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What the SEA gang will make you for breakfast
He will try his best to amke breakfast for you.Sometimes he sucseed's and sometimes it ended in dissaster.If it ended in dissaster,he will give up and buy's you pourage
Insufficient rupiah.He is broke and try's to find a good ATM.You insist that you and him can just bake stuff together and that is were you two warm up to eachother
Everything he makee is good.He will take his time into making things and it will go out smoothly
She likes to bake with you.There will be a 50/50 chance of combining a new recipe,but when finding a new recipe or not,ya'll still have fun and get to eat
Has no talent in cooking.He feels bad for you not eating,so he went out and buys the tasty sweets around the street
Aw hell nah.This mf burned up your kitchen
Malaysia:i made you a sandwhich!
Singapore:great! Now you're gonna go frick yourself!

『 Walking down the beach together~🌴🌊 』 Drawn for "IndoMal Day 11/8" event on Twitter.

@bluelobstersdev and I's Kung Fu Panda x Hetalia crossover AU that I spent 2 weeks drawing.
So worth it.

I drew SEA as Durian Mochi!

I drew SEA as Durian Mochi!