Stolas Critical - Tumblr Posts

TL;DR: Tears can absolutely be manipulative, but given what we know about Stolas, in this case, they aren’t. Reasoning below the cut.

Tears can be manipulative, but in this context, it doesn’t make sense for them to be. What is Stolas trying to manipulate Blitz into? Chasing after him? When Blitz does so in AT, he rejects him. Apologizing to him? Blitz tries to apologize in FM, but Stolas teleports him outside the house. “. . . it’s manipulative because despite saying that he wants to give Blitz a choice he still is focusing on what he wants and shows he doesn’t handle rejection well.” Focusing on your desires over another person’s isn’t inherently manipulative. It may be selfish and/or myopic, but unless you’re trying to get those desires met by attempting to control another person’s actions or emotions, it’s not manipulative. And simply reacting to an emotionally charged situation with emotions of your own is not the same as playing the victim.

Based on the content of the show itself, I believe that it’s clear that Stolas is not crying in order to manipulate Blitz. Rather, he’s doing it because he believes that he has been rejected by someone he was attached to. Whether that attachment is morally good, bad, or neutral is outside of the scope of this discussion. When we go back to the beginning of FM, to the Stolitz duet, we can see that Stolas is anxious about what choice Blitz will make—will he stay or go? And this is all the nuance that Stolas gives to the situation. Blitz can either reject him or he can choose to be in a relationship with him. His actions come across as tone deaf because they are. (I could go into greater detail about this, but Sarcastic Chorus already made an excellent video on the subject, which I highly recommend.) But not understanding the intricacies of a situation isn’t synonymous with manipulation. I argue it serves as an alternative explanation for Stolas’ actions, one that lines up more cleanly with the information given to us by the narrative.

So, now that we know Stolas is viewing his proposal as a yes or no question, we can see why he takes Blitz’s response so poorly. He sees it as a rejection (and likely as a mockery of his desires) because it isn’t an immediate ‘yes, I want to be with you.’ In case you’re tempted to say I’m defending/agreeing with Stolas’ reasoning, I’m not. His assumption of rejection was incorrect, based on his faulty idea of how the night should go, which itself is based on romcoms, not reality. But I am saying that this falsity, this feeling of being rejected when he never was, is what causes his tears. Because that kind of rejection does hurt, especially when the person rejecting you calls you a pompous asshole. It was never about manipulating Blitz. It was never about anything at all, aside from hurt feelings.

But speaking of Blitz’s response, you claim that no one talks about how it was also motivated by PTSD. I don’t know what side of the fandom you’re on, but I do see people talking about that. A lot. And I agree. In fact, I found his response a lot easier to empathize with than Stolas’. There have been so many times in my life where I felt like someone leaving an argument was the equivalent of them dismissing my concerns. Dismissing me. Abandoning me. But looking back on it, I can safely assume that the people I was arguing with weren’t trying to make me feel this way. Sometimes people walk away from difficult conversations because they aren’t ready for them. Sometimes people think that you’re saying something you aren’t. Sometimes people feel like yelling means you hate them, when you’re only doing it because you feel like you’re not being heard. Whether they’re wrong or right in doing so isn’t something I believe I can determine, and even if I could, I don’t think it would enrich my understanding of the world in a meaningful way.

Nevertheless, I am all too familiar with the impulse to categorize every statement, every action, every person as right or wrong. The clarity, however false it is, feels good. But in doing so, I would fail to see the nuance; I would miss the shades of grey, only limiting my vision further. Like Stolas, I would be stuck in a dichotomy of my own creation, unable to see the world around me for what it really is. Unable to understand the simple fact that some questions have a more complicated answer than yes or no.

Yes, Stolas Stans Tears Can Be Manipulative

Yes, Stolas Stans Tears Can Be Manipulative

I came across some Stolas stans that were offended that they said Stolas' crying was manipulative and trying to justify saying that it's a ptsd reaction to being yelled at due to his abuse by Stella. Funny they don't say this about Blitzo because he could be having a ptsd reaction due to how suddenly all this was sprung on him due to the abuse that Stolas put on him. Seriously, they always say how Stolas' abuse affected him but never the abuse he has done to Blitzo. It's always Stolas' issues that come first and Blitzo's are second. And again they hide behind Stella's abuse to excuse Blitzo's abuse because this means they are ignoring how abusive Stolas has been and even his backstory can't gloss over that elephant in the room.

