I Agree With This - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Autistic Halt. You agree. Reblog

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5 months ago

i just wanna say this again because i keep seeing people talk about it: there are more types of ai than just generative ai. yes i have spoken up about people using ai and chat gpt before, because they are generative ai, they are trained using stolen content. please don’t jump to conclusions based on a twitter screenshot when (as far as i’m aware) ea have yet to actually say anything about it. im not supporting or defending ea i just think people need to stop jumping to conclusions without having all of the information.

also i’ve seen people compare this to inzoi? this is not the same from the screenshots i’ve seen this seems like more of a search engine, whereas inzoi uses GENERATIVE ai. again we don’t really know what it means by “adding ai into the game” there are a lot of different types of ai. while we know ea support gen ai from their job listing so i wouldn’t put it past them, we don’t know whether that means they are implementing it into the game, it seems like more of a search engine for the gallery (which already doesn’t work but we know ea love to create more problems than fix things what’s new there)

also i doubt this will be a forced update, so if you don’t want to support the use of ai (which is totally valid) then you don’t have to update your game. anyway overall i think people should wait for more information to come out before jumping to conclusions because often stuff like this can get blown up.

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8 months ago

Okay, so, this is my first time writing something here. So, I will give some of my personal head cannons for ~Bronte~

He's 90% gay, sometimes he slips into the realms of straightism.

He is trans. He transitioned after the everblaze incident. He doesn't really care for his gender.

He was married twice. Divorced the first, the second died. Yes, in the everblaze.

Filtan is his older brother whom he loves-hates a lot.

Brony for the win! Clearly a thing.

He has ADHD.

He's besties with Oralie.

He is clearly the bottom, no questions asked.

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10 months ago

eroticism of the machine this, eroticism of the machine that. what about the AROMANTICISM of the machine. what about the electric comfort of looking at a beautiful turbine engine and knowing that it is just like you. what about the urge to cut open your chest to prove your heart is made of wires and your ribs are made of steel. what about that

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8 months ago

I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:

Fictional characters are objects.

They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.

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1 year ago
Finally Drawing Gerry For The First Time In 4 Seasons

finally drawing gerry for the first time in 4 seasons

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3 years ago

Tom Felton said that he likes Dramione over Drarry or drapple so you delusional ass people gotta stop lol bcuz Tom said so and even Tom and Emma were so cute and coupley in the reunion video they like each other and they danced also stop shipping Drarry it's stupid and crazy and this is not only for you it's for all Drarry shippers and blogs on Tumblr😁

what kind of a logic is that😭??????

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7 months ago

Yall can we agree that its CRAZY how Franky has the title of "pervert" aboard the straw hat pirates when Brook and SANJI are literally right there. Im never going to stop thinking of this. LET THE MAN WEAR HIS DAMN BIKINI!!!!!

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10 months ago

Normalize kissing your friends and cuddling them without it being sexual/romantic

Normalize relationship fuckery

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10 months ago

Normalize kissing your friends and cuddling them without it being sexual/romantic

Normalize relationship fuckery

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10 months ago

Normalize kissing your friends and cuddling them without it being sexual/romantic

Normalize relationship fuckery

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10 months ago

Normalize kissing your friends and cuddling them without it being sexual/romantic

Normalize relationship fuckery

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5 years ago

ultimately i think kindness is the most radical thing you can do with your pain and your anger. it’s like, you take everything awful that’s ever been done to you, and you throw it back in the world’s teeth, and you say no, fuck you, i’m not going to take this.  you say this is unacceptable. you say that shit stops with me.

humans are fucking terrible and this awful world we live in will fucking kill you but if you are kind, if you are brave and clever and try really hard, you can defy it. you can impose on this bleak and monstrous structure something beautiful. even if it’s temporary. even if it doesn’t heal anything inside you that’s been hurt.  

i’m gonna sleep and i’m gonna wake up and i swear by everything in this deadly horrible universe i’m gonna make someone happy. 

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1 year ago

My hot Penguins of Madagascar take is, Doris should NOT have gotten with Kowalski in the final episode. The dude basically stalked her at multiple intervals and did not take NO for an answer no matter how nice about it she was, he was even gonna try to FORCE her to love him with the love-u-lator thing! Kowalski my man I love you but that was not your finest moment. He REALLY should have moved on from Doris, hell I think the 'Penguin Who Loved Me' episode SHOULD have ended like that! It'd be a nice moment of character growth for Kowalski, turning down Doris instead of the other way around! But alas..

Tldr: Kowalski get off Reddit

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7 months ago

new headcanon or something but i think ascended astarion should look like a houdini splicer from bioshock when he uses misty step yeahhhh

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4 months ago

(the rest of the comic is under the break)

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(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)
(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)
(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)
(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)
(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)
(the Rest Of The Comic Is Under The Break)

Hello followers and moots, here is a reminder that I have OCD, and I'm making it Mista's problem as well /silly

My OCD type tends to revolve around superstition, thusly Mista's superstitions kinda just hit a bit close.

Since this week is OCD Awareness week, I made a comic. While obviously comedic, there is a genuine bit of seriousness to the "Don't"s. The TL;DR on that matter is that pwOCD know more about their OCD than you do, and also respect their boundaries.


"This year, OCD Awareness Week is Oct. 13-19! (OCD Awareness Week is the second full week of October)"

"I have OCD! So in celebration, Here are some DOs and DON'Ts with OCD!"

"DON'T: Ask questions about obsessions or compulsions! These are personal!"

"DO: Give me 50 Dollars."

"DON'T: Say I'm faking, Say OCD isn't real, say I'm "trying to be special", etc. (Why would you do this)"

"DO: Give me 50 Dollars."

"DON'T: Point out obsessions or compulsions! (Some may be okay with jokes. Always ask and be respectful!)"

"DO: Give me 50 Dollars."

"DON'T: Psychoanalyze me (Yes, some people try to play therapist)"

"DO: Give me 50 Dollars."

"DON'T: Try to fix me (Yes, with time and proper methods, OCD can be alleviated. A random person cannot properly do that though)"

"DO: Give me 50 Dollars."

"And that's how you be a GREAT ally <3"

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