Except Not Really - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

We may not own any rolling pins, but that’s not for lack of trying! They just kept turning into mimics and then the mimic rolling pins would eat the bread dough and it just ended up easier to use our copy of… hm, tumblr doesn’t have that text option. Unfortunate. Our copy of a certain grimoire which stays pristine as part of its construction to press the dough out

heard someone say "who even owns a rolling pin anymore" and my brain froze trying to process it. what does that mean. are u implying rolling pins are outdated technology? did we come up with a shiny new 21st century method of flattening dough of which i remain uninformed? is there now an app on the app store people are using instead??? im losing my mind "who even owns a rolling pin" people who BAKE

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10 months ago

i should not be left with my thoughts

I Should Not Be Left With My Thoughts

Big Baby Man

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This is exactly how football works.

this is my grasp of how football works: two teams of men want the ball very badly but are incapable of sharing it. one team attempts to deliver the ball to their holy ground while the other attempts to prevent this. occasionally an evil man will appear and speak curses to the men, causing them grief and dishonor

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She wears short skirts I wear t-shirts she's failing English and I'm failing geometry We started tutoring each other last week; it's actually going pretty well.

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3 years ago

My only PLA Complaints

The lack of regional forms for other Pokemon aside from Alolan Vulpix. I like Vulpix don't get me wrong, I just like Galarian Ponyta a bit more. It stands out even more because like with Runerigus and Perrzerker, Gamefreak did let Scizor and Weavile in the game. You could've had a mission where we search Cobolt Coastlands for a bunch of Alolan Raichu, let the rival the Rival have a Mr. Rime.

The weird lack of multi-hit moves. I gave my Espeon Apollo Dazzingling Gleam so he could one-shot the Murkrow that hang around an Alpha Honchkrow I wanted, only for it to take out ONE OF THE FOUR!! Also during the main campaign when you fight the Wardens (Except Mai, Lian, and Ingo) they gang up on you with multiple Pokemon! Yeah they are all low leveled and have a bad habit of wasting there turns but still!

The lack of optional affection bonus. Whenever my Pokemon in previous games endured a hit it always left me with a sense of pride because I took the time toraise their affection levels up. So not seeing it come back here is sorta disappointing. Especially with how damage was revamped, meaning low level Mons can one-shot your team!

These are just little nitpicks, I still love the game (and in fact I'm getting ready to start my third playthrough) but it still has flaws

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2 years ago

So then that makes me an aggressively horny boomer?

Remember all the preemptive bellyaching over the existence of Vlov in the remake because he wasn't Keysmash Chaos and so Tsukihime was ruined forever? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Hardcore Fate fans are aggressively horny but hardcore Tsukihime fans are the equivalent of boomers that have a heart attack at the slightest hint of change.

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2 years ago
Judging From You Guys' Comments, So Uh, How We Feeling About That Last Chapter?

Judging from you guys' comments, so uh, how we feeling about that last chapter?

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3 years ago

so since i'm not seeing anything about this on my dash:

A law passed in Hungary that basically makes being LGBTQ+ illegal in public. And that in the context of an anti-pedophilia law. You're not allowed to talk to children and teens up to the age of 18 about LGBTQ+ things "in order to protect the children".

So basically wherever a child can hear you or see you, or read things, it's illegal to show signs of LGBTQ+ related things. And let's be fucking honest cause that's basically everywhere.

You're not even allowed to hold hands with your same sex partner in public, because children could see it. You're not allowed to dress like your preferred gender, you're not even allowed to basically be transgender.

you're not allowed to exist as the person you are.

How can you help, you ask?

here's a link to Háttér (the largest Hungarian LGBTQ+ organisation) where you can donate to help LGBTQ+ people in Hungary

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5 months ago
[Cueball leading White Hat and Megan to a giant pyramid modelled after Maslow's hierarchy of needs, with each tier labelled after its need on the pyramid, and a comment next to it in the comic.]

Self actualization: Honestly questioning my life choices here.
Esteem: People seem less impressed by it than I hoped.
Belonging and Love: Friends are worried about me.
Safety: Highly defensible.
Physiological needs: Provides basic shelter but no food, water, heat, et cetera.
Caption: I built Maslow's pyramid thing, but it's a total ripoff - it's only providing 20% of my needs.

The local police, building inspector, and fire marshal are all contesting my 'safety' assertion, or would be if they could reach me past all the traps.

Maslow's Pyramid [Explained]

Transcript Under the Cut

[Cueball leading White Hat and Megan to a giant pyramid modelled after Maslow's hierarchy of needs, with each tier labelled after its need on the pyramid, and a comment next to it in the comic.]

Self actualization: [X] Honestly questioning my life choices here

Esteem: [X] People seem less impressed by it than I hoped

Belonging and Love: [X] Friends are worried about me

Safety: [Checkmark] Highly defensible

Physiological needs: [X] Provides basic shelter but no food, water, heat, et cetera.

Caption: I built Maslow's pyramid thing, but it's a total ripoff - it's only providing 20% of my needs.

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1 year ago

i believe i've caught the luke brainrot disease (LBRD) that's been going around recently. it is as amazing and as brain melting as everyone has said.

it also doesn't make sense.

i read those books. many many times. i know precisely what that man is and yet i love him.

i guess it's like the anakin thing? you go into the prequels knowing he becomes what he does but you love him anyway because he's anakin fucking skywalker.

I Believe I've Caught The Luke Brainrot Disease (LBRD) That's Been Going Around Recently. It Is As Amazing

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1 year ago

Thinking about Jason Grace who has never had a decent experience with romance.

His first contact with it was with his best friend and fellow praetor, one forged by Rome’s expectations but not his will.

His second experience - also the last - was a fake girlfriend given upon his manipulative step-mother’s ideas, who later turned out to be into girls. It also created a rift between him and his previous almost-girlfriend, who above all was his best friend.

And the only time he got to meet a god of love - the supposedly cute and sweet Cupid - was only to watch, in helplessness, the god brutally threaten his friend to come out as a payment for helping them save their world.

All of that - and he died before he got to know what love’s supposed to mean.

Why did love forsake you, Jason.

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