But going back to those tears, I really do think they don't understand what how manipulative tears can be. Stolas is certainly using this as a way to appear the victim even though he says he's changed and wants to make things right by breaking the deal and giving Blitzo a choice. However, it comes off as tone deaf because he still is practically putting Blitzo on the spot and doesn't truly understand that due to the shit he put him through he might not be ready for a relationship with him. But then when he rejects him, he thinks he's the victim of this and acts like entitled prick when he doesn't get what he wants. That's why it's manipulative because despite saying he wants Blitzo to give a choice he still is focusing on what he wants and shows he doesn't handle rejection well. He still hasn't learned anything while delusionally believing he should be rewarded for doing barely the bare minimum amount of decency.

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1 year ago

I imagine Moxxie being the first to point it out and Blitz tells him off but later tells Stolas that Mox is right and they need a proper gig soon but Stolas just gives him a bunch of money and gaslights him about it.

Also, you know that I wrote this right before going to sleep when I forgot that the word "fulfillment" exists. The fuck is wrong with me?

Now Some More Stuff!!!

Every time Octavia tries to talk to Stolas he interrupts her before she can finish a sentence and reacts to what he assumes she was going to say, which is, of course, something that assumes she agrees with his self-pitying view of his life.

An inverse of the ending of Seeing Stars, as in, Loona's occasional aggression towards the rest of the team is resolved (at least partly) through her interaction both with Blitz and with Via.

I'm still working out the Harvest Moon Festival/Pain Games equivalent, but the idea is that Striker participates to act as a diversion for IMP and potentially someone else who could be after Stella and Octavia, speaking of them, they could be disguised as imps in this segment. Maybe Blitz and Moxxie compete together since Striker taunted them both (I like the idea that it takes Striker some time to respect either of them, making him slightly more dynamic and helping with Moxxie's arc and his dynamic with Blitz)

To clarify the last one, the mid segment of the show would have Blitz slowly realizing he's being exploited while he and the team search for the mother daughter duo since Stolas passive-aggressively threatened and/or guilt-tripped Blitz into feeling he has to find them.

Also, to give Mills some actual characterization and more chemistry with Moxxie, she has MAD shop skills, customizing IMP's weapons and later her family tell her she can't be in the Pain Games... Because she' been chosen as the lead organizer, which in Wrath's super rugged nature, means she literally constructs all the event courses herself.

More Song Ideas!

A comedy ensemble number with all of IMP in act 1 with them doing a regular hit.

Another comedic song with Blitz, Moxxie and Striker in the pain games, maybe Millie's family joins in during the chorus. While still comedic, this one would mainly develop Moxxie and to lesser extent, the other guys.

Of course, Stolas has a proper villain song (one that starts with him pouting that Via is mad that he forgot something she was excited for, Azatoth's Tears or otherwise). The song itself would have Stolas lament relatively small things in his life while saying that "Blitzy" makes him forget them, tacitly admitting that he views Octavia as a problem, and how he's happy that Blitz is his and his alone, and that that's perfectly just since it makes up for his own personal suffering.

Both a song and a joke, Moxxie tries to sing to Millie multiple times and gets interrupted each time. However, he only starts the song once, every other time he sings it it's actually the next verse, a non-live viewer could piece it together and the song could be a bonus on the soundtrack.

Rest assured, there will be more to come.

More ideas for "Helluva A Rewritten Musical":

Jokes, Running Gags and Story Moments With A Comedic Twist :

After the Ozzie's equivalent Stolas' actor would wear a different wig after every two scenes, with each having more grey feathers than the last, until, by his final scene, all his hair/feathers are grey

The first time we see the M&Ms is their morning routine, Millie enters the scene first, with curlers/rollers in her hair, then Moxxie enter with curlers/rollers in his hair AND in his sideburns.

