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3 years ago

Witchy Weekly Challenge 8: Inspiration!

Hello my lovely humans! Your resident duck is alive and well! After a massively long period of creative block for Weekly Challenges, I've decided to make WWC week 8 about inspiration! I apologise for the extreme delay in coming up with it, I didn't want to release anything that didn't have my full heart and soul in! Thank you all for being so patient and I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge. I will apologise if any of the daily tasks are the same as previous weeks, but it's always good to check back on some favourites Haha!

This weeks challenge is:

Journalling time! What does the word inspiration mean to you? When have you felt most inspired in your craft? What inspires you to progress in your craft?

Start your day with setting your intention, perhaps when stirring your morning coffee or making your breakfast. You could focus on inspiration or you could set a different intention for the day.

What is a path in witchcraft that inspires you? Whether it be kitchen witchery, green witchery, sea witchery. Incorporate something related to that path into your craft today! Remember it's your personal path, nothing has to be structured and set!

Follow your inspiration with your craft today. Do you feel inspired to write an entry in your BOS? Or inspired to practice tarot? Go for it! Witchcraft has no rules and regulations!

Are there any particular deities or aspects of witchcraft you are drawn to? Research them further today, develop your knowledge. There might be a future part of your craft waiting to develop!

Observe/talk to a fellow practitioner and see where inspiration takes you today!

Spend some time in your favourite place, whether in nature or in your home. Is there anything you could use/incorporate into your craft in this environment? Alternatively what does this place make you feel?

BONUS DAY: meditate with a crystal you are drawn to today. Document your experiences and continue to document anything you notice following this meditation.

As always wonderful people, you're free to share your experiences! However, you're not expected/obligated to. Hope you enjoy this week! Please feel free to share any feedback and ideas with me, I'm always open to hearing it! Again sorry for the delay, thank you for being so patient with this little Duck

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