napolean-but-cringe - Wtf even is the world right now
Wtf even is the world right now

Just the stuff I think I guess I dunno at this point

107 posts

Napolean-but-cringe - Wtf Even Is The World Right Now - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago

"Im really shy irl but I am a lot less introverted online"

I have the complete opposite experience

I am the shyest ass person online and cant send a single message without agonizing over it for an hour but given the slightest incentive I will babble on about video game lore and cartoons and podcasts irl. I am not cool but atleast I have more irl friends then I do online.

No see results option, I'm forcing you to perceive yourself. rb for more results pls

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10 months ago
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.

Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.

10 months ago

If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.

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11 months ago

Like to STAB

Reblog to STAB AGAIN

1 year ago

Reblog if you're black tumblr.

You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.

1 year ago

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with free download

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with stage 1 tutorial

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with speedrun

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with potential rejection risk cutscene skip strategies

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with glitchless wr

asking to hang out with people you want to become closer friends with best glitches for speedrunning

1 year ago

So apparently Daily Silksong News has reached the same amount of videos as one peoce had Chapters. So, Here's my misery and many others misery

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1 year ago
In The Middle Of My Fic
In The Middle Of My Fic

In the middle of my fic

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1 year ago

Coherent thought escapes me for a lot of this post so forgive me if the topic jumps around or becomes confusing at times; this was not meant for the public eye initially

Something that strikes me as odd in the following excerpts from episode 2 in The Magnus Protocols are the repeated usage of floral patterns, initially regarding the serpent on ink5ouls' arm and secondly regarding the paintbrush that was tattooed on Daria's skin.

"except that they had an absolutely gorgeous floral serpent design running up their arm and into their neck that was so vivid it looked ready to slither off their skin and onto the chair." (Making Adjustments, E2 TMAGP)

"a flurry of colourful floral patterns entwined with symbols I didn’t recognise. Despite the pain I twisted my arm back and forth to admire the work and those symbols almost seemed to glitter in the light. It was… It was beautiful." (Making Adjustments, E2 TMAGP)

Another, bigger thing but there is a repetition to symbols throughout the entire podcast thus far. The quote above mentions "symbols [they] didn't recognise", that almost seemed to "glitter in the light" (2 TMAGP). The following quote solidifies my resolve that these symbols are going to be an important and recurring subject.

"The photos from the spelunk seem properly gone, but I did find an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on ... No dice, I’m afraid. Must be something up with my phone camera. Really not helping the whole paranoia thing either. Anyone know anything about photographic distortion?" (First Shift, E1 TMAGP)

RedCanary finds a box in the ruins of the Magnus Institute, and if that's not evidence towards it being supernatural, photos they take of the box turn out distorted. This is curious to me, as not only is there no significance that I recall placed upon small boxes with symbols in The Magnus Archives, but also you can see the repetition of the symbols *again*. These symbols have no weight in TMA, and right now, I can't even remember supernatural symbols.

After making a quick term search, here are the only instances of prevalent symbols in The Magnus Archives.

"The design had always struck me as beautiful: it was silver, an abstract shape of a hand with a symbol on it that I believe was meant to represent a closed eye." (A Father's Love, E9 TMA)

"On each face were thick black lines that formed these symbols that I didn’t recognise, but they were clearly drawn on the faces themselves, not just on the photographs. I don’t remember the symbols in any great detail, I’m afraid, just the faces that they were drawn onto, though they weren’t people I recognised." (A Father's Love, E9 TMA)

"MARTIN: It’s okay. What are you reading?

BASIRA: Introduction to Alchemy. It’s, um, really interesting, actually – you know a lot of the symbols people use come from astrology and alchemy. Like the symbol everyone thinks is the female symbol is actually the old astrological sign for Venus, which means it also means copper in alchemy. Which is kind of… What?" (Absent Without Leave, E95 TMA)

"The other side had a symbol of some kind, written in thick marker pen: a curved line, with four straight lines coming off one side of it. Like a closed eye." (Growing Dark, E25 TMA)

"It’s gibberish – just a mess of symbols and letters, like it was using the wrong characters. Some of them weren’t even ASCII. I didn’t have time to really process it, though, as they were generating quickly, and soon filled the whole screen." (Binary, E65 TMA)

"It’s a good way to visualise these things. Symbols and metaphor… they give easy channels for the Great Powers to flow through. Ready forms for their energy to manifest." (Connected, E197 TMA)

"That was the day we found the stone. Half buried, worn almost completely smooth by time and exposure, but still clearly covered in those same hieroglyphics as I had seen in da Silva’s manuscript ... Jack clapped me on the back and started making some sketches of the symbols." (Dead Horse E133 TMA)

"Grigori had done some work to make sure we were digging over what he believed to be the entrance, and it only took a day to unearth the slab of limestone that covered it. I could see hieroglyphics etched onto the surface, but they were far too worn to read. Large upon the stone was carved the closed loop of a shen ring, the symbol of infinity." (Burial Rites, E64 TMA)

I omitted mentions of symbols regarding the People's Church of the Divine Host, since they seem to be less relevant. Quotes above that caught my eye are the ones from Absent Without Leave (95 TMA) and Connected (197 TMA), though the former much more so than the latter.

