Horror Comics - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Hey Everyone! I've Been Busy With School Again, But Here, Have Some WIP Panels From My Senior Thesis,
Hey Everyone! I've Been Busy With School Again, But Here, Have Some WIP Panels From My Senior Thesis,
Hey Everyone! I've Been Busy With School Again, But Here, Have Some WIP Panels From My Senior Thesis,
Hey Everyone! I've Been Busy With School Again, But Here, Have Some WIP Panels From My Senior Thesis,

Hey everyone! I've been busy with school again, but here, have some WIP panels from my Senior Thesis, which is going to be a 22-page comic called Killer App!

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1 year ago
That's Right Kids! There's A Massive Sale Going On Over At Cosmotropic Productions' Store! Why, You Might

That's right kids! There's a massive sale going on over at Cosmotropic Productions' store! Why, you might ask? Because I'm moving! And paying double rent for a month is killing me!!! So for this month only I've gone CRAZY with the deals!!! Not only is every non-clothing item* 20% off all the way until 7/14/23, but all purchases come with FREEBIES from my backstock!!! Any sale of any size will include a Gay For Ghoulies vinyl sticker (seen below), and any purchases over $10 will include the sticker AND many prints!!!

That's Right Kids! There's A Massive Sale Going On Over At Cosmotropic Productions' Store! Why, You Might

So go, make some purchases!!! Buy my critically-acclaimed minicomic Soul Searching for only $20, or my 22-page horror comic Killer App for only $5.60!! Only up until 7/14!!!

* - preorders for Hanksgiving zine not included due to being preorders.

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6 months ago

Working on a logo for a horror story, which logo should I use?

For context, the story takes place in a small town that is infamous for the disappearances of people, including children, and supposed appearances of children's spirits. The story focuses on the protagonist investigating these mysteries while trying to discover more about why he is haunted by strange visions of children and what the connection to his grandfather is.

Here are the prototypes, tell me what I can change to improve them and which one is the best to use for the story.

Working On A Logo For A Horror Story, Which Logo Should I Use?
Working On A Logo For A Horror Story, Which Logo Should I Use?
Working On A Logo For A Horror Story, Which Logo Should I Use?

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11 months ago
Prototype For What A Comic With My Ocs Would Look Like

Prototype for what a comic with my oc’s would look like

Was pretty fun to draw, I’ll probs keep making one page snippets.

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9 months ago
Here's The Protagonist Of My Webcomic :D

Here's the protagonist of my webcomic :D

I still haven't posted because I'm struggling with the character's features and the history but after I finish all the character's sheets I'm going to start working on the comic.

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1 year ago


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6 months ago


" Beating me down . Beating me , beating me . Down , down . Into the ground , screaming some Sound, beating me , beating me . Into the ground . Twisting me , they dont Go away , so i pray , Go away . !!! 🎤 "

-korn ; falling away from me

Figuring out panel layouts for a new upcoming short comic about Julius. Have a WIP page as a preview to make up for my lack of content lately.

Figuring Out Panel Layouts For A New Upcoming Short Comic About Julius. Have A WIP Page As A Preview

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