Homeworld Bound - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Steven tag 🌟

Homeworld bound // Everything is fine....

Yeh, it's gona be a two part thing. I'll try to post the secound part as fast as I can.

Let's start!


Homeworld bounded

A very important thing; if you read my "Here we are" post (if not, check here) you know I have the -let's say- pilot theory..... Now I'm 99% sure Garnet "We always be your family" sentens will be the thing what will helps Steven de-corruption some way

Steven Tag

Just to help understand the Diamonds powers;

Yellow; She still destabilase a gem's form, but this helps her reform. Like a light form of poof. Also, possibly she could shater or crack gems, but now she technicly crack the gem parts to perfectly match together (or at least more or less)

Blue; She already had the power to made others feel like she. Now her power just comes in an other form, because she is happy. She has water related powers, that's why the clouds. I would be interested what can she do with fog or ice....... Fan fact; the color blue symbolises the sad feelings as well as the (blue bird of) happynes 😂

White; Being all gem's creator/mother she is one with each gem and back. Just now instead of spread, she absorbes their essence. Possibly she also has access to all type of gem powers, but she can use it more effective way when she attached to somebody who has experience with it

First, some references;

Steven Tag

That palace-part seemingly alive. A real gem.... What's the point, I don't know, but that would means the whole buildding is a fusion....?

About Blue's clouds; important, to be able to make difference, what causes you good feeling for a short time and what can you realy enjoy

That (what a pity) not Squadriot (one of the enemies in Su-Save the light) but could be a reference. The problem; her gemstone is on her chest, not on her eye.....

Oh.... Also, Lemon Jade is back and togeter again😁

Personally, I can't decide; so, pro-kontra time 🔄:

I understand why Steven refused the clouds. Use something to make you feel good temporary is useless. Yes, you enjoy it, but you won't solve your problem(s). Also, not healty in a long run

Steven should accept it. To do something what you can enjoy is good. Even when you in a crises you could take a break and do something good with your friends. It will even help you to found a sollution

I told my thing, you can decide

Steven Tag

Actually, it's kind of horrifieing to see how deeply hates Steven the Diamonds. He doesn't forgive them, only work together them, because they do what he wants from them. On one hand, he is right, he was brought up by the Chrystals who taught him to fear the Diamonds. On the other hand, he always speaks about change. He can do it, he can cause it, but he can't accept it..... He still can't accept he can't change ALL the Diamonds...... And he hates it. He hates Pink.... Who is actually him......

Personally, I'm not sure, but I think he went to the Garden or to the Kindergarden.... He wants to be alone


Everything is fine

So, Steven went home. And actually, he made a pretty good decision about his future. Helping others is a good thing to do, even when you are suffer as hell

But it's true; you can't do your best or help other in the greatest way when you are not ok. So, if you have a problem like this; helping is good thing both you and the others, but not always the sollution and just because it's good it doesn't makes your sins right.

Actually, makeing the Steven Uniherbs repeating *Steven needs help" was a great way to show a person's inside fight with himself; seemingly everything is fine, but not. He needs somebod

That's why his creation tryed to hug him when he run away

Maybe Connie's message was sent by Steven, same way as he interpreter his feelingt trought the TV

Steven Tag

Try to speak with Steven wasn't bad idea. But the gems and his loved ones could learn; stand around anybody, who's trying to avoid a conversation is bad. Very, very bad. He/She will feel him-/herself in a trap -like an animal- and will try to found an escape at any cost. It would be more effective one by one

(so far I didn't see the last two episodes)

So, here we go........ CORRUPTED STEVEN

Steven Tag


I am my monster // The Future


Mr. Universe // Fragments

Tags :
4 years ago
My Little Reason Why.

My little reason why.

Drawing hands especially that close is a nightmare. And I don’t know what’s up with perspective in there. But oh, well  :D

 I want to write more about a song, but it’s late and I can’t gather all thoughts, so I’ll wright it latter.

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4 years ago

Why Steven is not corrupting

1) The growing things he’s been doing resembles unstable fusions falling apart more than corruption

Here’s some example of failing fusions

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting
Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

The faces are malleable and deformed. It’s like an internal battle represented with their forms

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

Also in this one where Jasper forces fusion on a corrupted gem, it looks like its trying to escape

And here’s what the one corruption we’ve seen look like

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

It’s more like a disease that spreads throughout a gem’s body, like a disease

And here’s Steven

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting
Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

It’s very similar to the first example, only slightly different. It could be that his bones are making the changes in his light more rigid and stiff

2) The internal mind field of an unstable fusion

With Malachite, an unstable fusion, what did it look like when Steven astral projected himself in there?

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

A dark, ominous place where the two gems fought with each other

What does it look like when Steven talks to himself through White Diamond in Homeworld Bound?

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

Very similar, both of his halves don’t really seem to like each other

3) The final trailer

In the trailer, there’s a frame where Steven’s arm is glowing

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

A trademark of the prior unstable fusions is that they glow as they unfuse. And we see that right here. With corruption, color spreads and horns pop out; there’s no glowing.

4) My opinion hehehe

I think that the worm wouldn’t be Steven’s human half; if he’s unfused without gem abilities then he wouldn’t be able to shapeshift. However, all of the diamonds are needed to reverse corruption, and Steven got rid of all of the diamond essence (a move too deliberate to just be an artistic choice). And Steven needs to work stuff out with himself in order for stuff to get better. So I think that his gem half will corrupt but his human half will need to make the mental connection for the corruption to be reverted. That way all of what the Diamonds said in Homeworld bond is true

The problem isn’t physical

Steven needs to allow himself to be happy if he wants to be happy

Steven needs to talk to himself

Tldr I’m right and my theories are god goodnight

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4 years ago

Pearl Memes

Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes

Image 1 based off Bismuth Casual, Images 2 and 3 based off Homeworld Bound.

Have some shitposts. Just take them.

- Pasta

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4 years ago

Goodbye and Thank You

Goodbye And Thank You

Thank you, Garnet, for showing us a healthy LGBTQ relationship.

Thank you Amethyst, for showing us how to love ourselves.

Thank you Pearl, for showing us how to grow.

Thank you Lapis, for showing us how to overcome our fears.

Thank you Peridot, for showing us that we can learn to love life, in all its forms.

Thank you Bismuth, for showing us true loyalty.

Thank you Jasper, for showing that progress takes time.

Thank you Spinel, for showing us that there is always someone out there for us.

Thank you White, for showing us that it's okay to be honest with ourselves.

Thank you Blue, for showing us that it is okay to grieve.

Thank you Yellow, for showing us that love can come from the least likely of places.

Thank you Pink and Rose, for showing us that everyone makes mistakes.

Thank you Greg, for showing us the beauty of humanity.

Thank you Connie, for showing us and Steven love.

And finally, thank you Steven. For everything.

- Pasta

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