Lamp - Tumblr Posts

Guest Dallas Bedroom - mid-sized eclectic guest carpeted bedroom idea with yellow walls

So I finally drew the lamp character after a failed attemp. I am very unsure of if this character has a name or not. i have seen someone call him Larry before, but I can’t find anything saying that that’s his name
Also I drew him as a human :)

Living Room Formal Philadelphia Living room - huge modern formal and open concept medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room idea with gray walls
![[Aliencon] White Jinn - By ME](
[Aliencon] White Jinn - by ME
- Request of an original character from and made by Aliencon (link:

ランプシェード 日本

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path." -Psalm 119:105

☆I Was One Thing,Now I'm Being Another☆
I want this so hard!


Finally finished this art piece. When I saw the new Ducktales poster I immediately thought I hope someone makes a Sanders sides version of did. And then I was like why not do it myself ? I also based it a bit on the Inside out poster. And this is the perfect day to post it since it’s also the anivirgery (thank you @elliottsonthevirge for the beautifull pun) of someone’s name reveal. @thatsthat24 I loved how you sung to Virgil may he have a peacefull name day.
Okay so this is my first time adding a taglist. And I promise not to spam but I am not sure if everyone on this wants to be tagged since this I could only find a sander sides fic taglist. So please let me know if you want be removed.
@fursuit-cover-me @yaya2cute4u12 @thesoftestlittlepuffball @ineedtoart @thelogicalloganipus @romanpizza @helloprincey @hellomusicalnerdhere @lacteouslesters @lucifer-in-my-head @warnadudenexttime @angstyteenv @airakorainies @gay-space-rain @dorothyannewise @andlipstickboys @bunny222 @creepyfloof @the-queen-of-fandoms @healinghufflepuff @thatsmsmactoyou @jamjam-1995 @futuristicinfluencernerd @delarpix @pailettehazel @aloa2u @lazycb @squirescreen @thecollectorofdarkness @panfilet @lucho-arts @dootdoodley @monstrous-madison @delphox-lover @skip-the-potato @escapedoodland @mangomonkeyboy @thatsweaterchick @twoframesstudios @awesomesilver @goldenfoxination @callmetrash1 @ebeanie @tj-the-nonbinary-alien @the-paper-head @pipiana-chan @galaxxibeast @official-alien-pancakes @10cloverfiield @fux-nixi @imaginatekate @theaestheticworld @invisible-bunny @blacknwhiteblog @harrisonburg44 @sachikoaiyuki @so-fucking-proud @thatrandomfangirl28 @gigi-is-drawing @skythehooman @thatonelegobrickuhate @turtledog-loves-her-anime @artsy-6321 @crazybutcalm2 @thatonerandomromanian @drbblud
@cremafied @blackholebunny @s-t-s-g @craftymelongirl @jennijam07 @randomslasher @tragicillustrator @infinitesimal-heart @oli-smiles-sometimes @elkius @kingsketchdoodle @themightylotad @angelic-ace @turtley-gay @all-these-things-that-ive-dun @wave-glox @lucho-arts @rayray2425 @shinsyl @akwardly-magical @shyrenthedawndragon @mintyteabirdy @meplushyou @demigosh @moriarrtty @necro-nova @lilis-doodle-dome @internally-screeming @kobaltski @breloomings @peachy-pattoncake @ethanhanbury @romanasanders @purpsart @mimiloverfox @ec-sanderssides @finnlinnaj @jojoztar @swerve-art @2queer2deer @could-always-be-gayer-2 @anxiously-romantic @featuredfander @morallogic @fangirltothefullest @novaedream @cattonsanders @notafeeling @parano--vigilant @logically-asexual @colorful-unknown @the-sanders-sides @the-sanders-snides @sidespart @charmingsides @imtoobiforyou @ifitsbritishimprobablyafan @fandergecko @pantton-sandacers @sugarglider9603 @misplaced-my-notes @meyonto @thomassandersownsmysoul @moxieties @ellistruggle @sander-sides-fangirl-with-pma @sanders-sides-fantasy @voidsides @cnv99 @paperghastly @im-basically-logan @caffibun @shesavampirequeen @tiny-mudkip @flatlinesunrelenting @blue--stopsigns @sanders-sides-thuri @aharleigh2 @pumpkinofspace @menaciingly @justisaisfine @notalwaysthevillian @fantasyinsanity @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @officialwaterfairy @sunshine-in-a-petal @galaxy-warping @toastraccoon @finiteframe3 @quietgamesart @quietlypondering @why-did-the-jax-fall-over @galaxy-lilies @iamtrashcans @l0lli @okaybirdboy @the-pastel-peach @prettyinaccurate @phhiih @blombla-art @unknownsandersfan @purplepatton @angsty-hoodie @angst-patton @violetvirgil @basementtreasure @nightcatssketchbook @rocithefangirl @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @sanders-trash @deceitful-deception @akuryoudraws
@panic-at-the-everywhere-lol @chatterghosts @jewelsafecorner @aliensdoodless @demonlucy-chan @sinningbutwithstyle @sandy-sides @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @reba-andthesides @mint-bees @menacefh @simplypatton @pipapatton @agayfairy @pastel-patton123 @rose-gold-roman @hugemultifandomnerd @fandomsandanythingelse @lunar-logan @lazyscouts @lollingtothemax @smedenn @altruistic-skittles @peachy-pattoncake @minnie-monnie @melchann @goodjobmiranda @sidespart @never-logical @luarpice @strangerthings-and-phan @sparkedawg @allthemetalsoftherainbow @kirsten-the-freak @the-darkness-art @aliferous-ly @pattson @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @saphirestrike @redundant-statements-for-400 @proudhufflepuff @birdybabybird @quinintheclouds @yourpalmogar @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me @dementeddracon @thatgaydemigodnerd @sanderdrabbles @countessmissyshort @anxiousravenclaw @creativenostalgiastuff @koalaaquabear @deep-ocean-blues @heythereprincey @devastate-my-space @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @ffsas-side-account @urtrashthemes @the-incedible-sulk @savingshae @somepostontheinternet @grey-lysander@fricksonsticks @reba-andthesides
