Hellaverse Critical - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

The thing is, even though I criticize the show a shit ton, it’s because I believe this show has SO MUCH potential! And I still love it even though there is so much I disagree with!

We in the Hazbin/Helluva/Vivziepop critical community need to make clear that the Hellaverse antis, especially the pathetic antis on Twitter, are not associated with us.

We In The Hazbin/Helluva/Vivziepop Critical Community Need To Make Clear That The Hellaverse Antis, Especially
We In The Hazbin/Helluva/Vivziepop Critical Community Need To Make Clear That The Hellaverse Antis, Especially

There are many, many things to critique the shows on and just as many things about Viv to call out, but these antis start such frivolous and petty discourses on nothing burgers like this Fat Nuggets bullshit and are overshadowing us in the critical community who seek to give the shows genuine concrete criticism and call out Spindlehorse and Viv for their behavior. They add fuel to the fire the perception from Hazbin fans that Hazbin's critics are grasping at straws and prevent us from being taken seriously.

Let's not stand for this anymore and finally denounce them. Say it with me:

Hellaverse antis =/= Hellaverse critical

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5 months ago

Remember kids! Sexual Coercion is a form of sexual assault!

If Blitzø was a woman, almost everyone would agree that Stolas is a rapist. The only reason people don’t see him for what he is is because he’s portrayed as an UwU soft gay bean

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9 months ago

Genuine question, why do so many characters in the Hellaverse have daddy issues? I mean, seriously:

Blitzø: Daddy issues

Loona: Daddy issues, even though they’re not really Blitzø’s fault and it’s more to do with the fact that she’s not used to having a stable home or living in an environment with a stable and loving caregiver, and she doesn’t know how to process that and so lashes out at Blitzø

Moxxie: Daddy issues

Stolas: Daddy issues

Octavia: Daddy issues indirectly caused by Stolas’s daddy issues

Angel Dust: Daddy issues

Charlie: Daddy issues, even though her dad is in the picture and working on fixing them

Lucifer: Biggest daddy issues in the bible

I swear to fuck if the theory about Alastor’s father being abusive, and that being the reason why he seems to hate men turns out to be true, we might as well retitle the Hellaverse the Daddyissuesverse

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7 months ago

I’d be able to take Helluva Boss a lot more seriously if the show didn’t act like hating Stolas (And plenty of characters have very justified reasons for hating him) was a crime against humanity

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7 months ago

I’m only just realising how messed up Stolas’ proposal of his ‘deal’ with Blitzø was. When you come down to it, the ‘deal’ was actually pure coercion. ‘If you don’t have sex with me once a month, I’ll take back my grimoire, which means that you’ll lose your business, your employees will lose their jobs, and you won’t be able to provide for your daughter. But none of that will happen if you allow me to use you as a sex toy.’

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6 months ago

I don’t know why Vivziepop hates Striker stans so much. Oh, you like him and you ship him with Blitzø, because let’s face it, they have way more sexual tension than Blitzø and Stolass? No, you can’t do that! You’re supposed to like Stolitz! Aaand then she decides that Striker is homophobic and a villain because what? Because Stella hired him to kill Stolas? He’s an assassin, the man was just doing his job.

Actually, come to think of it, I DO know why Vivziepop hates Striker stans so much. It’s because she’s constantly bending over backwards to justify Stolas, a literal rapist, being shipped with his victim.

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6 months ago

As of yesterday, Stolitz stans are no longer welcome on my blog. You can fuck off along with the Huskerdust stans. I’m not allowing you to harass me, or incite strangers to harass me anymore.

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6 months ago

If Blitzø was a woman, almost everyone would agree that Stolas is a rapist. The only reason people don’t see him for what he is is because he’s portrayed as an UwU soft gay bean

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5 months ago

I’m gonna say it, Stolas doesn’t love Blitzø, he’s obsessed with him. He enjoys the fantasy of a royal having a secret affair with a commoner, and he feels entitled to engage in this fantasy as and when he pleases without consequences. He knows that he makes Blitzø uncomfortable, and that he doesn’t really want to sleep with him, but he feels entitled to his body and his company anyway. And when he does the bare minimum and gives Blitzø a way out of their fucked up deal, he immediately feels entitled to Blitzø’s love. When his fantasy of being swept away by his ‘true commoner love’ is shattered by the reality that Blitzø doesn’t love him, he has the nerve to cry and play the victim, and act like Blitzø is a bad person for not loving him when all he has ever done is fetishise him for his race and sexually abuse him. Stolas thinks that he deserves Blitzø when he has done nothing to deserve him.

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5 months ago

I’m gonna say it, Stolas doesn’t love Blitzø, he’s obsessed with him. He enjoys the fantasy of a royal having a secret affair with a commoner, and he feels entitled to engage in this fantasy as and when he pleases without consequences. He knows that he makes Blitzø uncomfortable, and that he doesn’t really want to sleep with him, but he feels entitled to his body and his company anyway. And when he does the bare minimum and gives Blitzø a way out of their fucked up deal, he immediately feels entitled to Blitzø’s love. When his fantasy of being swept away by his ‘true commoner love’ is shattered by the reality that Blitzø doesn’t love him, he has the nerve to cry and play the victim, and act like Blitzø is a bad person for not loving him when all he has ever done is fetishise him for his race and sexually abuse him. Stolas thinks that he deserves Blitzø when he has done nothing to deserve him.

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