I Can Confirm - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

You can control white people by giving them cheese

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1 year ago

Girls who use đŸ„ș emoji want to get their pussy slapped.

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9 months ago

if you start reading books again. you will feel at least a little better. I promise

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1 year ago
Carbon Roller Players When Youre 2 Nanometers Out Of Their Range

carbon roller players when youre 2 nanometers out of their range

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6 months ago
My Severus Snape Obsession Aesthetic Has Possessed Me To Buy Black Converse And I Do Not Regret A Single

My Severus Snape obsession aesthetic has possessed me to buy black converse and I do not regret a single bit of it 🙈

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8 months ago



tldr: all the way chan uses your nickname a/n: he is my boyfriend (for real(not clickbait))

chants: when he needs you to slow down

“pretty, pretty, pretty” he rushes out, trying to get you to focus on him. you were pacing back and forth in the bedroom listing things off on your fingers, trying to remember if you forgot to pack something in your already overflowing suitcase. you were headed to busan for your anniversary and unlike him, you were a little stressed. 

“who knew it was so hard to pack for three days” he said under his breath as he got up from the bed stopping you in your tracks. you look up at him, face flushed from the stress and pout. he swears his heart skips a beat. he knew he shouldn’t think it was cute to see you so stressed but he was so endeared by the effort you’d put into this trip for the two of you. 

”this is going to be great because we’re celebrating us. let it be fun, pretty.” his shoulders shook as he saw you roll your eyes, pulling a deep laugh from him. you stepped around him and continued pacing, side-eyeing his empty bag in the closet. “it's our anniversary, you could forget your luggage entirely and it would actually make me happier.” 

slurs: when you open the door

“pretty~” he drawls, giving you a million-dollar smile. your eyes bulge as you take in the very drunk man before you. you were under the impression that he would be staying with the boys tonight since it was a “boy’s night”.  skincare complete, you thought you’d be alone for the evening and had your show already pulled up on the tv and your favorite snacks laid out on the coffee table. 

“let me in” he whines and you grab his hand, quickly pulling him into your apartment afraid your neighbors might come out to investigate the noise. you didn’t want anyone to catch you and your boyfriend in a less-than-desirable state. you had just moved into this building together. he beams at you, leaning down for a kiss, but you pull away, grossed out by the smell of liquor on his breath.

“you’re not even going to kiss me?” he was pouting now, disappointed he’d gotten a ride back to your apartment from the dorms and wasn’t even going to get a kiss for his efforts. you watched his pout deepen into a frown and gave in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, still repelled by the smell of his mouth. “if i shower will you kiss me for real?”

sniffles: after a fight

“hey, pretty?” he knocks on the bedroom door, peeking his head in. you’re flat on your back, eyes staring above you at nothing. he stands nervously at the door, unsure if he should enter. when you glance in his direction, he takes it as an invitation to come in. 

‘'i umm
” he pauses, standing next to the bed, your shared bed that now he wasn’t sure he was welcome in. you saw his hesitation and reached out a hand for him. the distance between you suddenly unbearable, fight seeming frivolous now reflecting upon it. you couldn’t even remember what you had been fighting about to begin with. all of it seemed so silly now after having spent the last few hours alone in this room when the person you wanted to be with most was in the living room, the only thing keeping you apart was your shared stubbornness. 

“i’m sorry, pretty,” he sat down at your side, grabbing your hand. your eyes had been trained on the slowly spinning fan above you but now turned to him, shocked to hear his voice so thick with emotion. you sat up, keeping your hands connected, sensing he needed some comfort in this moment. “i don’t like fighting with you, pretty.” 

grunts: when you land on top of him

“pretty–” it came out gruff, surprised by the sudden addition of your weight on his lap. the puff he’d been holding in his mouth came out with his words, making the already hazy living room even more so.  his eyes were lidded and rimmed red and you couldn’t help yourself when you saw him sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone with one hand, a joint balanced in the other. 

“is everything alright?” he was stoned, not fully coherent, but could still tell something was up. when you kissed him instead of providing an answer, he understood. you did always have a thing for him when he smokes. kissing you felt better than any joint had ever made him feel, the rush immediate and the high unmatched. 

