Jessa Roleplay - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Her silence turned into a cheerful squeal of delight before lifting up the slightly taller worker drone in her arms. "JAYBIRD!" the teal haired drone exclaimed, crying digital tears of joy. She pleaded lovingly, "Please, please let this be true, and not just a dream."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Respecting her love's wishes, she set her down gently beside her. "I'm sorry, Jaybird, I... I'm just so thrilled, it's been a horrible week and it's only Tuesday, but now, none of it matters," Tessa trilled as she gently held the slightly shorter drone's hands, "I have you again... it's going to be alright."

The dark-teal hair of the drone was messy from stress, hanging like a curtain though, hiding the two drones as they shared a kiss.

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

"It was effervescent, Jaybird," Tessa giggled, her core felt a-flutter like moths in a mausoleum, and she started to notice her darling little J struggling. She let go of the drone, turning around to pick up a small magenta backpack looking thing. "Wait, Jaybird... I know your internal battery is slightly shot... put this on," Tessa insisted kindly, holding it out. It was a charging pack with lots of charge, it could last for 5 days even on a single charge.

"I know it's not the best option, but for now, until I find a battery that fits your make and model that isn't completely shot, we will have to use this."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Tessa sat back down, pulling her pretty dark turquoise hair over her shoulders and untied all the bows. The drone lady giggled excitedly as she pushed her tresses over her shoulders gently, letting it cascade down over the back of her short-backed rolling chair. "Like old times, huh Jaybird?" she trilled happily, hands over her chest because the fluttery feeling was strong. Tessa smiled and relaxed her shoulders, awaiting the gentle brushstrokes.

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Sitting still through the whole gentle brushing, she felt also safe, like this was home again, yes it was different, yes that wasn't truly her J, but... this would have to do, until her Jaybird would fly home, if that would ever happen, but, she at least had J back for now. "I've always loved this part of my day, J, luv," Tessa admitted, slightly swinging her legs back and forth after lifting her knees higher so she could do that, "just a break from everything, just you and I." She trilled with a happy giggle as she fidgeted with part of her bangs, "Thank you again, for helping mend me when you were taller, it's a gift I appreciate every day."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

"I think braids sound lovely, Jaybird," she giggled joyfully, she crossed one leg over the other to get more comfortable, trilling eagerly, "Maybe though one big braid at the back, it'd be a fun tiny change up."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

"Oh, you make me feel like a mausoleum full of Luna Moths, Jaybird," she responded to the compliment, feeling the braid finished being styled, the familiar weight of the hair she felt fully again, smiling joyfully before she pulled it over her shoulder and ran her hands down the length admiring J's handiwork. "It's so perfect, thank, you Jaybird!"

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Tessa felt something, she felt something she hadn't felt in a while. She felt comfortable around J again, despite her J wearing the disassembly drone legs and one disassembly drone gauntlet.

She leaned her back against her girlfriend's legs and let out a small happy squeak of joy.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

"Jaybird, can you reschedule all my appointments for tomorrow and the next day? I... I want to try to get back to helping drones again," the former Elliott heiress asked gently, tilting her head back so she could make eye-contact with her girlfriend, "Having a hairstyle I couldn't stand... I don't want anyone else to have to bear that burden of low self-esteem."

She trembled a little at a thought before she had the courage to put it into words, she fidgeted with the tulle of her skirt. "C-could you bite my other shoulder... the one that doesn't have as many scars on it... J-just... if I get scared and ask you to stop, please could you?"

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

Tessa blushed at J's teasing, awaiting the bite. The second she felt the drone clamp down, she felt that fear that night, but... it faded, recognizing the biting style. It infact was her J.

She let out a joyful squeak, recognizing the tingle of the warning signals that she had been hurt, as well as the trickle of oil running down her steel skin. Tessa tilted her head to the side to let J have better access. She pleaded, her voice weak with love and adoration, "Again, please... That... it felt nice."

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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