Steven Universe Future Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

“My Diamonds…” Fanart and Color practice of the Diamonds eyes

!! Pink Pearl and Pearl Fusion !!
I am once again crying because of Rebecca Sugar. That ending was beautiful and everything I could ever want, thank you.

Also, we got a bingo guys!!

Is everyone ready to cry over Steven Universe!!! Who’s ready for the chaos?!?!

Is anyone remembering here comes a thought or only me?

That was a lovely way to explain it and with how much Steven holds everything to himself, to have the dam break so suddenly makes so much sense.

Part of me thinks she bubbled the rest of it so when she misses Steven she can have a small bite and remember him.

Close your eyes

Don't you cry.

Love's around you

In time, you'll fly.

I tried to listen to non-Steven Universe songs to feel better but all I thought of was Steven Universe, so I made this. I’m miss this show already.
The song is Gold from RWBY

So why the long face?
Steven Universe : Pearl x Rose
Steven Universe Furture : Pearl x all things living human or gen no one is safe
Okay SU theory time
So Diamond Days, it’s shown that corruption was supposed to shatter gems. But without Pinks powers it just led to corruption
What if when a gem poofs from stress that’s what happens to them? A mini form of the Diamond blast thing that was meant to poof/shatter all of the gems on Earth
Now Steven has Pink Diamonds gem. What if he gets so stressed out to the point where he would poof but since he has Pinks powers he doesn’t lose his form. He just gets distorted.
Maybe this would lead to how White is all Pink and stuff in the intro, her form could get messed up just by being near him

Oops he’s traumatized

Also just wanna say that the scenes that Steven thinks about during Full Disclosure are some of the ones that he mentions as being traumatic during Growing Pains. Specifically when Garnet gets poofed, when he wakes up in a jail cell, and when he sees Malachite go into the ocean

That scene where Jasper freaks out over grass has got me dead
Haven’t seen anyone mention this so

Character development
Can we talk about how Garnet definetly knew that Steven shattered Jasper? And how she was like ‘Steven you don’t have to go’, implying that there is a good alternative on earth for him
Here’s a list of each of the moments from past episodes that are shown in the trailer
Steven with the gems after Change Your Mind. They’re all happy and Steven knows he’s himself
Pearl asking Steven if he has his mom’s memories. There is also a shot of them putting Rose’s sword in Lion’s Mane
Steven about to pull out Rose’s shield, and saying that this is his home and the gems are his family.
Steven and Connie fusing for the first time.
Steven pulling out his shield to save himself and his family from Lapis
The diamonds realizing that Steven has Pink’s gem
Pink Steven yelling at Jasper in the battle that he ends up shattering her in
Okay so I’m gonna go over common themes between these.
1,3,4, and 5 are about Steven, his loved ones, and his home. This will probably come up in the finale as the divide between Steven and the world grows, but also because he needs to talk stuff out with the people he loves
4 suggests that his relationship with Connie will also be very prominent in these episodes
1,2,3,5,6,7 are all about Steven and his connection to his mom. He’s pulling out Rose’s shield, gems mistake him for his mom. Him being his own person seems to be contridicted by what others are saying. Steven gets contradicted a lot in this trailer
2 is especially interesting. Pearl wonders if Rose is still in his gem. Then they pull her sword out of Lions mane. There’s still the chest inside of there, maybe it has something to do with Rose and whether or not she still exists
What I’m gonna say is that Steven being like his mom and Steven’s relationships with his loving family are going to come into play a lot on the finale.
More theories later woohoo
It’s interesting how there are two sides of all the Diamonds powers
Yellow can break a gem’s form but also fix it
Blue can make gems very sad but also very happy
White can force what she thinks is right onto others but also give gems a voice
Pink can heal but also destroy
Why Steven is not corrupting
1) The growing things he’s been doing resembles unstable fusions falling apart more than corruption
Here’s some example of failing fusions

The faces are malleable and deformed. It’s like an internal battle represented with their forms

Also in this one where Jasper forces fusion on a corrupted gem, it looks like its trying to escape
And here’s what the one corruption we’ve seen look like

It’s more like a disease that spreads throughout a gem’s body, like a disease
And here’s Steven

It’s very similar to the first example, only slightly different. It could be that his bones are making the changes in his light more rigid and stiff
2) The internal mind field of an unstable fusion
With Malachite, an unstable fusion, what did it look like when Steven astral projected himself in there?

A dark, ominous place where the two gems fought with each other
What does it look like when Steven talks to himself through White Diamond in Homeworld Bound?

Very similar, both of his halves don’t really seem to like each other
3) The final trailer
In the trailer, there’s a frame where Steven’s arm is glowing

A trademark of the prior unstable fusions is that they glow as they unfuse. And we see that right here. With corruption, color spreads and horns pop out; there’s no glowing.
4) My opinion hehehe
I think that the worm wouldn’t be Steven’s human half; if he’s unfused without gem abilities then he wouldn’t be able to shapeshift. However, all of the diamonds are needed to reverse corruption, and Steven got rid of all of the diamond essence (a move too deliberate to just be an artistic choice). And Steven needs to work stuff out with himself in order for stuff to get better. So I think that his gem half will corrupt but his human half will need to make the mental connection for the corruption to be reverted. That way all of what the Diamonds said in Homeworld bond is true
The problem isn’t physical
Steven needs to allow himself to be happy if he wants to be happy
Steven needs to talk to himself
Tldr I’m right and my theories are god goodnight