Hiveswap X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Heyhey! i just wanna ask if u can do some zebruh headcanons? (if ur comfortable with it bc I know some people don’t like him) and ur writing is rlly good, keep up da good work bro! :)
❤️Zebruh Codakk general headcannons❤️
So you’ve landed on alternia with your good friend MSPA reader
They basically went around and befriended a bunch of weirdos, assholes, and best of all pains in the ass.
So after becoming friends with one of the COOLEST people you’ve never met, *cough cough* polypa
You ran into the BIGGEST FUCKING ASSHOLE Zebruh Codakk, or should I say PAIN IN THE ASS
He was so fucking annoying, at least, to you. reader was obviously uncomfortable with him but they weren’t going to say anything. They were too nice.
He kept saying weird things with emojis to them, he barely paid attention to you. He didn’t even look at you. So you just ignored him.
Eventually he and reader became friends, with both of you walking away. He eventually began to run into you even when reader wasn’t there.
He actually turned out to be pretty aright. He had funny jokes and whenever he “flirted” with you, you could just laugh it off
He found you very very interesting.
He loving being around you and talking to you because he couldn’t believe he found someone who could stand him.
And as your friendship one month anniversary, you got him marvus’ signature cause like, who doesn’t want that?
He eventually being to feel very red for you, resulting in him avoiding you and ignored whenever you called
His Lusus and you found this very annoying.
His Lusus cause he had to hear zebruh cry every night and complain about how “♠️they’d never be red for me♠️”
And you well because you thought he hated you.
You ended up doing was marching over to his house- HIVE and having zebra dad open the door
You demand he tell you why he was ignoring you and I quote,
“♠️well isn’t it obvious! You don’t return my red feelings! So I had to make sure I wouldn’t catch anymore!♠️”
“Zebruh I’m red for you too-“
You get tackled and kisses all over your face.
His Lusus is just glad he finally got off his ass
They man loves to help you with EVERYTHING. You have literally moved into his house, reader didn’t want to because of friendship confidentiality
He loves being around you 24/7
He does give you space though, he’s considerate of you and your h u m an needs
His kisses are so long and passionately. He loves kisses I’m sorry to tell you.
His dates are like sTUPID expense with tons of gifts
He has toned down his flirting with other people, simply, because they’re not you. He wants to be with you for as long as you’ll have him. He really does love you.
Bro I love your writing!! Could u do some cirava relationship hcs? 👉👈 I love them,, have a good day! 💖💕
Cirava Hermod general headcannons
This thembo is one chaotic mess. We’ll start with the same thing as zebruh. You’re readers friend, well should I say human friend. You snuck on board with them and you both just stayed there until you crashed.
You were both healing up alright, until you met cirava. Holy shit, this troll was so perfect. Just the way they talked was so cool. They were so laid back.
You all got high togther, eventually. Reader left, but cirava asked YOU of all people to stay.
They’re very sweet to you. When you finally had to leave, they were super sad. Which was weird for them.
“Hey Bro, why are you leaving?”
You have to comfort them to make sure they’re alright. You have tell them that you’ll come back to visit them. They begrudgingly let you go because they didnt want to seem possessive. Thatd be fuckin lame
They realized they liked you that day. You were so kind and gentle. No one had ever treated them that way. They felt so loved for the first time. They knew they had to have you in any red or pale quadrant. You were so perfect for them
Once you left they didn’t complain again. It’s alright. They can just invite you to hang out, after all, cirava is a cool mOtHeRfUcKeR
One time you’re walking around after ya know, running around and pulling pranks on high bloods with folykl and kuprum.
You walk to you and readers home- Hive by yourself with a huge smile. folykl and kuprum are warming up to youuuuuu ;)
You skipped back to your hive and then you immediately froze when you saw them, cirava. You walked over to them with a smile.
They immediately ran over and hugged you. You smiled and they immediately started blurting things that you didn’t understand and flush crushes and matesprites.
You didn’t understand so they carried you back to their hive and just began to explain what they wanted to do
“Yeah, you’re like super cool for a alien. So I thought we could be matesprites and you could like kiss me and-“ takes hit from worm “-we could totally be together and shit.”