“whoa,” he pulled back when you deepened the kiss, as far back as he could go pressed into a couch with you on his lap. the sting of rejection hurt but he soothed it immediately pressing smaller kisses sound your face, pulling a giggle from you, suddenly feeling a little high yourself, probably on him. “let’s get out of here and,” he held up the other half of his joint, “finish this somewhere more private?”

mumbles: when he wants something

“pretty?” you looked up at him from the floor of the practice room, setting your laptop aside to give him your attention. you’d recently gotten into the habit of bringing your work with you to hybe when you came to watch him practice. as much fun as it was, it got kind of old to watch him perfect the same five moves for hours on end. 

“would you dance with me?” he’s holding a hand out to you, a hopeful smile on his lips but words timid, rushed. you suddenly notice the dimmed lighting in the room and soft music playing from the speakers. you’d been so lost in your screen you hadn’t noticed anything. you blush and take his hand. he pulls you to your feet and into his chest. 

“you’re a good dancer,” he says after a few minutes of slowly swaying back and forth to a playlist full of romantic music he made with only you in mind, this moment was something he had hoped for when you’d started coming to the practice room at night. “i love you, pretty.”  

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8 months ago

i don't remember if it was here or on the instagram that i saw this but someone had the nerve to say that stiles is an underrated character ??? as if he was this poor little thing. and excuse me ??? SINCE fucking WHEN ??? do u know what the word 'underrated' means? cuz that's not a word to use on stiles. if u make a poll with the teen wolf main characters, stiles would probably be the most voted one. underrated is boyd. erica. josh. tracy. scott's dad. deaton. morell. meredith. corey. donovan. violet. garrett. lori. sydney. brett. nolan. kira. hayden. even malia. but definitely not stiles. people should stop thinking that bc one or two people don't like stiles, he's suffering some injustice by the fandom. like, please, not everything is about ur fav. and no one is obligated to like a certain character bc u do

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1 year ago

Good article about Crimea

How has Crimea changed after 10 years of Russian occupation?
The Kyiv Independent
Editor’s Note: The names of Crimea’s former and current residents cited in this article were changed to protect their identity amid security

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1 year ago

I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing

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1 year ago

Actually friendly reminder to comment on that fic.

Leave one word “subscribed” comments

Tell them “consider this extra kudos <3″

Leave that essay on that old fic

Tell them if you’ve reread it once. Tell them if you’ve reread it 100 times 

Tell them how much you’ve seen their writing grow

Tell them when you rec their fic

Tell them how much you can see their passion

Tell them when the fic made you grin when it made you cry when it made you FEEL

leave that comment. You’ve got nothing to lose but .02 seconds of your time and everything to gain by making an authors day.

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1 year ago

whenever a woman has a sword its a strap allegory

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Reasons to watch March Comes in Like a Lion

amazing music/ themes, Bump of Chicken does the first OP/ED

amazinger animation

poetry-like dialog and imagery

mc has probably one of the most accurate portrayals of depression I’ve ever seen, especially in anime

if Van Gogh paintings and art from The Little Prince is your aesthetic, you already know it’s beautiful

incredible scenery


the cats

metaphoric image representation for emotion

you won’t like Shimada very much at first but he is the sweetest cinnamon roll

dynamic characters

you will learn about shogi without even trying, and it’ll make you want to learn how to actually play it

the cats have voices for their thoughts

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7 years ago

↖This User Alway Wants To Write But Never Does

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7 years ago

The mythical oil bottle that magically appears in every fanfiction when is needed, even if you are lost in a forest or imprisoned in a dungeon

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6 years ago

*ÂŒ through a fanfic* wait i’ve read this before

*2/4 through a fanfic* lol no i haven’t wtf is hapenning

* Ÿ through  fanfic* OMG I’VE READ THIS BEFORE

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5 years ago

@ other writers: how the hell do you write short things????

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1 year ago

Behold! 'Tis I, the mysterious Bagginshield Cryptid, returned from the deep woods and here to visit you with another Bagginshield question. . . What is your favourite headcanon?

Choosing ONE favourite bagginshield headcanon is very difficult, but aside from the common ones, there is one of my own that I absolutely love.

I think that after Thorin reclaims Erebor and becomes King, and all the rebuilding and stuff like that is finished and everyone can live their lives normally, Thorin starts again to practice regularly the harp. He loves playing it, it's one of his favourite things to do when he isn't busy with meetings or paperwork. And Bilbo loves to listen to him playing. Harps are not common instruments in the Shire, so he's fascinated, but it's not just that. He loves how Thorin plays it. So he likes to listen to him practice and sometimes Thorin does tiny private exhibitions for him and eventually teaches Bilbo some music theory.

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