"I was meant to be doing a portrait for some generic witchy alchemist character, and it was when I was researching the symbols and stuff that I came across 'Ink5oul'" (Making Adjustments, E2 TMAGP)

This quote specifies alchemy. The only reason I'm so iffy about it is because of the irrelevance to the symbols at hand. Alchemy in the whole of the Magnus universe is only mentioned twice, and I've included both quotes (Absent Without Leave (95 TMA) and (Making Adjustments (2 TMAGP)) in this little monologue.

Connected (197 TMA) catches my eye so much because Annabelle Cane, the speaker, mentions symbols that pertain to the entities. Symbols that allow for "the Great Powers to flow through. Ready forms for their energy to manifest" (197 TMA)). The only setback in this idea of the symbols representing the TMA entities, is that I would presume they depict the entities themselves (e.g Desolation = fire, Eye = eye, Lonely = cloud, etc.). However, RedCanary mentions that the symbols as follows:

"it was like… symbols and stuff and some pretty suspicious stains on some floors. I don’t really know occult or whatever, but I dunno. Felt legit in a way most of it doesn’t." (First Shift, E1 TMAGP)

These symbols are not described in any way other than this. The second episode mentions them almost "[glittering] in the light" (2 TMAGP). Thus far, these are the only descriptions we have of the symbols. They aren't mentioned to be reminiscent of eyes, nor webs, nor bugs, nor any other material concept/thing that could resemble the 14/15 fears.

The reason for the lingering and my pushing on the mention of alchemy not once, but twice in the Magnus Universe is because these symbols are harder to explain. They're less frequent in day to day society, and thus they are more difficult to describe.

TL; DR: There is a weirdly specific usage of floral patterns in episode 2 of The Magnus Protocol. What's more, there is an even more weirdly repeated usage for symbols in The Magnus Protocols that I believe is the basis for the entity system, or maybe the way in which it manifests.

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1 year ago

Dry Humor implies that all other humor is wet

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1 year ago



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1 year ago

Hello Fellow TMAGPers

Since our long awaited podcast comes out soon I am interested in joining a watch party or just a discord for it to discuss it with people.

So if anyone actually sees this, yall could send me some Discord Recommendations and invites that'd be nice


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1 year ago
You Punch Nazis!

you punch nazis!

(requested by anonymous)

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1 year ago
1 year ago

Happy Halloween or some shit

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1 year ago

reblog for larger sample size :)

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1 year ago

Gorilla Glue :(

Do not trust the gorrila, It will promise you great things

Powerful mastery over Matter

Immunity to the elements

And a will so strong it will never break

But when your hubris becomes greater then your self preservation and you dare to try to harness these abilities for yourself it will turn these blessings into curses and will mangle you beyond belief

The wretched thing promised prosperity when it has only caused me misery and pain

Head my warning young one. The Gorilla is not a creator, but a destroyer.

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1 year ago


everyone. on christmas day, december 25th, we all search up “halloween” to make it a trending search. it would be the FUNNIEST thing ever to see halloween be a trending search on christmas day. tell all your friends, repost this, do everything you can to make sure we can do this. REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.

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1 year ago

personally my favorite part of the five nights at freddy’s movie was when we could hear style by taylor swift muffled through the wall because the taylor swift concert movie was playing in the theater next to us

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1 year ago

Do not trust the gorrila, It will promise you great things

Powerful mastery over Matter

Immunity to the elements

And a will so strong it will never break

But when your hubris becomes greater then your self preservation and you dare to try to harness these abilities for yourself it will turn these blessings into curses and will mangle you beyond belief

The wretched thing promised prosperity when it has only caused me misery and pain

Head my warning young one. The Gorilla is not a creator, but a destroyer.

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1 year ago

Fionna and Cake Eps 9 & 10 spoilers


Ive heard people are upset with how it ended

So heres my thoughts

I enjoyed the ending, I loved it, in fact! But I cant deny there was a little twinge of disappointment left over. I think thats my fault though

You see we were all building ourselves up for these two episodes to be an emotional gut punch. And could you blame us? We were literally told.

So when the episodes came out, we were met with, while still a hit to the feels, not as much as we were expecting. There were other factors at play of course, but I think that was one of the big ones

There are still loose ends around but I think that ok, more for a potential season 2 to deal with, if we ever get one. And if we dont, well, all the better for fan creation.

I see people upset with how Betty and Simon turned out. Personally Im super happy with that arc, if it turned out to be a fairy tale ending with Betty becoming normal again I would have been slightly upset because it was so clear that the narrative was hinting to their relationship not exactly being the healthiest

I also saw how people were upset with how the lich was died which made me confused like. He wasnt the main antagonist and was never gonna be it. He had his story told in Adventure Time Proper, now was just to show what mightve happened if he won, and thats it.

And remember, nothing is perfect. The ending may not be for everyone, but it was for me, and many other people, and that should be enough.

Im glad Simon learns to move on. Im glad Fionnas world stays the same. Im glad we got a happy ending.

They deserved it.

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