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gretchen headcanons when!!!!!!!

-let’s get her sexuality n pronouns out the way i think she’s a lesbian that doesn’t exactly identify as a girl but goes by she/her
-she’s autistic (she just like me fr) + insomnia and anxiety she’s kinda fucked up (affectionate)
-she’s a spotify master her playlists are absolute masterpieces and she somehow has a playlist for every one of the most specific scenarios ever
-she picks at her cuticles as a nervous habit . it gets bad sometimes
-she loves art!!! art of any kind but she loves absentmindedly sketching what she sees
-her favourite brand is burberry she fuckin Loves burberry
-her dad is still the inventor of toaster strudel she is absolutely loaded perhaps even richer than regina
-she’s neither a dog nor cat person . she is a bird person she’d have like two parakeets
-she’s lowkey a huge germaphobe like she does not tolerate anyone drinking her drinks or eating her food besides like one specific person (yes it’s karen)
-she has a photographic memory ^___^ that’s how she remembers everything about everyone
-she loves journaling . if something bad happens to her u will hear her furiously scribbling .
-she cannot stand repetitive noises . repetitive noises are her kryptonite they overstimulate her very badly
-she is so amazing at playing the guitar but she always says she’s not that good at it and only plays by herself
-she’s very good at cooking but specifically she loves to make pizza. she can’t explain why but she’s really good at making pizza . and arroz con pollo too
-she pulls all-nighters like every two days it’s amazing she hasn’t dropped dead
-she loves kali uchis . kali uchis is her favourite artist of all time
that is all . thank you for coming
happy autism awareness month to gretchen wieners and cady heron specifically

bugs when you lift up a rock

happy lesbian visibility week to gretchen wieners <3

sigh i love gretchen wieners she is so literally me please ask me to yap about autistic gretchen or anything else gretchen related because i will
i am begging you to yap about autistic gretchen because she’s literally me and we need all the gretchen content we can get
sigh shes also literally me !!!
a lot of people talk about cady being autistic and ykw she definitely is. but also. gretchen is right there
she resonates with me as an autistic person so deeply . to me she represents being a “high functioning” autistic person so perfectly
now let me explain . she is popular . she’s one of the plastics man she’s one of the most popular, highly desired people in the entire school and yet she still feels so out of place no matter what she does . why???? because she’s autistic.
she constantly wonders what’s wrong with her and what she’s doing wrong . not to mention she feels that way While also being part of the plastics .
i relate to her so hard in the sense that she constantly feels so alien despite the fact that she is in the top three most popular girls in all of north shore. she is, by all means, “normal” but she still feels constantly out of place
so that’s why i think she’s most definitely autistic (among other reasons)

Mean Girls 2004 | dir. Mark Waters