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5 months ago

[video ID: a cat licking a bowl of kibble as the text "Why does he need a slow feeder?" flashes on screen. the cat then opens it's mouth wide to take a really big bite, digging into the kibble, making it spill all over. several more short clips of the cat doing this are shown. the video ends with a clip of the cat laying sprawled on it's back, looking at the camera. end ID]

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5 months ago

[image ID: a calico cat hanging upside down from a door frame, using all 4 of it's paws. end ID]l

the-describerrrrr - I describe

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5 months ago

[ID: a video of a large frog sitting by the edge of a pond. the person filming is offering a worm to the frog, holding their hand next to it. the frog turns towards the person, stares for a while, then jumps straight towards the camera with it's mouth open. the screen goes black, and the dark souls "you died" screen appears. end ID]

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5 months ago

[video ID: two cats on a table. there is a big mirror on the wall, and one cat is getting ready to jump towards it. when the other cat notices it goes up to it and paws at it's shoulder, as if to stop it. the jumping cat ignores this and takes the jump, and smacks face first into the window. end ID]

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5 months ago

[image ID: a pixelated character holding a gun in their hand, then pointing it to their own face. end ID]

realtalk: i can’t wait for AI to get better to the point where you can have a legit conversation with your computer or phone just for the heck of it imagine how innocent they’d be, and like they don’t know what swearing is until you teach them then they go overboard with it like a child and hhHHHG

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5 months ago

[image ID: a set of pictures of a white cat. on the first, two fist emojis obscure the cat's face. in the second, the hands have opened and there's sparkles and hearts, revealing the persian cat's incredibly crusty face. end ID]

the-describerrrrr - I describe
the-describerrrrr - I describe

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5 months ago

[video ID: a black cat meowing. except there's no meow, just a little croak. the person filming is talking to the cat: "what? what is your problem? always in here showing off your four fangs." the cat does, in fact, have four pretty impressive canines. end ID]


"what? what is your problem?? always in here showing off your four fangs >:("

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5 months ago

[video ID: various clips of a cat sprinting towards a bean bag and jumping right into it. the bean bag is very squishy and the cat sinks almost completely into it with it's tail sticking straight up. end ID]

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5 months ago

[image ID: cutely drawn digital art of a seal laying on a rock, wearing a pink sweater and bow on it's head. it's saying: "Marriage equality isn't achieved until disabled people can marry without losing their benefits." the artist's tag "Sophie Labelle" is in the bottom right corner. end ID]

the-describerrrrr - I describe

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5 months ago

transcription, note that the text is cut off at the start and end but I'm cutting that out for clarity:

My experience has been that doctors will give you a clear-cut, understandable diagnosis only if you wander in with, say, an ice pick protruding from your skull. And even then, you have to pretend that you don't know what's wrong. If you say, "I have an ice pick in my skull," the doctor will become irritated, because he spent all those years in medical school and he's damned if he's going to accept opinions from an untrained layperson such as yourself. "It conceivably could be an ice pick," he'll say, in a tone of voice that suggest he's talking to a very stupid sheep, "but just in case I'm going to arrange for a test in which we remove a little snippet of your liver every week for eight weeks." end transcription.

why does talking to a doctor always feel like ur trying to prove u have something and they're just trying to prove u wrong

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5 months ago

[video ID: a black cat watching a bar gymnast on tv. the gymnast is swinging around in circles and the cat is watching intently. at the exact moment the cat taps the screen, the gymnast loses grip and falls. end ID]

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5 months ago

[gif ID: various gifs of the same brown tabby cat hitting, pawing at and booping the camera. end ID]

Hitting And Smacking You Moodboard
Hitting And Smacking You Moodboard
Hitting And Smacking You Moodboard
Hitting And Smacking You Moodboard
Hitting And Smacking You Moodboard

hitting and smacking you moodboard

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5 months ago

[video ID: six cats on a memory foam bed, all intensely focused on something that's swinging above the camera. they're all staring up with wide pupils, following it with their heads, swinging their tails, and chattering. one tries to jump up to catch it twice but ends up landing on another cat, but this other cat doesn't lose focus. end ID]

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5 months ago

[video ID: a tiktok by @/pippa.nich, where a video of a cat meowing is being looped back and forth in a video editor to make it look like the cat is bobbing its head and singing to "the way you make me feel" by michael jackson. end ID]

I think Tumblr will love this

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5 months ago

[video ID: an orange cat laying on top of a person, kneeding into their sweater. the person is laughing hysterically. the cat then looks into the camera and quacks. the person filming loses it even more. end ID]

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5 months ago

[video ID: a mother caracal and her kittens resting under the shade of a tree. the mother yawns really big. one of the kittens then yawns as well. mom then starts grooming the kitten. end ID]

Yawning is so contagious


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