Robotessa Responds - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

*sees people being mean*... don't be mean to her, this is all my fault.

Well congrats, you made Tessa finally scared of you? Are you proud? Are you happy that you convinced her that you're just a loaded gun on a table instead of her precious little blue jay?

Well Congrats, You Made Tessa Finally Scared Of You? Are You Proud? Are You Happy That You Convinced

Do you think I’d be proud of myself for failing as a companion. Of course not, you ask the most idiotic questions and think you’re on the highest level of morality.

I cant help that I’ve become something against my will. I’ve been turned into a murder machine and programmed to follow orders at will. “precious little bluejay” sounds like an insult, what? You expected me to behave like a harmless bird? You’re pathetic, thinking I could change myself like nothing happened.

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5 months ago

I mean... maybe a little goth... I also had fun collecting bones. I mean dead people aren't using them, I mean not much different than drone pieces, albeit drone parts are more useful if you have to repair a drone. Bones are... decorative.

Would you say Tessa was a bit of a goth, or at least a goth in the making? She did dig up bodies in swamp to collect and bleach skulls and bones as a sort of collection it would seem.

She’s goth without knowing it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did human taxidermy, or at least used the full skeleton as decoration.

The reason she had little bones in her room was that she wouldn’t get caught bringing foreign objects home. I imagine it would be easier to clean smaller bones rather than the large ones just to form a complete skeleton. Along with the lack of space and time she had.

Would You Say Tessa Was A Bit Of A Goth, Or At Least A Goth In The Making? She Did Dig Up Bodies In Swamp

I have a few theories, her parents would somehow recognize the skeleton as their own family members, or would notice Tessa’s dirty clothes and see the obliviously dug up grave.

I got off topic, yeah she’d be a goth. She would belong to that community of humans more easily rather than a gala.

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5 months ago

*points scissors at asker* keep walking... don't touch her hair!

didnt uzi shoot one of your pigtails off?

did you even them out or smthn? i think youd look pretty cool with short hair/pigtails :-D

Answered this awhile back so. . .

(old art) I had to put my hair up in a ponytail, but the front strands were so choppy. It only lasted a few days before It regrew back to normal.

Didnt Uzi Shoot One Of Your Pigtails Off?

My pigtails are fine now ^_^

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5 months ago

The drone sat, seeing the camera eyes.

"Hello, Jaybird, if you remember that name," she greeted softly in her Aussie voice, looking up, both frightened and in awe,

from xXRoboTessaXx She approached the warehouse, walking with a jug of oil as a present. The partial disassembly drone stepped briskly, she wasn't sure what the situation was going to be in risking herself, but... this was a J, she'd maybe recognize her, somehow... despite being a drone now. She entered the dark room and set down the jug of oil, waiting in the dark for anything, sitting down to let the skirt of her dress flare out around her as she waited silently

Two eye like cameras lowered down to examine the jug of oil before lowering it's claw to pick it up

Scanning complete. Someone left over a sacrifice contained in a jug.

From XXRoboTessaXxShe Approached The Warehouse, Walking With A Jug Of Oil As A Present.The Partial Disassembly

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5 months ago

She is concerned but decides to show @nate-doorman-elliot, keeping her cellphone ready to call for J if things get too scary.

Without warning, a sphere about the size of a small basketball appears in the inbox. It appears to be made out of an unknown material, and is almost completely purple in color. Getting darker the closer to the center you look.

Its presence suggests importance.

The Robotic Tessa stared at it, but was scared to touch it, she still decided to address it, feeling it was important. "Hello?"

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5 months ago

Let's get you wiped down and... maybe repaired if I can help.

xXRoboTessaXx Jaybird, no! I... I'm sorry, oh no *panicking* are you alright? What happened. Oh I shouldn't have gone out.

XXRoboTessaXxJaybird, No! I... I'm Sorry, Oh No *panicking* Are You Alright? What Happened. Oh I Shouldn't

Despite my agonizing pain of being offline and temporarily blind. I THINK I’m fine, currently I feel like an aquarium.

Ew water. . .

I’m such a good punching bag for Cyns, I hate this cycle >_>

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5 months ago

Respecting her love's wishes, she set her down gently beside her. "I'm sorry, Jaybird, I... I'm just so thrilled, it's been a horrible week and it's only Tuesday, but now, none of it matters," Tessa trilled as she gently held the slightly shorter drone's hands, "I have you again... it's going to be alright."

The dark-teal hair of the drone was messy from stress, hanging like a curtain though, hiding the two drones as they shared a kiss.

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

(for Feral J AU RT) You needed a haircut anyways, it was too long!

That's really hurtful, anon! It wasn't JUST hair, it was a lovely gift from my old J. She spent HOURS weaving it and styling it.. it kept me warm and it made me feel safe... I will have to wait a while before it grows back, but I will grow it back out nice and long and I will be more careful next time. But be more kind with the words you say, it's really hurtful to say that to a girl who already had PTSD in regards to unwanted haircuts.

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5 months ago

Tessa smiled at Cyn's assessment and giggled softly at the kind words. "It's like a golden retriever, but much softer... I only met one once. But, you can see for yourself," she walked over and set the wig down for Cyn to feel it while she unhooked Cyn's old wig ever so carefully, "I've had lots and lots of practice, my darling dear Cyn. I know you've had a little practice, you cheeky little wallaby." Tessa hugged gently Cyn from behind before taking off the drone's human hair wig, despite the weathering and yellowing of the wig cap and the tarnishing of the clasps, it was in pretty sturdy condition, despite being knotted and yellowed from dirt, grime, and the passage of time "I remember Mother coming down in the morning wearing a veiled hat to hide her choppy bangs and the pixie cut you gave her, and being off to the beauty parlour before she even finished her morning tea," the drone giggled to her little sister client, "I'm so proud of you for doing that, thank you."

"Trying to interact with other worker drones... Has become difficult. They don't trust me." Cyn frowned.

"Trying To Interact With Other Worker Drones... Has Become Difficult. They Don't Trust Me." Cyn Frowned.

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5 months ago
Hold On Little Tessa, You Can Keep Cozy In My Nylon Hair. It's Nice And Warm, Keeps The Cold Of Copper

Hold on little Tessa, you can keep cozy in my nylon hair. It's nice and warm, keeps the cold of Copper 9 off my shoulders ^u^

If You're Cold, She's Cold, Put Her In Your Pocket!

if you're cold, she's cold, put her in your pocket!

Tessa's chapter 1 design for my fic! I'll make a promotional post for it soon... enjoy this tessa doodle while i prepare <3

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