Steven Universe Fear - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Also Just Wanna Say That The Scenes That Steven Thinks About During Full Disclosure Are Some Of The Ones
Also Just Wanna Say That The Scenes That Steven Thinks About During Full Disclosure Are Some Of The Ones
Also Just Wanna Say That The Scenes That Steven Thinks About During Full Disclosure Are Some Of The Ones
Also Just Wanna Say That The Scenes That Steven Thinks About During Full Disclosure Are Some Of The Ones

Also just wanna say that the scenes that Steven thinks about during Full Disclosure are some of the ones that he mentions as being traumatic during Growing Pains. Specifically when Garnet gets poofed, when he wakes up in a jail cell, and when he sees Malachite go into the ocean

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4 years ago

See I’m excited for the new episodes but also dreading the fact that this means that there four more episodes left of the series

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4 years ago

Also does this mean that Pink Steven can grow/change physically separate from normal Steven, cause when he healed Jasper he looked how he usually does

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4 years ago

I said this after change your mind I said this after the movie and I’m saying it now

What about the chest in lions mane hmmmmmmmmmm-

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4 years ago

Can we talk about how Garnet definetly knew that Steven shattered Jasper? And how she was like ‘Steven you don’t have to go’, implying that there is a good alternative on earth for him

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4 years ago


Here’s a list of each of the moments from past episodes that are shown in the trailer

Steven with the gems after Change Your Mind. They’re all happy and Steven knows he’s himself

Pearl asking Steven if he has his mom’s memories. There is also a shot of them putting Rose’s sword in Lion’s Mane

Steven about to pull out Rose’s shield, and saying that this is his home and the gems are his family.

Steven and Connie fusing for the first time.

Steven pulling out his shield to save himself and his family from Lapis

The diamonds realizing that Steven has Pink’s gem

Pink Steven yelling at Jasper in the battle that he ends up shattering her in

Okay so I’m gonna go over common themes between these.

1,3,4, and 5 are about Steven, his loved ones, and his home. This will probably come up in the finale as the divide between Steven and the world grows, but also because he needs to talk stuff out with the people he loves

4 suggests that his relationship with Connie will also be very prominent in these episodes

1,2,3,5,6,7 are all about Steven and his connection to his mom. He’s pulling out Rose’s shield, gems mistake him for his mom. Him being his own person seems to be contridicted by what others are saying. Steven gets contradicted a lot in this trailer

2 is especially interesting. Pearl wonders if Rose is still in his gem. Then they pull her sword out of Lions mane. There’s still the chest inside of there, maybe it has something to do with Rose and whether or not she still exists

What I’m gonna say is that Steven being like his mom and Steven’s relationships with his loving family are going to come into play a lot on the finale.

More theories later woohoo

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4 years ago

Why Steven is not corrupting

1) The growing things he’s been doing resembles unstable fusions falling apart more than corruption

Here’s some example of failing fusions

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting
Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

The faces are malleable and deformed. It’s like an internal battle represented with their forms

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

Also in this one where Jasper forces fusion on a corrupted gem, it looks like its trying to escape

And here’s what the one corruption we’ve seen look like

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

It’s more like a disease that spreads throughout a gem’s body, like a disease

And here’s Steven

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting
Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

It’s very similar to the first example, only slightly different. It could be that his bones are making the changes in his light more rigid and stiff

2) The internal mind field of an unstable fusion

With Malachite, an unstable fusion, what did it look like when Steven astral projected himself in there?

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

A dark, ominous place where the two gems fought with each other

What does it look like when Steven talks to himself through White Diamond in Homeworld Bound?

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

Very similar, both of his halves don’t really seem to like each other

3) The final trailer

In the trailer, there’s a frame where Steven’s arm is glowing

Why Steven Is Not Corrupting

A trademark of the prior unstable fusions is that they glow as they unfuse. And we see that right here. With corruption, color spreads and horns pop out; there’s no glowing.

