Hs - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

11 months ago


Welcome back to the early to mid 2000s where everyone and their mothers had a Homestuck tumblr - especially an ask blog.

That's what this is! This is an all-characters-included ask blog featuring my own art and such.


First things first before you start down your rabbit hole of getting into Homestuck again let's lay down boundaries.


Ship asks (I am a multishipper so just thing of this blog like a multiverse of different versions of everyone's interactions! I'll probably set up a tagging thing or something so there's no confusion)

Canon x OC

Other ask blog interactions

Art Requests

Art Trades

Asking for a comission

DMing me personally (or even to RP! I may not get to everyone but I'll do my best!)

Suggestive asks (if you are a minor I will not answer these. Such posts will be tagged appropriately and any minors found interacting with theses posts will be blocked!)


Proship stuff (stridercest, vantascest, etc.)

Beastiality anything

Discourse (I'm just being autistic and having fun I don't need drama brought here unless it's fictional)

Literally just anything illegal or immoral - just be normal (or as normal as a HS fan can be



I'm a full grown pizza (20s)

I use any pronouns (includin neos!!!) EXCEPT THEY/THEM!!!!! - they/them for myself makes me feel super icky so please refrain from using those pronouns on me!

You're free to call me by literally any nickname you want but a base name I guess can be..uh. Expi? Ex...? EXP?? Something like that honestly

I am queer! and autistic..and disabled. A fucked up salad, really - I have two partners (romantic and queer platonic) and they're both awesome :)!

I love Homestuck a NORMAL amount (me when I lie)

I am really socially awkward and full of anxiety so if I take awhile to reply to DMs at first it's because I'm nervous :,,) [ if I get comfortable with you I'll hand over my discord :D)

Sometimes posts will be spammed or they'll be scarce due to fluctuating energy (mentally and physically) but I'll do my best to try and keep up with stuff <3!!!!!!

Part of this blog will be personal HCs of homestuck characters and how they look!!!!!! alongside things like sexual orientation and gender (I will not change already canon queer identities such as lesbians and the like! I may use more or alternative terms that are still the same vibe, etc.)

I usually text/talk like Dirk does..But I didn't want to seem bland/standoffish with this intro - plus unmasking to the world is scary

My personal tag: homestuckexp



Dirk's Ask Side Blog

Dave's Ask Side Blog


(I just need to figure out who else I'll do lol)


↓ UPDATED JUNE 6TH, 2024 ↓


DIVIDERS BY: @cafekitsune (check her out! she does awesome dividers!!!!)


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11 months ago

You should draw Davesprite :)))

You Should Draw Davesprite :)))

congrats on being the first ask!

here's your davesprite doodle!!!


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11 months ago

(Hope I’m doin this right) Hey karkat, what would you look like as a pirate?

(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?
(Hope Im Doin This Right) Hey Karkat, What Would You Look Like As A Pirate?

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11 months ago

My beloved made a blog and I think you should follow it (if you'd like).

They're following a similar concept to mine, just more in-depth stuff (iirc!!!) within concept of their intro blog :}

and we plan to have our blogs interact sometimes :D!!!!

they're very awesome just please be patient with them because they're trying to get back into this kind of scene after struggling with some unfun stuff in the past

Send them some love and good wishes (if you'd like) and check them out!!!<3


My Beloved Made A Blog And I Think You Should Follow It (if You'd Like).

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11 months ago

Very excited to post some non-ask stuff soon!

I figured “hey instead of sitting around with my giblets in my hands I should draw stuff instead”


Since I'm a multishipper and the like I kinda want to doodle out my (multiple) interpretations of some ships I enjoy (and maybe even some that might not be my favorite).

However if you DO have a request you'd like to make then feel free to send an Ask about it <3!!!!!

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11 months ago


I'm posting this scared style since I know it's my own interpretation and all ,, I'm just super nervous to share out of fear people will beat me with a stick for my own opinions.

