Is This A Spoiler??? - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

thinking about how the fic is written in the 3rd pov, past tense of wonka and anderson and then a tragedy fell upon them. then the last chapter of it is from charlie's 1st pov, present tense; revealing that he narrated their story and that they were doomed from the start and nothing, no one could ever change it. they are already a great, big tragedy.

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That one scene in some animes where a character is acting like another character (who is most likely dead):

That One Scene In Some Animes Where A Character Is Acting Like Another Character (who Is Most Likely

Link looks dead inside

The only example I can think of right now is Tokyo Ghoul but I know many others

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1 year ago

Neil Gaiman, David Tennant and Michael Sheen Better be paying for my therapy bill

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If we can agree on nothing else, we can all agree Kid Loki is a goddamn treasure and must be protected.

I want that boy on young avengers so bad-

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2 years ago
Tears Of The Blade
Tears Of The Blade

Tears of the Blade

Can they stop letting BotW Link have the Master Sword? Like, the feral child has broken it twice now…as well as every other weapon he gets his hands on…

So yeah, the new game has consumed my brain and it isn’t even out yet…

Anyway, continuing my no lineart streak, Fi was definitely more of a challenge because of her shiny, artificial body, but it was a fun study. I may go back to lined art now, these take too long…

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I saw Endgame and instead it ended me

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3 years ago

I'm having a complete mental breakdown after watching 15.18 of supernatural... meanwhile my husband is staring at me like I'm crazy for mourning the death of a fictional character! Sir, I'm sorry I have a soul and feel things for people that may or may not exist

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