Hellenist - Tumblr Posts
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Amphitrite: 1
Aphrodite: 1 2 3
Apollon: 1 2
Ares: 1
Artemis: 1 2
Asclepius: 1
Asteria: 1
Athene: 1 2 3
Atlas: 1

Gentile Authorship of the New Testament
By Author Eli Kittim
Paul forbid Gentiles from keeping the Mosaic law. He warned that if you keep the law you’ll be cut off from grace. I don’t know about you but Paul doesn’t sound like a Hellenistic Jew to me. Sounds more like a Gentile!
Paul was probably not a Pharisee. Jerome suspected this early on. In his debate with Mike Licona (“Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?” 2018), Bart Ehrman said he doubts that Paul knew Aramaic! What kind of a Jew doesn’t know Aramaic? There are many reasons why the Pauline narrative in Acts may not be factual; a) the idea that Paul was a disciple of Gamaliel is mentioned only in Acts, a book that was written much later than Paul’s letters. In Acts, we are told that Paul is a Pharisee and that he’s persecuting Christians at the behest of the high priest in Jerusalem. This cannot be possible because b) the high priest was a Sadducee, and the Sadducees (not the Pharisees) ran the temple in Jerusalem (Acts 5.17). Moreover, the Sadducees and Pharisees were bitter rivals, enemies who disagreed on a number of topics, including spiritual ones. So, it seems rather absurd that a Pharisee would be working for a Sadducee; c) the high priest in Jerusalem had no jurisdiction in Damascus, Syria. The point is that this story couldn’t have happened in the way that Acts describes it.
The same holds true for the trial of Jesus in the Gospels. Everything about the trial seems preposterous, from the notion that it was held at night to the idea that it took place on the day of Passover, and even some of the details seem rather improbable if one understood Jewish law.
If we look at the rest of the gospels, including Acts (the so-called 5th gospel), we’ll come to realize that the authors are seemingly unfamiliar with the local geography, customs, feasts, idioms, language, law, and the religion of the Jews. If we then look at the scholarly consensus as to how the NT authors copied the Hebrew Bible, it will give us some clues with regard to their ethnic identities. It is well-known among scholarly circles that the New Testament authors quoted predominantly from the Septuagint rather than from the Hebrew Bible. Obviously, this indicates that they were not familiar with the Hebrew language and could not understand it. Furthermore, Greek was the lingua franca. But the lingua franca was only used for commerce, not for writing sacred scripture! If the New Testament was written in Greek because it was the lingua franca, then we would expect most of the Dead Sea Scrolls to be written in Greek. But that’s not what we find. Most of them are in Hebrew, thus disproving the lingua franca hypothesis! Devout Jews preferred Hebrew. Besides, the New Testament was supposed to be a continuation of Jewish scripture! The Jews not only couldn’t understand Greek but they forbade their own from writing in it because it stood for everything anti-Jewish. Even according to modern Jewish scholars, Jews of the first century couldn’t have been such highly literate individuals in Greek to be able to write the New Testament with such refinement and eloquence. Nevertheless, the New Testament was written exclusively in Greek. And we also know that the NT authors wrote their books from various places outside of Palestine.
All in all, from the discrepancies in the stories themselves to the authors who wrote them, the evidence overwhelmingly points to Gentile authorship of the New Testament. In other words, the authors of the New Testament were neither Jews from Judea nor Hellenistic Jews from the diaspora but rather Gentiles who were highly literate, but who didn’t understand the finer points of Jewish life in first century Palestine.
How I see my deities! Because I know everyone cares ☺️
Ok so basically, I mostly see my deities how they are pictured in Hades (the game) 😭 especially Aphrodite because when I was researching how to worship her, even before I saw the game, the post I saw used her hades picture as the picture so I’ve seen her like that ever since. Dionysus and Ares kinda have two forms to me. First there’s white boy Dionysus (I like to call it) and then hades Dionysus. For Ares, there’s frat boys ares and hades ares. Weird I know but lmao 😭 ok enough of that I’m gonna use the picrews I made ! Enjoy ig
M’lady Aphrodite

As you can see, it’s all pretty consistent. I really see her as having dark tan skin, blue eyes, but I would say more dark blue eyes (even tho on the picrews, they are light), and having long pink hair. I would say to like her middle back.
There will be three posts because I just found out there’s a ten picture limit 😔
How I see my deities, part 2 Ig
Ok so basically, I mostly see my deities how they are pictured in Hades (the game) 😭 especially Aphrodite because when I was researching how to worship her, even before I saw the game, the post I saw used her hades picture as the picture so I’ve seen her like that ever since. Dionysus and Ares kinda have two forms to me. First there’s white boy Dionysus (I like to call it) and then hades Dionysus. For Ares, there’s frat boys ares and hades ares. Weird I know but lmao 😭 ok enough of that I’m gonna use the picrews I made ! Enjoy ig
Lord Ares (aka Dad)

Again, pretty consistent. Though in my mind eye, I really do see him as more like the hades version. Also m’lady has been featured here too! I see him as having short, black hair, having dark eyes (more black like mine) and having light tan skin. I also see him as having scars on his face !
How I see my deities, Dionysus version
Ok so basically, I mostly see my deities how they are pictured in Hades (the game) 😭 especially Aphrodite because when I was researching how to worship her, even before I saw the game, the post I saw used her hades picture as the picture so I’ve seen her like that ever since. Dionysus and Ares kinda have two forms to me. First there’s white boy Dionysus (I like to call it) and then hades Dionysus. For Ares, there’s frat boys ares and hades ares. Weird I know but lmao 😭 ok enough of that I’m gonna use the picrews I made ! Enjoy ig
Last but not least, my good lord Dionysus (aka fun uncle)

As you can see, this is more white boy Dionysus, featuring his beautiful wife. This is how I used to see him mostly. Reddish hair, brown eyes, pale skin. I also see him with shoulder length hair.

