way back in May, the Detective Conan/Magic Kaito Fanfiction Server decided to put together a zine project. Many topics were suggested as themes to frame the zine around, but the film-noir aesthetic won out by a lot.
Then we realized about 2% of us actually understood what noir as a theme even means. It's been a long-haul and an interesting learning experience for the group overall and now we're ready to show the fandom the final product. A sampling of our many creatives are featured in the final zine, available to you for free! It is also formatted with enough leeway for print and binding if you so desire.
This is a collaborative fanzine project that refuses ownership over any of the characters or concepts originating from Gosho Aoyama's original works. We do not profit off of this and retain the right to our own art and writing. Thanks!
-mod Kuro

So, yeah turns out my depression, kidney stones and a mess of other problems. Were because I had a very large tumor (cyst honestly) about roughly 40lbs in size pushing all my organs.
So, I hope you guys can understand why I have been gone. (lol but not really). So, here are some sketches and designs of true monster vampire Kogoro. One edit of Angel. confused younger Kogoro....and a mermaid Takagi Wararu for good measure.

Hey everyone. I am working on the new part soon! Life has finally fallen a little but more back into a 'normal' for me. So, here are some doodles. To hold onto until then.
I love all random ships (with in health reason.) But I do love Eri and Kogoro. I think even with how things turned out for them. It is a rare thing of ' there is always love there' kind of thing.
Was on a Inuyasha and Detective Conan crossover kick there for a bit.
Of course, got a copy of Hogwarts legacy during my recovery time. So, we got to toss in a good old Wizard Kogoro for good measure.
Test designs? mask test? Or good old doodles. You be the judge :3
All good things must come to an end. (Meaning a page is on it's way soon. )

Is fate so cruel for a man to meet old friends. Only to have death to come and give their deadly kiss.
Stay tone my friends. (Also sorry for the slow posting. Life has been kind of crazy and I finally have stuff close to done!)
It's a dcmk and undertale crossover fic.

Closed Case Turnabout

heishin + heijis!! featuring a hc where heiji’s hair becomes wavier like his dad’s the older he gets ^^
have you ever seen a man jump out of a plane with such whimsy??? bro is absolutely GEEKED

AKA screenshot redraw 😝
I was drawing Conan and thinking "man idk this looks too much like Shinichi" and then it hit me