Hitchcock And Scully - Tumblr Posts

Greetings mutual of mine, tis I, completing my duties as a mutual to randomly send you questions :D

Brooklyn 99 characters and their Hogwarts houses :))

I love this so much


Jake: Hufflepuff (he’s definitely not ravenclaw so…)

Amy: Gryffindor (while people might argue that she’s a ravenclaw, I think this is a herminone situation because she is insanely brave)

Rosa: Slytherin (this doesn’t need an explanation)

Boyle: Hufflepuff (just yeah)

Terry: Hufflepuff (he’s a muscly teddy bear)

Captain Holt: Ravenclaw (from a fellow ravenclaw, he’s just giving the vibes)

Gina: Slytherin (idk y’all the girl is evil)

Hitchcock and Scully: muggles (sorry not sorry)

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6 years ago

Sometimes when my boyfriend is busy I’ll text him saying I don’t want to interrupt and that I’ll let him hang out with his friends. Then he’ll say “no it’s okay love” to which I’ll respond with “are you sure?” and every now and then he’ll say “1000 push ups” from Brooklyn nine-nine and my heart melts and I remember that I truly love him so much, not that I’d forget it. It just makes me re-experience the feeling.

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5 months ago

I've been watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and yet these are still somehow also MHA prompts...

I've Been Watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine And Yet These Are Still Somehow Also MHA Prompts...

EraserMic are undercover at the nine-nine

What would the case they're on be? No clue, don't care, not the focal point lmao

They'd probably be told to act as if they are not married and they'd be like: 'no'. And Mic would be like: 'don't be homophobic' to the HPSC

Would Aizawa still use his sleeping bag?? Holt probably wouldn't let him unless he does it for like thirty minutes in the evidence room lmao

Holt and Aizawa. I don't need to say more.

Terry and Aizawa get along well and Terry has a theory that Aizawa and Mic have a kid or two together. Bc of how Aizawa relates to him and his good advice. Maybe he even tells stories about 1-A and if they ask why they've never seen them or why they have so many? They can just say that they are foster parents, have opened their home to many kids (which may not be true just not with 1-A), and are still in contact with some of them

Aizawa and Charles... I think he would remind Aizawa of Midnight but weirder like a more exotic flavor of Midnight lmao but he wouldn't hate him or anything I don't think. Charles would probably annoy him the most if you don't count Hitchcock and Scully

Speaking of Midnight and her reminding Aizawa of people, Gina definitely would. But she also kinda reminds him of his husband but like only if his gremlin hours were always, 24/7, all the time

And back to Hitchcock and Scully I think Aizawa would scare the shit out of them into actually doing their jobs lol

Jake would probably think Aizawa hates him but desperately wants his approval and thinks he is so cool and badass. There should be a whole chapter about it (maybe some small mentions of it beforehand). Aizawa would definitely become like a third (or fourth– does Kevin count?) work dad for Jake. I feel like their relationship would kinda be like Jake's relationship with Holt and Rosa mixed together

I have no clue about Amy and Aizawa... Would she be desperate for his approval bc he's kind of like Holt? Maybe he's like a lieutenant or something? I feel like she would remind him of Midoriya but also Iida, she's like a mixture of the two

Rosa and Aizawa would get along really well and his desk would be in front of her own. Imagine the two of them as partners, perps might talk just from them walking into the room together. They'd probably spill their whole life story out of fear (which would annoy them lol). I feel like she would be attracted to him at first until she learns he's gay and is like: 'oh ok'

Mic's desk would be in front of Charles', the two of them would probably get along like him and Jake except he isn't obsessed with him and Mic would probably get way more exasperated lol

JAKE AND MIC!!! Need I say more? No, I don't think so

I feel like Gina and Mic would get on like a house on fire. The two of them are both secretly smart but act like eccentric airheads or well they act like airheads but both are pretty eccentric lmao

I think Mic and Holt would get along like Gina and Holt. I feel like Holt would think that if Jake ever matured he'd be like Mic lmao

Mic and Amy... Mic and Amy. I think these two would actually get along pretty well. I think they would bond over books and languages but that's... all I got lmao

I think Rosa reminds Mic of Aizawa. They would probably work really well together and the first time Mic like loses his self-control and goes crazy nuts and probably violent she definitely respects him more afterwards lol

Idk if Mic would either act like a disappointed parent to Hitchcock and Scully or avoid them at all costs lmao

I think Terry and Mic would work well together, get along really well, and respect the hell out of each other. Mic wears a lot of long sleeves out of habit at first and maybe something gets on his jacket (probably bc of Hitchcock and/or Scully) so he takes it off. Everybody but mostly Terry (and Jake) are like: 'daaamn'.

Jake: You are jacked! Aizawa: ofc he is we workout together. Jake: you what?! Terry: *asks about their workout routine* Mic: *talks to him about it* Aizawa: we take down criminals ofc we workout. Jake: *scoff* you don't need muscles to take down criminals. Aizawa: yeah? How's that working out for you? *Flashback: Jake tries to tackle a criminal but he ends up just weirdly hugging him. The guy either is so shocked that he just stays there and Aizawa arrests him or if the guy tried to keep running with Jake still hugging him*

Mic has tattoo sleeves too that also shock everyone and Mic tells everyone that Aizawa went with him to get his first tattoo getting one with him so he wouldn't be as scared. And Aizawa glares at Mic betrayed while Mic coos over the story like the traitor he is. Now, the squad (mostly Jake) wants to know what it is. Jake also mentions that Holt has a tattoo and Aizawa almost gets them to focus on that but Gina foils his plans. Or she is like: 'I will allow you to use the Captain as a distraction but only if you show me your tattoo'.

Mic's alias is Michael Jackson and he's like: 'yeah ma loved him' and y'know maybe that's actually true. So, everyone still calls him Mic and he spells it that way. It drives Amy bonkers but maybe Holt actually, surprisingly agrees with him bc why spell the nickname like that if his real name isn't spelled that way??

Aizawa's alias is Shouta Jackson. Since no one knows his real name even if they do know he's Eraserhead. And bc Mic can't refer to him as anything other than Shou and Eraser lmao

I can't think of anything else but if I do I will add more bc I love this

I also had more ideas but I liked this so much that I forgot about my other ideas 😭

Jake is thirty-THREE in s1 of b99 but Aizawa is only thirty in s1 of MHA. Can you imagine Jake reminds Aizawa of his students and he becomes like another work dad for Jake but then... Aizawa learns his age and is like: 'actually you're older than me' or he never tells him bc he knows Jake would be like: 'well, I'm older so' and Aizawa would get that done look he gets. The deadpan face but his jaw is like dropped in disbelief– y'know the one? Y'know what I'm talking about?

Does Captain Holt know they're undercover?? Maybe Gina knew the whole time and when asked all she says is this: 'Ik they weren't cops from day one. Heroes? For sure. It's a different flavor of authority, gurl'.

What would the squad's quirks be? I think Kevin would have an intelligence quirk. Maybe Terry has a super strength quirk? Maybe Amy is quirkless and that's another reason she wants to prove she isn't weak. Maybe Charles' quirk has to do with food or eating? Maybe Doug Judy can steal anything or something to do with stealing. Rosa? Jake? Holt? Hitchcock and Scully? Terry's twins? Nikolaj? Pimento (something wild that's for sure)? Damn maybe even Cheddar has a quirk lmao

Gina? (all ik is that she shouldn't have an intelligence quirk bc she acts dumber than she is so people are easier to manipulate as she's mentioned before)?

I've Been Watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine And Yet These Are Still Somehow Also MHA Prompts...

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