4) My opinion hehehe

I think that the worm wouldn’t be Steven’s human half; if he’s unfused without gem abilities then he wouldn’t be able to shapeshift. However, all of the diamonds are needed to reverse corruption, and Steven got rid of all of the diamond essence (a move too deliberate to just be an artistic choice). And Steven needs to work stuff out with himself in order for stuff to get better. So I think that his gem half will corrupt but his human half will need to make the mental connection for the corruption to be reverted. That way all of what the Diamonds said in Homeworld bond is true

The problem isn’t physical

Steven needs to allow himself to be happy if he wants to be happy

Steven needs to talk to himself

Tldr I’m right and my theories are god goodnight

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4 years ago

Checklist for these new episodes

- little homeschool burnt down

-lions mane chest addressed

-Steven unfuses/corrupts

-Jaspers arc resolution

-Steven arc resolution

-Bismuth fusion?

-Spinel fusion?

-Lapidot Fusion

-Parallels between Spinel and Steven, and maybe between he and Lapis addresses


-Something with Steven’s eye

-PTSD addressed by his family

-Here we are in the future reprise and/or Change Your mind reprise

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5 years ago

So... That leak, huh?

So... That Leak, Huh?

I lowkey didn’t believe the corrupted Steven theory at first but now I’m legit terrified?! Our babey is not okay?! Also the gems are handling it really badly, like absolutely abysmally?! IS GREG OKAY?!!

Okay just needed to get that out of my system, thanks for listening.

(Two posts in a day? New record!)

- Pasta

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5 years ago
Steven Universe Future Leak 2.0

Steven Universe Future leak 2.0

Steven... you got some trauma right there... you want some help with that???

Poor babey. This show is supposed to be on hiatus, but keeps punching the fandom in the guts anyway.

Also, the image leak... are they flying?

Edit: Oh wait, they’re running.

- Pasta

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5 years ago

Hot Take

Steven is in hospital for emergency psychiatric treatment. If his mental state is really as bad as it seems, it's probably deteriorating at a pace where it is unlikely to be controlled without drastic intervention. He's having flashbacks, for God’s sake.

There are a number of reasons why a person can be hospitalised in this situation:

They require medication for their mental state, and need to be kept under observation to make sure there are no adverse effects

They are so unwell that they are unable to control their responses, and may be a danger to themselves or others

They may be suicidal or show suicidal tendencies

I feel like Rebecca wouldn’t go quite that far, but given that the latest leak that more or less involved Steven saying that he didn’t want to live anymore, I wouldn’t put it past her.

I was once hospitalised due to a mental health breakdown. I hated it, and I have trauma from the expirience. I only hope that Steven manages to avoid the worst of it.

Also... Why is he in a boat? It it the H.M.S Residual Trauma?

- Pasta

Ps. Sorry for not posting much, school went back and proceeded to kick me in the ass.

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5 years ago

Steven Universe Color Correction!

I was doing some screenshot edits when I had a brainfart and decided to find out the colors of the zircons and the wormy boi.

Basic Tutorial

There are a number of different types of blending modes for layers, as many of you undoubtedly know. Most screenshots from SU that are worth editing seem to have a darker shade, similar to a multiply layer.

Anyone who passed 5th grade math knows that the opposite of multiply is divide, which also happens to be a blending mode.

So, the method I used to correct my colors goes as follows:

Load your screenshot into your art program

Add a new layer and set the blending mode to divide. Hide this layer for now.

Find something on the screenshot that would be white under normal lighting. Eyes, teeth and the like.

Use the eydropper tool to copy the color on one of these areas.

Make the divide layer visible, and use the bucket/fill tool to fill the layer with the color you copied.

Tada! You should now have an edited screenshot with accurate colors.

Actual Theories

Remember when the biggest controversy in the fandom was if the prosecuting Zircon was yellow or green? Simpler times. Anywho: I used the same method, and...

Steven Universe Color Correction!
Steven Universe Color Correction!
Steven Universe Color Correction!

Why yellow there.

I cross checked this with other people's edits, and it seemed pretty consistent. She yello!

I decided to do the defending Zircon just for fun:

Steven Universe Color Correction!
Steven Universe Color Correction!

So, next bit: Wormy Boi.

@novantinuum made an interesting post about the similarities in scenery and lighting between the Wormy Boi's title sequence appearance and a number of scenes in the most recent trailer. I sampled the color from the trailer, put it on the title sequence, and well... the results speak for themselves.

This is how a trailer scene looked before it was fixed:

Steven Universe Color Correction!

This is how a trailer scene looks when fixed:

Steven Universe Color Correction!

And the Worm?

Steven Universe Color Correction!


Please tell me if there is any way to improve my method!

Also, I’m working on the high school AU thing.

- Pasta

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