I'm being brave!!!!! Here's the first one: jirkdake


Text On The Images

Top Image:

Ship 1 → Jake & Dirk

Jake: “ HaHa! Good ole Strider! ”

Dirk: “ Shut up. ”

Dirk's Image:

Dirk Strider

- He/Him

- Unlabled, Agender Male, Ace-Spec

- 12mm Gauges

- Ocular Albinism; 20/70 Vision → Grew out of his eyes shaking → Prescribed sunglasses

- Autistic

- Cluster-B; Histrionic & Borderline Personality Disorder

Jake's Image:

Jake English

- He/They

- Nonbinary Masc, Achillean, DemiAroAce

- Cluster-C; OCD

→ Tan (outdoorsy)

→ chops!!!

→ overbite

I also decidee to take some creative liberty and move the skull imagery Jake usually has on hist shirt onto a belt buckle!

Just because I thought it'd be silly and that it weirdly would fit if he was just a belt collector in a silly way.

Anyways ,, I hope you guys (maybe) enjoyed this!!! I'm posting this super scared style trying to put my own ideas out there 😞!!!

I interperet characters several different ways though so this is just..one of hundreds of ways that I interperet just these two alone!!!!!!

I hope to try and do more like this soon <3!!!!!! But for now my back hurts like HELL so I'm gonna go rest up ^_^!

*BTW calling it jirkdake is a little joke ig I decided to incorporate in all of a sudden because I'm so exhausted I accidentally typed their names wrong T_T


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10 months ago

We know what the husband looks like, whats the "wife" look like? ( ask for the admin)

We Know What The Husband Looks Like, Whats The "wife" Look Like? ( Ask For The Admin)
We Know What The Husband Looks Like, Whats The "wife" Look Like? ( Ask For The Admin)
We Know What The Husband Looks Like, Whats The "wife" Look Like? ( Ask For The Admin)
We Know What The Husband Looks Like, Whats The "wife" Look Like? ( Ask For The Admin)
We Know What The Husband Looks Like, Whats The "wife" Look Like? ( Ask For The Admin)

I may give myself more um,,, color next time - I've been a bit weighed down by disability but was very excited to see this Inbox ask. Hello world, and Anon, nice to properly show myself. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

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8 months ago

Hey, headcount call. Who all likes Bluey? 💙🦋

Hey, Headcount Call. Who All Likes Bluey?

I also personally Enjoy Bluey too! I think it's a very Cute show and touches up On some Important topics in a Very respectful and Simple manner. Also, Off-Topic but sorry again for disappearing on All of You! I had a Mental Health scare a few days back And wasn't doing too Well but I'm hoping To post in my proper Schedule again! <3

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2 years ago

I love the fact that there are like three ideas of what dirkjohn would be like, and these three ideas circulated and were shared and reinforced by a relatively small circle of people to the point of creating their own narrative. I feel like most people start liking the ship as a joke and then get introduced to our "depressed weed boyfriends who help each other heal" mythos and see all the potential it has and go "Wait a minute."

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2 years ago

and what if i post a homestuck OC even though i never read past act one

And What If I Post A Homestuck OC Even Though I Never Read Past Act One

And What If I Post A Homestuck OC Even Though I Never Read Past Act One

this guy is DVD :D

[DV] hiiz typiing quiirk iiz hella fun to wriite too

take him and treat them well

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2 years ago

Can somebody please explain the plot of homestuck to me?? Like is there a google doc that summarizes it?? I don't have the attention span to read it myself and even after a 4+ hour explanation I still don't understand half of it

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2 years ago
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot
Made This Feferi Stimboard As A Surprise For My Friend @chxmm-m !!!1 Paw Has Been Talking Abt Her A Lot

made this feferi stimboard as a surprise for my friend @chxmm-m !!!1 paw has been talking abt her a lot lately ^_^ . . . / x / x / x / / x / x / x / / x / x / x /

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