@rose-gold-roman @thatonenerdtm @redundant-statements-for-400 @septifanderplier @do-rey-me @dementeddracon @confinesofpersonalknowledge @trashfireiplier @asterias-confused-writings @save-dirk @lacandra @emphoenixcat @thenerdycube @walking-encyclopedia @trashypansexual @saphirestrike @memesanddreamsinc @catsandrandomness @vulnerablevirgil @too-precious-to-process @radioactivebread @crofters-jam @faacethefacts @nightly-illustrator @robanilla @thestoryoftaylor @voices-and-stardust @countessmissyshort @aikogumi @allthemetalsoftherainbow @theworldismysupernova @vampyrsarah @ruuworld @romanssippycup @aph-roman @spacenerrrd @kurna-kovite @deadinsidebutliving @johnnyboylaurens @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @pandagirl0730 @thats-so-crash @echomist13 @allierox15 @theroyalramen @smokeyrutilequartz @theworldismysupernova @alextheodd @erlenmeyertrashofsandersides @heir-of-the-founders @thepusheenqueen @anachronistic-cat @pieces-of-annedrew @the-prince-and-the-emo @shadow-walker-1201 @micha-like-you-find-in-rocks @ocotopushugs @deep-ocean-blues @emovirgil @lacrimosathedark @depressed-alone @strangerthings-and-phan @urtrashhq @bluebellie01 @anthoscopus @panicatthephanficfandom @fireflightyt @bubblegum-borb @pinkeasteregg @anxiousoddish @asalwayss @musicsavedmefromdeath @spacevirgil @spoonfullofcrofters @siriuswhiskers @areyousirius-noheisdead @magicmapleleaf @katesattic @planetsanders @artistictaurean @sesame-icecream @magical-octopus @kentato-kenart @hanramz-the-fander @crankywhenprovoked @sanders-sides-things @randomslasher @virgil-is-verge @jesusonafrickinboat @migraine-marathon @tree4life25 @sandersfanders @thomas-must-get-sleep @osnapitzbc @evilmuffin @louisthewarlock @candiukas @just-another-transblog @skylagamingfea @mercythemermaid @devastate-my-space @purplesatankittycat @yourhappypappypatton @thesilentbluesparrow @kirsten-the-freak @storytellerofuntoldlegends @potterlover394 @madelynna @incredible-introvert @koalaaquabear @sanders-fam-ily @hissesssss @theshipqueenarrives @virgilisaneternalmood @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @sugarblob0 @logically-sided @pearls-of-patton @v-blue-writer @minshinxx @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @rptheturk @shygirl4991 @baileystarsketches @emokittenlikesgore @cripplingchips @heythereprincey @icbatocomeupwithausername @allaboutme7 @space-d0ubt @captain-loki-xavier @logan-exe @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @digitally-analog @datonerougecookeh @starlightlogan @katatles-the-fish @funsizedgremlin @thegirlwiththedragonheart @clueingforblogs @moonlightinwater @thecrimsoncodex @cinderlunarcyborg @kickthenavi @pansexual-cat @sarcastic-anxious @didsomeonesayyoutube122 @nottodaylogic @fanatic564 @jaybingu @lepardlover @cashmeredragon @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @on-lock-like-attica @the-lonely-angel @proudhufflepuff @idiotauthor @ill-interested @jade-dragon226-fan @literaturegays @confinesofpersonalknowledge @sanderssides-deathangel @too-random-for-me @karmicmayhem @hghrules @theanxietyofbeinganxious @ace-of-hufflepuffs @ace-v-p-d @ive-given-up-on-it @violetmcl @muontsy2 @microsoft-nerd @hoodie-bros @ashbash-the-trashcash @milomeepit @angeliclogan @watch-me-introvert @lockolocka @makemeaplant @blazeimagines101 @thegreyacefromspace @ffsas-side-account @sides-of-a-sunset @unknownsandersfan @the-feels-are-coming @k9cat @toujours-fidele @angered-turtle @nyxwordsmith @gamerzylo @nymphaedoratonks @aliferous-ly @221biotchplease @minamishipsit:) @anastasialestina @my-dark-anxious-son @deathbyvenusftw @lucifer-just-needs-a-hug @cinquefoilelove @a-blog-just-for-sanders @roman-is-a-gay @anxie-teaa @prplzorua @lana–22 @mollycassmith @ruuworld @mollycassmith
@dudlebuggs @pinkeasteregg @sanders-fam-ily @evilmuffin @funsizedgremlin @musicsavedmefromdeath @radioactivebread @emokittenlikesgore @thenerdycube @siriuswhiskers @milomeepit @pieces-of-annedrew @fricksonsticks @inkyroo @trashypansexual @nottodaylogic @redundant-statements-for-400 @notveryglittery @starlightlogan @the-feels-are-coming @artistictaurean @muontsy2 @theanxietyofbeinganxious @osnapitzbc @today-only-happens-once @logically-sided @thegirlwiththedragonheart @baileystarsketches @just-another-transblog @ocotopushugs @darude-slamstorm @do-rey-me @migraine-marathon @sarcastic-anxious @fireflightyt @allthemetalsoftherainbow @juvenile-changeling @v-blue-writer @ace-of-hufflepuffs