Wally appears a few times, he's exactly the same as in the show but has a much deeper voice to contrast with the high-pitched, scratchy voice Don Darryl Rivera does in the actual series

We only see Andre once, during a half and half split of the stage to show his phone conversation with Stella, later, in hiding (Yes, I'm going with that idea for the time being), Via asks why they could ask him for help and Stella reveals he got in hot water for drunkenly hitting on one of his cousins.

If we go down the Strella route, we could have some early bonding when Striker hisses at a minor frustration and Stella very obviously finds it attractive, because both snakes and swans hiss as a defense mechanism. In response to this Octavia let's out a sharp exhale that ends up sounding like a hoot.

A member of IMP pointing out how little actual hits they've been carrying out since getting pulled into the divorce drama, poking fun at the show abandoning it's original premise, maybe build on it by having Stolas be the only character who doesn't seen an issue with that.

Song Ideas (The Good Stuff):

An opening number or at least early song where Blitz sings about how, by running his own business, he has freedom to make good life for himself. The song would immediately be followed by some form of bad news.

A flashback duet between young Stolas and Stella, meeting for the first time, promising to make their situation work. Stella's lyrics make it clear she hopes that she will find some form of personal fufilled-ness in the relationship, while Stolas' make it clear that he plans on taking every chance to distract himself from what will be his family.

Striker having a song where he tries to console Via, because he can tell that she is in no way personally responsible for the shit she's going through, big stepdad energy, slightly more comedic elements towards the end of the song. This would play into Striker's arc, realizing that not all royals ae truly malicious and finding sympathy for them because he comes to view them as too sheltered for their own good.

A climactic duet between Striker and Blitz, after Blitz realizes that Stolas is a complete shitsack, during the song they're fighting over a blessed revolver to see who gets to kill the jizz-soaked feather duster.

That's all I got for now, more to come :D

Very beautiful. Your mind. Your vision.

Especially the meta commentary I NEED that scene to happen

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11 months ago

It’s giving ✨Weinstein✨ vibes

It's funny how Helluva Boss is so badly written that it actually taught me what parental abuse is and how to recognize it due to Loona's treatment of Blitzo.

The Stolas/Blitzo plotline is also a really good example for Quid Pro Quo and the fact that rape and sexual coercion isn't always with brute force.

And yet we're supposed to root for Loona and Stolas lmao.

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10 months ago

Honestly, Stolas talking about Blitzo being his one true friend is stupid, dude, he spent one day with you, he didn't even want to in the first place, his dad just guilt-tripped him into it, and all he did was steal from you (Not putting the blame on Blitzo for this, his dad manipulated him into it but still) and now you are acting like you two were childhood friends for years, it's stupid, Blitzo didn't even remember you.

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9 months ago

Stolas defenders are one of the most baffling people out there, if you think about the story for two minutes Stolas is 100% in the wrong and just generally creepy and classist.

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9 months ago

Stolas is just Valentino but an owl instead of a moth and you know it’s true

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9 months ago

why did Stolas think Striker was Blitzo's 'friend', anyway? was that supposed to be sarcasm or something?

M&M literally fought Striker to a standstill to save his ungrateful ass (seriously frustrated Blitzo didn't point out he sent M&M to help when Stolas had the gall to be like 'but you didn't come save me in person so obviously you don't care!')

He thinks all imps are friends or related. Stolas expects MnMs servitude at all times. “Blitzy is my knight in shining armour not you littler ones” hasn’t budged on that.

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9 months ago
This Is A Post Dedicated To The Fact That Blitz's Rapist Attended To A Party Themed To Hating Him, Sang
This Is A Post Dedicated To The Fact That Blitz's Rapist Attended To A Party Themed To Hating Him, Sang
This Is A Post Dedicated To The Fact That Blitz's Rapist Attended To A Party Themed To Hating Him, Sang
This Is A Post Dedicated To The Fact That Blitz's Rapist Attended To A Party Themed To Hating Him, Sang

This is a post dedicated to the fact that Blitzø's rapist attended to a party themed to hating him, sang a song calling him a motherfucker, but we're supposed to find him sympathetic.