This is also how I see him (he has kept the quality of being a cheeky bastard). This one I see him, with the reddish hair, brown eyes, but with darker skin.
Welp that’s it!
Hey how’s everyone doing? Im doing…ok,,, but I wanted to talk about something cool that happens (happened) with my deities and guides. Ok so I’m kinda loved and affection starved because while my family does show love, it often doesnt feel real or it followed up as something hurtful or love and affection is kinda used as a prize.. what I’m trying to say it isn’t really used freely and correctly. So recently (they know it’s been always, but recently it’s been noticeable ig) my I’ve noticed that my deities and spiritual guides have been really nice and loving. And it’s not like I expected then to be rude or hateful to me (obv 😳) but it’s that I’m not used to it haha
Some examples would be like I’m been trying to know my guides better, so when I asked how they felt about me, the song they used (I used sufflemancy) is serendipity by BTS 😭 ngl it made me tear up a lot 😭 Another example is something that is really personal to me. I notice that I shiver a lot when talking to my deities and I’ve known that’s how they show me that they’re listening, but I’ve just recently figured out that they do that because I have hard time with not knowing if ppl are listening,, like when I’m talking to someone, I need them to respond so that I know they are listening, if they don’t, I don’t think they are listening. So what I’m saying is that me shivering when I talk to my deities is their way of showing me that they are listening (think of it like when ppl say hmm or nod when listening). Again when I realized that, I was tearing up 😭 ofc there’s other moments like that but I’m talking about MOST recently. So lately, I’ve been asking my spiritual guides and deities how they are via Pinterest 😭 and my spirit guides have been giving normal answers but the main focus is actually my deities. 90% of when I ask them, the answers I get are so 😭🥺 instead of like answering like this (how they have in the past (this was lady Aphrodite)

They often answer like this 😭
Lady Aphrodite

Lord Ares

Lord Dionysus

So yeah 😭 when it first happened I was so confused and I Lowkey thought that maybe it was a mistake but I knew it wouldn’t be there if it was a mistake 😭 plus I’m following my intuition more,,, but yeah they have been reminding me more and more about how they love me 😭 which is 😭 like when the message with lady Aphrodite popped up (the red image with black words on it) I (again) started tearing up when I fully read it,,, especially with how relevant it was. Like I often worry (? Think) about how my deites would leave me some day, so when it really hit when one part of the message said “I fully intend on staying in your life for quite some time.” Also they “I love you without limits” thing. I shouldn’t be surprised but lady Aphrodite is the more affectionate (ig) like a long while ago she gave me a message like this

Which also made really emotional because I had (and still have) a hard time talking to my guides and deities about stuff that’s going on with me, even though they encourage me too. And I always remember this one post I saw along time ago that was talking about how “talk to your deites about your problems and stuff” 😭 so yknow this made me really emotional. Also M’lady is always reaching out at random times telling me that she’s here. It’s really great overall. Oh and recently I made a joke about my deites not wanting to talk to me and then I said “I’m joking don’t fight me” and right after I said that, I heard “fight right now” 😭 so yeah that’s hilarious and sweet.
Onto my guides,, Ig they are more toned down about it ?? Not really tho,, oh like one time, I asked them if they thought I was cute as a joke and I didn’t really expect them to respond, but they responded with “so cute” which was very nice 😭 Though I’m a pretty weird person and my guides are low key weird too 😭 like I’m not even gonna lie, they have a weird obession with Hyunjin from SKZ 😭 like they even said that it was a one sided love aka they love him but he doesn’t love them back 😭 back on the cute note, one time they sent me this

To translate it means “me when I look at your beautiful face” 😭 which literally came out of nowhere. Also they send me a lot of cats with hearts on them (a lot of guides are cats 😭) so yeah. (Also I should mention that Aphrodite and Dionysus are also apart of my guides)
So I guess this post was just to say that your guides and deities really do love you unconditionally (if you had a hard time believing it). While I knew that they loved me because of how I grew up, I had a hard time truly believing it 😭 So seeing all this just really cements this, especially since I don’t ask things “like how they feel about me” and they just pop up random. If you can, I would really recommend using Pinterest as a divination tool ! That’s how a lot of this was done !! Thank you so much for reading! Byeeeeeee
Edit: the amount of typos in here are….
Hello hello! I’ve officially started worshiping a new deity,,, one of the most popular deities to worship… Apollo,,, I honestly should’ve saw this coming 😭
Anyway, this post is about how I see Apollo :) I see him in a very typical way. I see him with long blond hair and looking very youthful,,, I see him with more tan skin and with brown eyes. Ofc with pictures via picrew :)