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Talking smack with characters in Impostor Au
Inspired by Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising
(Warning: Use of a curse word)
"Y'know, for a male dog. You surely are a bitch"
"If you don't follow your orders, then you won't get a treat, eh?"
"Hey, can you give Ms. Hina a message for me?"
"Has Kokomi gotten you neutered yet?"
Kojou Sara:
"Good birdie, want some bread?"
"Oop, missed me"
"I wonder what you would feel when your vision gets taken?"
"How does it feel knowing your Archon likes another bird?"
"You're not doing well honoring your sister"
"Have you asked on what Yae ate today?"
Raiden Shogun:
"You're pretty good for a bucket of bolts"
"I can't tell if Scaradouche is better than you or not"
Smack talking/taunting with Impostor AU Genshin Part 2
"Rhyme with me kazoo
Why do you make haiku dude?
Zer0 is better"
"I never knew why you're named after this instrument *plays "The only thing I know for real" on the kazoo*"
"Lining your pockets won't make them invincible"
"Your power is literally just throwing rocks at people"
"For being a rich person, you're a four star"
"Hey, wouldn't your Mora mean nothing now since it's production stopped?"
"How many Jade Chambers do you need?"
"Y'know, Zhongli is actually Morax and he retire by faking his death. I'm not talking smack, I'm just being honest here"
"How's your father?- Oh wait"
"You're good, you should join Favonius"
"Mondstadt wouldn't improve if you keep being a vigilante"
"You're basically just batman with fire powers."
"How's your brother?"
"You're literally worth nothing, I got you for free"
"You're not really "cool" ya know?"
*just eat some fish in front of her*
"Beating you is gonna be like shooting fish in a barrel"
"I roll to insult you *rolls a dice and gets a nat20*. Now your turn"
"Your Archon is a fricken vacuum cleaner"
"I have never once had the thought of tearing out my ears until I heard your music."
"Oh my God! It's Ed Sheeran!"
"You gotten beat by blonde kid throwing rocks at you"
"Your legacy is quite foul" (I'll see myself out on that one)
Ok, you know in some Sagau Impostor au where the acolytes find out you're actually God and try to repent for their sins? Yeah, but what if they believed there's still an impostor out there? Of course that's not true because you were the "impostor" and they're in denial that they harmed you.
Acolyte: I can't believe that impostor got away while injured- Your grace why are you hurt?! Was it the impostor who did this?! Don't worry, I'll get you help and serve the impostors head to you.
Reader: I was the one being hunted by you!
Acolyte: Why would I do that your grace? I was hunting down your impostor.
Reader: That "impostor" was me!
Acolyte: You're must be getting delusional from the blood loss! I get you help!
Legend says the acolytes are still trying to find the "impostor"
Or another character thinks the acolyte is betraying or being tricked by you and it leads to chaos
SAGAU imagine with reader that has toon force like looney tunes the chaos of the acolytes seeing reader get flatten by something big falling on them then they pull out a pump and pump themselves back to normal or if it's an imposter au reader is messing with them in the most chaotic and unexplainable ways ever
(Normal cult au)
After your descent into the realm of Genshin, you were accepted very kindly by your acolytes. But the Abyss Order never wished that you would spend your time with those heathens. So they plan to take out your "guards" (the ones that mostly seen with you) in Teyvat and just so have it, Jean was taking a stroll throughout Mondstadt and they plan to drop a boulder on her.
As they pushed it over a cliff, they didn't know that you were with her on that walk. So the boulder of course comically landed on you and not her. Jean, being scared for your life, used her Anemo power to push the boulder off you. What see only saw was you flattened like a pancake. She was on the verge of tears as you lifted your arm up and a smack noise as you then put your thumb in your mouth and blow into it. While doing this, you began to inflate yourself back to normal size. But you were still dazed as birds flew around your head. While watching this, Jean went through a mix of emotions of sad, confusion, relief, and the urge to laugh.
The two of you went back to the City of Mondstadt as Jean then explained to others about your "ability".
Congrats, you somehow started to be the entertainer of kids.
(Impostor au)-
You were running from a mob of...well basically everyone as your legs were doing that whole spinning thing like the Road Runner cartoon. The cult being the cult didn't pay attention to this as they chased you. But Xiao actually caught up and stabbed you in the back. Instead of the expected blood, air burst out of your wound like you were a balloon. As you deflate you flew throughout the air and far away from them.
Some of the bloodthirsty believers thought they made the biggest mistake of their life as others thought that you were an actual cheap copy of their divine creator.
Smack talking to Sagau impostor au characters: Dottore edition
-Boy, how the hell did come from looking like the annoying theater kid and the annoying nerd in the front of the class that goes "Uh actually- 🤓" everytime the teacher says something.

To looking like your stereotypical emo villain that's a background character in One Punch Man?

-Did you try to change your style after your 50th restraining order? Like damn, the only reason people like your creepy ass is cuz you gotten a glow up. Yet the only constant is that you probably still don't get any maidens.
-I can't take you seriously when you're looking like you just listen to Skillet's "Monster" classical music cover.
-Your hair looks like the failure of someone trying to make Baja-blast ice cream
-(probably my weakest) Albedo called and he wants his coat back