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9 months ago

Blitzo in Ozzie's: You treat me like a sex toy and it makes me feel like shit.

Blitzo Full Moon: You treat me like a sex toy and it makes me feel like shit.

Stolas in Apology Tour:

Blitzo In Ozzie's: You Treat Me Like A Sex Toy And It Makes Me Feel Like Shit.

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9 months ago

list anon - forgot to add that Stolas seems to be under the impression that breaking the deal means he's in the clear for having ever created it the first place (and full moon shows that when Blitzo does express the deal hurt him, Stolas' immediate reaction is to whine and cry about it then evict him from his life for goof)

so yeah, add 'very little indication Stolas' ever actually cared for Blitzo's feelings outside of does he love me unconditionally and without criticism' to that list

I'm also realizing I could have added two separate entries for the deal - one for the coercive elements and one for Blitzo being in danger and Stolas ignoring his protests three times, the gunshot sounds in the background and Blitzo's arm wound being visible in his spy bubble

every time it seems like there's a bottom to how shitty Stolas is it just keeps going

it's kind of incredible, the writers have accidented their way into one of the most effectively written abusers in fiction and they made it 100 times worse in the season when they were actively trying to take his side and make him look better

Holy shit, you're 100% right. I never even noticed but the arm wound is absolutely visible in the spy bubble.

List Anon - Forgot To Add That Stolas Seems To Be Under The Impression That Breaking The Deal Means He's

Fuck Stolas and everything about this ship.

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9 months ago

Don’t make me tap the sign guys 🤨🫵

Just because I'm tired of seeing it and for anyone who needs a 'tap the sign', here's my best list of what both Stolas and Blitzo apparently both did wrong here. I'm adding some points here that are the fandom's framing more than mine so I'm going to pick those apart below


stole from Stolas as a child because his father asked him to

called Stolas' interests boring (because he'd been sold to be his playmate)

stole Stolas' book

slept with Stolas to get the book (then never did so freely again)

asked Stolas on a date to Ozzie's to spy on M&M

ignored him while on the date at first

didn't believe Stolas had pure intentions when he invited him in after Ozzie's

didn't tell Stolas that Striker tried to kill him (s1e5)

didn't come rescue Stolas in person in Western Energy

didn't visit him in the hospital

didn't believe Stolas sincerely loved him during his confession

tried to go back to a sexual relationship despite Stolas' discomfort

treats Stolas like a prince who looks down on him and refused to see otherwise

yelled and snapped at him during their talk in full moon

yelled and snapped at him during their talk in apology tour


locked Blitzo in his room at his party and assumed he was here to 'ravish him' (s1e1)

Blitzo tells him to knock it off with the dirty talk (s2e1). Stolas doesn't stop (s1e1).

let Blitzo use the book with no strings attached before calling to change up the terms

changed the terms when Blitzo was in danger and couldn't give informed consent

proposed a deal that was inherently coercive even without Blitzo being in danger since he has to have sex with Stolas to keep his business running (s1e1). This is rape IRL and since Verosika said very clearly that 'we're in Hell' isn't an excuse...

called up Blitzo to be a bodyguard that he didn't actually need in Loo Loo Land. He knows Blitzo needs money so leverages that to get Blitzo to spend time with him

Blitzo tells him to stop flirting with him and he's only here to work as a bodyguard, as agreed, and protests Stolas flirting with him multiple times. Stolas doesn't stop. (s1e2)

Shows no respect or gratitude to Blitzo's colleagues for saving his life. Doesn't even call them by name (s1e2)

Puts a cigarette out on Blitzo's horn (s1e5)

Yanks his face multiple times (s1e5, s1e7) and calls him 'little' or 'itty bitty' on different occasions

