Helluva Glam Sisters - Tumblr Posts
Fizz's big goof
So, I've been thinking about this for a while. While Fizz obviously quit for his own well-being, he also carried himself in a way that implied he was screwing over Mammon by quitting, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Allow me to explain.
It's been confirmed that Glitz and Glam not only did legally win, but also survived getting squished. Meaning that they're Mam's new brand figures.
I bring this up because the episode goes out of it's way to portray the twins as being so extremely shallow that they only care about winning and being famous mascots, not money, not Mam's adoration, not for the sake of mastering clowning. They're also clearly okay with sexualizing themselves (as seen when one of them flashes the crowd). In other words, all the factors that made Fizz unhappy under Mammon and eventually made him quit are absent in the Glam sisters, there's no reason to think they'd ever want to quit.
Another thing is that, with two mascots, Mammon would make twice as much money, especially from completionists and extra horny weirdos.
While it was good for Fizz, him quitting didn't actually hurt Mam at all, quite the contrary, it dropped two people perfect for what Mammon needs from someone for the position of his brand figure directly into his lap!
Sucks to be you, Imp Jerky!