Jew - Tumblr Posts
"why do you keep speaking up about oppression? Why can't you just be quiet about it if it annoys you so bad?"
Firstly, because of this extremely foolish question, I am going to assume you've never been oppressed before.
Secondly being oppressed pisses me off, and I hate talking about it because it is depressing that we must keep fighting for just basic things a person is required (rights, safety, happiness), but you know what happens when you don't speak on oppression? you keep being oppressed!
I've been harassed many a time because of my transness and queerness and guess what I did? I had to tell authority figures because if not, I knew it'd only get worse.
The only people I'm intolerant towards are the people who are intolerant to innocence because of gender, sexuality, race, or religion.
Gentile Authorship of the New Testament
By Author Eli Kittim
Paul forbid Gentiles from keeping the Mosaic law. He warned that if you keep the law you’ll be cut off from grace. I don’t know about you but Paul doesn’t sound like a Hellenistic Jew to me. Sounds more like a Gentile!
Paul was probably not a Pharisee. Jerome suspected this early on. In his debate with Mike Licona (“Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?” 2018), Bart Ehrman said he doubts that Paul knew Aramaic! What kind of a Jew doesn’t know Aramaic? There are many reasons why the Pauline narrative in Acts may not be factual; a) the idea that Paul was a disciple of Gamaliel is mentioned only in Acts, a book that was written much later than Paul’s letters. In Acts, we are told that Paul is a Pharisee and that he’s persecuting Christians at the behest of the high priest in Jerusalem. This cannot be possible because b) the high priest was a Sadducee, and the Sadducees (not the Pharisees) ran the temple in Jerusalem (Acts 5.17). Moreover, the Sadducees and Pharisees were bitter rivals, enemies who disagreed on a number of topics, including spiritual ones. So, it seems rather absurd that a Pharisee would be working for a Sadducee; c) the high priest in Jerusalem had no jurisdiction in Damascus, Syria. The point is that this story couldn’t have happened in the way that Acts describes it.
The same holds true for the trial of Jesus in the Gospels. Everything about the trial seems preposterous, from the notion that it was held at night to the idea that it took place on the day of Passover, and even some of the details seem rather improbable if one understood Jewish law.
If we look at the rest of the gospels, including Acts (the so-called 5th gospel), we’ll come to realize that the authors are seemingly unfamiliar with the local geography, customs, feasts, idioms, language, law, and the religion of the Jews. If we then look at the scholarly consensus as to how the NT authors copied the Hebrew Bible, it will give us some clues with regard to their ethnic identities. It is well-known among scholarly circles that the New Testament authors quoted predominantly from the Septuagint rather than from the Hebrew Bible. Obviously, this indicates that they were not familiar with the Hebrew language and could not understand it. Furthermore, Greek was the lingua franca. But the lingua franca was only used for commerce, not for writing sacred scripture! If the New Testament was written in Greek because it was the lingua franca, then we would expect most of the Dead Sea Scrolls to be written in Greek. But that’s not what we find. Most of them are in Hebrew, thus disproving the lingua franca hypothesis! Devout Jews preferred Hebrew. Besides, the New Testament was supposed to be a continuation of Jewish scripture! The Jews not only couldn’t understand Greek but they forbade their own from writing in it because it stood for everything anti-Jewish. Even according to modern Jewish scholars, Jews of the first century couldn’t have been such highly literate individuals in Greek to be able to write the New Testament with such refinement and eloquence. Nevertheless, the New Testament was written exclusively in Greek. And we also know that the NT authors wrote their books from various places outside of Palestine.
All in all, from the discrepancies in the stories themselves to the authors who wrote them, the evidence overwhelmingly points to Gentile authorship of the New Testament. In other words, the authors of the New Testament were neither Jews from Judea nor Hellenistic Jews from the diaspora but rather Gentiles who were highly literate, but who didn’t understand the finer points of Jewish life in first century Palestine.
For 76 years. For 76 years, this has been happening in Palestine. They raped a 16 year old. They tortured Palestinians. They unjustly killed Palestinians. They destroyed their land. They kicked them out. They cut of private parts. They didn't care for who it was. And let it be clear that there were already about 25,000 Palestinian Jews living there.
They don't care what your religion is. They don't care who you are. They don't care if you want peace. They don't care how old you are. They don't care for if you're even mentally able to be an enemy.
