Su Steven - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
julieemarine - Power Super, Super Power!
The Boy On The Left Listens To Cavetown And Mitski. The Boy On The Right Listens To Radiohead And Linkin

the boy on the left listens to cavetown and mitski. the boy on the right listens to radiohead and linkin park. i refuse to elaborate and i don’t think i need to

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All the blessed things in this blessed image:

All The Blessed Things In This Blessed Image:

They’re gonna unbubble bismuth for the wedding

Bismuth is wearing an armor for the wedding

Amethyst in this outfit with her hair up and what looks like the same flower ruby had in her hair on the leaked merch

Peridot is here and she is wearing a dress, I repeat she’s wearing an adorably flattering yellow dress and is holding a basket of flowers

Connie is wearing the blue dress and slaying, holding what looks like the bouquet

Greg, Steven and pearl in their tuxedos

Greg playing the guitar

Everyone is happy


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1 year ago

jade as amethyst???

You see, that would really be nice in terms of consistency by having all the beta kids be crystal gems. but

Amethyst isn’t Jade. If you think about it for a couple seconds, you could understand where I come from. And I wanna do something with Jade that wouldn’t work if she was Amethyst.

So Vriska is Amethyst!

Jade As Amethyst???

Vriska is the type that either needs to be in a high place of power to thrive or isn’t and chooses to not listen to the rules of that society.

The two characters that are in a high place of power and suits her personality in SU is either Emerald (which is immediately disqualified due to being too much of a side character) or Aquamarine, which some people have made her to be. Which is honestly really works. However it really works in the timeline where Vriska dies. Where she doesn’t grow as a person and gets brushed aside from the plot. I wanted the timeline of her where she grows and becomes a better version of herself, especially because that’s the whole thing of SU, and Aquamarine can’t do that for her character. But Amethyst can.

And Amethyst hasn’t ever needed to ever submit to the social hierarchy that is gem society.

(Also instead of making her insecurity being short for a Quartz, I made it that she is blind out of one eye and has no arm. She is currently using a super outdated limb enhancer to combat this.)

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1 year ago

A Ligação

A Ligao
A Ligao
A Ligao
A Ligao
A Ligao
A Ligao


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3 years ago

Just a reminder that whitewashing ISN’T F**king cool.

Just A Reminder That Whitewashing ISNT F**king Cool.
Just A Reminder That Whitewashing ISNT F**king Cool.
Just A Reminder That Whitewashing ISNT F**king Cool.
Just A Reminder That Whitewashing ISNT F**king Cool.

Please block this person. Their idea of “Normal” Is completely awful. As someone who is not white irl this kind of stuff hurts people more than you realize and it’s frustrating.

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3 years ago

what do you think of lion staying with connie in dewy wins?

Well, while people say that Connie stole Lion from Steven, she really didn’t. It looks like Lion came willingly. It wasn’t the creators intention to make it look like she did take him like that, or to make her seem terrible.

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3 years ago

why didn't lion stay with steven instead of going with connie?

I’m not sure.

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3 years ago

can steven and greg be a teddiursa and ursaring?

I can definitely see Steven as a teddiursa, it’s Greg that’s hard for me to see as an ursaring-

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5 years ago
Anybody Else Notice How This Is Basically How The Diamonds Acted With Pink? Seeing Her As Cute, Frail,
Anybody Else Notice How This Is Basically How The Diamonds Acted With Pink? Seeing Her As Cute, Frail,

Anybody else notice how this is basically how the Diamonds acted with Pink? Seeing her as cute, frail, and unable to grow? She was just entertainment in the end; despite how much they loved her, they liked the idea of her more than they did the actual her.

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