Mono Lamp by Simon Forgács.
Definitely getting one of these!
A night of kisses and cuddles
“Why did you leave so manyyy.” Virgil complains as Roman places Them on their bathroom counter, “Do they hurt?”
“Kinda” They mumle as Roman plays with their hair “Okay, what do you need me to do My sweet little emo?”
“First of all, don’t call me that. Second of all, how am i supposed to know?!” Virgil whines as Roman slightly pulls their hair.
“Hush emo i know you like it, Now hold still” Roman softly says as he opens the cabinet above Them.
Roman takes out a bottle of lotion, pouring some on his hands.
He begins massaging Virgil’s neck as the smaller side cross their legs, blushing.
“Okay?” Roman asks hoping for a good reaction from his sweet emo
“Mm” The words barely leave Virgil’s mouth before Roman is yet again asking “Are you sure?” Roman sounds down right guilty
‘God how many did i leave’ Roman thinks as he glances down at Virgil’s collarbone, their tanktop hanging slightly loose ‘How pretty’
“R-Ro” Virgil whines placing a hand on Roman's shoulder, “huh” Roman mutters as he looks back op at Them
Virgil’s face is a cherry like red, “your h-holding a l-little tight”
“Sorry sweetheart” Roman’s says quickly loseing his hold as somone begins loudly knocking on the door.
“Are you two in there?” They hear Logan question from beyond the door
‘Ooooo the nerds home~ ’ Roman smiles as Logan opens the door
“What the hell happend” Logan asks looking over at Virgil
“Roman you know our’re baby bruises easily” Logan says walking over to them
“I know that” Roman says as Logan looks at him “then why-“ Logan was cut off by Virgil
“Lo it’s okay, i-i asked him to” Virgil crosses their arms “oh well then, i’ll go help Patton with dinner”
“Pop star’s Home too?!” Roman yells practically jumping up and down “indeed my love, would you like help too?” Logan asks smiling.
“Yes yes yes!!” Roman joy fully yells and runs out of the bathroom to go help Patton in the kitchen.
“Virgil, you okay?” Logan asks as Virgil contines to blush. “Hoodie?” Logan asks jokingliy “Yes please....” Virgil whispers
“Come on then let’s get you one” Logan takes Virgil’s hands helping them down from the counter.
They walk to their shared bedroom and Virgil borrows one of Patton’s hoodies.
“Dinner kiddos!” It comes from the kitchen.
"Are we still holding moive night tonight?" Logan asks looking around.
"I'm down" Virgil says nodding "of course baby" Patton chines in “just let me clear the table first” Patton says getting op.
“Of course Love. Virgil, Roman rember you two are picking the movie tonight”
“Cinderella!” they both scream happliy, they both love that movie.
Virgil shivers as Logan trace his fingertips alone their arm, “Aww baby~" Patton coos drawing Virgil’s attenion to the him.
Patton places a kiss on Virgil’s forehead. His emo’s head in his lap, their torso in Logan’s, legs in Roman’s.
“You cold sweetie?” Roman asks as Virgil blushes. "a bit" Virgil says looking back over to the tv, the movie almost over.
Logan reaches for the blanket at the foot of the sofa, laying it on Virgil.
“Thank you” Virgil mumbles as they bury their face under the blanket. They will never admit it but they love movie nights and they wouldn’t miss it for the world
Patton giggels pulling the blanket away from Virgil’s face, “you can’t hide from us sweetheart~” Patton says pulling Virgil in for quick kiss
“Oh come here” Logan says helping Virgil sit up. Patton moves closer to Logan, his hand rubbing Virgil’s back.
Virgil’s hold onto Logan’s neck, as Logan kisses them.
Virgil’s can feel their lips get tired, as Logan’s hands rest apon their wasit.