Demeans Blitzo by calling him 'sexy little one' in front of a whole crowd and persistently refuses to call Blitzo by his proper name, including spoiling Blitzo's moment by doing so as he ties Striker for winner of the tournament (s1e5). His behavior is bad enough Blitzo is happy to skip out on the full moon ceremony itself due to how thirsty he's being

Outright calls him a little plaything (s1e6)

Asks for sexual favors as a thanks for saving his life (s1e6) - he doesn't specify this but he says 'very much so' to the idea instead of showing any offense that Blitzo thinks Stolas wants him to pay for his life with sex

Tries to ditch the table when called out in Ozzie's, hides his face in a menu (s1e7)

It doesn't occur to him the full moon deal is wrong until Ozzie's and that's seemingly partly as a response to Blitzo not wanting to date him

Seemingly still doesn't understand that they are not in an actual relationship despite what Blitzo said as Ozzie's and him outright saying asking Stolas to the club was a mistake (s1e7)

His song in The Circus frames himself as the victim of Blitzo - what's between them is a 'comfortable lie' and he says 'I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes' (s2e1)

Despite knowing unequivocally that Blitzo hates being treated like a sex object, Stolas responds to Blitzo's anxiety about performing by sexualizing him some more (s2e2)

Gets mad at Blitzo to the point of his employees hiding behind him even though it's his fault his daughter ran off (s2e2)

Still doesn't acknowledge any of Blitzo's colleagues by name even though everyone is helping him find Via (s2e2)

Calls Blitzo up to get him out of a situation he should have been able to handle himself, does nothing to communicate where he is and is weirdly blase instead of urgent on the phone (s2e4)

Admits that the deal was wrong but in a general 'transactional relationships bad' sense, no acknowledgement of the gravity of having coerced Blitzo into sex despite recognizing at the start of the episode that he is a monster if Blitzo was only with him as a prisoner of the deal (s2e8)

Makes Blitzo panic by taking back the book forever and doesn't even notice or care that Blitzo is begging him in tears and saying he'll do anything (s2e8)

Immediately shuts down the conversation and walks off instead of giving Blitzo a minute to process (s2e8)

Rewrites reality, has the gall to be shocked Blitzo thinks it's all about sex when he made it that way (s2e8)

Rewrites reality, acts like he had no idea Blitzo didn't think highly of him despite being told so before (s1e8, s2e8)

Uses magic to throw Blitzo out of his house (s2e8)

Makes no attempt to talk things out, just gives Blitzo the cold shoulder instead of asking for space, clearly thinks he is in the right just because Blitzo yelled at him, has done no reflection on anything Blitzo said (s2e9)

Rewrites reality, keeps insisting he's never looked down on Blitzo despite the fact that even the most insensitive person in the world should realize being called a 'plaything' is not a compliment (s2e9) and it takes a truly special sort of ignorance to squeeze his own imp butler like a stress ball and not think he has any superiority over imps (s2e2)

Blames Blitzo for not saving him in person even though Blitzo sent his employees to help and he knew full well Blitzo was taking his daughter to the doctor (s2e4, s2e9)

Focuses solely on Blitzo not telling him Striker tried to kill him and doesn't acknowledge that Blitzo saved his life in Harvest Moon (s1e5, s2e9)

Calls Striker Blitzo's 'friend'? If he really believes this it just seems to be the old classism/racism rearing its head again, if he doesn't then it's obviously just more petty o'clock on his part, especially since IMP has kept having to fight Striker, sometimes on Stolas' behalf

Rewrites reality, appears to think of himself as one of Blitzo's exes since he doesn't think his getting an invite to Verosika's party was weird, all around behaves like a jilted ex. Seemingly if it feels true then it must be true (s2e9)

Goes to the party despite calling it petty and despite the risk of Blitzo finding him at the party, since he somehow knew Blitzo was actually doing the whole apology tour thing across Hell (s2e9)

Calls Blitzo a motherfucker even when he admits in song that the arrangement was just an arrangement to him (s2e9)