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hey so i have a question for jumblr/hebrew speakers if y’all don’t mind! i saw a guy with a tattoo that said ישרע. do you know the meaning of it? (he also had a cross tattoo so idk if it’s a christian term that might be unfamiliar) it had dots and dashes on it too like biblical hebrew but i can’t see an option for those on the keyboard + i can’t remember what they were
sorry if this is too much of a question or i worded something offensively or badly, english isn’t my first language
💕💕💕 thank you ☦️❤️✡️
There are many horrible things in this world that I can stomach learning about. The Holocoust is not one of them
Actually, Maimonides was caught on the horns of a painful dilemma. He was fully aware of the dangers, and indeed of the limitations, of philosophy, of the need for prudence and discretion in the dissemination of rationalistic views, of the fact that the philosopher would always be part of an intellectual elite far removed from--and often suspect by--the mass of simple believers. But despite these difficulties, he remained unswervingly committed to the supremacy of speculative theology, convinced that all people should pursue it "to the extent of their ability" and "according to the measure of their apprehension". Any esotericist, convinced of the validity and usefulness of his doctrine, eventually has to evangelize his cause and face the dangers of popularization.
Understanding Rabbinic Judaism, from Talmudic to Modern Times by Jacob Neusner, who described Maimonides' work as the "peak of medieval Jewish rationalism"
I don't know if this happens in catholic christianity, or in the orthodox christianity, but this is fairly common in the protestant christianism. And what I am talking about the cultural appropriation of Jewish culture.
While growing up, I visited and frequented many protestant christian churches and the majority of them did appropriate from one of more aspects of Jewish culture. From words like “Shalom” or “Adonai”, to having a mezuzah at home while not being Jew, to even saying the word “Yahweh”, who Jewish people aren't even allowed to say, it being the reason why they replaced it with “YHWH”, instead.
The way the protestant christians abuse of the Jewish culture, to the point of mixing the Passover with the Easter, is so damn disrespectful and is actually creepy asf. And someone says anything about it, they say: “But it's okay, because, unlike the 🤬catholics🤬, we are actual monotheistic!😇 So we can celebrate Passover!” or “But both the religions worship the same God, so it's okay!” And it's just... Wrong.
Because you are a Christian. The religious symbols are Jewish. They are not the same. And it's not because you aren't a Catholic that you have the right to abuse another culture for your well-being.
Has anyone else noticed some people starting to grow against monotheism, or even theism in general, or....
Okay so, yesterday night, in a video talking about cultures with more than 2 genders (which are many, btw), someone said that monotheism ruined everything.
And I corrected them, saying: Actually, only christianity, because christianity was the only one to dominate the world and get lgbtphobic at some point in the hands of europe.
And they were like: No, all 3 religions are homophobic, islam being the worst of them, you must hate the west.
I doesn't help any bit knowing that most people think all the 3 religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) worship the same God (It is worth remembering that they are based on the same Abraham, but not on the same God. Because it is impossible for the God of Christianity, who sent Jesus to be a savior, to be the same God of Islam, where Jesus is, as far as I know, a prophet) and have the same morals, rules or even doctrine as Christianity.
And I'm scared, because this association could lead into a wave of islamophobia and anti-semitism (which are racist, because you're going against a non white culture in specific).
Or, this could be a small paranoia my brain created and Jewish and Muslim + Arab people are safe, nonetheless. 😃🤷🏽♂️
I want to hear y'all's opinions, please, I can't stand this feeling growing up insida'me- 🙇🏽♀️😭
In case you didn’t know/as a reminder, do not use the word ‘Holocaust’, seeing as the word implies a ritualistic ‘holy’ burning/sacrifice in Greek. Neither Germans nor German and European Jews use the word anymore. Instead the word that is used and that you should use is ‘Shoah’.
illustration for "Moscow - Tel Aviv" magazine
The Torah is hilarious because one moment you read a passage illustrating how the upcoming king is the best person to ever walk the earth, and a couple chapters in he is starting a civil war because his soldier is more popular than him. (I'm talking about Shaul)
Does anybody know what Purim is? It's a Jewish holiday involving costumes.
Anyway, I'll be Tyler Durden this year 🔥‼️