They ended up getting high and the night ended with them falling asleep on your lap and you rubbing their head
They told all of their fans about you and again, just like zebruh, you moved in with them. But they aren’t controlling and kept you at home all the time. They were learning how to trust again
They knew You just love hanging out with your friends. One time you invited marvus and chixie. They’re all bro’s now. Marvus managed to clear Ciarvas name, and get them some money to fix up their hive. What a nice mOtHeR fUcKeR
Your dates are mostly you both getting high, probably at some point filling buckets while high. Idk man you were both high as balls.
They’re mostly very very scared to touch and get close. You have to be there for them. You have to hold their hand and make sure you don’t over step their boundaries
Eventually once they feel comfortable with you, they’ll initiate the touching and hugs. They’re very loving and love hugs once they’re use to it. 
may we get some yandere zebruh headcanons,please? stinky lil man. . . 👿
I see you are a man of taste. You deserve a raise. Go to my house and fuck my f/o
❤️yandere Zebruh Codakk headcannons 🖤
You both basically meet the same way, reader is trying to make friends and you’re tagging along. But it’s more off. Strange. Lingering looks, touches, uncomfortable laughs, being too close too soon.
He felt uncomfortably close to you, he’d run into in strange places. Low blood places, when you’re handing out with Diemen. It didn’t make sense
He wasn’t suppose to be there. He wasn’t suppose to. It felt wrong and uncomfortable. You felt raw and uncomfortable around him. Like he could see everything you’ve tried to hide
And he could see it. He paid the drones to watch you whenever you walked pass them. He knew everything about you.
The obession was quick. He saw you and it began it itch at him. Like if he wasnt touching you his skin would burn off. He knew there was no way he’d get you to come to him. You’d rather run to Ardata, and he knew that. He knew you hated him but it only made him crave you more.
He doesn’t care, you’re in love with him. Even if it’s pitch black. He calls to drones one night. He knows you’re doing to be walking to your hive by yourself tonight, no reader. Just you.
He gets the drones to bring you back to his hive. He can’t help holding you in his arms. Like if he even makes a small mistake you’ll wake up and disappear. But you fit so well in his arms. Like a perfect little doll
He chains you with velvet in his basement. He’s decorated perfectly just for you. You eventually wake up, to him cuddling into you. No way of moving. You can’t do anything. Not even beg to be let go, what are you doing to say with tape covering your mouth?
🖤Oh don’t worry red love, your going to be okay! We’re finally together!🖤

I made my own profile picture! I’m the mage of breath so it’s only obvious I give them (my baby) my aspect! I might also do one for canun (my extended zodiac!)
!Requests still open!
Hi! I love your blog and I wanted to ask something if that's ok 🥺❤️✨ Could you maybe do yandere zebruh hcs but he is very touched starved and so if his love interest? THANK YOU FOR HAVING THE BEST BLOG ON HERE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I only do this because I TRUST you wont show my TikTok, also me and my friends got excited when you found me so eyo
❤️Yandere Zebruh Codakk with a touch starved s/o🖤
He’s already very unstable to begin with so the second you come to him for affection he’s over the moon! No ones ever wanted to touch him! Not even his Lusus! He’s so so so excited. He can’t wait to hold you in his arms and protect you for anyone!
The first time you ever approached him for affection was nerve wracking. He slowly crept towards you, scared to make a wrong move, scared if he did youd disappear and never come back.
He crept towards you and cautiously wrapped his arm around your shoulder. If you let him continue he’ll be all over you in seconds. Crying into your shoulder and holding on to dear life.
You wanted to touch him. You wanted to be around him! That made him so happy! So so so happy! Finally! Someone! 
He’ll began to obsess over your touch. He wants to hold you every second of the day. Kissing your hands, neck, arm, legs, whatever he ca. Get his hands on. As long as you’re in his arms, he’ll be euphoric!