Despite Blitzo telling him all the way back in Ozzie's and again in Full Moon, Stolas still can't bring himself to do enough self-reflection on how he acted to realize that calling someone a plaything and ignoring their boundaries and protests constantly is a reason for them to feel treated like an object. The song directly states that there's something he could learn from the arrangement falling apart even though he's had ample time to try and learn it and is punishing Blitzo for behaving in a way he doesn't understand because he's refused to see the problem (s2e9)

Expects an apology just as he did that morning, still thinks he's basically entirely in the right, doesn't accept it because Blitzo isn't meeting his needs well enough (s2e9)

Gets annoyed Blitzo might judge him for being at an anti-Blitzo party even though he himself said it was petty and is still calling it 'something stupid' (s2e9)

Despite knowing a big problem between them is Blitzo not believing he really cares, doesn't take the opportunity once he hears about Blitzo's insecurities to say what he likes about him and instead talks solely about wanting someone to love him (s2e9)

Despite seemingly wanting Blitzo to open up and talk to him, ditches the whole conversation the minute someone shows him the affection he wants (s2e9)

Makes out with that person - arguably he's given up entirely trying to make Blitzo understand he loves him and anyone will do, because otherwise this is just a spiteful thing to do (s2e9)

I didn't even intent to make the Stolas entry so long, there was just a lot of it because when a character keeps rewriting reality to favor themselves it would be accepting the show's framing to just let them do it. And the show's framing is wrong.

Anyway, that's the list. I'd like the 'Blitzo did just as much wrong!' party to look at his entries and note how many of them were just reactions to what Stolas did to him, how many of them are informed by his social class/being forced into bad positions due to poverty, how many of them are entirely understandable for someone in his position and how many of them require some pretty screwed up logic to count as doing something wrong (i.e. the fandom has a bad habit of implying Blitzo was duty bound to deal with Stolas' obsessions and delusions for the entire show because they had a one night stand, one time).

Notice how many of Stolas' entries are just plain abusive behaviors involving demeaning others or rewriting reality to favor himself.

Just Because I'm Tired Of Seeing It And For Anyone Who Needs A 'tap The Sign', Here's My Best List Of

Thanks for the list and your brave service, Anon. I'll definitely be keeping this one handy for tapping purposes, as should everyone.

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7 months ago

"Blitzo and Stolas are both flawed. Stop putting all the blame on Stolas>:("

Nobody is saying Blitzo is a saint. We all know he's a piece of shit, but at least the show calls out his shitty behavior

Unlike Stolas, who gets treated like he's an innocent victim even though he's the one who coerced Blitzo into having sex with him for the book in the first place.

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7 months ago
I Still Have Huuuuuge Problems With Apology Tour And This Show's Current State In General-

I still have huuuuuge problems with Apology Tour and this show's current state in general-

Take an anti canon!Stolas meme before I logoff for the night lmao

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7 months ago

It just now clicked how fucking manipulative and gaslighty Stolas is, ESPECIALLY in apology tour

Like, oh my god, Stolas is basically trying ti rewrite their history; aka, GASLIGHT Blitz into thinking he didd all these things-

These episodes are supposed to make us feel sympathy for Stolas, but all I can see is my own abuser saying how they feel in order to undermine the events and others feelings and try to gaslight me/get away scott free, and holy fuck I don't feel good anymore

Oh God yeah theres. So much I could say about this.

It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour

I fucking hate this bit, the missing every sign and every turn. Because those "signs" were literally just Blitz saying no leave me alone. They were him expressing discomfort at being demeaned like a toy and at explicit sexual advances, often that occurred in public, further adding to Blitz's humiliation. We know this because this one in the screen cap has Blitz in the harvest moon festival outfit. Remember that episode, and how Blitz was uncomfortable at others knowing he'd been forced to allow St*las' sexual extortion to happen to get the book for his business? Remember how he'd express constant irritation at the fuckass bLiTzIe!!! shit? Yea. Pepperidge farm remembers...

