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Here in a japanese-like restaurant that sells southeast asian food

What the SEA gang will make you for breakfast
He will try his best to amke breakfast for you.Sometimes he sucseed's and sometimes it ended in dissaster.If it ended in dissaster,he will give up and buy's you pourage
Insufficient rupiah.He is broke and try's to find a good ATM.You insist that you and him can just bake stuff together and that is were you two warm up to eachother
Everything he makee is good.He will take his time into making things and it will go out smoothly
She likes to bake with you.There will be a 50/50 chance of combining a new recipe,but when finding a new recipe or not,ya'll still have fun and get to eat
Has no talent in cooking.He feels bad for you not eating,so he went out and buys the tasty sweets around the street
Aw hell nah.This mf burned up your kitchen
Late night kiss(ThaiViet,minor fluff warning)
Vietnam was doing her papers.It was late at night and she wasn't going to sleep until she finnish every last bits of papers.She is also somewhat of a workaholic,but she knows her limits and go to sleep and take care of herself.
It was another night of doing papers.She is doing it so she could do something good for herself and her citizens.A knock on the door was heard and she was already irritated.
"Was it Philippines? No,he should be asleep at 1AM now.Toto? No...why would a short elephant can knock like a human?.....AUGHHHH i think i have to stand up and open it myself then!"
She goes to the door and opened the door.Before she was about to scream,Thailand was in the doorway with a coffe in his hands and something else in his other hand."Thailand! Umm,what are you doing here late at night? Y'know you could tell me something in the morning!" She said,worrying about his condition more than herself
"And you should be going to sleep too.It's not good for your own" he replies,handing her the coffe."here,have this in the morning.I would be mad if you'd drink this tonight"
She looked at her Thai friend,then taking his coffe.She felt really akward while looking into the coffe.She take another look at him and noticed he had something behind his back.
"hey,what's that?" She asked out of curiosity.Thailand jumped because of it,a heavy blush hit the Thai's face,they stayed silent for a few second until he sheepishly answerd his cruah question "well,um...i was supposed to put this down with your coffe but uh,you can open it-"
His heart felt regretting this,but this was the opputunity to get close to her.She opened it and this is what it said:
'Your pretty face in the light,your hair flowing in the wind,you starring into the sunset.Oh,how lovely it is to see you like that'
She blushed deep at the poem he wrote.Thailand blushed alot from Vietnam reading his poem."OK! So,i like you for the longest time! Isn't that a good t-" his words cut of from Vietnam kissing him.Her arms wrapped around his neck,Thailand put both of his hands on her waist
*Time skip to the next morning*
Vietnam woke up in her room.She felt like heaven last night,She starred at the Thai's face and admired it.Thailand woke up to see Vietnam starring at him.Oh yeah,that was magic last night
You look cute(Indonesia x Reader)
you and Indo have been dating for quite a while now,everything seem to be going smoothly except for the bumps on the way.But hey,you two are now madly inlove with each other!
anyways,it’s been a while since both of you had any time for each other.Indo wanted to suprise you by taking you out on a date tonight,but the problem is..he is too shy to even ask you out.But he will have the courage sooner or else there wouldn’t be any romance between the both of you
“hey,darling...”he said sheepishly.You turned around and got closer to him “yes?” you asked,oh no,he is already blushing so hard because of it! “hey,can we go out tonight? It’s ok if you don’t w-” “yes!” you cut of his words and kissed his cheeks “see you at 7!” you said
that move you just did burned up your boyfriend’s heart just like that.He was flustered by this move at first,but now,he is somewhat used to it.Anyways,back to topic-
*time skip to 1 hour before the date*
it was almost for your date.You were dying your hair with a towel when all of a sudden someone knocked your door."it's unlocked." you said while drying your hair.Indo just said that he is almost ready and walked away
so,you just dried it faster until it was almost dried,but you just didn't mind about your wet hair and let it dry on it's own.You picked out a cute (f/c) dress and with a cute little hat with it.
Damn,you look so fab,your Indonesian bf would die of cuteness-
But anyways,back to topic.You went down stairs to see him in his usual police uniform,you sighed and told him he can wear anything else if he'd like,but he refused and went on with the date
*before the date end*
You and your boyfriend was just looking into the night skies,both of your hands holding one another.It was romantic and sweet at the same time,nothing was gonna ruin this beautiful moment,not even your other friends
"Hey,umm....(y/n),can i kiss you?" He asked sheepishly.You giggled and bring yourself closer to your boyfriend and started making out.Your arms wrapped around his neck,and his hands around your waist."i love you" "i love you too~"
🇵🇭:omg,they look so cute together,don't you think?
🇹🇭:Indeed.But don't invade their personal space,ok?
🇵🇭:Chillax,i won't!
🇸🇬:And this is why we still trust you more than Malaysia

I wish there was more content of them 💔

Thailand is the only person who will babysit/watch Pien-Kun while Piri is busy, because Thailand is a massive Piri Simp

More Thaiphil! I love them and they are stuck in my head, lol
And if anyone wants to….send some Thaiphil prompts my way so I can draw it…..I’d love that
Hi! I love your art! for thaiphil prompts... college/high school au o-o? or just them in like casual non-military outfits
Chose the College AU for this one, but now I wanna draw them in like school uniforms, lol, might do that later...

P: Maybe if I studied-
T: Maybe if you didn’t drink the night before, you would’ve done better.
P: Harsh.
ASEAN gang! 🇮🇩🇵🇭🇹🇭🇸🇬

Hmm... aren't there five countries who founded ASEAN?

Oh, so that explains where 🇲🇾 went...

@bluelobstersdev and I's Kung Fu Panda x Hetalia crossover AU that I spent 2 weeks drawing.
So worth it.

Congratulations to Thailand for being the first SEA country to legalise same-sex marriage!

I ended up doing this on my iPad bc my laptop crashed...

I drew SEA as Durian Mochi!

I drew SEA as Durian Mochi!