He doesn’t let go, not for a long long time
“♠️Oh red love you want to touch me? That’s so perfect! Because I’ve been waiting to touch you for a long time! Come on! Let’s cuddle!🖤”
Yandere Mallek?
Yandere Mallek Adalov headcannons
The day of your meeting was something wild. He basically kidnapped you and reader and claimed you were both robots. It was strange that’s for sure. You always did the thing you did, ya know.
Quietly watch reader make friends while you looked around
But mallek, he made an effort to try and talk to you.
He mostly talked to mspar but would occasionally look over at you with a smile and continue talking to mspar
As you both left, he felt uncomfortable. Snake dad tried to wrap around him. And help him feel better. But he still felt off. He wanted you there. He needed you there.
It was always the little things that made mallek fall Horn over heals for someone; how shy you were when he invited you over, How you pulled away nervously when he touched you, everything you did made him so happy, especially how cute you looked as you fell asleep with the sedatives he put in your drink.
He invited you iver that day, just to talk as friends! Of course he had snake dad PUT the sedatives in but no matter.
He held onto you as he chained to his bed. Once you had finally awoke, he was coddling you in his arms. He was doting about how cute you looked sleeping.
He gave you little kisses and held onto you tightly! You weren’t going anywhere!
Oh it was so much fun for him to feed you, he wasn’t a great cook but snake dad would make food for you and cuddle up to you whenever mallek couldnt.
He knew he could trust his dad but a voice in the back of his head worried him
“what if he lets them go; it’s not that i don’t trust him; but i’m scared if that’s he’ll be too kind and let them go; what will i do then?”
He can always just program the drones to find you, but he’d assume you’d go into hiding if you ever did escape. He cared about you, he reallt did.
He plasters you in his sign, making you wear it and even going as far as to tattooing it into your skin, everywhere, including your inner thigh, your chest, your back, everywhere.
aight so hear me out: hcs where the reader (you not MSPA lmao) collabs with Cirava n they form a musical duo?
I love your brain. I’m so sorry it’s so short you didn’t add enough detail I hope it fulfilled your needs ☹️☹️
you and cirava hermod form a musical duo
Cirava is immediately all over you.
They want to know what you play so badly, it doesn’t even if it matters with their vibe, they literally incorporate it into their music
They love watching you play.
They ask if you want to form a band with you and them
If you say yes, they’re so excited and have to have a celebration joint, which they invite Chixie and marvus, musical geniuses hang out together 😤😤😤
Mallek and reader are 1000% your managers.
You guys always have marvus at your shows so he can use his Chucklevoodoos on the crowd. You guys get known all over Alternia and you get cirava’s respect back.
They’re life is going up hill, they’re so happy to have you. Your music has inspired them. Now they’re extremely humble.
They listen to you for every choice, they respect you so much.
Hey guys! Its been a while but hiveswap act two shoved me back here! I’ll be making and taking requests for edits to make as profiles for you!
I can do specific sprite edits if youd like too!

Here are some examples of the work i do! Feel free to use without credit! I promise I’ll get more stories out too!
Click for better quality
heyho how ya doing pal? may i pretty pls have some headcanons for cirava, tegiri, mallek and ghalek about reader talking them to sleep. just softly talking to them in a sweet and hushed tone, petting their hair, like they're resting their head on their lap and reader just softly runs their fingers through their hair and keeps complimenting them nonstop until they fall asleep. like: "i love the colour of your eyes, your so beautiful, everyday i spent with you, yet i can't get enough". thank you!
Reader taking their troll s/o to sleep
cirava hermod lmao
Cirava doesnt listen to most people whenever they tell them to go to sleep. They need to be making their music. It keeps them sane. But now that you’re here they dont depend on their music as much.
You can tell whenever cirava has overworked themselves. Theyre buzzing and psionic sparks are coming out of them. Theyre tapping their foot on the floor to have some kind of noise other than their music.
Theyre a twink thats i have to say. You can noramlly pick them up from behind and give them small little kisses on the neck for them to calm down and let you hold them
It takes them a little while to calm down but eventually theyll let you pick them up and take them to their respiteblock.