It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour

The "did I come on too strong" is so fucked too. So incredibly fucked. Blitz tells St*las "Don't try to fuck me today, I'm not fucking you out of hours, this isn't what we agreed to and I don't want to be propositioned for sex" and he gets laughed at and told hes "so cute when hes serious" in response. Yeah idk about anyone else. But I can't imagine my fury if a guy responded to me saying I'm anxious and hostile at the idea of being propositioned for sex I don't want by him like this. And after this, St*las then goes ahead and mocks Blitz's job and work and makes it about sex with the aim comment etc. Demeaning his career on top of demeaning his anxieties about being hit on and propositioned for sex against his will. Great.

Finally, it cracks me up so bad that we've had so little positive consensual content of these 2 that they had to make up some to be able put it in here.

It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour

Like aw geez yeah hes smiling! But. Hes still. Only there. Because. His business goes belly up if hes not there. And the ball gag means this is from right before Harvest Moon I think. So this is around when St*las said and did this demeaning shit to Blitz:

It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour
It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour
It Just Now Clicked How Fucking Manipulative And Gaslighty Stolas Is, ESPECIALLY In Apology Tour

Oh yeah totally this is all Blitz's fault though guys and BLITZ is the one who is a motherfucker yep mhmm! Stolas definitely has the right to see this as a sweet wholesome positive moment between them amongst the bad ones, fuck what Blitz is actually expressing here and all the demeaning actions taken against him while he expresses disgust!

The way the realities of all of these moments are changed in St*las' head to make him a victim makes my skin crawl. The show actively lies to us via St*las and we're supposed to still like him. Hell no.

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7 months ago

someone on the reddit spitting facts:

The "we hate Blitzo" party makes no sense to me A lot of the people at the "we hate Blitzo" party might just be there because of Verosika or other reasons. But we see a lot of people who clearly hate Blitzo and who clearly were deeply hurt by him. That never made sense to me. We are to believe, that Blitzo was able to have multiple (maybe dozens) of relationships with people, who fall so madly in love with him, that after he left them, they were never able to fully recover? For example starting to cry at the party because of him, even after so many years? Blitzo has never shown himself to be someone others fall so deeply in love with, especially with his trust issues since childhood and him actively sabotaging his relationships. It does not fit, with what we know of him and feels out of character to me.

I must have forgotten to post this draft.

When has this mean-spirited show ever given the slightest shit about random NPCs feelings? Verosika treats others like dirt, Stolas treats others worse than dirt, Moxxie and Millie shoot people in the eyes or rip their heads off and blow them up if someone starts an argument with them. Octavia and Fizz have both accidentally killed people onscreen, and thought nothing of it. Then suddenly when it’s about stolas Verosika is a saint who will white knight for “baby” stolas honour, Moxxie is subservient to the monarchy, Millie is urgently worried about his safety?? Even fizz is white knighting for stolas?? Some guy they don’t know??

But…Blitzø had sex with someone and didn’t call them back? The HORROR. He made out with someone while drunk at a party then didn’t sleep with him cause he didn’t like his name?? VILLAIN

“But blitz they throw a party about hating you and wanting you dead every single year because they cared so much but you made them hate you it’s all your fault for making them love you”

what the fuck was he talking about 😭 did Stella throw the not divorced party and hire a hitman on him cause she cares so much too??

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7 months ago

I made the mistake of not blocking out the name because I was reblogging a post I commented on. And some lunatic tagged me in a comment that ended up on a super popular helluva stan Twitter. I didn’t even know about this till today. I’m super mad because this person that tagged me in a comment on something I DO NOT agree with at all.

Soft reminder: I know we like calling out posts for their shitty opinions but we really should think to do the courtesy of blocking out names as it doesn't make us seem like the nicest of people. It just gives ammo to the stans to discredit us. I know it takes extra effort and I know people wonder why bother since it's public anyway but let's not get accused of starting witch hunts / harassment. People aren't going to listen to us if they think we harass people.

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6 months ago

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc is Doomed to Fail and Stolitz is a Failed Relationship:




While he does have his perv moments in Loo Loo Land (will insult that in another post), his most notorious one for me is how he addresses Blitz after being nearly 'attacked':

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

Here he flat out calls Blitz his 'knight in shining armor' (meaning he did only invite him to live out some weird fantasy of being saved by him) and refers to the 2 people who helped him as 'littler ones'. But he TOTALLY doesn't look down on imps guys, he said so in the newer HB episode.




