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Today was actually amazing for me because of this. He ate and no one will ever convince me he’s in the wrong (cause how y’all ruin two adaptions of his work back to back💀)
Modern AU - Jealousy
Aegon: Open the door please, Jace
Jace: I don’t really think so
Aegon: Come on. I promise I wasn't flirting with Baela
Jace: Then why did you tell her she looked gorgeous and you couldn't wait for her to ‘do you’?
Aegon: Honey I was doing her eyeliner, she was going to do mine. I swear I was NOT flirting with her
Jace: Prove it
Aegon: Baby let me in and I’ll prove it to you so hard
What I ordered Vs What I received

Aegon II after the dance when his only remaining child was his daughter and he could not name her heir so instead he had to name Rhaenyras son

Rhaenyra is on thin parenting ice. Because she passed off her kids to Rhaena to care for. But also trusts and loves her older kids to fight in her war and know the heir’s secrets.
Alicent has fully fallen through the parenting ice and is now taking a cold bath. And I don’t blame her, seriously how could you be blamed after being literally set up for failure by society, your own parents, age (teenager! She was a teenager! A child!!! Viserys was old!) the political situation and the extent to which your kids are fucked up (not you Helaena you’re perfect :).
🤞 here’s hoping that Vermithor and Silverwing will influence their new riders to snuggle like they do. I must have Ulf and Hugh snuggle! Do a dragon romance cowards!