I Dare You To Change My Mind - Tumblr Posts
Sonic, hero of Mobius, savior of the world and perhaps of the universe, destroyed millions of robots, became [and continues to become] God (or Super Sonic), beat a lot of gods much stronger than him , survived a black hole, endured 6 months of "toruta" (I put it in quotes, but the Forces thing is NOT torture), who knows what will do in the future.
Also Sonic; curled up while dreaming, on the lap of her boyfriend (Gadget or Rookie) holding a teddy bear
Andre basically begging to Cal to try new food (which is never a good idea, 10% of the times Cal would actually like it, the other 90%, Cal would start gagging and running away to basically throw it up) and Cal being hesitant, trying to get away from Andre and saying repeatedly "no!" "ew! No fucking way!" , until...
"there! Just spit it on my hand if you don't like it!"
And Cal just basically melts. Not only of how eager Andre is to make him actually eat something a 5 year old wouldn't eat (basically proving that he cares about him), but just how intimate the thing is. Knowing that Andre wouldn't do this with anyone else, no-one could compete with the trust they had in each other. In Cal's mind, Andre just said:
"I'm not grossed out by anything you could ever do. Even if it's spitting chewed food on my hand"
And Cal can't help the light blush on his cheeks and the little smile his lips are making. Of course he can't say no when Andre said that to him.
(fun fact: he actually hated it and ended up spitting the food on Andre's hand)