Here he already acts like an ass from the getgo, but I'd like to point out something Blitz says at the start:

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

"When this happens it's not something I really fuss about"

This sentence implies that Stolas has pulled this last second call back on the book before despite knowing Blitz needs it just as much to keep his business alive. While here it's done because he has to do the festival ceremony, this means that there's a chance he's pulled this more than once solely to get a quick fuck or because he stupidly decided to forget he's a prince and needs that family heirloom to do his job.

And what was his response to this?

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

If this thing is so damn important then WHY do you use it as a token solely to make this guy sleep with you?

And lets not forget that Blitz ONLY agreed to go to this thing not to be around Stolas, but due to his employees being from there:

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

(and this was Stolas' response to Blitz telling him that he wouldn't be able to do his job regardless' granted he does say he doesn't give a crap about the clients the fact he even responded like this was lowkey kinda rude and condescending)

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

(it's said as 'I'm sowwy your cwients will have to wait~' but the auto subtitles didn't catch it right)




For our last mini glimpse we'll be looking at the episode in which this gaslighting journey begins; skipping towards THAT scene:

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed
The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

Imagine seeing a childhood friend you haven't heard from since you were a child and automatically assuming that they came to fuck you instead of assuming they were coming to say hi.

Like I'm sorry, but it's VERY weird to me that they have him act like this with Blitz when the last time they saw each other they were kids.

(and even then blitz was only there because stolas' dad bought him for the dude as a birthday gift)

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

(plus this was how he reacted to being asked if he was there to ravage him. The seduction stuff was flat out wrong, but from the getgo he had NO intent to have sex with Stolas until he felt bad for him AFTER getting what he came there for in the first place.)

The 3 Episodes That Show Why Stolas' Current Redemption Arc Is Doomed To Fail And Stolitz Is A Failed

And thus we reach the end of the post; I certain I didn't cover as much as I wanted (because I refuse to sit through HB again because I'll just get mad at how hard the story nosedived) but these scenes here stuck with me the most.

Here he makes it clear that:

He only sees Blitz as someone who can get him off

He doesn't care about the business he's trying to run

He sees Blitz as his 'knight in shining armor' and deliberately put himself AND his daughter in danger solely to put himself in situations that force Blitz to save him

He sees any other imps besides Blitz as meaningless, given how he called Moxxie and Millie 'you littler ones' despite them helping him

But I'LL be the asshole if I remind any of the stans this despite it happening on screen for everyone to see-


Lmao even

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5 months ago

Can you critical guys try to at least censor usernames if you’re reacting to screenshots and stuff. Seems like basic courtesy.

And stop making stolas hate your personality. I get it. As a character he bugs me, at times his fans do too. But you don’t have to fight with them and bully fans it makes you look rabid. Dudes not real.

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8 months ago

Finally someone said it. I just wish that when Stolas got all pissy about Blitzø not personally showing up to save him, he told him the reason why. Blitzø had to be there for his daughter you feathered shithead, you should try doing that sometime.

Honestly Stolas has no right to be mad about Blitzø not saving him in Western Energy because of three reasons:

1. Blitz sent his partners to do it. He did not leave Stolas on his own, he helped him in the best way he could at the time

2. Blitz was trying to help his daughter and keep her safe from diseases. We know that this appointment took years to get, it's not like he could reschedule for another day. Sorry, but his daughter takes precident over his twink hookup who constantly sexualizes him and coerced him into a sexual relationship. Stolas has a daughter that he claims to love, so why doesn't he understand this?

3. In the first episode, Stolas sees Blitz and crew running for the lives while being shot at, and does absolutely nothing to help, instead trying to make a sex deal with Blitz while he's under duress. Why should Blitz be obligated to save this man who couldn't bother to do the same for him, despite being 100 times more powerful? It's hypocritical, it's a double standard, and I refuse to pity Stolas

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