They’re basically just a large baby. They making clicking noises whenever they want you to cuddle. Or they’ll just try to flister you into cuddling with them. You always end up next to them either way
“babeeeee com’ here pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee”
“Cirava you need to rest.”
“come on dont make me get up rn and kiss you until you cant breathe.”
“Oh my god, you’re gonna be the death of me”
They always and i mean always end up cuddling on your chest like a cat. Whether it be their full body or just their head. They also sleep sing, which is cute. They mutter lyrics to some Alternian music you don’t know. you brush your fingers through their hair and tell them that its all going ot be okay, you promise you wont leave them even if the heiress has to rip you guys apart
They find your determination very comforting
Tegiri Ka/bur
Hes too high and mighty to admit hes tired. He’ll be basically asleep and he’ll tell you that hes not tired. One time you tried calling polypa to help you. 0/10 would not recommend 10/10 assin tho.
He cant wrap it around his think pan that he can be weak around you. So much toxic masculinity.
He needs to be basically yelled at you even be able to conceive being able to be weak. But after a while of talking about it, he knows how to let you take care of him.
You’ll wrap him in one of the thickest warmest blankets you can find and you turn off the TV and lay him on his loungeplank which he’s almost always sitting on. Unless hes not!
You sit on his lap and give him kisses until he decides to get up by himself and get to bed, because you being a flimsy human, you couldn’t possibly be able to carry a teal blood.
He, however, can pick you up and no matter how much you complain he will put you in his recuperacoon with him. He’s always really cute when hes tired too.
He does nothing but ramble about how you’re his princess, and how lucky he is to have found someone who isnt plauged by being 3D. He goes absolutely nuts whenever you tell him you feel the same
Oh my dear red /ove, i must concur that you’re the most beautifu/ person I’ve ever seen. Unp/agued by the chains of the 3D /ife
Tegiri I’m red for you too and I’ll gladly do anything to keep us together, except keep you awake. Go to sleep
mallek adalov
Now this piece of shit, he doesnt sleep for the life of him. There’s literally no way you can get him to sleep. If he’s exhausted maybe maybe you can get him to go to sleep but other than that I don’t think there’s anyway.
Unless, you decide to well sit on him. If you sit on his lap and run your hands through his hair he’ll eventually being to purr, making him putty in your hands. 
Snake dad (I REPLAYED HIS ROUTE AND HIS LUSUS IS A DAD??????) will usually make him a drink with some... “sleepy time” tea. aka he drugged his fucking son.
Which happens way too often that you HAVE TO scold him. But mallek has picked up some weird tendencies and you dont think he minds???
Most of the time you have to pull him away from his computer, and by tooth and claw he will fight all the way down. He will literally claw at his desk to not leave
Good luck trying.
i will literally kill you let me go right now
Your vision spehers are literally breaking; i didnt do shit
galekh xigisi
He falls asleep literally everywhere. He might be a well focused individual with a sliver tongue but he cannot stay away once hes gotten tired.
All you have to do is whisper loving coos in his ear and pull him away from the library and he’ll follow you like a lost little goat
He loves it when you rub his head and brush his hair just saying the sweetest things to himz
You mean the word to him and its good to know that he means the world to you, and whenever you put him to bed he’s over the moon. He loves sleeping on you specifically.
He fights so often and holds up such a facade that he can barely have time to himself, so whenever he can he’ll let you bring him to bed anyday.
Its one of the best parts of his day. Especially when goat dad comes and cuddles with you guys.
I can and will do very specific headcannons, however, they may be shorter than my regular ones
No NSFW requests thank you!!
I dont support anything that i write [yandere] it is fiction for entertainment and should not be taken literally.
I will write anything as long as im comfortable with it
I dont write OC x cannon
If you would like specific things about “reader” (ie: gender, race, religion, etc.) please specify
I will not write characters with DID/OSDD because I believe i wont be able to accurately portray/it would be offensive if I wrote it since i am not a system
Dni if you’re a proshipper, racists, xenophobics, fake claimer, reality checker, homophobic , transphobe, etc.