Logan slowly pulls away, but Virgil's lips weren't cold for long. Roman was right there "Virgie baby, you want another one?~"
"Mm~" Virgil moves closer to Roman. The blanket falling in their lap as Roman gently grabs their hips
Roman kisses them softly, holding Virgil tighter.
"Your just so cute" Logan mutters under his breath as Virgil pulls away from Roman
Patton helps Virgil lay down again, their eyes almost closed. The movies credits roll.
Roman yawns moving Virgil's legs "I need my beauty sleep, so I'm gonna hit the Hay" Roman says getting up and rubbing his eyes.
Roman gives Logan a quick kiss on his forehead, and Patton a quick kiss on his cheek, and Virgil a quick kiss on their lips.
"Goodnight my loves~" Roman says walking up the stairs, "Goodnight sweetie" they all mumble at the same time.
Patton giggles as he helps Virgil sit up again. They end up mostly in Patton's lap half asleep
“I’m gonna hit the hay as well” Logan mumbles get up and turning off the tv. “Sleep tight babe” Patton says as Logan kisses his cheek
“Goodnight Lolo” Virgil sleeply giggles as Logan kisses their forehead. “Night baby” Logan laughs walking up stairs
Virgil shifts in Patton’s lap, “here” Patton says grabing the blanket in Virgil’s lap and throwing it over Virgil’s shoulders.
“Thanks” Virgil says snuggling into Patton’s chest, Patton holds back a squeal hugging them tight.
“We should probably head to bed too Sweetie” Patton says trying to move Virgil from his lap “Noooooo....” Virgil whines holding onto Patton’s neck
“If you don’t move i’m gonna have to carry you” Patton says thinking Virgil would move
“Can you?” Virgil yawns “Would that be okay?” Patton smiles, Virgil had ever let him carry Them before.
Virgil nods almost asleep. Patton picks Virgil up bridal style, the blanket still on them
“Veve?” Patton asks a yawn esaping his lips. “Mm” Virgil’s eyes slightly open, “Can you sleep with me, i don’t wanna be alone”
Virgil nods giving Patton a quick kiss
Virgil suggles into Patton's chest. Patton Holding Virgil tight. “Baby, can we see if the others are awake, i miss them” Patton sleeply mumbles
“Mm, i miss them too”
They both stumble down the hall, first to Roman’s room.
Virgil peaks their head in “Roro? You awake?”
“I am now” Roman complains as he turns around, now facing the two people in his doorway.
“Sorry...we just wanted to know if you wanted to cuddle, but you seem tired” Virgil says looking at the floor “We’ll leave you be” Patton says talking Virgil’s hand
“Oh, sorry. But if we”re gonna cuddle, then shouldn’t we get Logan?” Roman says getting up from bed.
Patton beams “Well that’s the next stop”
Roman takes Patton’s hand as they walk down to Logan’s room.
The light is on, “Lolo!” Virgil whines as they throw open the door to see Logan sitting at his desk
“Sweetheart, we’re talked about this” Roman sighs walking over, saving the file and shutting off Logan’s computer.
“Right, sorry” Logan rubs his forehead as Patton places a hand om his shoulder
"We gonna go cuddle, and your joining Virgil says taking Logan’s hand and helping him up “it’s 2 am” Logan yawns
“You were up anyway, and we all know you love cuddling~” Roman teases
"Come on Lo" Patton whines taking Logan's other arm
“Okay okay i’ll cuddle with you” Logan surrenders walking along with Them back to Roman’s room
As they all settle into the soft sheets Virgil kisses each of their boyfriends softly, making sure eveybody get’s a hug before they begin cuddling
“Hey Roman have you seen.....” Thomas frezzes in the doorway, quitely staring at the cuddle pile with Virgil and Patton in the middle.
Thomas smiles sweetliy pulling out his phone and snapping a picure before closing the door, not wanting to wake them anymore